Tower of Karma

Olumpia: To the sea of battle

"... Munya"

"Pretend I slept five minutes ago"

"... Good morning Yelena. You had fun yesterday."

Alfred opens his eyes on Yelena's lap without going bad. But despite being awake, there's no sign of trying to make a move. Instead, even the will of the iron to say he wouldn't move from above his knees was felt from the back of his head full of that happiness.

"It was so much fun. There's all kinds of people."

"Three idiots in Valhall to everyone in Arcadia. Xena has always been good for you."

"Because we're close. Orpheus and I were injured. The two of us were close."

"You say that's friendly... leave the men alone. The women are good. I'm glad Corsair and Athena got along."

"... I feel a little different about that too"

"Really? If you say so, you've been talking to Marianne quite a bit."

"I heard a lot about Al's old days. It was very helpful. Mr. Claude wanted to talk to me, too, but I was in a fight with Mr. Zeno and I could only hear a little. Al, hottie."

"Haha, even if I'm hot on those two. And as a kid. Oh, you don't look very good. It was a mandarin."

"I'm shy now, but I'm worn out"

"Ha ha, it must be"

A little, the book of silence goes down.

"We all sang, didn't we? I knew your voice was beautiful and great."

"Al also had good instruments. Where did you learn that?

"Secret. But the truth is, I can play better. Kravi plays it all over his body, so he makes a beautiful tone. I wish I was physically fit. Of course, I don't think you're good enough to impress me."

"I want to ask you once. Al's Serious."

"It's not a big deal. Even the sword does, but I could win because they're developing. Those who hang on to their lives will surely be pulled out. This has to be. Music is the same, you can never beat someone who's serious about it"

"I don't think music has to win"

"If you want to do it, you want to win."

"The difference between a man and a woman"

"You can't say anything if you say so."

Orpheus' lute, Alfred's Clavi (keyboard instrument), the song spun out on the two melodies was stunning in itself, but the song at the heart was not neat, there was no cohesion, and even though it sucked, especially Fenris (and Alfred was more tone-deaf), he still felt beautiful. There was warmth.

If it's a closed boxyard, there's a view like this.

"I like you"

"I like it too"

Alfred smiled softly at the lightly, very naturally superimposed words. Verily, by her side is cozy, and on her knees is heaven.

"I'm an egoist, I can't help it."

"I know. Unmanned there."

"Haha, it's spicy. But you're right. That's why I'm fine with making you unhappy. Mine, Ego, I'll ruin your life."

Alfred was going to enjoy himself for a long time. I vowed firmly that I would not put it out in my mouth. 'Cause it's, like, asking too much for anything, and it's a clear departure. I might be outraged if Orpheus listened to me one way or another.

Still, losing this knee plush...

"I want you to wait. Until I get off the stage. Finish what you have to do, and join me when I'm lost in the clouds."

"I can't promise. I'm hot there, too."

Yelena with a tight chest.

"That's troublesome. Then I'll take it back. From the person who took you from me. Whatever means you use, no matter how long it takes, I'll always pick you up."

Then you have no choice.

"Yeah, I'm serious. That's what I do."

The warmth of indelible happiness.

The more I know, the more I'm going to butt in the zero degree I'm going to wait ahead.

"I work as hard as Al. Confident in health."

"You have to take a break, too. I couldn't help but fall ill."

"I just don't want Al to tell me"

'Cause I'm reckoned to be impotent around here.

"Liar. You can't move as much as you can for a while."

"Yeah, okay. Because I won't be fighting for a while anymore. I'm gonna get some rest."

But we have to travel.

"Are you going to Eskendereia now?

"Right. Because we need to take Nicolas and the others to the food supply steps. I don't just have it, and I have ship arrangements. I don't have time to go back to Arcadia."

"Sounds tough."

"It's hard, but it's going to work. There is demand and supply, and a number of interests coincide. It's a situation where you can't shake it if you hit it slightly poorly, and I don't hit it poorly."


"If you don't, you'll want to go back to this knee soon."

"No. We can't stop because we can't forget, because I don't think we should. I can't compromise. It's just painful to stop, to sweeten, to be happy."

"I know. It's okay, because I know."

Alfred is nothing, he stood up to say so. Never again, with the understanding that I can't enjoy her muddy, her warmth, her slightly medicinal smell. Still, he gets up.

"saved by your harshness"

"Don't be sweet. Because if I'm alarmed, I'll leave you. I'm the woman who defeats the disease."

"I'm a man who changes the world."

The two of them exaggerated, just between them. Laughing. A declaration of seriousness even as a joke passes between the two of us alone. You two row out to the sea of battle over your entire lives.

"I'll definitely pick you up."


One step, another step, away.



The moment the door separates them, they mutter at the same time.

"" Goodbye ""

There will be no reunion between these two in this life.

"Go, Admiral."

"Black star? What are you gonna do? If you want to hone your moves, I think you have a different option."

"It's a boarded boat. Let me take a good look at you, scratch your feet."

"Inside me, I'm going to fully point around you, the excellent pawn, so be prepared"

"Aye, king."

Black stars also carve strides behind Alfred's half-step.

"Eskendereia first. It's a speed battle from here. I would never give the folks in my country time to interfere with how quickly the steps could be arranged. All the credit here, if I don't eat it, I'm not at my best. Then there's no point in making it impossible."

"Don't you have time to rest?

"Your body can rest, even if you don't like it. I'll probably turn my head for the rest I've had."

"Ha ha, you're finally showing up."


Cut 'trump card' to attract the place you aim for at once. It doesn't make any sense that you've done this cheaply. Maximize effect. There was as much to adjust for that. Stuffing with the Nicolas among the carriages on the move counts as a hundred million hijackings.

"Come on, let's go, guys"

Diving through the gate, there awaited those who would be Alfred's hands and feet.

"" Whatever you say ""

Alfred's path with them accelerates even further.

Everything to change the world. To blossom smiles all over the world.

Whatever it is for that matter...