Tower of Karma

Olumpia: In the chest of the dodo

"Have you done it yet?

"Haha. Damn, you're strong, you are"

Nothing got through. Everything I had prepared proved that my specs did not reach the realm of letting the wolves pass. Any ingenuity, craftsmanship, brings talent forward. I scratched my foot thinking that I couldn't do anything about it, but there was no sign that I could find the thread.

(Oh, my God. There is one way. It's time to do it. All you have to do is do it. Woohoo, but why? I have myself a little relieved. Because you're good, and around you, you're better. Maybe you can do it without me. because that somehow figured it out)

Lined up is an excuse. Stupid, escape dialogue that can be put to the mouth. It would be precisely a weakness worthy of calling it dogmatization. that I can't hold myself back from coming here and wanting to throw away wanting to escape from the bottom of my heart. How many times have I decided to be ready?

Every time, you were supposed to consolidate your resolve.

"Not yet, not yet, I can do it"

"Strength would be great if it got that far. But give it up already. You can't beat me."

Yes, we can't win. In the usual, positive way, it doesn't arrive. Doing all that, doing this far, and if you can't, isn't this still the place to make sense? It's just thoughtfulness, arrogance, that's the true fool, such as being able to lead only yourself.

That's who I am, the nature of Alfred Ray Arcadia.

Alfred looks around. Many of the audience had worked hard enough already, well done, you could give up, such, tender eyes on Alfred's grieving appearance. In particular, the closer those are, the stronger their light is, and they creep into their hearts. Enough, well done. Here, over.

Then we'll go see her. In the country with her, she lives her life as a small village doctor. When you can't eat, hunt and live that day, I'm sure, very happy.

Let's get this over with.

Fenris sets it up. Drop it off-site if you can't respond. The eye that determines the battle. It is a strong eye. There is no stray. When you show them all the misery that lies ahead, they are filled with determination. Maybe I can lose to this eye.


That's what I thought. I was definitely breaking myself. 'Cause if you've thought about the stuff you're waiting for ahead, who's going to work hard beyond the limits? Abandon tomorrow, but shall we sprout greed for victory? It is normal that I want to escape.

faint remaining, the nature of the dogma.

Its normal, with its eyes in front, shattered.

"You're really, really tough."

Let's go to Taoism. He said there was no escape. I am not allowed to go off stage on my own, the king of comedy. Play it off as scripted, until the day you die. Look, the audience is laughing. I'm laughing when I see how unusual I am.

That's the real nostalgia of dogma. Take a look, a generation of pettens.

"Laugh, me!

Come on, stand up.

I had a lot of smiles.

A smile that blooms in my daily life when I loosen it. I have friends, I have company, I have family, I have lovers, sparkling blink instant world. The world should take.

Long ago, when only my father, my mother and myself, a very handful of people, made up the world, a paradise I believed in and did not doubt.

"I love you, my dear Alfred"

I love you, beautiful words.

Well done, Alfred.

I was rarely praised by my father. That's why I remember it clearly.

"All right, Alpha, I'll put on the archery!

Fun days.

"Hello, Al."

Beautiful days.

"Hissing, Al"

It was overflowing with sparkling things. So I can say with my chest up. [M]

"I was the happiest man in the world."

and. I love sparkling things, beautiful things, he said.

Even though the world was never paradise, I never doubted the paradise I believed in. I didn't even want to see the darkness lying in the world, the hell, the people crawling through the earth.

Would there be so much sin?

I was aware. As soon as I get out of the box yard, people accuse my father, my mother, of not meeting him. I knew this world wasn't full of good people.

And the fact that my best friend turned his back and kept me away from the real bottom line...

My best friend cares about all the beautiful business stories.

I was sweet while I was aware. [M]

Because I was smart, cunning, and cowardly. He was armed with all kinds of reasoning, making excuses and putting up a line of prevention because he couldn't do anything on his own.

'Cause I can't help trying. This is how the world is made, and beyond how the world works, we all have to live in compromise somewhere. Somewhere I can't breathe, but we still live.

Live, die.

The journey I started by throwing it all out. Not a prince or anything, just a start as Alfred. But even this is a blessing to me. I have a leader who shows me the way to take care of me, the way to live, and in my happiness, many of the things I have learned have become my weapons.

I thought as soon as I started my journey. I knew I was blessed and everything was different from normal people. [M] Born gave birth to spare, spare gave birth to learning, and learning became strength.

I just didn't think the hurdle of learning, just the hurdle of living, was this expensive.

I am blessed and excellent. That's what my father, not my own power, my mother, my surroundings gave me. I have a hard time being a normal person. [M]

So this meeting was inevitable.

Girl pulling a distant exotic land. Everything is different from the top of my head to the toes of my feet. It was natural for me to be attracted to beautiful, pure, beautiful things. I've stood next to him and felt terribly disgusted with myself.

It doesn't match, how many times did you think so?

The girl's wish is the eradication of all diseases.

Woohoo, how far off that endless road is. She looked so far away that she wasn't even willing to reach out. It reaches generations or tens of generations. I'm good in one step. Take a step forward and connect to someone.

Because I'm smart, I understand that the wish is ridiculous and the girl is a fool. And at the same time, I understood. The world is connected by fools like girls. What the hell can I exchange in just one generation?

Stupid, but it's the girl who's right. Beautiful, too, her.

I tried to be stupid, too. When I put a girl in front of me, I get the crap out of twisting her. Straight up, let's say what you think of the wish. Keep your wit on the outside, let's keep your cowardice on the means. Just wishing, I just think, but not at all.

May the world be filled with sparkle.

If only that paradise had spread all over the world. Everyone smiles and spends calm days with those they love. Endless ideals, uninterrupted dream stories. We're talking about replacing this incomplete world created by God with something complete. At the very end of how many stacks is there? I can't imagine. But I decided to do it.

When I decided, my breathlessness disappeared.

I also stopped feeling disgusted when I was with her.

Once the road was set, the world paved the way.

"Thanks for finishing it"

The world was hell.

Even though it had to be filled with sparkle, there was not enough sparkle in the world to fill it, and instead the drooling despair was multifolded. Smiles have to be prettier. Smiles should be beautiful and warm.

Yet there were too many smiles in the world that made me want to cover my eyes.

"... Ha, a monster to make. Nice, I'm glad it's you. Look, this country, it's not bad, is it? It's a mess. It's like a maze. Ferramtella, my name is good, so the name of this country, if you can, remember, hey, ku... be '

Why are you laughing? I wish I could cry.

"I pray you are a good shepherd to the sheep, son of haters"

Don't give me that grin.

Do you want me to laugh with such a sad grin?

"Thank you for everything."

Being killed and laughing is wrong, being killed can only save you.

'... laughing king. Strength is gone. "

I just wanted to live peacefully in a beautiful world.


'Thank you, brother. Don't cry.'

I promised an unknown girl. [M]

"Taken away. Then I can see it.

The girl, the village, had been invaded by the plague. There was nothing I could do with Yelena. The last one, over the mask, over the gloves, couldn't even touch me directly, and the girl still held the hand I offered and laughed at me, weak crying under the mask.

'Oh, look, look. I'm laughing.'

Over the mask, a grin you can't possibly see.

Was I laughing then? [M]

"Eh, heh, good, you're in, you're in."

Is it good to have such a pathetic laugh?

"Don't cry, don't cry."

Thick protective clothing, hugging doesn't convey warmth, etc.

"Oh! Don't cry! I don't cry! Keep laughing! Until that day when you guys are really funny! All over the world, until that day when everyone's laughing!

But the cold, it conveys.

There were many, just tragedies. Part of it. Shaping me and her, an uninteresting comedy.

Still laugh, they said. Play it, that's what their eyes say.

I defined the king as a dogma. A funny dogma, a guide who covers his nature with a mask called a laugh and directs his progress on the stage. I am the king of dogma, dogma. I'll lead the stage.

Her eyes were straight, catching mine. Stand up, that's what I'm saying. Very tough, very sweet. The decision to distance herself from her was not wrong. I'm not that strong. I'm going to screw it up easily.

How easy would it be if those eyes were next door then?

Stand on four feet, not two. That's easy, but not what the king looks like.

"Heh, heh, don't make it a habit, you shouldn't. You have to get used to it, you have to. Stand up without you. [M] Without you, I'm not running, I'm ready."

Fluffy, stand up slowly.

Woohoo, there's that boy next to her. Tired but bright look. Then I'm sure that girl, your sister, has crossed the line. I don't know if that's the treatment I thought of, the fruit of everyone's efforts, or if the girl's vitality has demonized me again.

Not enough attempts.

"But you're one step ahead."

Just a step. It ends with a miracle, or it changes for granted, depending on what happens next.

"You can't lose."

She moved on. All the time, it keeps going. I'm sure she was just as lost, distressed, and burned by love as I was, and as a result, decided to move on.

Then you still can't lose.

Now it's my turn to show you.

Laugh, me. Fix your weakness and wear the skin of the mighty.