Tower of Karma

Kingdom of Passion: Zeno and Alfred I

Xeno invites Alfred with a nagging laugh.

Zeno's castle will not collapse again and again. Just get half-hearted and set up a shield and many of the options will crumble. It tries to pull out the gap by dividing it up and down, turning left and right, etc., but it is easily deactivated with one simple foot.

"Look, what's up? What's up?

"... I don't think so."

I don't do anything difficult. Simply sealing off the opponent creates room. The leeway creates time for attack, resulting in efficient battle turns.


Alfred shows his tricky sword trying to break that simplicity. The moment it hits, I force it to change its orbit and scowl where it hits.

"Hmm, sweet sweet"

The problem is this Zeno, it does the hard stuff, too. Tilt the shield gently, modifying the sword's orbit in reverse so that it slips, and sealing off the opponent's attack with little force.

"And I'm salty."

A sharp blade extending from the gap in the shield.

High quality offense, that's Zeno's taste.


In the end, the attack didn't go through and he was attacked in reverse and retreated. That repetition.

"Now, I'm going with my strength!

"It's blue to declare, Young Bowie!

Zeno laughing fun. Alfred couldn't help but laugh.

"Little birdie, uh"


Xena pokes a spoon out at Yelena. Eating there puffy, Yelena was chewing with a happy look. Next, Yelena offers a spoon and Xena opens her mouth.

"Back off a little longer"


"A little more"


"Yes, please."

"Hey Hii!

Xena full of happiness. By the way, all this sweetener is made by Xena.

"Hmm, it would be great to feed a little birdie."

"Really? I don't care who you eat with. I think the flavors go hand in hand."

"Well, I think Xena has the best meal to eat with anyone she likes."

Fu Yelena leaks her words as she continues to feed herself together.

"Are you glad you didn't go to Al's?

"I wanted to go -!

On the desk - Xena lying still. It seems very regrettable.

"But Kike stopped me. No one should be disturbed. It's an important time for both of you because Al can share what you can't understand. So... Kike is scared when you get mad."

"That's a big one."

"I've been eating more rice than Xena for a long time, 'cause Kike was the only one."

"I think I'll eat a lot too"

"You shouldn't eat little birds. You're not gonna be cute!


There is no glimpse of the majesty of Campeador as he cuddles and cheeks at Yelena.

Shards too.

How many times had Alfred and Xeno combined their swords and had a late breakfast over the original.

"This is delicious."

"It's called a man's dish. Love, courage, and a little sweat."

"... my appetite disappeared at once"

"Nach, joke, joke"

Alfred, who is totally used to rice. Zeno, I'm going to pack your handmade man rice into hunger. I wonder why boys like brown stuff, fu boy thought.

Blue skies on the red earth, the best situation.

"Two wins, one defeat, the will of the elderly won."

"I have a strong impression you made me win not a single win. It's a combination of sword and shield, orthodox, but you don't look surprised, do you? It was really hard."

"Well, there's an epidemic on the battlefield. It is heavy to carry with everyday use and it is also difficult to get one hand blocked. The White Knight preferred the battle of letting weak soldiers hold bows and crossbows to the battle of letting them hold shields. His followers likewise emphasized range and aggression."

"Is that the epidemic of recent years?"

"It will. Regardless of the big shield for bow removal and dense formation in siege warfare, a shield that can be carried like me is out of the flow. That's why it's so hard. When you get familiar with little shields, it's the only moves you can make."

"If you're in action, you can kill them before you let them take precautions."

"I am. But your father was different. After stumbling on efficiency, they arrived at the elusive conclusion that it was more efficient to prevent it with a shield than with a sword. Don't try to trace your thoughts. Seeks reason from others, but 'Iron' is a genius himself"

"Are you Mr. Zeno's father? Had he been alive, would the current force map have changed?

"Well, I respect your father, but he probably hasn't changed."

Xeno looks up to heaven with a bitter smile.

"People always look for the best. There was no more stuff to gain from the war before the final war. The technology now available was exhausted and the tactics used were dug up. No matter, not all, not all, but great transformation, no progress. So people chose the next era."

"No War, Age of Peace"

"Technically, the war is going on just because the way it's done has changed. Because with economic activity, people can be killed with money. It's like solving a theory to a boy."

I was the first sin to float behind Alfred's brain.

"... you're familiar with distant exotic circumstances"

"He is the first prince of the reigning Arcadia. Every country does a lot of research. This is it in Estado, far away. Neighbors won't be the ratio."

"... I'll remember the liver"

"Damn, we should definitely do that"

Zeno and Alfred fall asleep looking out at the sky after the meal.

"Was I strong?

"Of course it is. I'm losing."

"But there wouldn't have been a rush, would there? With a little more experience, I could win, because I could afford it. I wasn't as impotent as I was when I was kicking ass. The feeling is right. I myself have given up on that path. I couldn't get better weather than I thought I could grab the heavens with a martial arts"

Zeno reaches out to heaven. The light shined through the gap between my fingers.

"Kike, Xena, above all, whoo-hoo, I was proud to snap my nose pillar, my good enemy, Claude Lewis, is. Rare sense of smell, vitality, even added spear technology there. Far away from now, if you were a general, you'd be a little bit of an enemy."

Zeno's distant eyes. Claude, who admired me like my brother, also always looked at me like this when I heard about 'that war'. It was a fierce war. A bloody, bi-national war of prestige. But they don't try to talk much.

Nedeluxe lost Marsus. Estaard lost whoever took it.

"But more than that, more than anything, seeing those three stars optimized for the battlefield, I thought I couldn't win. Three new giants who ate old giants, to their brilliance"

Xeno narrows his eyes in dazzle.

"Look, that final war, there were plenty of people who would shoulder them if they were individual abilities. There was also the possibility that it was beyond. 'Heavenly Lion' missed the opportunity to prove it." The Ghost of Grevillius "actually survived engaging the Black Wolf and left the goddess of war. And best for me..."

"The ghost of Grevillius, is it? I've never heard that before."

"Mm, oh, don't you say it in other countries? He was called Sven Erik Grevilius, the King of the Historic Kingdom of Grevilius and the Prestigious King. Because a lot of people were alike, the ghost is called in this country. Dino, who was the pillar of the martial arts, was also discussed. It was way off the record. This name is an abomination to everyone, and the first generation didn't want to touch it. Nobody knows. Why, then, did the 'Fierce Sun' attack the land?"

Various pieces of information were flying in Alfred's brain. Monsters crossed with black wolves and goddesses of war. Alfred didn't know there was such a person. And if that information is true, there is only one such person. The man is similar to the king of the diaspora, he says.

"Maybe he was afraid of the prince of that country. I heard from the old men that King Sven's son was a talented son. He was training with five or six adults, so I'm pretty sure he was a prodigy."

"Were you afraid of a young child when the sun was fierce?

"He might have rather asked for it. But when I thought of a country called Estado, I couldn't afford this once country enough to see the birth of monsters beyond themselves in that position. I wouldn't be surprised if the country had been near Nedeluxe and decided to crush the buds. No, I would, too."

"What was the prince's name, by the way?

"I think it was Kai El Erik Grevilius. What, do you have any idea?

"No, it's just, hey..."

Alfred's confusion is extreme. I'm not sure yet. His name is similar, he's very strong, and he certainly wasn't much, but he remembers being kicked in by his daughter, Mira, or farting while stroking her insensitive beard, and his thoughts shake.

"Whoa, that's so out of line. You'll be surprised, while I do. Heavenly lion, ghost, and another, second generation sword saint, is. Perhaps the man with the highest kill score in the final war is him. In every phase, he was inorganically slashing enemies in front of him. Just one person, silently, like he was the only one in another dimension, which is why I could ignore him on the battlefield."

During his retreat, Zeno remembers and trembles at that figure completed as one sword.

"There are many other powerful people. But only three of them were in there and moving the battlefield. Black and red, and white. It doesn't matter how strong the force is or how much you were losing. The way they walked was absolute. No tactics, no shit. If Apollonia speaks up, all allies will be made strong knights, and if Wolf takes the lead, they will all be wolves. Arcadia was clever, always standing around to take advantage in tactics. That's Taylor's Childrens, the White Knight Mockingjay. Still, it doesn't stop."

"... existence beyond tactics, not fit for reason"

"Yes. Optimized for the battlefield, they were transcending as those who led the herd. And it was the transcendents who crushed it. If it was on the biggest battlefield in history and it was practically all three of us who were moving it, it wouldn't be impossible to break my young heart to be anything but monsters. By the time I admired those two and awed the last one -"

The last three born of the world of war. Zeno saw the finished shape. And broken.

Therefore Zeno is now exploring. The path you should take.

Zeno's hand grabbed the void in the bright, downpouring sun.