Tower of Karma

Dawn End: The day the king was born

The moment he confronted Lester, Alfred got the feeling that every option was crushing. Many of the cards dramatically increased by all the options, technology and experience we had ever seen, all of which were worthless and uncut bills.

Before his strongest card, Alfred was grinning and spinning his brain full. A floating option. It disappears when it floats, disappears when it floats, and the path you can choose from - still not.

(Stronger than anyone I've ever fought for. than your father, probably in character)

You can't win in Alfred right now. That concludes. If so, it had to be stronger, but it was not the difference to be filled with temper. Then I really don't have a hand.

Hence Alfred gave up.

(I can't do anything I can't. Let's give up -)

The impending Lester has a terrific look on his face and is ready to pour everything into just one poke. Did the wounds that were done to the three of us open, or the blood tide would rise into the universe, like a feather, like a wind, accelerating the eagle's wings? Its temper and physical pressure are not inferior to those applied.

(- So)

Alfred intercepts in his abode.

To do the miracle of beating an unbeatable opponent...

Alfred took his place. At that moment, there is a golden light. The face-to-face Lester remembered the monsters who had fought the pressure in the past. He combines talent and credentials that lead him to them and beyond them. But that wasn't the time yet.

It's still early. It's still immature.

Still, Lester didn't have the option to loosen the spear. That's the last thing I want to see about how far I can wing my life. Even if it's the first battlefield.

One of the most powerful and supreme pokes. Eagles dance. With a big storm on his back, the spear attracted the ultimate acceleration, flying.

The pinnacle of everyone's envy. Superb to even wear a golden glow.

Certainty was in its hands before it was released. Even after you let it go, it doesn't change.


Cress and the third parties did see it. Alfred dared to stay with the opposite hand to Lester's thrust, and the broken sword was the fastest revolution because of its shortness. I managed to catch up with Pearl's spear, and I just pressed its destructive power forward.

"Gu, no"

The poke pierced Alfred's body. Stopping Lester's spear was still something Alfred couldn't do. And when they saw it, the awe-inspiring men clouded their faces a little. No miracles happened. That's just it.

But those disappointments cover up between moments.


The moment he was pierced, no, Alfred was moving out before that. A sword that I don't even know whose thing I gripped with my arms. Pull it out as fast as you can.

"You pull through..."

Lester pulls through the spear at super-speed. And then I'm gonna poke you.

"I'm faster than poking!

Alfred's sword cut off the eagle faster than he could take it.

A matching letter floated for a moment behind Lester's brain. But look at Alfred's expression. That delusion disappears with dew. He turned down the meat to win. I'm not stupid enough to choose life for life, though. You can see it in your own eyes when you've already given up your life. The flame of life in his eyes.

"I win!

There is an obsession with victory that shines in Alfred's eyes proclaiming victory in high spirits.

"Phew, same face, I'm sweet stuffed"

Lester falling apart. Now the genius hawk of misfortune has fallen to earth. Winged with a full body spirit, he regained pride at the end, and scattered.

"You're not going to die, are you?"


Lester smiled at Alfred's answer. Its face was full of fullness, and it also seemed somewhere remorseful, and it slowly went straight to the sea of blood,

"Thank you for everything."

I lay quietly. The eagle won't fly again.

"Goodbye Lester von Falke. You were very, very strong."

Alfred bows his head to the falling eagle for a few seconds. Boy with his head up, eyes like looking for something. Its eyes captured a point, and just a little, just a little bit, the grin of the earth floated.

"Next, I'd like to ask you a few questions."

spilling blood tide. Alfred still said he was going to do it while holding it down. There was just one girl walking out calmly, roughly around stunned.

The boy was in trouble. There was an unbeatable opponent, who offered his body and managed to match it, slightly re-orbiting it with a broken sword because he knew the structure of his body, and managed to pass through a gap in his belly, gut. Hard wins are also hard wins. If people see it, they may not see it as a win.

Either way, there would not have been this victory had it not been for the factor to say her.

The only thing that made this choice...

"It hurts, but be patient. I don't have time to preach."

Because there was a girl named Yelena Keel.

One doctor apprentice took off his bird-headed temper mask and stepped down on the battlefield. Large luggage has numerous medical tools. Experience gained in the form of the help of my father, knowledge inherited from famous doctors who say Yulan, and achievements on the ground gained so far here.

This is where her battlefield begins.

"... Bird-headed lady, aren't you so beautiful"

"What are you talking about? Beautiful from the start, she is."

"You think blind people see the truth better? I've seen it."

Yelena's movements will not stop, even while Skoll and Orpheus are in conversation. A tightly packed small box was removed from the huge backpack, as well as a container of glass with a finely crafted liquid. Save it for her, the medical tools Yulan used when she was in Marcia.

The unwrapped box is also wrapped with exquisite needles and extremely fine threads. That yarn, the fineness of the needle, and then a smooth dish, which the beholder would be stunned to see. It was an expensive bespoke product that could only be used by a very limited number of people even in the medical giant Marcia.

"It hurts, but be patient"

Wash your hands with the liquid in the glass container, gently touch the wound and pass your eyes inside in a quick motion. Avoiding bones, wounds passing between the lungs, stomach and liver were things I would have liked to call miracles if I were a doctor. There is almost no damage to the gut, and the blood vessels avoid big ones. It would be for this reason that so few wounds cause less bleeding.

"Exactly. It's through the good. The treatment details are a little thick. The blood vessels are damaged two or three times, so it connects there. Then sew your stomach. That's it."

"Yeah, I'll leave it to you"

"Leave it to me."

From the backpack, remove the decorated boxes, which seem once more expensive, from which the medical blades are removed. Thin, delicate blades represent nothing to fight for. To cure people, tools to cut people. Doctors, surgeons who hang up people who still can't be described as populists to the world.

In Marcia it has been emerging for the last hundred years or so, but now it is a force that bisects the medical world.

"Dad, Mom, give me strength"

Liquid in glass, distilled liquor for medical purposes, aquavite. Born in Marcia. So applied to the affected area and blade, Yelena cut her belly to ensure her vision without hesitation. Alfred, who is also a cranker with splashes of blood, doesn't leave it slightly moving with a smile.

"Hey, I'm hungry, lady!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Are you insane? No, it's sane. On top of this."

Stay strong and secure sight. Early work from there was enough for even the samurai to breathe. Soon the ultra-fine needle, which had been threaded, was pierced in the back of the affected area, into the blood vessel, which was a major factor in this bleeding, and the thread was shown twice, through the blood vessel. Quickly, and accurately. If you make a mistake, the bleeding increases, and Yelena finishes the process, which also leads to the cause of death, in just about ten seconds.

If you are a medical practitioner, you are in a business where fear runs.

Three or three times it damaged the blood vessels slightly and blood erupted all at once, but I did a brilliant recovery in the bloodshed and put it away. Even in the meantime, Alfred's smile never breaks. A little tough relationship to call trust. The blood spill subsided a little. Successful surgery was rarely even attempted in this age of soaking aquavite in a clean cloth, sweeping away the affected area again, and sewing blood vessels. At this point, surgery is 80% successful.

However, the amateur looked like hell from here on out.

"Beautiful wound, but I want to avoid any pus or infection at all... hang up"

"Leave it to me."

Softly, cut the meat in a way along the abyss of the wound. After cutting it off, the perimeter was staggering when I saw the pieces of meat I had thrown away and understood the situation. Some vomited on the spot.

"Sounds painful. I don't like you, Xena."

I don't vomit, but Xena was distorting my face.

Clean both ends and sew quickly. The yarn was not a special one earlier, it was only a yarn of normal specification. Stronger than delicate for strong, disappointing stitching, tightened up a lot, done.

I did the same procedure behind my back and sewed it up and finished. At the end of the day, wipe it up with a clean cloth and roll it with another cloth so as to gently compress the affected area, and Yelena glances into Alfred's eyes. It was only for a moment that my gaze got tangled. That's enough.

Alfred corrected his posture and looked around. And lay down your sword.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we continue?"

No longer did anyone utter a word.

It's not strange to die. I get hurt, they cut my body off without changing one expression, and I say I can still fight. Gold filled the world with light. Everything in the world can be repainted with gold. I didn't need words. To take that attitude - there was no question.

At the same time, the survivors of Dawn End were kneeling and drooling their heads. Low, low, as a tribute to my king. It's not just Dawn End. Some of the El Touré did the same thing. There, there was no stray.

Ivan, who was the central figure, was one of them.

Cress, Toto Eving was also breaking his knee again. A boy far younger than himself gave the same thing as his former defeat. In his own words, what can I do to him that hath carried his name, his name, that hath saved him that he could not save with his sword?

He carried with him what he had to do and what he had to carry. Then at least you should be a force in that path yourself. Let's use the rest of his life to support his path forward. That's the last job I could do to myself that once was sweet to the gentle king who said Ernst and couldn't stop him from freaking out.

"... excuse me, my lord general. I almost lowered my head by accident."

"Don't worry. I sucked too. This air, seriously, yah."

Neither the Valhall momentum, the Estado momentum, nor either of them succumbed to their knees, but still could not wipe this air, the feeling that this place was dominated by only one boy.

The king's mind fills the occasion. The stars were about to rise to heaven.

"Our king. We lost our way around. Could you show us the way, when the path has been closed and we have not felt comfortable choosing to die ourselves, and we have even survived in this dead place?"

Warriors who silently endorse Eving's words.

Alfred smiled when he saw it.

"It would be good. I will be your king. However, it is not free. Three years, three years, you throw away your swords, whatever means you can, let them survive. Only those who can do it, three years from now, will gather in this land in the graveyards of the warriors! Only then will it be a true dawn!

Night ends. The morning burn for them comes only three years later. People are not strong enough to endure the ordeal of uncertainty. But if the deadlines were even somewhat far apart, they would be bearable.

"I look forward to your struggle. And by then, I promise I'll be even stronger. Stronger than anyone, I swear I reign as a shining first-class star in this Laurencia. My name is Alfred von Arcadia. It is a king!

"Wow, wow!"

Joy like an anger overwhelms the world.

"... how will it be done, General"

"Try your hand here. You're going to fight something worse than a soldier who's ready to die."

Fantasy for the King. He turns the weak, who cannot live without leaning in, into the most powerful soldier that a pillar called the King calls a fanatic. The problem is saying they are strong fighters even without it. That's where fanaticism comes in. Even the former soldiers of Saint Lawrence were there with a glowing fear.

"You don't need a hand. If you suck, you lose."

"If you leave here, you won't get any Estado."

"Still no. In the first place, is Klavileno neat enough to fight?

"... hey"

Problems before fighting. Even our allies are swallowed by this air. If we fight now, we have tragic consequences ahead of us. There was no fool enough to fight a priceless battle against the King of Gold and a fanatical warrior.

"Come on, let's break up today. Everybody's fine. The useless battle is over."

unspoken pressure directed at both factions. There is no other way but to snort. I still can't see the bottom of this king. I can't measure how risky it is when I use him as my enemy. My heart also said that we can't fight in this situation, but we should crush it here as much as that.

He gets bigger. More than a giant star that had divided the continent by three minutes, it was about to produce a bigger star than ever before than the white king who had conquered the continent.

"There seems to be no objection. See you later."

Alfred walks out alone. Yelena walks a little behind it.

"... I'll see you when I'm on edge again, Prince"

"I'm sure you'll see him. We're going down the road together, 'cause I feel like it."

Black Star leaves the scene with a bitter grin. Drag Raul.


"Why? Bye. Don't let him get away with it until he pukes up where the old master is."

"Huh, huh, huh, yeah!

There was no one left to stop Raul as he was drawn.

Alfred glances at Skoll, meets him gently and walks straight past him. I won't ignore it, but it's not even enough to stop. I thought they said that.

"... Fenris, your greatest enemy is here."

I'm not good enough on my own. Something didn't seem to arrive.

"Hey, it's a good day, but come visit me at Estado"

Xena was the only one who got stuck before that. Still staring up at Alfred's eyes, showing his garlic and teeth and smiling, gently clearing the way.

"Yeah, I'll stop by soon. Let's play together then."

"Eh heh. Looking forward to it. I'm Xena. Zena Sid Campeador."

"It's Alfred von Arcadia. Nice to meet you."

Xena's intentions were well conveyed. I didn't even have a 'play' opponent in my generation. A little below to say the same generation, but I'm sure he won't break 'play' either. It could rather be broken.

I desperately suppress that excitement and the feeling that it is going to strike me now.

(Good luck, Xena! Because if it were now, it would break)

The end of full-blown creation. He's going to be blinded by his lack of bottom line, but he's way beyond his limits. Standing with strength. I'm just squeezing my dying force to make room. Xena found that out. All right, it's troublesome when people use a group, and if it's a personal battle, it's drawing a line with easy victory.

"... nothing, I still don't mind"

"... haha, I knew you, funny!

Alfred foresaw the idea. Is it Bluff or are you confident that you have dared to set me up? Xena also gets lost. Zena's loss at the time it was born. She feels herself behind. That's why I'm looking forward to it.

There's a day for a full glimpse of the bottom of it.

Look forward to our next encounter.

"You're not going?

"I'm away now. That much discernment. He will surely only show her weakness. If I were here, I wouldn't be resting for long."

"... is that bad?"

"At the time we showed up on this occasion in the first place, he should also have been in a hard state standing. It was filled with terrible sounds inside. Still, it's harder to find normal sounds because of all the discord"

"I was overwhelmed by that."

"Yeah, right. Quite, I'm angry. To myself."

"Ma'am. Hot blood isn't a gala... why don't you get a little serious?"

Two backs leaving. Gravity that is certainly sprouting there. How many people on that back will dream? Whether that's the right dream, or the bad dream, it's the thing that says the strong pull undeniably, either way.

Identify and, in some cases, stop. Because that giant vessel is bound to affect even its own world. That's why we need strength. The power to blame.

I vow to be strong, and the strong strive for height.

"... I'm almost there where no one's seen me, good luck"

"Thank you Yelena. But I still have to walk. I'm in the mood to cry a little bit out of everyone's sight. It hurts all over my body, and I almost screamed over and over during surgery, and anyway, I'm tired. I want to get some rest. Knee pillow, I like you."

"Okay. I'll do it for you."

"Thanks, I'm glad you know how weak I am"

A world just for two. Only the two of us know. The day I cried in despair, the day when hope bloomed, and it was once again anointed with despair. All over the mud. In this corner of the world, I searched my way crazy to death. It's good to have that company with her.

Really, Alfred thinks it's good.