Tower of Karma

Arcadia of Advancement: The White World

Times turn. The world of war has tragically repainted times everywhere. Destroy, be born, perish as soon as you are born, and be reborn again. Lots of new stars challenged me to drop two shining stars at the top of the sky, and it was in return. The border line fluctuates in a day, and the takeover of the stronghold is a daily tea meal. Even the cities take away from each other on a weekly basis.

Times keep accelerating. The world was undoubtedly in turmoil. But...

"Finally a snowmelt? It's been a long year."

"Yes, it's time to get dressed. Shall we make a new one?

"You don't need mine. Same as last year's. Just..."

The man with long white hair that is likely to assimilate to the scenery glances back.

"Chi Er! Ha-ha!

A little creature that comes running when it comes to it. Sarah's golden hair, Manna's blue eyes, puffy little hands and feet on her cheeks. I laugh bitterly when I see where it fell when the snow took my legs off. The usual, what an irreplaceable and peaceful sight.

"I'll make you Alfred's share. Same sweetheart, but his body is growing."

"Hehe. Right. I'll start making it soon."


"... you didn't have the talent to follow me. Keep practicing with Marianne."

That being said, the white man turned his legs to the child who called himself his father. I pull him out of the snow and give him a hug, and as soon as I do, I get a full grin. Alfred deepens his smile even more when he pays for the snow and gives it to the woman who keeps laughing next door.

"William, Alfred, let's have lunch"

"Oh," "Yeah!

Viscount William von Liwius. The man who was deprived of anything but being a nobleman and ruling this Ratorchian region had become one father. William, Rutgard, Alfred, these three alone closed worlds. The hustle and bustle of the world and other events on the far side for this land wrapped in silver.

Seven years after that, the name of the hero White Knight was disappearing from the world one by one.

There was no dispute, no competition, no spark itself in this land, which used the name of the country as it was before it was annexed, when it lived in serenity, flowed slowly. Latorchia also welcomes a calm morning today. The snow melts and the sun falls from the clear sky stains my skin.

"Desire black bread"

"I'm done!

Ordinary wheat and rye were grown in the region, which was also the boundary from which the ratio of rye jumped north of this. It was a flavor that I didn't like when I first arrived, but now it has become a habit.

"Yes, please. This is for your father, this is for Alfred."

"" I'll have it ""

William's bread is made almost exclusively of rye, and it has a hard, sour taste, which is exactly the taste of black bread. Alfred's counterpart had a breeze such as bread with rye, more than 80% of which was wheat and had no habit of only adding flavor. By the way, Rutgard's share is fifty percent.

"Well, what shall we do today"

William twinkles with a potpourri as he twirls his black bread. Alfred's eyes glistened and turned to his father.

"I want to go hunting!

"You've just been there, haven't you? Besides, aren't you free on your back all the time?

"It's not a hippo. It's amazing how the arrow we shot hits the spot where it hits. Not at all."

"Well, there's no art in repeating what you've done all the time."

"Uh, I want to go, I want to go!

William changes his mind when he sees Alfred wasting his time (well, hunting is good, I'm free). Doing the 'routine' is early morning and late at night, and going around 'everywhere' was just done yesterday as well. All the massive books I've brought have been around, and now the situation is waiting for a new book to arrive.

"Why don't you teach Alfred a bow?"

Rutgard has made rare suggestions. Both William and Alfred are surprised by the act. And...

"I want to!

Alfred, who sparkled his eyes, has been staring at me to drop my father. Sweet talents give way to my uncle or make me feel like dealing with Carl. He looks just like his uncle from hair color to prominence in the first place, and Taylor's blood is strong even though he resembles Carl to his personality. When I told Rutgard that, he always smiled bitterly and said, "It's not true" back.

"I don't mind teaching, but I probably can't pull it off. There's no little bow that Alfred can pull."

Alfred is struck in front of an overwhelming reality.

"Wouldn't you like to make it? If you can teach me how to make it."

Alfred recovers in an instant. And the story was beautiful, and William was heartbroken when he felt signs that it would come together more troublesome. If this is the case, I don't think it would have bothered me to accept the hunt. I don't give it to my mouth or my face.

"Chi Er"

Alfred, no. One of the pushers, Gone. William looked up to heaven in his heart. Have you been used to sweetness lately or have you just been pushed in? Well, I'm sorry about my spare time.

"Okay, let's do that. Shall we go to the 'workshop' then? Well, do you remember I had a promise when I went to the workshop? Clever Alfred. If you don't remember, you don't make bows."

"No!? Um, um."

Alfred spinning his head desperately. William smiles when he sees it. The habit of thinking about anything is important. It can be trivial, it gives you head strength by making you think from an early age. It is a must-have force in living as well as in physical strength. Even if you can't answer that, that's fine. Then there was no more bow-making, and he was two birds with one stone.

"Oh, I won't stand in your way. I don't touch anything. And stay away from Eckhardt!

"... you remembered very well. That's great, Alfred."

Complex emotions swirl inside as you stroke your head. Rutgard laughed when he saw it tickle. From the look of Teng himself pressed, I know that he had anticipated this flow from the beginning. This is how I've continued to lay down small defeats since this wife revealed herself.

"You'll have lunch later"

All right, good luck with that.

"" Ooh!

Seeing the two who exalt William elsewhere, I know the sorrow of the Father of the World. Well, it would be rarer for a father not to wield power at home to this point in the first place. I don't know my father at home. I don't know the right answer to spreading the world to William. However, this is what the Lewis family does every day. Wherever I thought, I couldn't deny that I was coming.

Various weapons improvements and research were being carried out in the "workshop" that William secretly built. Eckhardt, the head of the workshop, is accommodated so close to the workshop that he rarely comes out of it either. Occasionally, mysterious sounds are generated and spooked.

Because of such a place, it was essential for bow material. There are a wide variety of different kinds of wood (even those that are obviously unsuitable as bows), including strawberries known as bow trees. We have also studied the production of composite bows, including tendons, bones, horns and various metals of animals.

"Al boy make me a round wood bow for your father. Master William... I didn't have to tell you to rub a compound bow, and that's more handy than that."

Round wood bows use only one type of wood as opposed to composite bows where different materials are used. It's also called a single bow. It's simply sturdy, but it takes skill to use it, if you put it bluntly. There is no way that even adults can use difficult substitutes, even though they make it short. Even if I was able to use it more and more, it would stain the foam that was not too powerful.

So William had a composite bow for Alfred, and Alfred had created a round wood bow for William. Of course I don't expect it to be a substitute for kids to make, a decent shooting bow from the edge. The aim is only to enjoy the creation.

"Oh, shit."

Everything is unexpected. For the bad, for the good.

(I wonder if the hand is clever. And then I look good. I can't even look at your movements and imitate them. Son of a cute but white knight, huh? Terrible ones.)

Alfred had important observational eyes in measuring things. Natural, and I can only praise my child if he does this handiwork. William is also observing his son at the edge of his eyes. I will draw Laurent's blood anyway. William never ceased to be surprised that he would show us so much talent. I even grow it that way.

The work continued as it was, and the hour quickly progressed to near noon with a break (to answer Alfred's questions scattered throughout the workshop). It is time for Rutgard to come.

"Dear William, a guest."

What a rumor!

"It would be Rutgard. Inside -"

"No, Claude's boy..."

It was an instant offense. Flesh thin on William without running through the windy messy workshop. It penetrates at the fastest and shortest speed and releases a fist with velocity while its momentum remains. William dodged it with just his neck movement, grabbed his fist with his head as it was, and assembled it from there all at once.

"I don't have enough ideas. Don't be monotonous because it's an ambush."

"Usu, you'll learn"

I thought Claude was happy to be ambushed and the young man snorted.

"Oh, I'm on Claude! Have a good night!"

Alfred approaching with a chick when he sees it. Claude looks out for that figure.

"Hmmm!? You're getting big, Al. And Mr. William's arm hurts. No, seriously, why are you strengthening it? Hey, no. Yeah, yeah!

Claude Lewis screams firmly at his joints. An orphan picked up by William in Garias, nominally William's adopted son. When William left King's Capital and the school he created himself also left his hands, everyone except Claude abandoned the Lewius surname and chose Taylor. That's what William ordered me to choose.

In the meantime, it is this claude where only one fool who did not abandon the Lewius surname still remains childish to call himself a youth.

"Damn it. No additions or subtractions."

"I'll just admit my temper to take one somehow. So, what can I do for you?

"... I've got time to talk to the public."

"... Alfred, your brother Claude is going to play."


"Oh, hey, one or two of the archaeologies because you're coming around the corner"

"Stay on Claude, make a bow over here. Yes, trees."

"Oh, that sounds a little funny. It's nothing, Alpha. This Claude will help you."

Is that how close you are to your mental age? Claude and Alfred were close.

(…… Was there really nothing I could do for you? It's about this guy and Marianne, you idiot who comes all this way for nothing)

Well, most Claude's business is archaic, as I said earlier. With the guidance of Ignaerts, this generation has a skilled arm for the age. Three in particular, one of whom would remain exceptional, were this claude. If you're looking for further heights, you'll have to gain experience on the battlefield or ask for a mentor. The other two were indispensable to the person to be mentored, but Claude alone seemed to feel the difference in growth without such an opponent.

Forgive me, fool, but I'll put it on later.

William was staring at the still unassuming young man eager to make a bow.

"How old are you?

William reigned without a sweat. It is the challenger, Claude, who lays low on the earth. I had already been out on the battlefield and done quite a bit of work, but the wall in front of me was too high. I knew, but I know, which is why I get dizzy at that height.

"Either seventeen, eighteen or nineteen."

"... what's the nominal?

"Eighteen, right? Are you strong again?

"If that's what you thought, it's a sign of growth. It means you've got more visibility."

Every time I audition, I think of a difference in character. It was the elephants who commanded the present army that were commonplace in comparison with their differences. I completed my military with them, gained experience, and gained merit to my current position. Regardless, in this world of warfare, small battles and other places are everywhere, and the chances of achieving merit continue to increase year after year. Recently, the 'seats' above have also become vacant.

"Are you still smoking in here?

Claude's eyes had expectations. I see, the situation I had recently heard of as harsh seems certain. If we were a young man with as much ambition and passion as Claude if we were in that predicament, we would try to do something with our own generation. But there is no such reckless enthusiasm in his eyes. A situation you don't hold, is that it?

"It's a royal fate. I can't move."

"Is it a dialogue between the people who broke the royal decree and were dried?

"Phew, don't bite me good today. That's why. You can forgive me once, but you won't forgive me twice. Even I spare my life. I also have a family. I can't be unscrupulous."

"Sounds like it. Then why do you keep training every day? Not to stand on the battlefield again! Where did our hero disappear!?

Claude's words were fangs falling out and blaming the family and William for falling. That straightness is both a good and a bad part of him.

"Well you can roar like that. You can call me if you need me. Not calling means we don't need it yet. There's only one thing I can tell you."

Claude shivers. Something like cold runs all over your body.

"I'm ready. Anytime."

We don't even have to look at the source of this. I can't stand this chill, even the monster who is hesitant to even gaze at me, even Claude, who should have gotten quite the skill and found out the difference. He remembers the stories the school elders were telling.

"Knight queen, now goddess of war, huh? I confronted the monster who set up the hero king, I just confronted him. I'm the guard of the line, the opponent is only a few kilometers away. That's all, but I couldn't stop the chills. I'm scared, I'm scared. You think I'm embarrassed, don't you? But look around. There were as many guys as there were. I went crazy because of my fear. Our hearts were broken without touching it. Still, I shudder just to remember. You laugh, Claude? '

I didn't laugh then, but I couldn't understand. I'm stronger than I was then, I know the battlefield, and that's why I understand. I guess the seniors felt the same chills. It's just that this isn't a battlefield in the story. If it were on the battlefield, you'd probably feel hopelessness that's not this ratio. Pressure to overwhelm even the army, even the majority.

(Oh, yeah. Please, you're still young, so don't leak me in here)

William deepened his grin when he saw how Claude was doing. My cheeks loosen when I see my adopted child growing up well. It was just as I thought. As I felt that day - it's going to be a usable pawn. I was growing up to be William's favorite pawn.

"Okay, here comes the corner. I'll turn on the archery till sundown. Looks like Alfred went to bed tired, too. We're still alone."

"It's time for you to be an old man, so you don't have to be too uptight."

A blue muscle floats on William's forehead.

"Whoa, get up quick. I'm sweet. Instead of a polite entertainment course earlier, I'll work you out on a course that will definitely make you stronger if you survive. You don't have to thank me."

(And shit. I knew you cared about your age. This is a bit awkward.)

"Whoo-hoo, what a righteous thought"

William put his long hair up and put it together and came with a string. The atmosphere changes. I was too scared to look directly at the look under my smile. Claude had a taste of ghosts or demons, of what it was like to confront the mythical demon king.

A few hours later, when I wake up with the water Alfred has been pumping, I'm deluding him because of his blunt pain and cuts all over his body, and his wet,

Oh, my God, I was so chicken.

Claude Lewis, eighteen years old. Young and defeated by instinct.

There were three families in the carriage running north.

"I'm glad I'm alone..."

"I'm going to play with Rutgard."

"I will make peace with you, William."

"Ellis! You're telling me not to come near that man! That's the kind of man who embodies the devil. Wise, cunning, mean worst beings"

"That's too much, Hilda. He's my best friend."

"I mean, it's your fault! Karlu!"

in a noisy car. He sighed loudly at the hustle and bustle so frequently that he could not tell several times. Carl, Hilda, and the Taylor family head of Ealis. One line loosely travels all the way, aiming for the northern entrance Ratlkia.