Tower of Karma

Sons of God and the Rebels: The Invincible Karl Battalion

Rudolph woke up having nightmares. This has been happening all these days. I couldn't sleep, so I started painting for comfort. Focus, if you're immersed, drowsiness will eat you at some point. Eat yourself or time me. That was the only salvation.

"I didn't bring the tools to paint."

Qingguizi, the Son of God, I have had God since I was unconscious. I have never lost in anything that luck dictates, and there is little such thing as no luck in the world. I mean, I didn't know about the defeat. I've never felt scared when turning cards, falling coins, etc. Even if you were risking your life...

(I had a hunch at first. There's something about Arcadia. So when I wanted to play with him, another being drew me. There is something. Somehow, I thought so. But I was sure, I thought it was scary that day was the first)

The first terror sprang up in Rudolph's mind when he was interested in card games with Rudolph, Wolf, William, Apollonia, and a few others in playtime during the King's Council. Even then, my luck had passed and I had prevailed against those three. William and Apollonia got off the battle if they didn't feel like they could win, and the devoured Wolfe had a cloak of round naked pants of bare cold poverty, without a sentence. The play was over, and I still didn't lose. That's what I thought. Arrowheads.

"Losing isn't right for sex. Another battle."

A man with nothing did what he joked about. Naturally I refused to bet with a man without a sentence, but the man laughed and pointed at his heart and said:

"I'm the one who bets."

I thought Rudolph was an idiot. I've never lost a bet. That's what I said, and I let him demonstrate here. Win alone, as declared. Why can this man lightly risk his life and so on against a man who kept winning so much that he didn't even make a sound?

"... Cole"

Rudolph whispered the words he had said at that time in the dark night. Still a dream sight. It all started there. It sprouted in me.

"No, the Son of God has been enjoying the battle for a long time."

"Uhm, you look good, Aoyagi."

Rudolph was suffering from understanding. The two heroes stood beside each other. William and I should have lost. But why did he get off the battle lightly? After whom did you decide it? Wasn't it true that Apollonia and I couldn't get four pieces together, or didn't we really get off the battle because we were aiming for five pieces together and that didn't happen? I didn't come down looking at myself - asking myself over and over again. Because I didn't have the courage to know the answer.

"... fold"

That was the first time I was afraid of battle. Even though there were no losing elements, I had never lost, but the defeat was good in my head. The three laughs don't go out of their heads. There will be no certainty of victory. I should even have thought losing was more likely. It's just that they didn't make it good to keep losing. That's what their eyes said, "I will take you away from God, even if you win."

Shaking flames. Those who are rubbed in battle, refined in battle, and live in battle.

"Oh boy. What did you do at this late hour?

At that time, it was men who wanted to do things with each other that separated her, and the other half, because they didn't want to show themselves shaken.

"No, you want to rub your tits violently. I was just looking to see if my tits were falling somewhere. Whoa, whoa, you got good tits there. I think I'll rub it."

Rudolph takes a full tea attitude.

"I haven't seen a woman's shadow in the stars lately."

"I'm tired of the Nedeluxe woman. Sadashi, elegant, and good style. Isn't that great? Wow, smart. I want it all to be liked by a guy, so it's a technique to get into a whambu guy. I'm just tired of killing women who want to use me. I tried having a business woman instead, but I'm tired of that. The desire for a moment, to let others serve for its liberation, is also creepy. I'm tired of women."

"Were you tired of me too?

"That's our line, then. How long are you gonna depend on me? The collar has been removed. Now nobody cares what it is to be a guardian. Even past incidents were weathered. You'd have gotten reason, too, wouldn't you? There's no reason for me to keep it anymore. There's no more reason for you to be kept."

Rheinberga's eyes shake in loneliness. Seeing it, Rudolph thought it was a little difficult to fill himself. I'm sure it's time to leave. If she stays under the Son of God forever, she remains the 'Reaper'. I miss my wedding date, and I can't stand on my own. I can really do it, but I can grab anything, but I'm letting myself tie up forever with a fool who doesn't do it. No, desire, huh?

"I don't need a Reaper anymore. When this battle is over, when you return to our capital, get out of the starry outhouse. Get Fenke to introduce me to a man, too. That's good. You should."

Rheinberga quietly bowed his head and left. You shouldn't keep a girl tied to God who's just an unhappy born forever. The only person who is not free is himself.

"Tomorrow will be a storm. You can bet. I can't lose."

Rudolph started coining with his usual work. All the time it has turned to the side of my mind and deepened my conviction that I am the Son of God. Luck doesn't betray itself. Heaven is on your side. I was always with victory. 'Cause next time, that won't change.

Ethereal fortress city of Browstat guarded by Carl von Taylor. One more push and fall. After that, if we break down that bridge, we'll go back to our old relationship. Just one win is good. If we win this fight, even nightmares should be far away.

The last victory, the real victory I wished for, begged for. So it's a long way from...

"Mm-hmm. Nice sunny day. You can still see the battlefield from here."

Ernst makes a big stretch. Look at that. I'm surrounded by "It's dangerous, my best friend." "I'm going to suffer a tummy wound, Master Ernst!" and the noise is also disturbing to the person.

"I'm already blocked. No, I'm not in luck. Is it because the usual behavior is good? Oh, but then maybe you're really dead, Carl, with Arcadia's general in a sinful position. Poor thing. He was a good friend."

Nederks army to begin marching. The great army that gave to the power of the nation. Spectacular sights lined with giant siege weapons. Isn't it the army of God who notes the devil?

"Hold on, that fucking kid, just use it. All you have to do is point. They're kidding."

"I have no choice. They have a face, too. We are good in the shade. If this brings us closer to the right world, don't you think that's enough?

"... it is, but"

"Okay, then. We'll take a tour of our best friend, Rudolph, here. Let's hope this becomes the apoptosis of the evil nation of Arcadia, one end of it."

Under clear weather, the pale city and the prestigious army of the former superpower Nederks were relative.

Spectacular and Greater Nederks Army. The prestigious forces of the former superpowers were comparable in size to those of the earlier Garias. The Nedeluxe army is at the core of the 'red', 'white' and 'black' armies that lead it. In addition, Estado, who is handled close to his country, also entered the war. Dino, Maximiliano and the other strong generals and the mighty men who imitate them live side by side with morale.

The opposing Arcadian army was breaking my heart at the sight. The exterior walls of the robust browstat, which have begun all attacks, have been smashed by more than half, and the laying is not crossed by the struggle of Osvalt swordsmen, but the firearrows, which have been punched in several times, dye much of the house black. Siege weapon rain, people and buildings have been blown away regardless.

It's still too much at a time when you're willing to fight.

Only the return of the heroes who lay on the floor was their stronghold.

"Our hero, Carl von Taylor, is dead"

They are outrageous. This was the aperture best as the White Knight appeared and everyone's expectations swelled. The morale that kept the return of the hero as its base disappears. Some were informed of Carl's death and dropped his knees. Sudden self-loss, not in a state where you can fight.

They fall. To the end of despair, to the bottom of the invisible bottom of hope.

"Our friend, Carl, dastardly fell before the assassin's murder blade unleashed by Nedeluxe. He's been dead ever since the day the mysterious fire rose from Browstat. All I can say is tragedy. I don't want to believe it either, but it's true."

Despair covers the browstat.

"But Carl wasn't just dead until today. By hiding his death, until I got here, you guys, Bloustat survived. This is a miracle that Carl himself believed in you and even hid his own death, but the late one. He is dead, but he is still alive in everyone's heart. Together, we're fighting."

William stepped aside, where his men carefully brought in a chair, a sedentary white bone knight. There is no shortage of sauce in the way it shines in the sun.

"My friend, everyone's friend. That day, he gave instructions, looked around and calmed things down with fatal injuries. He told Gilberto of the death to come only, and died giving out the instructions that followed. When you die, be prepared, and be with all of us even if you die. Isn't it beautiful? This is General Arcadia, Carl von Taylor. Still, he is with you. As long as we live, as long as this city doesn't fall, he dies. Because that will continue to live in our hearts."

He appeared in a death that even drifted in divinity. What do people see where they are?

"Ask everyone? There's a man who's dead and still fighting. As we all know, the man who says Carl had a temper that wasn't meant for battle by birth. He was a gentle, serene, fair, tolerant, weak, cowardly man. This figure is the life of a man who lived as a general, weakened, timid, prepared. Look at him. Can't you see anything in everyone's minds? Living vividly, watching a man dying in disillusionment and still trying to be strong... I wanted to kick their ass and put an end to the battle of friends, even if I was mean. If I don't take over the will and clear my mind, I can't live in shame."

to the bottom, and saw no hope, which is why they were engulfed with an uncivilized outrage. Anger, hatred of pure enemies. Pure self respect, loyalty to the Admiral. Despair scratches off. Forgot the status quo, swallowed by emotions.

"I fight. What are you guys gonna do?

A bursting roar. And the soldiers of Arcadia roared as the beast. It's a flurry of endorsements, voices of battle, emotions that are out-of-the-box to reality. They anointed their fears with anger. They convinced loyalty and reason. I've found a reason to fight.

"Fine. Then let's fight together. Our general is Carl. Until this battle is over, until we protect Browstat, I'm his deputy general, and we're Carl's men. Don't worry, we win. Carl and I have never lost."

Invincible Karl Ten. Even the Hundreds continued to win unchanged. The two are the living legends of Arcadia. Still the legend doesn't break.

"Come on, it's time to fight. I have a secret plan. Trust me, Carl."

Carl hid his death and snubbed to this point. Carl's death set them on fire. William just gave the hang-up. At the time I brought it to this situation, I could see this happening. There's a fire with Carl on the line of death. It turns to Nederks in anger that burns down the sky. Strong emotions sometimes overshadow the principle.

The place is ready. And the White Knight has a secret, too.

"That's where I used the back first. I'm gonna make you regret setting up a fight in my way."

William was looking down at Nederks with a fierce grin.