Tower of Karma

Olumpia: The Story of Weathering

Yelena, I didn't think that name alone would make it so easy to find people.

Three people who just run into each other. El Touré is proud of its new medical building. What I think of in front of the brand new architecture is that the girl who says Yelena, due to her unique fashion sense and appearance, the name was quite well known anyway.

Well, anyone would remember to hook up if they were dressed so oddly.

"... it's been a long time since you said goodbye."

"... amazing."

"... er, do we all go?

Nicolas and Charlotte silently follow Ehlis' suggestion. After we broke up, we searched for each of them and walked there without getting lost. By now, there will be a fierce battle on the big streets on the last day. There was this building away from such hustle and bustle.

"Beautiful facility. I'm spending money."

Nicola has a habit of accounting for anything gold.

"Um, is there someone named Yelena?

And Elise was amazingly behavioral when she moved out. Catch a staff member who will be a medical assistant lightly and start listening. The reaction was less fragrant than immediately after the start. Essentially, because I'm busy, I can't handle it.

"Doctors are busy."

"How much do I have to pay to see you?"

"... it's not very nice to say anything for money."

"There are no problems I've never been able to solve with money."

"No, Nicolas. I don't have any friends in that place!

"I'm telling the truth. Because the world today is moving in gold, in the economy"

Nicolas pierces the iron skin against Elise, who swells her cheeks. It was usually a retreating Nicolas, but only with regard to the golden circle, she would never try to retreat. I am intoxicated by the concept of money and do not feel worthy of money itself.

It was just a raw Taylor.

"Gold is blood. The economy is the bloodline. Circulation is the foundation of business"

A voice came from behind the three of them.

"As always, I'm relieved with Taylor. That's not what I call a merchant."

Turning around, there was a masked knight grinning bitterly with a troubled face that could be seen even over the mask.

"I didn't think the three of us were together. Shall we just move the place? Doctors here, not just her, have a lot to do. I don't care if they ruin it any more."

The power not to make you say yes or no.

This area has a far greater role to play than they understand. At least that's what Alfred thought. That is why we must not waste every minute and second that we consume with just one word or two. Factors to be wasted must be removed.

"Let's go."

Following Alfred's sudden appearance, they also leave the medical building. They never saw what battles were going on in this quiet building.

"- Must be a tough day. Except for so many powerful people, it would be a good time to avoid risks and hide yourself, and it's harder to find a cloth holder than the absolute number is decreasing. Well, we can do whatever we want."

"Oh, you avoided the risk, too?

"Hmm? I don't mean that. In the first place -"

"I finally found you, Cloth Holder!

- Because I'm that powerful.

Alfred literally kicks the warrior he's attacking and shows off his differences in character. The person you show off to is of course not the enemy you're rolling over right now.

"I didn't say it, but I'm strong."

The knight of the mask does not give a glimpse of his expression, and those who do not think ahead push at the impending limit. All of them with a touch of armor cuffs, an overwhelming difference in stature, and if you realize it, there was another tranquility lying around. Go straight inside like that.

A small high ground floating in the corner of Etna.

There were two graves and numerous stones lined up there.

"Here we are. This is the tomb of Mr. Apollonia for two heroes, the King and the Virgin. And many people died here, too. He said that the suicide, the hero, had passed away many times so that the support of his heart could not bear to lose the pillars. A land now banished as an abominable past. No, not yet. Are there those whose hearts remain dead?"

"I'm not here to talk to you like that."

"Nicolas, people have a role to play. To you, to me. This is also the trajectory of those who have failed to lead. No matter how great a person is, or someone with mountain merit, it makes no sense if they can't be connected next. That's the result."

Alfred smiled at them.

"Love is beautiful. It's honorable, and sparkling and beautiful. Personally, I like the story of St. Lawrence. I even think it's beautiful. The tables, even the back. But, you know, that doesn't change anything around. It only comes down to a senseless death. I can't let that happen."

It was the king's smile.

"That's a little something to talk about. Say what you want to say, yeah, I found my part, too. Whether you want it or not, because no one can play that role better than me. Maybe I'll have to play it."

For the stranger, that's the role everyone envies.

"What do you think you're gonna play?

For those who know, that's the worst part.

"I will be king."

The role of king.

"Did you go around the world and sprout even with ambition?

"Inverted Charlotte. I can't budge my ambition. The more we know about the world, the more incomplete, irrational, and full of grief. Bear that, who do you think wants to do it? That's why I have to do it. If I can compromise, give up, and put someone on the throne who can't even speak of ideals, I will be. That's all."

There was pain. There was grief. There were also lives that I could save. Some lives I couldn't save. I also saw a girl with only bones and skin devouring her parents' dead meat, lying on the side of the road. Sometimes I broke a girl dying without any help from an infectious disease. There was hunger. I had a disease. There was the strong, the weak.

"You think you can do that?

"I don't know. You still have to choose, don't you? Time is limited. At this moment, too, there are those who are dead, and as many children are born as they are. That's why I chose. He said he was going to be king and change this fucking world a little bit. I don't have time for this. And you have to go."

"Wait, Al. Is there anything I can do to help?

"Thank you, Elise. I have a role. I'm going to get it ready. But I don't have the answer you want. Unfortunately."

Alfred, the king, should be alone.

"I'm alone. Because the king should be lonely. No exceptions."

Straight forward, that gaze was not directed at any of them.

"The question is over. Thank you, all three. And goodbye."

Without any hesitation, Alfred went through beside the three. Even though the physical distance was very close, the mental distance was endlessly distant. I can't see my back anymore. I don't see the vision of standing next to you.

"Ma, wait. Not yet."

Even Elise's voice, it doesn't reach.

"Excuse me, sir."

Athena appeared before the three of them. Widen your cape wide and take away the sight of the three of you.

"Please wait. I'm going to pay you now."

Three people who don't know what they're talking about. However, it was somehow felt that there was disturbing air. But not a peek at the same time, instinct warns.

And before Alfred...

"Hey, darkest people from all over the country... in sightseeing, it doesn't look like it"


Silent, weaponized assassins.

"It's noisy. Well, okay. I'm not in a very good mood today, do you still want to do it?

One assassin throws a thousand copies before Alfred finishes. That's pretty fast, flying in at a speed that's even hard for normal people to see. But this man is the man who will be king. Alfred catches a few light pieces together and throws them back at the assassin in a flowing motion.

"... ugh!

Another life lost.

"Too bad. I'm so sorry."

That's what I say, I let my cape hang and clench my fist.

The battle began in a corner of the tournament, in an invisible place.