Tower of Karma

Back/Giant vs. Nova: St. Lawrence doomed

The Virgin did not return the hero king and perceived everything with the sound of the march in her ear.

"... is this all you have left"

"Yes, unfortunately. But on that side, they say the guests will lead us to Gallias."

"That was good luck. Shall we begin?"

"Yes, everything is..."

"- As God wills."

The Virgin appears before everyone. And everyone started praying without any shaking.

The Virgin also prays with everyone.

Everything is a hoax. There's no point in praying like this. The scriptures only lined up the cod, and the words of prayer, which were appropriately spoken by the mountain masters. Crap done.

Still, if anyone finds a point in living there...

I want to think it also meant a lie.

When Apollonia and the others reached St. Lawrence, everything was swallowed up in flames.


"Why, why is this happening!? We're invaders, but we weren't willing to destroy, to plunder, to humiliate. Why would I die? Why would I choose that?

Apollonia staring at the flames in the lead. Medraut holds his head. I guess it's an incomprehensible act for him. No, for a knight, this choice, it can't be understood either. Everyone and he were all silent and staring at this unusual sight.

Everything in flames, everything that should have been there for half a century - turns to ashes.

"Don't laugh."


To act stupid and laugh, they also lost too much.

"All as a result of my choices. Give the lords a chance to make a choice, too. Those who do not recognize me may return to Garnia like this. No blame."

Apollonia asked them with the flames on their backs.

"Whatever you want."

"Sister, what is Your Majesty going to do?

Apollonia distorts her face. Geez, there's no such thing as a noble, beautiful, radiant look before. It's no longer someone else. It was all revealed in this land. Still...

"I destroyed it. At least until they destroy me, I will rule this land."

"Then I'll go out with you."

Medraut broke his knee respectfully. He's only a knight.


All major knights imitate it. Even though I understand it's funny...

"Don't look after me"

The knights decided to go along with her lies. It's also because of our impudence that we got here. Then that's what we should do. Her business is also our own.

"... I 'm-"

Apollonia looks up to heaven. The land of Laurencia that I wanted so much. Now, I can't help but miss Garnia. Even that cold was warm now that I think about it. There was a shaking cage. Closed, rocking cage for her. I can't go back there.

Even if I go back, I won't go back to those days.

- I wanted to be real.

Heaven answers nothing.

The flames swallow everything. What happened there, without even leaving a shard of truth...

"Thank you, traveler."

One man leads the faithful who made the choice to live.

"You don't have to thank me"


"You really don't have to. It was all my choice."

Arc of Garnias was a rugged look. Look at all the upside down and regret your own choices. But no matter how much he repented, he would surely teach Apollonia to be a hero, and Medraut would make Apollonia and raise him apart from himself.

Make the same choice no matter how many times you try again. That's why I'm guilty, this' eye '.

Gaius, alone, hears the reward and meditates his eyes.

In the end, I accidentally drained two talents. He was still unwilling to accept the choice to say he would die without living there. The man who made himself give up his way to fight is thus flushed into the times as usual.

"Now the rest, aren't you completely alone? We've got everything, you idiots."

I never know who I was last. I didn't want to know either way if it was scattered like a hero or if it was like a death far from a hero. For whatever death it may have been, it would be a hard thing to believe and admit for those who know the past.

"Farewell, my hero king. And the sun, and the black gold, were indeed good times. We ran through the same times together, I'm proud. I'll be on my way soon. Then we'll have a drink."

Night sky staring at Gaius. Why do I feel lonely somewhere when I am as usual? Lawrencia missing three stars. A world boiling on new stars. What can you do to yourself in your old days? At least be vibrant, I hope.

Only one line in the history book, Apollonia of Arkland destroyed Welkingetrics and St. Lawrence. Raise the Arkland flag on the trail. That's all that was engraved.

No one has any more information in their ears.

The third star rises. Those who know its authenticity, put us aside and nothing else.