Tower of Karma

Olumpia: The Weak

"... what is the situation?

When Alfred returned to his companion's gathering quarters, there was a girl clinging to Kyle's head in infidelity and Mira, who saw it and revealed her frustration with fast poor slack, around which Dimyart and Rosetta grated.

Baldovino and Ivan, without my involvement, were interested in Strachez and Athena watched it. I just said the black star is missing.

I guess the others perceive the air and roll it out to each other and to the liquor store.

"Him, the princess, well, it's hard to say -"

"I'm just a little upset by the state guard's struggle."

"Oh, is that what you're saying? Sorry to bother you so much."

What Alfred wanted to hear was, one way or another, why the Kyles were here, but I guess they can't even afford to distract themselves with them.

Somehow the Aswan Nasser monster sits in front of him, and how he deserves to be distracted by the next queen.

I would be tired and I would have no choice.

"I greeted and freaked the other day. It's been a while, Mr. Kyle."

"Oh, how are you, Alfred?"

"Thanks to Mr. Kyle for working out, he's managed to do fine"

"Then it's good. And can you do something about this girl? I can't just pull it off."

"You can peel it. You can peel it. What are you gonna do with it?"

"Fair enough, Mira. I'll take care of it right away."

The question as to why he is here is once laid aside, and Alfred turns his eyes to the infidel girl.

Alfred knelt in front of the girl pointing that way.

"I'm back now, Your Majesty."


'You're worried about me. Today's opponent was very strong. It was difficult, it was strength. It wasn't even an easy deal to win if you gave it all.'

'Then you say you were stronger than that man?

'No, Aswan Nasser is special. That was an opponent who couldn't win with all his might. The first person to compete beyond himself. So far, no one is stronger than him.'

'If so, win. Don't make me look like I'm struggling. Today's appearance is not worthy of the National Guard'

"Yes, my lord."

"I wish I knew."

Did the girl get in a good mood or just open her hands to hugs and all. Alfred holding the girl respectfully. I just grab my clothes when the little girl's hand keeps letting go. Look at that and say, "Ah?" and Mira accelerating poor slack.

"... what does that daughter have to do with that, Mira's mother?

"Far away, far away, just to say that my ancestors share the same genealogy. Me and Mr. Kyle are similar races, but you're not born at all, are you? You can't associate them."

"Oh well. Well, Mira's mother, she didn't talk much about her parents, probably because she didn't hear anything or know anything. I was hoping you'd find out something."

"... knowledge doesn't make sense. Where her roots are and what ethnicity, where Kyle found out about it, and if she does nothing, it's still pointless."

"... what's up, Alfred? Much more..."

"Isn't it still more meaningful to follow Mr. Kyle's roots? Even for Mira."


Kyle's eyes opened wide. Stunning, Mira, her daughter in hindsight, also remembered another surprise not too small. It has been a tattered atmosphere since I was a child, my unwavering iron father no matter what, swayed, and that should have been about my mother's death.

"In Estado, the independence movement is now flourishing. With the unplanned invasion by the former Campeadors, we are gaining the opportunity to narrow the overspreading prints in vain while leaving the operation to us in the form of a country of belonging. In a certain region, there was a country that raised its hand independently. His name is."

"Stop it! Mira, we're leaving! My daughter gave it back! I'm already..."


A pompous Mira. Dimyart and Rosetta wander so far as to suddenly exasperate Kyle that he seems to faint. Still, the girl staring into Kyle's eyes snapped 'I see' small.

I may have found weakness, lurking in the strength of a monster.

"... Arc of Garnias"

"Yeah, he's just like my grandfather to me. And in my current capacity, I would be a real grandfather, and Warren Lewis knew your father. He didn't have any direct knowledge, but it was just a good rumor."

Lewis, Kyle's movements stiffen when he hears the name. Pretending not to look at it, Alfred continued his conversation.

"Above all, on my journey, I met and talked to the Grevillius people. They are waiting. All the time, return of the king to be listed. of Sven the Wise King-"

"Don't talk anymore. Where is the light-mouthed man!?

"I'm not here anymore. I killed him."

On Kyle's head, he runs scared as if cold water had been bathed. Frightening and peeking into Alfred's appearance. Once again, Kyle couldn't protect the look that floated there.

Just like my father, a pitiful grin. I slashed the sacrifices I needed and the things I knew and cherished, those eyes.

"They should be coming to the land too. I naturally participate in this festival because it counts as a single country, even though it belongs to one. If you're willing to see me, call me anytime. I'll bridge them with you."

"Fine. I'm going to crumble by myself."

"Everyone does. Each loved one is more important than a thousand others in red. That makes everyone have the same emotions. Slaves, nobles, even kings. One love is heavier than the other irrelevant"

"... then"

"That's why someone has to twist and bend it, but it has to be an exception. Abandon your love and turn your empty love to 10,000 people. Equal social mechanism, isn't that the king?

Kyle couldn't say anything. Whatever you say is going to be an excuse, whatever you say is going to get away with it, and instead of Alfred, whose son was equally adorable, he can't even look at his daughter.

All this time, the things that have escaped suddenly appear in front of me and erode Kyle.

"Some slaves are born, some royalties are born. It seems to me that I have a business that I have to carry at birth."

I was staring at Kyle's back leaving for a while, but Alfred lays his eyes down pitifully when he disappears at the end of the alley.

"Why are you so stuck? What's in it for you if he moves out?

Alfred answers Baldovino's question scratching his head.

"I wonder if it will help people change their consciousness. A king who knows heaven and earth, no matter how long he is. Besides, she's my dear friend. If you can erase the complex in her that she's been smoking with his actions, even the benefactor will kill me with words."

"Right. Sort of good. I'll fall tomorrow, but let me do all I can. Don't resent them, even if they're going to grow because of it."

"Of course. Isn't it me who imposed that role on you?"

"It wouldn't be a miracle if you weren't at some level. Bottom-up for performances, pawns for that, huh? I don't think it's necessary now."

"Right. Everyone was getting really strong. You won't win tomorrow."

Look at Alfred smiling,

"You're still a strange man."

Baldovino smiled with a tickle.

"I'm just a terrible man. Even today, for my own benefit, I say we drag the benefactor into the mud. Really, just terrible."

Alfred had a bitter grin. He chooses the wounds of a man who admired him like his father, and for a little bit of his own path, he does not compromise, even if only slightly.

In view of his demonic appearance, he still thought of his own path to laugh at, and Alfred was smiling at the king.

"Hey Dad. I didn't know that earlier, and I don't want to hear it because I don't think you want to, but just let me hear one. Mommy said," Make a friend, make one, take care of her, "and she said," I feel sorry for her. "I'm sure my mom had a friend who said that. Did Dad have any friends like that?

"... oh, I'm here. There he is, huh?"

"Same guy as your mom's friend?

"Oh, yes, I am."

"Did you take care of it?

"If I could, I would have answered a little more nicely."

"... Regret, do you?

"There's no day I won't. If I did this then, my life would just be like that. You're the only one who can tell me I made something out of my chest."

"Me too, I regret it. That I lost that day. That I was afraid to get out of Arkas, and that I took the option of waiting. Soon, he got stronger and he stopped letting me protect him, Dad."

Because I'm a parent and child, I'm weak enough to spill.

"I know. There's nothing more I can do. He's a prince, but I'm not. I also know my mom and dad were desperate to make my way. But the prince is still too far away, isn't he? So..."

Mira stared straight ahead to shake off her strays.

"Last one tomorrow. Regret doesn't leave any dust behind."

While accepting her birth, Kyle saw her daughter grow and her own stagnation, still moving forward and doing her best. If I, if I take any action, it may change for better or worse.

Maybe we can change something.

"I'll work a burst when I get home. Aim, Arkas' best blacksmith!

"Ha, that's a big dream"

"I'll help you. Of course."

Woohoo, very happy time. Now, there was a little thorn there. Thorns that say compromise, that say give up, that say fear that steps out. Is it your daughter, your destiny, or yourself that stands on your feet? Loss made me weak.

But is it good to stop and decay forever?

Everyone is trying to move forward. Even my daughter is prepared to do her best after making a compromise with reality. How long have I stopped? I wonder how many humans on earth would care if I got lagged around.

See my daughter's sunny face. On that face was a different iron mask from his mother's. Real feelings beneath a sunny look.

If you took it from me...