Tower of Karma

Tabernacle: Country Born

From that day on, William was immersed in his work as if he had been released. Depositing Alfred with Hilda, he himself embarks on a job that has come down uninterrupted without rest for a moment, until a new part lies ahead. Add time to the efficiency you've been playing for a short time. He had done enough to scare the charms living in the royal palace.

"- Hurry up the soldiers to the slaves."

"It's good to train them as soldiers, but giving them weapons is synonymous with giving them a spark of rebellion. What do you say we do around here?

"Measures have already been taken. Now you just have to do as you're told. I don't want any more."

Less than a week after that conversation, some of the slaves occupied a settlement with armed bees. Some of them said, "Have you seen it?" But then they knew the backdrop and shut their mouths.

Toshiyuki called Taylor's Childrens. They were graduating from the same school building. Some of their school graduates include Raphael, Beatrice, but these two don't exactly fall under Taylor's Childrens. They are buried people that William and others have gathered from outside.

Everyone, except Claude, names the Taylor surname. Hence Taylor's Children.Their roots are unpublished, but there are basically many slave identities in other countries. I contract as a slave, buy citizenship in a country, and launder my identity. It's somewhat laborious, but it's a necessary expense to get good people. Those who pluck out in their normal capacity are marked from young children, but their eyes are not well appreciated until they are slaves.

The golden vein of talent was there, and many were unearthed and nurtured there.

William used them to suppress the rebellion. The lack of handiwork and humanity was an intimacy, and he executed all the slaves who survived the repression in as brutal a way as he could think of. The sight was publicly executed, as a show, to be visible to the surrounding citizens.

Rumors fly around Arcadia, and the slaves know once again the power relationship between the weapons and positions they possess. There were no more evil sprouts in his heart, no more shards of war knowing a series of flows.

It was a slightly overtimed incident, but the fact that I was able to stab the slaves with a goose made me nasty. The reason why the armed bees were raised and why is never told by them. No mouth for the dead. Nor do I speak of the White Knight's 'hands and feet'.

The same is true of commerce. Even in the gold lending business, Taylor leapt, seized assets as contracted from a nobleman, a junior, albeit a ruler, and also sold off his wife and daughters, and the owner of the house hanged himself. No, I let him. Taylor does this far. Especially the ones who were raised from a young age. Drive your opponent with fear and restrain other movements in the aftermath.

As a result, the gold turnover as a whole became very good.

It was seized from the aristocracy because William is holding back the military. In the end, the world is won by powerful things. William is in the hands of force, intelligence, financial power, power, the most primitive of them all and the most effective on the last line. So unbeatable. I can't lose.

"William, it's been a long time. Do you remember me?"

"We're out of time, Count Dieter. There's no way I'll ever forget you."

If you go to the dining room, there will be a crowd. Greedy aristocrats are pushing us to get even closer. Now to a man with 'power' after royalty in this Arcadia. Ride a winning horse. They were sensitive to such places.

William also deepened his interaction with them again. From now on, you don't have to be a big part of it to have a lot of allies to lose. There is a place on King's Road that cannot be reached unless it is used as an elephant. If it is dusty, it becomes a mountain. They're dust, and William reaches out to heaven on the heels of the mountains.

Eleonora had not had a meeting with her brother, Airhardt, in a long time. They were two people who tongue-in-cheek at the finest dishes, but the air in between is never a light thing.

"... you did what I told you, didn't you?

It came so clearly from the look on Airhardt's face that there was no need to even think about what the word referred to. White Knight, Rutgard, William's wife, died after a struggle, and Eleonora could understand that it would be the matter.

"You died of illness. Evil push lowers character."

"Evil push, huh? Heh heh heh, you really are, you know, you're just like that everywhere you go."

Eleonora looks surprised.

"I don't have the courage to step in. With all the excuses, it's too late to grab one after all."

"That's a lot of talk. There are limits to how to be your brother."

"I'm a sister. That's why I've always advised you. But I found out about this one. You don't even make it to the base of the battle. Keep sweet and passive about it, with a position and power that you can win if you move. People see a glow on your outer surface, but at the heart, he sees an inner glow more than the outer. You're just inferior to Bernbach's daughter than Taylor's sister you saw that day. Therefore, he does not choose you"

"... it's unpleasant"

"Let me prophesy you again. Who will William choose when his wife 'happens' to be dead and free? If you assumed your aim was the throne, there are two options. You and Claudia."

"Your sister is married. It shouldn't be an option."

"No, I'm going in. I think William killed my wife. Then how can you say she can't do the same thing? If it's funny, I'd love it, if it was that poisonous bitch. Kill Lord Leodeger, the White Knight and the First Princess join hands and aspire to the throne. And you're out of mosquito nets again."


"Then stay still. I'll see you after it's all too late. It's quite interesting what you look like then."

"It's what the lower house does, like speaking to that guy right now!

"If that's all you have to win, you should do it. I would do it. William does it too. Claudia and Felix will do it. You're the only one who doesn't have the courage to wear mud."


Eleonora von Arcadia, Princess of the Sun. I didn't have the courage to cross the last line, while wealth, status and beauty held together the best of things.

So her appearance - it doesn't show in his eyes.

William gives a mouthful to the leg offered in front of him. A humiliating act if you are a man. The presence that looked down at it from above was grinning blacker.

"Lick it."

Here, the poisonous woman who lives in Altvais Castle stuck her head down further demands on William, the man who is bowing his head. topcoat of humiliation, yet William began licking that beautiful leg without any hesitation, showing one sway.

"... don't care, those eyes"

The sight of humiliation. But there is no color of yield in William's eyes. Just lick it because they asked for it pale. If I say so, it is a task.

Will there be a man who reigns as the Lord of the castle of Altvais, and whose heart is unshakeable, who mouths, licks and hearts on his feet, a demon of luscious beauty? She had never seen a man like that before. With one stream, a man can fall. I've fallen.

"If you ask me to be charming, I will be."

But this man doesn't fall. I don't even shake it.

"I don't need it. What's the point in the fragrance of crops? My concubine wants to see you fall."

"Then I want you to walk with me. That way, if you don't like it, we'll see."

"... for some reason?

"For to me the king is more of a fallen man than anyone else,"

The poisonous woman bounces to the words, her spine creeping in her eyes and her chest pounding. For her two brothers who reached out to the king, her father tied to the throne and more barren than anyone else, the fool who aspired there knowing he was going to fall was a very interesting being.

"Steal the country with me, Lady Claudia."

Claudia von Althauser was tired of his current life. A fruitful earth with no liberties. Althauser is entrusted with the land of abundance. There were limits to manipulating and playing with it. To the more interesting. Claudia's choices had hardened.

"The last thing you'll laugh at is a concubine."

"Then I'll do everything I can to make you laugh."

The two people who make love each other. Under a thundercloud swirling cloud sea, two monsters joined hands.

Despite one incident at Altvais Castle, and a secret meeting, the royal palace's planks flowed peacefully. There were several skirmishes, but there was no way to think about anything like setting up with Arcadia today, which was a mild situation compared to the intensifying Nederks vs. Estado.

That's why civilian officials rush around busily to create vessels commensurate with the bloated national territory, the population. This stuff is pivotal at first, and it takes years to get it back if you make a mistake here. The task of twisting your head, gathering wisdom and, above all, being quick and reborn your country.

Now in Arcadia there was a national birth taking place. It is one man who leads it. A man born into slavery, drenched in mud but aiming for heaven. That fingertip is definitely hooked to the top. Almost, almost, the empty throne is in its hands.