Tower of Karma

Dawn Nederks: Obsession with Victory

Alfred von Arcadia is a genius. It is no exaggeration to say that it combines about everything a person might want except the low ceiling of the flesh. That's the only thing that makes him think he's human.

A spear that combines tremendous speed and power. Let's just...

(This kid is prefetching my spear. I understood with a few hands that I know the spear, but it is obviously faster to read than I should have been extreme,)

Alfred recieves it. The iron cage hand, the already black coat, is in a state of ripping and ripping out by the bumps, but it was a robust protection anyway. It is thick enough to be worn on the arm and unobstructed, and not hard enough to receive God's spear from the front.

Therefore he distracts and plays. Keep doing it extremely precisely.

"What do you see in your eyes!?

"... I'm just desperate!

Sense the wounded man step in and take half a step back. Keep up the time. Alfred keeps forming the most powerful spot in between spears. Dead line, stand on it and loosen slightly, but not in the place of instant death. Iron spiritual strength, the body balance that responds to it.

In everything, Alfred read as quickly as his father, because he was familiar with the human body. Read meat happening before moves happen. of the bone, untie the drive of the joints, hear the ligament stiffness and predict the next behavior.

Its eyes are far shallower than those of a lion, not far from his moment, but if the beginnings precede, the results can be made alike.

The magic my father inflicted on the samurai of Galias. Now Alfred was inflicting on those who lived in battle as well. He would look like a monster with lion-like eyes. The truth is, no, this parent says he just knows.

"My spear, why, like this!

Because that unconsciousness is the genius. Even Callis, a heavy town in the medical profession, opened his flesh to the children and did not attempt to teach them its contents. You wouldn't even think that would be the fattening of a martial arts. Wu is Wu, the doctor is a doctor. Normally I don't mix. It doesn't mix.

"Huh, huh, huh"

Knowledge has no boundaries. The son of a man who grabbed heaven in wisdom saw his father's back and understood it naturally. It is therefore growing fast. Even if the ceiling is set low, if you get to it sooner than anyone else and connect your knowledge from another field and delude it...

You can even fool the world.

In fact, Ivan didn't feel like he could break into this high-dimensional offense. That doesn't make a difference between Alfred and Ivan. We are only approaching the wounded man temporarily with all our ingenuity, and the strength of the martial arts would rather remain almost unchanged.

At least the two people in front of you can fool you.

"I'm the man who was Schauhausen!

The man's wound hurts. The days I thought I grabbed heaven. He was plucked away by his sister apprentice, who thought he had good muscles, and also by his apprentice, who often scolded him for the details being sweet because of the size of his body. Cliff, the last genius to show up the third non-clinging man smashed through.

Without stopping by, unqualified and carved wounds.

That's his only goal, and the only thing that got him anywhere is the man's...

"Beautiful spear."

"... of course! I'm..."

"You're not complimenting me, are you?

The offense Alfred showed. I've crossed the man's assumptions. But it was also a thankful attack for a man. Where I kept that distance and was having difficulty collapsing. It was hard for every kind of feint to pass, and only true to be played off.

That's how he attacked me.



It's not easy. Alfred's foot carriage comes packing the shortest distance to slip in. The fists released from its place are also fast. A fist punch that pokes the shortest with a fist vertical.

"-But God's spear is unshakable!

It is also compatible with zero distance and is the first spear of God.


Stick your fist up with the stone of the spear and kill the attack. Swirl the spear backwards with its momentum and take half a step back as you change your body. Build between and shoot through.

God's counter to kill the opponent I thought I poked the spear man's steeple.

The penetration of death runs. The man distorted the wound.

I win. I'm strong.

"That's a really beautiful spear. Beautiful enough to fall in love"

It was a beautiful counter, but there was a slight moment of loss of sight when switching bodies. Without missing his place, Alfred had built up his strength with his seismic legs and was releasing his fists at the spot he had predicted.

Speed, power, everything. You have to take a risk for an inferior boy to win. It is more than just being one to offer, life itself.

Give it to me and take the victory.

"But that's it"

It is the opposite hand that goes with the penetration of the absolute death. The iron cage hand was blowing up and his fist was shaking bones popping out on too many shocks. A grin that also attracted a servant Alfred.

"That's all. Then you can't win!

But Alfred won't stop. Before swaying in pain, Alfred struck down the hands of those safe with a spear pattern on them, faster than blood erupted. A grip loosened by the impact of the clash, forcing God to sway at the expense of one arm, which should not be swayed.

Such an attack, it did not exist in the dictionary of a wounded man.

If you shake it, you die. Don't let go of the spear on the battlefield until it's time to die. The man who made God's teachings stick and became the strongest for a time never actually dropped it at once.



I broke a gap and pierced a man whose flashing lightning and spears were gods. It should have been overwhelming. There was definitely a difference in power. So much so that two to one can't be established.

And yet...

"Hey, what?

The man asks. Because there was only one thing I didn't know.

"... God's spear is for perfection. Seeks perfection. Head, or heart, is the area where the opponent must be stopped. The head has a skull and is easy to move. If it was God's spear, I'd pull out a gap in the bone and aim for the heart, because I knew it."

Alfred was therefore releasing his fists in front of his heart. In advance, it was with certainty, as if I knew it was coming from the beginning.

This is what I would do if I were this man, if I were a man who would be faithful to God.

"... you know what?"

The man collapses. Ivan's spear was perfectly pierced through his heart.

No survival.

"For what, I am good, and I am not"

The man who went for Schauhausen, became Schauhausen, and was stripped of it. I lost everything and my life here again. There's nothing more.

Because I don't even have a spear in my hand.

"It was fast, powerful, and the moves were amazing. But I didn't have the strength. I saw a thirst for victory, an effort to become Schauhausen, but not an effort to win. Clever, but not strong, what a waste."

Alfred was doing a hand hemostasis while sweating. Fixing must also be rushed. If you eat up your teeth and restore them to normal and stiffen them, there will be obstacles in the future.

Alfred therefore pulls, pushes, frames and restores the bones of his fingers to their original shape as he bites his clothes. Awesome pain would be attacking him. The sight makes Ivan want to turn a blind eye.

"Gu, bu, gi no!

Zero blood falls from the edge of the mouth that bites.

"... Dear Alfred"

Ivan burns this sight in his eyes. Obsession with victory gave birth to Giant Killing. He should have seen the paintings to this point because he was smart. I went to win, prepared for it, which would restore and give first aid in pain.

Its strength dazzles Ivan. He has the thing he most lacks in himself. Even when he beats his Lester opponent, he bets fine on the critical he can't offer normally. I'll do it all the way to catch the victory.

This is also something I learned from my father's back. Both he and his father recognize themselves as ordinary people. Because the ceiling is low, naturally we think we're normal people, that's what we think. The idea that ordinary people reach for victory, that the price of their greed is not cheap. So I can cut myself off fine.

"What, for now, this is it, okay? And then, let's ask Yelena. If you faint, you'll clean it up. Let's go, Ivan."

It was too awesome a sight to call first aid, but over it Alfred laughs. He put on the mask of laughter, covering up the pain and hiding it.

"You're prepared to win."

"Heh, it's obvious. Everybody wants to win. Getting victory means taking victory away from others. Whatever the form, it's not cheap. Especially today, if there's a chance of a life exchange, an arm, and a relapse, I've made enough money."

I want to know more about its strength, to see it, to learn it.

Ivan's certainty became stronger after a death fight.

My own tomorrow will be in him, he said.