Tower of Karma

Karma Tower: Unnamed Man

"... oh, did you win"

William, who was vain in the narrow space between reality and the other shore, opens his eyelids again feeling settled downstairs. That day, a poor sleigh boy I happened to meet grew up to this point. I lived straight on a different path from myself and got here.

It is truly emotional.

"No matter how many times I called, I wouldn't wake up, so I thought it was really over."

It was faintly shaken because it was on Kyle itself.

Nothing comes to mind about why this is happening and why he's climbing the stairs. My head, which had so clearly derived so many different things, had stopped any work.

"Why are you taking the stairs?

"I guess you told me to do that. If he dies, he dies like a tyrant,"

"... is that really me? You're just an idiot."

(... me, huh)

During the narrow period of death, lose the chains that already bind him, and the world is alone with William and Kyle. So the mask collapsed, and I guess he is no longer William. Now it's just that, at the time of death, an unnamed man was there.

"I had a bad dream, Kyle."

"What was your dream?

"It's a miserable, gloomy dream. The story begins after your sister dies. The protagonist is a terrible guy, he kills a lot of mountain people. At first, oh, a hearty couple. He hired a shitty kid with no learning for a job that required advanced technology called translation. He really told me from scratch that he was hired. Reading and writing arithmetic, all of it. Wow, it was cozy. I wondered if it would be like this if my parents were here. Happiness, could have been"

The man, shaken by his back but without a name, confesses.

"That's why I killed him. The meaning was posterior. Because my vengeance was going to shake, because my hatred for the world was going to fade, I killed it. When I saw the burning house, I thought I couldn't pull it off later. Then I killed him to take his name. You can't go up there with liberating slaves, so you killed them and took them. It's the first time I've laid my hands directly, and that look is still creeping up in my brain. The gentle boy, the pain, the fear of death, the betrayal, made him look amazing. If I don't push him back with madness, he's going to crush me so much... I'm sure he had a reason to live. It's the same for everyone."

Ugh, the voice that's going to disappear now and the unnamed man speaks.

"It's hell from there. I killed him, killed him, killed him all. The battlefield was overflowing with death, and I feel little guilt. That's the real hell there. Where people cease to be people. I asked for a place because I needed it, but I didn't like the battlefield."

That's why it's the real deal.

"I put on a mask to keep me in a place I didn't like. There were plenty of people who liked the mask, but whoo-hoo, uncovered the bottom of the mask, and two, maybe three, who liked it with all their might. They were attractive people. They made me believe in light. [M] I was wrong, the world is hell but some things are beautiful, it seemed so"

(So you killed him)

Kyle narrowed her eyes pitifully.

If it's true, we should have shown it by our side. I made an excuse for being too close, unidentified, and not doing so was my downfall. There are aspects of me that should have supported my best friend, but this has happened because of my weak self who escaped.

"That being said, I ate a lot of good food, too. I was grateful for the moldy bread, but I could eat as much meat, fish and fruit as I wanted. It was delicious, but I guess it's a poor tongue. I didn't really understand the difference. I think the apples the three of us ate that day and the stews we had with my sister were better, yeah, they tasted better."

"Neither do I. I've eaten a lot, but anything I eat with you and your family tastes good. We're stupid tongues. I guess it's more about who you eat with than what you eat"

A man smiling slightly on his back.

"I don't like alcohol either. It's just bitter.I was deluding you because of the nature of drinking it and not showing up on your face, but I never found that one tasty. It's bad, and it makes me sick."

"That's your first ear. I thought you were a normal addict."

"Kyle seems to be good at it."

"Honestly, I love it"

The smile deepened. There's an invisible side to dating for so long. I should have talked more. Shake off the excuse, sit back and discuss it and something might have changed. It was just a life of regret. I can't help but talk about it because it's the result of my continued escape.

"I killed a lot, betrayed a lot, and I had a family like that. I didn't know how to deal with it, and I don't know if I did it right. Hand exploring, all I don't know, woohoo, I'm sure that was the happiness. The road to it was too dirty, only guilty and backward, but still spared me letting it go. It's really hard for me to say who I am. I want happiness somewhere with so much misfortune scattered"

"Anyone who is human is. Mouth Then what did I say, and at the end of the day, we matter. I would slaughter Mira, Favela, you and the people you love, a hundred or a thousand. If you're one of the people in front of you more than a thousand people who don't even know your face, it's natural."

"... is that right?

"That's right! So you don't have to be sick. At least, it's good to know that you were forgiven as long as you were about to finish. It's just me and you here. No one is watching. No one will judge. So you..."

"Well, finally, finally, I..."

Kyle bites his teeth on his back as he loses more and more heat. Why didn't I carry him like this sooner? Why did he keep his own large body in this small and weak body? Regret solicits.

"My knight, who looks like an abandoned knight. Really, you've lost weight."

"Yes, you are."

Not as big as Kyle, but he grew up, too. Once a body wielding a strong sword when dividing the sword, now the flesh forced to compensate for the poor skeleton has peeled off, and the body experiencing a blood tide beyond the lethal amount only feels the weight of the muscles and bones.

Sick, stressed, forced to be strong.

What an unbroken figure of a glorious hero. What a pitiful look. But if anyone laughs at it, Kyle won't forgive it. Kyle is proud of this magnificent figure.

"Almost to the top. Haha, the night has dawned. It was a long night. The light plugged in..."

Light shines in the vain eyes.

"You have the best view in the world. Well, you've seen enough."

The night dawns. The story ends.

Woohoo, with that said, what was the knot of this story?

Sure, it's like I was deciding something.

A new king descends with the light of dawn.

Bloodstained cloak, bloody wet crown, the king opened his mouth and said:

"The rest is the king"

I didn't even scream. It's not like I'm shouting. But the voice stuck to everyone on this occasion, and everything drowned at the same time, without distinction of the enemy allies.

The golden wind blows. A new king who appeared with the dawn.

"This time, all sins are in the Predecessor and the nobles who held him back. All of them, the rest were cut off. Therefore, all sins on this occasion shall be left unquestioned. No exceptions."

In William's script, Alfred dared to bear the sin himself, as a result of his own rampage, which turned him into the Demon King. Because I decided that the fear of that sin could be used to govern, and that's half true, half pre construction.

(Woohoo, Father. This view is a very cold one)

Just a little bit, about the shards replace their shoulders themselves. Even though he knew it was pointless, Alfred nevertheless chose it.

There can be no such thing as innocence in making a king anyway. If it's just the difference between putting together a rugged costume first or dripping a drop of blood, just pick the one you like.

"The rest is the new king, Alfred Ray Arcadia. The new Arcadia is with us. Proceed, Arcadia children. We'll make it together, the reigning kingdom of the world!

The enthusiasm burst. Words glorifying the king, glorifying the kingdom, echo Kai's song.

With the golden dawn the new Arcadia ushers in a budding time.

That means the old Arcadia is doomed.

"Long live Arcadia! Long live His Majesty Alfred!

Today came with the dawn. Never come back yesterday again.