Tower of Karma

Prelude: The Great Around the Dark Night

I was dreaming. Three people laughing happily. The city of White Asia, the capital of Silver Wings Shining Freedom. Alfred knows. What will happen to this city at the end? But now more than ever before the demise, he became a king, a brave man, a witch, and only three boys and girls dreamed of.

"Sooner or later I'll stop the world from collapsing!

"There is no hard work if you stop just by force. Use your head, brother."

"It's a big head. Act first! It won't start until you move."

"First thought, then action."

"That's an excuse for the name of Thoughts, isn't it?

"Pork rush, it's a cliff to reach"

The two of them will remain a combination. Gold and silver, flames intertwined.

"Oh, my God."

"" Which one!?


I can't see her face, but she must be a beautiful girl. The type is different. Two good looking boys are sending a hot gaze. Whenever you laugh, cry, comedy, tragedy, that doesn't change. These three have always been like this.

As far as I could see in my dreams, that didn't change until the end.

Still, in this day and age, I smile, and Alfred gets relaxed. Happy sights, other people's, strange times', maybe delusional happiness, but warm to him...

The girl looks at the space where no one is supposed to be, approximating the two of them working together with the fu. At the end of his gaze, there's Alfred, who's nothing but a phantom.

"Now I will lend you a hand, because my dreams have disturbed me. Never again, my lord."

A girl has a face. A monster who has lived unseen things that I don't think belong to this world. No, not alive. It should be noted that even death transcended her into a phenomenon. It's death, a deceptive grin of death. My spine freezes. My mind constricts. The scenery of happiness scratches away, and there is one death-weighting in front of you.

"This is death, bye."

When do I remember - it's not the death of an instant that that sword showed me. Farther, more tranquil, that's where the sights were earlier...

"Go away."

Disappear. Denied. Rejected. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies alone, are unacceptable.

Because those days were the only salvation for the boy to this day.

"- Go!

The person I thought of disappeared, as did the dreams I was supposed to have, and Alfred was jumping.

"... hey"

In front of me is one man in a black outfit. I put up something like a thin needle and I'm still trying to stick it out. Target audience is yourself.

(Neighbor murdering? No, in front of it. Why are you asleep? One sound, there shouldn't have even been any sign shards. Well, okay. Sometimes that happens.)

But he still falls asleep, and the man waves down a dark vessel called a thousand. I can't even hear you swing it down, stunt as an assassin. Complete assassination. Even nagging before is deadly. Now Alfred was awake with a mysterious chill.

(Whose dog is that? But don't you want to move? They licked me!

And out of so much fear...

(… ah)

Both physically and mentally showed unusual flattery.

Half the body in the duvet aggressively, avoiding a thousand copies with a single piece of paper. I can even see the hard movement I did, and the momentum from jumps well to see the palm bottom.

"You're well, Prince."

Alfred instantly decides the assassin to avoid it at his leisure. Eliminate the option to win and cut through at that point. It bugs from the top of the bed as it is and takes just a short distance from the assassin. The assassin exclaimed "ho" at the move.

Alfred's back has the only entrance and exit door to this room. Despite that, there is no rush for assassins. Awareness takes its place, and all you have to do is concentrate and you'll see. More agile than usual, I knew on my own. My late home, I found myself amazingly diverse to take. The only reason assassins can afford...

(Behind you!

Alfred behaved very naturally, gazing at his own sword on the wall. Just for a moment, the polar slightest, but still the gaze of confirmation of birth, the movement. Moments later, Alfred dared to turn around and open the door with a backward kick. Enter that nostalgia into the gap where the assassin who stood behind the door was facing.

This one's weaker than me.

It emits a fist shaken heavily from it. Naturally, it can fit into the assassin's eyes, but it follows the packing procedure. I got into nostalgia and cut my gaze. He turned his consciousness upwards with a shaken fist. That's why foot payments are easy to decide. Like a joke, the assassin fell in, and his fist, which had just outgrown him, rubbed the assassin's jaw off.

The assassin's consciousness flies. At the next moment, close the door in a flowing motion, with footsteps one or two steps. At that point, the earlier assassin, a man known as the Black Star, had a bitter grin and taken a chase stance. A fool who bought himself and let his prey escape.

Let's get on with it. This prey is a little more troublesome than I thought.

Black Star opens the door. The footsteps heard were gradually far away and the distance from the subject was already quite open. But there's nothing wrong with that. My men are in the right place. There are no gaps. At this point in the situation, he packed...


The door that I should have opened with momentum, but now the door bursts in with the momentum of the destruction of the hinge. Black Star doubted his eyes. In the next moment he falls to be crushed by a blown door. There's, of course, Alfred behind it.

(Did you ambush this kid?!? So the footsteps are faux? Turned down the sound of stepping in on the spot a little bit and fooled my ears. Sudden situation, get up and do that!?

Alfred goes straight to his room so he can slip through. He took the sword of love and without hesitation kicked through the wooden window and jumped out of his own room, which was upstairs.


Even if it is unexpected, it does not change between kills. There are assassins outside. An effective invisible arrow in the dark night. Fly without sound is the needle of a darker blower arrow.

"I can see it."

Alfred pulled his sword out in the air. He knocks down a needle that is supposed to be invisible in the motion as if it were dancing. Even if the sight was invisible, the black star grasped the situation with the sound of being slapped down. I wasn't insulting them. It should have been well prepared and besieged with care.


"Even if he rots, is he the king's son?"

As a reality, that has been broken through. Too many quick, driven moves. It's not just strong. I get my head around it, and my thoughts are good.

"It's going to be a long night, Prince."

Black stars haven't noticed their hearts heating in a long time. I'm still not for assassins. It seems less than second-rate if you think this situation is fun. But that's fine. Now that there is no king at night, the time is over when the assassin is only the assassin. Nor do I have a duty to live as I see fit as a Dark Resident.

(Aren't you even willing to join us? Or are you sure? He said he would survive if he went to sleep)

Black stars were only for a moment, and there was only quiet there, even if they looked out for the neighborhood. There's got to be someone, but there's nobody there. An indication of intent to look thoroughly. It's unpleasant, but now there's something to do. There are more interesting subjects than that.

Tonight's prey is the upper balls. That's the only thing that makes my chest jump.

From here, the chase of the prince and the shadow began.

"What's the situation?

"I've captured some traces, but haven't been able to capture them"

Black stars shake their heads in exaggerated gestures.

"... easy if you're just a royalty, but that's that guy's brilliant educated genius. Good, that kid traces the way of life that ordinary people have made geniuses try to keep up with."

Arkas was like a garden to Alfred. Alleys that are inaccessible to royalty and nobility can also be a seed of rice for merchants. Sometimes there will be places where merchants won't even be able to get close to each other, or get in with the lower echelons of people. As a result, he knows all about Arkas. The royalty knows the nobility, the citizen, the slave.

"I'm living a way for geniuses to transcend geniuses. That's a pain in the ass."

Some traces would also be faux. There will be real ones, but they are probably the true ones you dare to leave behind, and if you stick to them there, they will rather just take away your time for nothing.

"Do you have the stronghold?


"I already got the money. I'll make sure it's done."

It was a long time ago that Black Stars and others received the request. Were the martial arts tournaments held and the announcement almost as timely? In that period, now the black stars have a bitter laugh.

(Really, a royal palace is a nest of glamour, dude)

I've been reading this far. How do you read ahead from here? King, Queen, or Prince? I don't know where or what lurks. I guess it all happened for tonight. Whose thoughts become real.

Blackstar played with his thoughts in the corner of his head, yet he was always centered on his work.

"... Today's 'goal' is holding. I can't wait to see if a bag of rats can do a miracle."

There is no end point. I crushed everything. The cloth stones are full, the personnel are adequate, and the money is received in full.

"What will come out, son of the White Knight"

If I repeat this, that would be the dawn of Act II.

Be it, or open it.