Tower of Karma

Karma Tower: Guide to Terminal Roles

Claude felt something. That's - I have a feeling you deserve to hurry. It's not like we're eating a stall here in the first place. I am the general of this country, and the king is leading the army in the fight. Then it is self-evident that I will be the spear.

"Again, get out of here, Marianne."

"Yes, no, no."

Dress with stiff blood. Claude pushed the spear faintly. I don't want to keep pushing questions here anymore.

I was gonna give you a final notice.

"Heh, I can stab you. I am."

"Everybody stabs. Enemy of the king."

"That's what the king ordered?

"It's the general who does that, even if he can't be commanded."

"Even if the king doesn't want it?

"... that's not true"

Bad toothed response. You end up where you are. I can only imagine because the king did not order it. Do what the king wants, what he needs to do now. Unlike many people here, Claude has not received anyone's life.

"What do you know about him? What's your favorite food? What's your hobby? What's your favorite female portrait? I don't know. How are you? How do you know what they want when they don't even know it's so thin?

It is not clear. She has a minute in questioning. You're supposed to know that, but Claude opens his mouth. Should respond with a spear, but once again to the mud.

"My favorite food is stew. Hobbies are reading, women's preferences...... I don't know. But it's not all I don't know. As much as my benefactor's hobby--"

"You've really made sure that's right, have you? Does that guy really like stew? Does that guy really like reading? William Lewius is efficient, diligent, and does not fail in his efforts. But is that who it really is? No one knows that. To me, to you. To no one."

"Oh, my God, we're not gonna talk about this."

'Cause that guy's a liar.

Claude stared at Marianne with a surprised face. Sometimes she said she was lying to him, admiring William so much.

"Paint a lie with a lie and it just became real. There's no way we can figure it out. Because even that guy doesn't know what he likes and wants and what he wanted to do. Hey, you know what? Ha ha, any rice or treat, they say it tastes good in the same way. Claude looks like he's having fun when he's swinging his spear, but he always looked difficult and swung his sword. Even reading. I used to ask if I liked it or didn't like it because it didn't seem like much fun, and then I thought about it for a second, and then I said," I'm doing it because I need it. "

Because it's fun, because I like it, that's not in that guy's behavior principle.

"... I'm in a hurry. Come on."

"Victoria and Mr. Rutgard, you died at a very good time when you were objective. As if I had weighed it."

A demon dwells on Marianne's appearance. This is also the look Claude has never seen before.

"I sucked up Bernbach and just one of them died where I was burdened. For seven years, after being in bloodline with the Taylor Chamber of Commerce and filling in the blanks, I cut it off because I needed to be single to go up there. There's a lot going on and it's fading, but don't you think it was too well staged until you got engaged to Lady Claudia?


A faint rumor flowing into the city well. It's a flying theory if you blow it, and I've truncated it as a delusion born out of a plot. I still believe that. But...

"When you launched the Chamber of Commerce, you didn't know the first merchandise you handled, did you? Amazing, dangerous and rare chemicals, their raw materials. Hey, Inhuman and new here, why did you have a route in this Arkas to buy so much special stuff? And that's why business was built without disrupting existing vendors?

If Marianne said that, it would sound very different.

"Claude's from William Lewis, what do you know about him?

Claude couldn't say anything. There has always been discomfort. That's what he's been too kind to himself since we met. There's no reason to think of it. When we thought calmly, it seemed like we were putting too much in against our sister and ourselves.

We still don't know Claude for some reason. No, I was trying not to ask for a reason. Unconsciously. Because if you asked for it...

"So what are you saying!?

"That's why I'm telling you to think! Don't be immersed in feel-good lies, like me all the time. I realized that he was lying, but still kept drowning in tender lies, and all I could do was dress like this for the rest of my life and interrupt Claude in this corner."

Marianne was in tears laughing.

"That guy is full of lies. Ignore it there and nothing will start. We have to find the truth in the lie. This stage was prepared by that man. This battle is for giving and receiving royalty without delay. Everything is moving by defining the next king as Alfred. Bear all the business, including the grievances caused by the natural disasters that happened to last, and the king dies... That's what it's all about."

"... is that what he really wants?

"Think about it from what we've been talking about. That guy is a liar, and that guy does anything for a purpose. But I'm sure it's not just once that the purpose was what that guy wanted. The truth is, I can only imagine, but I don't want to think those days were all lies."

After all, no matter how much I think about it, I can only imagine. I just have to think of the painting I want and convince them that it is.

Because others never fully understand each other.

"What do you want from me?

"I don't want anything. I just want you to think about it. 'Cause you're not really there, are you? I can't wait to hear about you, but you're a fool who's scared and can't get close. It's like a comrade, and I'll give you the ingredients to think about it. All you have to do is decide."

The flaming fires began to weaken on Marianne's back. I guess I started losing my source to burn. It's only a matter of time before it carburizes, becomes ash, and burns out.

"Purpose and desire are different. But it's up to you which is right and which should be the priority. I gave priority to that man's purpose. Because if Victoria has to die for that, I can't erase the meaning of that death with my ego. I liked Victoria the second most in the world."

Marianne, who let go of the spear, let go of her powers. Dropped.

In the end, she couldn't be anyone. Close to the truth, peering into the truth, he gave himself up for the first time in peace.

"Hey, I'm an idiot. I don't know, but he's, like, sick or something."

"Probably. I don't know if I'm sick, but if I had more time, I would have inherited it a little more naturally, ready and serene. I don't think I could have done it, but somehow, it was more like him."

One was a reckoning, the other counted backwards from the way it was done, and the two had come to the same conclusion. I can also say that's why we were in a hurry with each other. I really wanted to be recognized by someone I loved, I wanted to be loved, so...

No miracles this time, huh?

"You haven't looked into it enough. I can only count miracles to the White Knight. I was just showing it all that way. Because it's just a performance."

"Ha, if you say so, I guess so. I don't know about him, but I've always wanted him to be my father. Like Al Fong, he stroked me in the head and said he'd praise me one day... the creepiest, me"

"Yeah, you're the creepiest."

"... I'm sorry. Well, there's no excuse."

Claude had a dry grin.

"Probably the opposite of purpose and desire. I've been watching that guy and Alfo for a long time, so I knew that was special from the start. My son is a cunning man. It's special from the moment you were born, isn't it? Really, it's off. So, I get it. I hope you don't want to be king. If I stop Alphonse, he'll get what he wants."

Marianne says nothing. That conclusion would still be good, maybe that's what you thought. Although it is often only possible to deduce more than nothing.

"But I know that guy's way. He's been fighting ever since I was a kid. The miracles he's done, the efforts he's built up, they're all turned upside down, on the road, for a purpose. Even if I didn't include what you said, there were a good number of sacrifices. Times got quicker with that guy's trick, and that's why there was that war. Then I'll take a big purpose. I don't know what lies ahead, you idiot, but I'm gonna pick the significance he's built up. Even if that's not what he wants."

Claude holds Marianne with one hand.

"Sorry about that. Let me take the trouble."

"Betsy, I just did it for me."

I don't see Marianne. Now, you shouldn't see it.

"I'm just gonna go. Two sucks, I don't know if I can win right now, but there's no way I'm still not going. Because I'm an Arcadia general. It is our job to fight according to the purpose set by the King. If the purpose is to give or receive the king, do your best."

I don't know what's right. It's only all about speculation. But among other things, I guess he is asked to make a free decision. I'm sure this situation is what William gave Claude.

What to think and do in the absence of an order to bind.

There is no right answer. If you have completed your choice in a limited amount of time, no matter what the answer is, I'm sure William will say it in his heart.

Well done, he said.

Marianne sat down without looking at Claude running.

He wouldn't have noticed, but in those children, it was Claude who was treated more specially than anyone else.

Whether it was because he spotted a secret talent or because he had another reason, he was special enough from the other side.

"Oh, Marianne, the super sta, ended up being the terminal. Ah"

The role of giving Claude the material to think about. Terminal roles are also terminal roles. Marianne wonders if that's all right. If I could have been the guide of the third favorite person in the world, that would have been a good role. I can never tell this to myself.