Tower of Karma

Olumpia: Things that change, things that don't change.

When I opened my eyes, there were people there who saw me. I wondered if it was too usual and I fell asleep too bored in the middle of the conversation, so the sight was there as a matter of course.

The ceiling is a stranger, this is exotic El Touré.

Did I - did I do something?

"Wake up, woke up"


The usual people gather around the bed with cheers. Those nasty guys who are awkward at the difference in birth and come stuffed tight even at a distance. I am hilariously crazy people, even though Al was good enough for me.

That backup was just a little good though.

"The procedure is done. I'll be back."

"Yeah, be careful. Shall I send it?

"It's not necessary. I have more land."

"So is that. Don't let the weirdos get you involved."

"Confident in health"

"I'm worried."

It didn't bother me that the most important person was far away, had a slight appearance, and was colluding with a girl who looked like herself. Maybe it's on your face because you're weak, and everyone's like, "Oh, oh."

"I woke up, and you have nothing to say?

"Morning, Mira. I said what I had to say at the right time."

"... ungrateful bastard"

To Mira's remarks, for some reason, the venue shows calm.

"No, I knew that was Mira."

"No character shards."


"But I'm relieved. I thought it would change when I woke up. I've never seen anything like it, Palomides, and you guys are freaking out."

"I'm not freaking out. I'm surprised."

"He said he didn't feel like he could win. Me, too."

"Don't say that."

"Han, you wouldn't have won if I hadn't handled it originally. I have a terrible stomachache. Because I thought I could get Al's bokenas bogged down tomorrow. What a shame. Lucky for you, chew it up and get bogged down in the final. Because if I do, I'll comfort you."

"I won't lose. Bet on your compassion,"

"Die, Cass."

"... but Mira needs to be a little quiet, too. Because she's a princess."

The place calms down in Ehlis' words.

"Nice princess. I don't know if I can make it out of arms."

I joke, I see Mira sprinkling smoke. Everybody, mumble.

"... Alfred, as you said, I don't know."

"What is it, Leonie, you mean a lot. I'll tell you what, because I can't be born again a hundred times. Is this the saga of those born at the bottom, too?

Also to the air of a quiet place, I also perceive that just Mira is not in the same situation as usual. That said, I don't know what happened to the air like this from what I've guessed, and I can't take my seat off as often as I do, more than show no sign of my body moving.

"Kai El Erik Grevilius"

There's nowhere to be hooked on Alfred's remarks at all. Mira continued to remain silent, understanding that it was probably not a statement directed at her.

"Now he's dead, no, it's the name of the prince of the kingdom of Grevillius, who once set up his surrogacy and rebuilt it. Small but ancient in history, my father is King Sage and the famous King Sven. Mother, you are Queen Deanna, the royal family of Nederkx and the maiden of Heavenly Wheel. Your father, Mr. Kyle, is the heirloom that runs from far ancient times, Mira."

At the end of the day, I wondered who I was talking to until my name came up. I didn't think that was a statement directed at me, and from what I was told...

"Aren't you stupid? What kind of setup did you think? You know, such a clumsy, knowledgeable, gatai, but surprisingly careless dad can't be such an asshole."

"Mi, Mira. Loud, Father. Standing behind the door."

"It's okay, I always say it. So, what's the purpose? What's the point in making that up? Fun from the injured?

"I'm not lying. Look me in the eye and you'll see, right?

Straight ahead, a pale eye was staring at Mira. Mira turns away. Perhaps now he's eaten about the rash, and his face may have turned a little, just a little red. Well, no one sticks a red thing in beside you.

"... Impossible"

"That's what we all thought. But in you, the sword in me, the sword that Kyle taught me, contains the blood of Grevillius, that surrounding area. I always wondered where he'd learned his sword in the first place and how solid he was for self-study."

"So much so that you say gladiator king, didn't you cultivate it in action? A similar sword technique doesn't prove that."

"The moves are the same as the blood. Long piles of stuff always make things different, even if they are similar. Arcadia's sword is mixed with Arcadia's terroir, and so is Nedeluxe's spear. Someone who understands, but Mira's right, it's not definitive evidence. But what if someone remembers him? And what if he had information he wouldn't know if he wasn't Kai El?

"... it's the"

"While you were passing out, the world learned of the survival of Kai El Erik Grevilius. And everyone here knows that you inherit royal blood. I grew up there, but when it comes to your well-spoken blood, you're better than anyone else on this scene."


"The world, changed?

"... surprised, but even if that's true, it probably hasn't changed"

"Right. Good."

Alfred smiles and leaves Mira.

"Hey, have you changed your eyes that I was born to see like that?

"Not at all. You're you."

"Then... I don't care."

Did Mira calm down? Slowly look up at the ceiling and exhale.

"So, after me, what happened?

"Mm, the third game started right after that. It wasn't even an atmosphere of showtime, and it hurt both sides, so she just started, so Master Airhardt was in the flow."

"Then it's all over"

"Yeah, four strong, no, because you both fell, three strong? I got it all."

"... what was it like?

"Fine, because the night is long. First off, Lionel vs. Baldovino -"

Alfred begins to speak in a calm state.