Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 2158 is definitely not

Run, take your best to run, follow the micro-drone of the export.

She believes [Z] will not deceive themselves in this kind of thing ... [z] is such a person - no, such a half-half-machine guy.

She is actually hate him.

It seems that it is instinct.

Want to escape.

The pair of interstitial, like a clear water ... Sanish watching, watching those in his eyes may be white, perhaps gray, maybe turbidity.

Just like a clean mirror in front of it, it is simple and unworthy to reflect the clown ...


The full running of running is the rapid consumption of physical strength and the feeling of suffocation and dizziness and diagnosis ... she has to stop.

Already running, it should be fast from the exit ... Fast, the micro-drone has also flying toward the brighter export.

The girl climbed from the ground and returned again, but in front of export, she had to stop again - because, he saw a fairly familiar guy here!


After they follow Gamma to enter the experimental field, they completely lost the contact of the contact, and there was an export of her experience at this time ... here is the export of the experimental field, that is, the experiment there is. The station of the station.

Is Kaz, finally found this location?

When she saw the moment of Kaz, I also saw her, and quickly walked in front of her ... Since she has chosen to escape from that place, even did not mention the team Any person, obviously not intended to be implicated with them.

At this time, I have a straight-away Tz, Rimia has a feeling of cope with it ... [z], it seems to be the type of companion, probably not like this direct Abandon the behavior of your companion.

"Kaz." Rimia took the lead in shouting the name of the other party, the face was surprised and happy again, "Too good, you are here! [Z] There is also everyone, Inside, you will save them! "

Iron A people have come to Ramia's follow-up, but there is no further action.

"Kaz ... Mr.?"

Always this is just a tailor, I am afraid that there is no life, but Rimia felt, at this time, there is really a pair of eyes, it is worthy of yourself. .

"So, do you give up these companions who have helped your companions?"

Not the voice of Mr. Kaz!

Reikemia instant face slightly changed, not the voice of Mr. Kaz ... Sound, as if Mr. Kazi came, and ... this voice seems to have heard!

"Who! Who is there!" Rimia was shocked, and it was back to back.

I saw a little laughter, and then I came out of the tremendous body from Iron Arena, and a vivid thing came out - I saw this, Rimia was can't help but conclude, and I sent an incredible excitement. sound.

"You are ... Miss Huay!"

I only heard the people at this time: "Give you a suggestion. If I am your words, I may not plan to leave here."

In the dark station, there is similar to what is surging.



"... The repair is completed, and it is 19 seconds for 17 minutes."

Miss Gamma does not have much interest in this group of numbers - after carefully observing your eyes, it is really completely repaired, and it closes the intelligent medical procedure.

In the process of treatment, she also smashed her eyes, and the mental state was quite good.

"Open the audience monitor, search [Z], Ramia, and Yuria location."

Time, there is a position display of three groups of people in the screen - [Yulia] The school sister is lying in the restricted room, and the situation has not been awake from the electric shock in coma.

But [Z] and the location of Ramia, but let Miss Gamma frowned slightly.

"Ramia is not in the room, but it is also in the public area allowed. Instead [Z] ..." Looking at the mobile track of [Z] on the screen, Miss Gamma quickly pressed a button, Road: "[z], where are you going."

I only saw the [Z] action on the screen didn't change, and there is no special expression on my face, slowly saying: "Patrol."

"Patrol?" Gamma is a little surprised, but also points ... But she should not have instructions that have been patrolled.

[Z] The brain nerve is very complicated - his body construction is equally comparable.

[Z] body, correctly, it is a symbiotic body that can grow naturally - such a structure, even before civilization is shattered.

But [Z] was born, accompanied, there is a seed of the [Z] series - this is entirely benefited from Gaya, like God.

"I will come back soon." The voice of [Z] sounded again.

"No, you want to patrol, then continue to patrol it." Miss Gamma shook his head, and immediately bite, like some hesitation, after a while, he said whispered: "After patrol, go to my room Come look for me ... Continue, continue the previous simulation training. I will be ready for this time. "

"Learn." [Z] answers calmly.

Miss Gamma slowly called for tones, and cuts the communication - she is sitting in front of the console, the original good mental state seems to be slight.

"Toned the test site structure." Miss Gamma said again.

On the screen, the structure of the entire test site appears, and overlaps with [Z] at this time.

"Sure enough ... seems to be inadvertently close." Miss Gamma muttered: "This is a kind of instinct, or said ... Because it is her strength created, so attracted each other? Hope, neither……"

After a while, Miss Gamma came out of treatment room - she had to go to a biological laboratory before returning to the room.

During this time, I have been continuing with Yulia and Rimia, but she did not put down for other studies.

Such as inexpected Meandanzo, such as [sunny] This obviously unreasonable creature - As for the talking Tailang Pill and blue bird, it is also the range that can be accepted. After all, they are creatures, just think, It's more, you can see the evolution of biology.

"There is no gender, then through what is reproduced ... Split."

On the mind, I think about the mystery of the body of Madan. Miss Gamma directly entered the biological laboratory - but at this time, she consciously frowned.

Because it is used to close the container of Madanzo, it is empty-Medane, even disappeared!

In addition to Madanzo, the rest is still there!

Miss Gamma is sad, instinctively wants to withdraw from the laboratory - turn around, a short figure, but appeared in front of her eyes.


"you're awake?"

"Yeah, if you don't wake up, I am afraid not to be studied by slicing?"

"How did you come out?"

"This problem is slightly more complicated." The teenager in front of the eyes showed a brilliant smile, which is more than the hand: "It is probably from a place, [] fly to another place, then from that place, [ Fly back to this world .... "

Miss Gamma is unusually calm. It is necessary to speak. I didn't think that Madanzo suddenly shot. I took some points, but I was directly in the mouth of gamma.

"This place, probably a voice control?" Mendozo smiled while quickly abdominal with gamma, let gamma painfully bent down, "Can't let you talk ... temporary. "

How to think of Gama, Madanzo's short-term guy is so terrible - skill! The skill of this guy seems to be a thousand hammer, which is actually able to completely press ourselves.

Until, she was tied her hands, the body was bundled - Miss Gamma still had a untrue feel.

I saw Madanzo at this time, she was standing in front of Miss Gamma. It seems to be thinking about what, sometimes frowning, and when they were drumped on the console.

"It is difficult to do, it seems that in addition to your voice, this place is not controlled by anyone." Madanzo sighed at this time: "Although this is the case, but in order to be safe, I can't let you have it. The opportunity to speak - but in this way, I have no way to ask ... I have a way. "

Said, just below gamma is incredible, Madanzo is actually picked up the chair and starts to smash the console!

When a face, I saw a few times, I saw the fire on the console, and the Miss Gamma reacted it, and the spin revealed the perspective.

She wants to stop, but she is suffering from being trapped and cannot be active.

"The perfect thing that is unable to discover is to kill all people ... The same." I only heard Mendo's smile: "I will smash it here, lose control, I will let you Talk. "

Isn't the same good! !

Miss Gamma angry and glanced, but only the sound of -but Madanzo was obviously not satisfied only to smash the console, and even began to connect the indoor cable.

Until ... until the sound of the beep suddenly remembered that the entire experimental site suddenly lit up the red light of the music - the screen on the console was crazy, confusing, like poisoning.

Madanzo has been satisfied with the clothing to plug the gamma mouth, "should be almost the same."

"You are crazy!"

Meandanzo is not dead: "The same place like this base, is it [Eternal Power]?"

Miss Gamma suddenly looks.

Meandenzo said very calmly: "It seems that it is really ... but it is not difficult to guess. After all, the world has been ruined in countless years, but it can still work properly, ordinary energy, probably can't persist. Tell me, [Eternal Power] Where is the place ... I am talking about, [Gaia]. "

"I do not know!"

"I don't know if it doesn't matter." Madanzo shrugged, "There will always be people know, such as ... [z]."

"How come you ..." Miss Gamma could not keep calm, slightly lost.

"How can I know whether it is." Madanzo shakes his head: "It is actually guess ... but, [z] will definitely find [Gaia], this is probably the world must have [fate]. "

"You let me go! Never let [Z] he ..."

Madanzo pressed several places in the gamma neck at the same time, and she suddenly became a coma.

"It's absolutely can't, that is, the big written can." Madanzo laughed, "I also destroy small energy."

I thought about it, Madanzo will be imprisoned when they leave, and they will be in the next [sunny day], and they also put it out - just they have not awake.

Madanzo has not awake it, just put it.



The harsh beep has not stopped, the door of the resort, is more like a wind, constantly open, close, open, close.

If you don't close the dark red in the room, [Yulia] The sister is still lying in the bed. It doesn't move.

"If you can't afford it, I will give the door to the card. Do you let lives here?"

On the bed [Yulia] sister opened his eyes, his face was full of [surprise], "predecessors! Are you coming to save me!"

"Don't be installed." Madanzo is not a good way: "But you can really do it ... this is clearly opened, although some breathable, but you can still hold back, I don't move. "

- I just want to lying this book page!

- Although this ghost is not a high energy dangerous world, it is really a deadly danger. The handle will come from the mouth of the maid, name is [You have to die, Miss South] Sword, no time Is it hanging on top of the top!

"Seniors, what should we do now?" She only did not hear Madzo's mockery, one was asked.

Meandanzo is not hitting, thinking about it: "[Gaia's book] begins to react, it should be to enter the key point - additionally, [Morry Gan] seems to have appeared."

[Yuria] Sister is very shocked, "Where is she !?"

"Just the book in my hand, I feel that the other half is induced." Madanzo shrugged, "But since we hold this half, in this world, it is also banned, probably [Morry] Almost. Everyone is the same running line, two or one, we encounter, it is not yet. "

"Good!" [Yulia] Sisters quickly nodded: "Seniors, I will give you the flag! Shout!"

Madanzo turned [Yulia] Sister, and suddenly asked curious: "Newcomer, it will not be like you."

"This ... Seniors, or you still ask the boss?" [Yulia] said sister.

"Have a chance." Madanzo is not in place, then directly: "Come, let's go to [Z] ... there is a heroine."



Still is a harsh beep.

In the passage, [Z] is surrounded by, suddenly squats, then a boxing on the floor of the metal ... a boxing, the floor begins to depress, variants, and finally the whole floor falls off, he immediately dropped. The next layer.