Tower of Karma

Undefeated Gladiator: Brain Palm

After the evening, Alfred was referring to Lydiane and Strachez as invited but still. The early formations are a little classical with each other Daltanian Stradiot, but so when plugged into the middle, it becomes a deep read battle.

Lydiane's finger muscles have some minor hands and some heavy hands, which have yet to be read through. The deeper this play deepens, the more characteristic the opponent emerges.

You mean I can't get there?

Lydiane's depth, I'm not in that realm yet. Same feeling I had when I was referring to my father. I don't like it. It also leads to expansion on top. Whether you want it or not.

That was just what I was wearing right now.

"May I ask you one thing?

"Ask me anything. I like to look like this and answer questions. The more difficult the question, the better."

"So how would you like to use my personality?"

"Oh, that's a very difficult question. Well, you're about to explain something to me."

Lydiane stares at Alfred with a discerning eye. Apparently, she would prefer an answer match. Alfred opened his mouth as he pawned.

"The first discomfort was that I was forced to take Charlotte from Lionel and give it up to me. 'Cause you do, don't you? You didn't have to bother to take his possessions, but you, the king's brainchild, had as many men."

Lydiane pounds the pawn into the steeple with a nod of "ummm". Alfred makes his cheeks tingle and lets him pawn ready with a bitter laugh.

"The next discomfort was when I heard about her condition. Appreciate the acquaintance, and in view of my 'track record' at the Strachez Games, it is inevitable that I will face Lionel. Let people confront each other. To save her, the only thing I have worth betting on, myself, establishes a battle. As you can see, I danced."

"Hmm, well, Miss Charlotte seems pathetic. You're gonna want to help me."

"The last discomfort is your presence."

"... ho"

Lydiane narrows her eyes with interest.

"Lydiane de Ulterior. Either you take this trouble to save Charlotte, or this is a clear no. If you want to, you can make it more tolerable, and it's extremely unnatural not to have done so before. I mean, the purpose is different."

A hand that Alfred derived by rotating his thoughts in full. The attack and the hand that defends and works on both in this phase were half a step, a little, but beyond Lydiane's assumptions.

"The only thing I have to offer to save her, not Charlotte herself, may be over-conscious, but taking away my freedom, that's what I'm trying to do."

Lydiane, the surface of the superiority swings to Russia.

"I guess I've just been forced to"

"I was wondering if the King's brains were too strong."

Use Charlotte. Surely, one hand to hold him down has led to exposing everything. But after everything's done. Where I found out, there's no obstacle for Lydiane. Instead, it was even a testament to the fact that my thoughts were right for the minute I let it be revealed.

"You're absolutely right. I believe that the market should be somewhat free. Even if it's somewhat clo, I won't get my hands on it if I don't go too far. No, where I went too far, the market has a purifying effect. If it's a really bad case, it can't even be forgiven by other companies in the industry. The government should not intervene in the market as much as possible. That's what I think."

"What about Seraphine?"

"Cro, but I haven't gone too far. What do you think?

"... I think so, too"

Lydiane nods contentedly.

"Shall we get back to it? You're right, Charlotte is a wedge. Lionel triumphs and deprives you of your freedom. That is my purpose. But from what I've learned, the situation hasn't changed. You set up a bet to establish it. [M] It's not like I can get away with this anymore."

"Yeah, I understand. Because I'm not strong enough to abandon her and continue my journey."

Yes, there's nothing more we can do. Lydiane used Charlotte because she stepped on whether or not she could pretend not to look at the childhood tragedy that the person who said Alfred said Charlotte could not, and Alfred set a bet because she thought she could not.

The race had been thrown. From the beginning, it was decided that this would happen.

"You're asking me what I want to do with you."

"Yes, that's not a very meaningful question"

"Sure. That's pointless."

Lydiane let go of her strong hand as if to hold down the shaken plate surface. Obsession with victory, a strong will to win absolutely. She is also told that it is the top of the world, the corner of it. Victory is far away. There was such a difference, as if the hand earlier had been water on the baking stone.

"Using me to demand something from Arcadia probably won't bring anything out. Instead of kicking them out, they almost got rid of them using assassins and mercenaries."

"... your father?

"Right. I think it really got in the way when I saw it coming out myself."

Alfred smiles sadly. Lydiane often showed off her thoughts.

"I think it would be as good as a tool to hurt the world body. But profitability won't do you any good. Because I was harmful to my father, to no avail."

"... how do you think I'm gonna use you?

"Right. Arcadia princes are kept by people in other countries. Just hustling about this will hurt you enough, and you will be compelled to move from the public to recovery. Negotiate there and collect it in exchange for how long. No, assassinate it before you collect it and rub it against Garias. Father would."

Lydiane felt sorry to hear that. I thought it was a distortion. Why does a child who can do so many things occasionally get a glimpse of humility? You just have to be more grand. All you have to do is stretch your chest that you are strong. But this kid doesn't do it. Even if you do, that's just for use in a bluff to make yourself look good when you're compelled to.

The essence is humble, I underestimate myself the most.

"Answer me, I want you to be my successor."

"... what?

"Galias', to the king's brains. Of course we're talking ahead. I'm still active, too. But I'm going to eventually."

"Whatever it is, it's..."

"This was also what my grandfather wanted from your father. Well, about that, it seemed like he was serious about wanting to be seated in the king. Anyway, I mean it. After you lose, I'm going to have you grow according to my vision for a while."

"... that's ridiculous"

Lydiane playing knight's pawn. We're going in.

"Either you want to sit in the king, Eleonora. It's a woman over there. I think this is mixed up, but I'm not. Lydiane de Ulterior is not as popular as charity. I want you to be talented, so I'm going to make this leap."

One hand that made the knight jump in. This was a hand in the packing of twenty steps, and the battle was decided at this moment. After that one hand, the lead was still taken back and never covered until the end. I just rocked the balance for a moment. That was the difference between Alfred and now Lydiane.

"Well, good luck. As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad you lost, but I'm also bored to have you lose light. I definitely want you to enjoy the day. Let me show you what that man's son takes, Alfred von Arcadia."

Eyes looking down from far height. I'm sure it's self-evident to her, such as the things I see now, and I see more than that. Even now, we have no idea why she's looking at Alfred with pitiful eyes, or why.

Alfred trembles. Dancing on the palm was an accepted fact, but it is unexpected that there is a prospect that I cannot read through myself. It's not just the moment you win and lose, there's a cloth stone in everything that leads you down any path you choose.

Such a horrible thought has passed.

When Alfred returned to his room, he must have heard footsteps. There was already a figure of Charlotte brewing tea. The lesson was fully learned on the first day when I wondered how I could stand this well, even though I was just brewing tea, and when I asked a question, I would not listen because the course on how to stand began.

"If you say so, Master Eleonora was here earlier."

"What did you want?

Alfred sits on a sofa that serves both Dosari and Bed. A puffy grin spills over the reassurance of Charlotte's remarks but also the fuzzy couch.

"Come on? I'm done talking to the public."

"Heh. I wonder if I'm worried about you"

"... it was all about you."

"... heh. Yes, it is. Hmm."

My heart is bouncing around, but Alfred manages to stay calm without putting it on his expression. I'm guessing Charlotte hasn't put in an exploration of public discourse. The content really should have been just a public discourse, a story that could not be poisoned or medicated.

"What do you like? I was wondering if the morning was early or late. It was like that."

Charlotte put a cup of tea in front of Alfred, saying so. The fluffy, fragrant sweet smell calms my mood. It's just a public conversation, a conversation we had so we wouldn't come to see our guests and be rude. That's all there is to it.

"I'll sleep over there today."

"You can't do that. Because I have feelings for you, too."

"What are you talking about with such a puffy face?"

Charlotte joining Alfred's cheeks. Alfred's cheeks have been twisted for a long time, young and old. My parents naturally have a lot of experience with both Nicolas and Elise if they follow each other. Every time I saw him, such as Lamberto, I followed him and stuck him with my fingers. There is also a verse around which the woman - even Mira - mistakenly thought of it as a play tool.

I am truly sorry.

"As I said first, you can use the bed. I've been through Nojuku too. [M] I can sleep better over here. Compared to the earth, it's heaven, you couch."

It seems unfortunate, but it seems to be fun, so Alfred seems to be the one who can't cut it off. Charlotte was tired of hanging out with her fingers on her cheeks.

"Once in that bed, you can sleep with both of us."

Behind the back, whispering to the ear, it is against the rule to say it while stuck. Alfred was blushing his cheeks like an apple and filling his mouth.

"Wouldn't the girl before the dowry have said such a thing!

"... I'm just kidding. Would you like some tea?

"Hey, I'm not kidding. I don't think that's a good idea. Oh, take a change."

"Hehe, I knew you wouldn't change. That's the place."

Too embarrassed for Alfred to look directly at Charlotte's face. If I had looked straight at it, my face would have turned even more red. She had a twinkly expression, but she couldn't even control the unnatural redness of her cheeks.

It was Alfred who totally forgot I had to think that way. He is also a healthy boy.

(I 'let him in' a little blatantly, and that kid would notice. I want you for profit. [M] But she's not. 'Cause I'm looking for the blood that's flowing there, not you)

Lydiane dreams. If, for example, the notion is pointless and extreme, but human beings would still think about it once or twice. And it is more pronounced than those who have strong regrets. She's always regretted it.

"Excuse me, Liddy. It's late at night, but why don't we talk for a minute?

Eleonora with a smile and cheerful smile came into Lydiane's own room. It used to come and go frequently, but not often these days.

"Nice, women's talk. I wonder if we could talk about a definition of how many are women?

"Sounds fun. But you know what to do, don't you?

"... I'll take care of him. I'll get it if it works, and even if it doesn't, I'm seeding it for the future. There's nothing wrong with Garias."

Eleonora's smile disappears.

"When did I tell you about Garias' loss?

"Right. Your thoughts and mine are different. But Garias loses money the way you do. You really think you're gonna make it through in the first place, I can't believe you made that kid your kid."

"Yes, Julius, please."

"You have a proper child with Julius."

"Wouldn't it be a good thing your brother could do it?

Lydiane to be extinguished. Eleonora is serious. And she has the power to put it through. The power to manipulate a king named Julius as he pleases.

"I've always regretted it. All the time, all the time. Your brother was right, that man only needed royal blood. It could have been anybody. I was over there, and your sister was able to do that. As long as I step out."

It only distorted me against that man. Otherwise perfect, the beloved Queen Eleonora from all. The distortion has been exacerbated by the visit of his remaining children.

"You're wrong."

"Even so, you won't get what you want unless you move on"

A distortion that wasn't there when I was just here in Garias. Everything went crazy after that information came in. Everything was his plot, and I've been desperate not to see that there was no love there, from the moment she understood it, everything went crazy.

"Anyway, now I want you to leave it to me"

"Yeah, I know. But I decided not to give up anymore. Never again. You'll see."

"... I know."

Lydiane's prospect, winning or losing should not have been a loss to Garias. But if he triumphs, she moves out. That could suck, could be a huge loss for Garias.

That's what I'm saying when I say I can't get through.

(... I'm glad you lost)

What is gratifying to both sides is that Alfred will lose. That way it fits round. Lydiane laughs bitterly at herself thinking that if she were to raise herself as Lydiane's son, for Eleonora, relatives, etc.

(Uncondescending, I'm the same)

Lydiane scratches her head looking after Eleonora leaves.