Tower of Karma

Dawn Nederks: Hidden

Alfred and Ivan were exiting Nederdam and pointing the needle north.

The speed of Horse Lover Will II glows. The minimal appearance of the load has separated Ivan and the others several times. He was enjoying his usual journey.

I think Alfred is going to try to get you less baggage next time.

How to convince Yelena, who loves to prepare, is a source of concern.

"That's a good horse."

"Haha. Was it a good thing the original owner raised them?"

"Mine was confident in my legs, too, but I didn't know I was going to pull my leg"

"It's okay. The Duke of Marlten is quite a crook, so he'll buy you about the time to go back and forth. Well, the limit would be to hit two or three candidates."

"... God's Spear Learning Hall. Is it really there?

"I'm here to make sure of that. For the Duke of Marten and Mr. Rudolph, I'm sure he'd appreciate it if it was a drug-smelling scene, like mass producing demons like Ferrante. Now, what's hidden behind it?"

"If the material to dispel is hidden, it will be a weapon to reclaim the king,"

"Yeah. I just don't think I'm that simple, though."

Alfred looks at Kunlat, who once visited Arkas on an outing. I saw "Beauty" at a young age, although I was playing the clown. Marten is the same again, short tempered and dignified, but still has' beauty '.

Then can we say all that there is no 'it' in existence that confronts it?

"I didn't know you were a first candidate and a hit"

Through Marcia's side, further north in the hills.

It was in the corner.

"Frozen soil survey group, a small village that is its hub of activity. That's really funny. Garias is multiplexed, Estado is straight north and south, and Nederks seems to be cracking tomorrow and yesterday, looking like he's in, really, straight everywhere."

It was the first to be guessed because he was the one who used the least amount of praise, but still ran straight and straight through the shortest. That should be it too, its hiding place is never dark behind it. Except for the fact that most of the inhabitants were blonde and had many young people, it was a normal village.

There's a field, and there's livestock. The elders whose children took care of the chickens and went out on horseback to hunt distribute the deliveries to everyone.

There was a normal village there. I had a normal business.

There's only one thing...

"Type Auditorium, Beginning"

Except that most residents use spears of tremendous skill.

"... of God, Spear"

Ivan is wary. To those who make such difficult moves without difficulty. shape so they could do it, they were loosely beyond that dimension. The spear is an extension of the arm, gently gripping like a cotton, and the knee is like a cloud. The level of foundation is too different.

The perception of the spear is different.

Vitality felt on Claude as well. Obsession with spears, especially those that glimpse the younger generations.

"That's great. What's so great about them? They're the teachers that didn't arrive, the caregivers, the adults. I understand and carefully teach you what you couldn't do, what you didn't get. Really polite. I can tell from a distance. There's no compromise."

"... they're all monsters"

"No, I'm not, Ivan. It's not a monster. It's great that they've gotten this far. Worthy of admiration. The obsession of those who made this place, and their obsession to connect it, their young calories, their extremely high motivation and their will of iron to embody ideals. It's the first time I've been there. It's too beautiful, dazzling, straight."

Seeing what Alfred looks like, Ivan gets scared. A monster fascinated by beauty. He is also ideal for a beautiful herd like this one. But he knows. This is a closed beauty, a fantasy that exists because it's a world like that of the North.

Still, respect for those who created it only grows.

"Lord Callis will be delighted. You're young, but you look good."

A third party voice suddenly heard from behind.

Alfred and Ivan looked back at the weapon immediately.

"Don't move, young talent. Don't let me do the treadmill."

A spear was stuck in front of Alfred's eyes before he set it up. There was too much distance and spear reach when the voice was heard. Did you dare speak up with a voice you held down to crush the distance, or was the spear overtaken by recognition because it was too fast?

"... what are you going to do with us?

"Huh, that would be a stupid question"

The spear moves out. Alfred's eyes were opened.

"Why did this happen?



"... give it up, Mr. Ivan. I can't help it."

"No, but-"

"Private language strictly prohibited"

Old spears slap their spears to the ground numbingly. Bitter Ivan. Alfred was waving his spear carelessly.

"Hmm, amateur but muscular. Have you ever touched a spear?

"I touched it a little bit, big teacher."

"It's a big deal. Compared to that, Ivan Bruschik, what is your spear? The weakness of the heart is clear to the spear. Kids, make him a bad point."

"To the left. Wow."

"Overall, it's too far to the right."

"The reverse stance is hectic. It stands out for its beautiful stance."

"... gu, gu"

"Scrape down the bad for nothing. As a result, the products of the remaining compromises will always remain crude"

The spear of a man called the Great Teacher stretches from outside the consciousness of the genius Ivan, who holds the spear. The speed range exceeds Ivan's spear, which is called flashing lightning.

"There is no shortcut to the spear. The fastest."

The pressure of the man bars Ivan and the others. Too much real imminent killing to gain in this village. Even Alfred, who was so focused, stopped his hand.

"Don't stop. Where's the fool who stops his hand on the battlefield like he's under enemy pressure?

Why are there so many monsters in such a corner of the world?

"It's an unusual weight move. Where'd you learn that?

"... it's our style"

"It's a bigger one. So wasted. I only think of Wu as a tool. It's the same eye as' The Man '. Too much obsession, with so much talent."

"Do you need it? The obsession."

"Extremely far away, that becomes my color.... No, forget this."

An eye that sees everything. For a moment there, Alfred did not miss that confusion had arisen. But I don't have enough information to figure out what that means.

I can't come up with a ceremony.

"... 'Huang Yi', no way, that's what happened"

Ivan sensed something elsewhere about Alfred like that.

"Let's get the kids started. Graduates, too. I'll see you today."

"The big teacher!?


"Ordinary mind Ordinary mind. Thank you, two travelers. It's going to be a good day."

"Spear, I'll tell you. 'Cause it sounds like a weird habit."

"Duh, thanks."

"Haha, okay, let it all go for now, God's spear, I'll figure it out -"

"Good hegemony. Learn greedy. It is always open to our spears, to things we are willing to learn. However, no compromise will be allowed to be brought in. Let me be more thorough than I teach."

The air tightens just as the old man, called the Great Teacher, stands in front.

"God dwells in detail. Remember the liver."

And the uncompromising time began with the man's decree.

"Gu. It's super hard. I'm gonna be moving my body perfectly."

"... Lord Alfred is fine. I was a real piece of shit."

"Haha, I think that's a habit or a personality. In their reasoning, it's a compromise, I guess it's a vice to be corrected. I'm surprised they're all hands and feet."

"No, it's a bad habit. I had no choice but to cut it off because my left hand was blunt, and that's the same reason I fixed my stance."

"One or the other alone will make the application less advantageous,? My ears don't hurt."

"Really, it's all true, it's tough."

"Really? Not good if there's room for improvement? All you have to do is fix it, okay?

Alfred's words stab Ivan. He easily calls it an improvement. In fact, he pointed out from everyone that he was improving all of it for his next move. Its swallowing speed was enough to peel even their eyes, the masters.

'It's really similar. To that man.'

They also noticed a faint increase in the pressure on the big teacher after seeing that body control, but did not have the courage to point it out. I was scared.

"And that's Nedeluxe. It's a treasure trove of talent. The other adults are former students, works by the Marquis Callis. Is the elderly an early type? But apart from that guy. It's gray-haired but obviously not blonde blue-eyed. Who is it?

"I'm not sure... one person, I have an idea. Impossible story."

"Let me hear it, Ivan"

"..." Huang Yi "Dear Orifiel. He's a genius and a nobleman."

"In my memory, all three nobles were on the battlefield before the generation of Mr. Marsus."

"Yes, he's been killed in battle. On record. But Marquis Callis is a military doctor. Even a few years after Master Cukrein's death, he was on the battlefield. Three nobles in that period, a figure similar to the paintings left behind. Genius of premature death," Huang Yi "floats. He is also famous for bringing his own personal colour, 'Huang', into his own army, a samurai who crossed with a comparable talent and campeador to the deputy general of 'Double Black'. And it was the shortest, shortest tenure."

"Well, the Three Kings aren't red, white, or black."

"Is that where I'm concerned? Yeah, 'White' has never been interrupted once since its birth due to the influence of White Tiger, White God and White Immortal, and 'Red' has a long history because it has a master 'Red Spear' at dawn. Still several interruptions. There should have been only about one person before 'double black' leading up to 'black'. In the first place, the oldest army is' blue ', the color of the Nederks army. Well, it's been fixed these days, imitating the Golden Generation."


"I don't think that's where you should be interested right now."

"Haha, I'm sorry. So, what's the cause of 'Huang Yiu' 's death?

Ivan answers Alfred's question.

"I stepped into St. Lawrence and scattered the hero king forward. No, they thought it was scattered, right? This will be a weapon. With a clear act of treachery towards the state..."

Before I finish...

"You can't hit treachery. I lost to 'The Man' and was fatally wounded as a warrior. Without Lord Callis, he would have died, and even if he had lived forever, he would still have had sequelae. The damaged gut does not fully recover and the body cannot tolerate prolonged combat behavior. Dead, proud fool, 'Huang Yi' is Saint Lawrence, in the realm of that man."

Great Doctor, 'Huang Yi' Orifiel pokes clear no.

The rhetoric was mild, but the man blamed himself so much that his whole body screamed. The remnants of the golden generation, forced to reclaim them, accelerated the collapse even further. To restore the god of the living from the land and from the king of heroes.

Reached into unreachable heaven and fell.

"You misunderstand Lord Callis. He was a doctor and served as a military doctor, and he himself saw the end of the Golden Age as a first-class spear. You gave me a second path, and you created this village, all for patriotism. I have no personal feelings. He's the one who gave his whole life for Nederks. Young men, I want you to understand."

"How do you explain the Ferrante thing?

"The product of the result of Marcia's people running into stupidity, calling us help, without understanding us. I pick it up and try to control it somehow, but it doesn't come true either"

"No. That's why I'm letting you attack the blonde blue-eyed folk grass."

"I can't convince you of the small things before it matters. Still have enemies. Gather hatred and earn everyone's trust by arguing for a new neck."

"How many people are convinced of that step?

"We are at war in a world without war, young idealist. If there was a war, I would have climbed down with a positive attack. I raised a god who could do that. But there is no war in this world."

"That's why I sparked it."

"That's right. Bitter decisions for us there too. There will be reason to be blamed. But there's no point in teaching that to folk grass. By now, we'll be together when we're done with the plan. You know what I mean? If my neck just swayed, Nedeluxe wouldn't be the only one."

"The world, too, shakes"

"Once it burns, it's something called flames that stand up until it burns out. Do you want to try to burn it? The world in your hands. Yes, Your Majesty."

There is one way forward as long as we want the stability of the world beyond what has been planned. Therefore Orifiel, this village, did not put them to rest, and did not restrain them, and even dealt with them with the politeness of teaching spears. We are no longer enemies to them.

Well, if you have a plan...

(Recognition,? Thanks to the Duke of Marlten, we're alive.)

But if they understand that it's not reached, everything flips.

While you're not the enemy.

I got the information. Alfred didn't ask for weapons. I just wanted to know everything. Know, and determine the answers they give.

I've got all the information. Alfred concludes objectively.

(If it's without emotion theory, either is fine, I guess. A little easier)

If you roll around poorly, it won't affect the big picture. Ultimately, we'll be talking about likes and dislikes. Then its location is not in the interlocutory realm of outsiders.

"You should rest today. Let us hope, young man, that tomorrow, as friends, we can turn in the same direction and walk at the same speed. I'm sure it'll be a good tomorrow."

This man believed. that the golden dawn will come.

That it is for Nedeluxe.

He's a patriot again, too. Love for the nation now makes him hold the spear without any personal interest.