Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 2402 of the little yellow flower in the story

The cemetery, eventually being dug, and it is indeed an empty coffin.

The ancients of the ancientus did not see trace, which is greatly probably speculated, and her body is taken to the sacrifice. In order to capture the copy of the [Packed Call] on the old king.

Two people quickly baked the aua's grave, then leaving.

The face of the horse sir2.0 is more dignified, "Xiaoluo, do you know, in fact, the old king wants to use power to give his own interests, I am not strange, compare the power, if No need to equal no. "

Xiao Luo SIR said: "Mad, you are the division of the division, as the east district, the black trend, there is a doubt?"

The horse sir2.0 shakes his head: "I have always believed that the old king will be the leader of this black forces ... you see, the old king is the Wang family's son-in-law, with this uncle of the Wang family, as long as the Wang family is willing to support him, iron Raksha is also willing to carry him ... Lao Wang soon can do the brother of the fire cloud police team, keep the Qing Yun, this is not the money that is not more than the crime of crimes. "

"You suspect that the director is argued, right?"

"We assume it." Horse Sir2.0 Zhengqiao: "Supplement that some people know the origin of the ancients, and this person also knows that the old king is planted [Phase] ... and this person just has a capture The ability of insect control. You said, what kind of person is this person? "

"May be the [Pluto] ancient people." Xiaoluo SIR is guess in accordance with the estimation of the horse SiR2.0.

"If the old kings really have to act as the leader of the black forces in the Eastern District partition, so many things can be said ... His commitment, he gives up our motives. Wait ... bad! "The horse sir2.0 breathed a sip of airway:" This latent black potential, there is no tiles at all! We are hitting the snake! "

After saying, the horse sir2.0 took a shot of his head: "The General Administration has cleared the division of corrupt elements, but at the same time letting this black forces into the dark corner, let the old king suicide obviously abandoned Handsome means ... These, you want to find the behind-the-scenes black hand, it is more difficult. "

Xiao Luo SIR thought about it: "Is there anything on the list of involved in those lists taken away from the partition?"

The horse sir2.0 shakes his head: "Unified the caliber, it is said that the old king means, all the crimes have been pushed to the old king, and the old king is dead and has no concern. As for the materials provided by Da Liu, it also points to the old king ...... It's just the iron card. At present, in addition to the doubts of the old king, it is difficult to turn over. "

Xiao Luo SIR: "There is also a person."

The horse sir2.0 is , , "For the right, how do I forget this ... Sneak at the guy! He didn't fall online! I am going to be ready ... You first Go back, raise a savory! Take the guy's ban on the night, you are mainly fighting! "

They directly outside the cemetery, the horse sir2.0 said he has to do some mysterious deployment, the nerve look, Xiaoluo SIR is not asked.

"Right, this will be given to you!" Before the other, the horse sir2.0 threw the peace, and then took a piece from his own collar, and smiled and smiled: "In fact, I also have, You are giving me! "

Xiao Luo SIR is cold and no Dart: "Mad, I have the opportunity to go to your home, visit it."

"Yes?" The horse sir2.0 didn't want to say: "If you want to come, ask you, not outsiders."

"Drive slowly." Xiao Luo SIR suddenly said: "The yellow light is not rushing."

The horse Sir2.0 shrugged and waved to drive the car.


Xiaoluo SIR did not leave the cemetery immediately, but after the horse sir2.0 walked, he returned alone.

"You are not the police officer just ... how come back."

In the cemetery, I saw a middle-aged thin man who had no blood-free, blind, and a serious illness. At this time, she raised her head.

This is the manager of the cemetery ... or says the lading.

Horse Sir2.0 said that this person is because of the relationship between the cemetery for a long time, the body is not working ... Most people who work here are difficult to have good ends.

It is not a good relationship between people. It is purely that the environment is caused ... and the person who has been for a long time in the cemetery will become quirky.

When I arrived, the Launmer did not have a good face to give the horse SIR2.0. If it is not a document of the horse SIR2.0, I am afraid I will not be able to release it.

"I didn't care about it." Xiao Luo SIR smiled slightly: "All intended back to clean it, By burn some paper treasures, etc. ... Do you have a paper treasure here?"

"No." Shusheng people said: "You told me that it is the grave, I will go tomorrow, you go back. Nothing, don't stay here too long."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Luo SIR said: "Do yourself, it will look sincerity. Uncle, just as I ask for a heart."

After the Lingling people wrinkled, after the upper and lower places, after the bottom of the small Luo SIR, he went to the bottom, turned around, and he said: "Come with me."

When he took a few steps, he would be soft coughing, although light, but when the night was quiet, the cough sounded.

The cemetery is really a very quiet place, quietly seems that the ears can hear the slight [] resonance sound.

The Shouling people took the small Lok SIR to a small wooden house after the management office. After saying a word, he went in, soon, he took the things to come out again.

Bucket, small shovel, rag, water spoon ... There are also some paper treasures and the class of cheese.

If you charge, you have to have 66 yuan, saying just a picture of Geely.

"I will go with you." But the Launmer added a condition, which seems to behave due diligence.

The little Luo SIR did not have anything, after the things were taken, and the Man Ling people gave a management, followed by going all the way to the mountain.

Occasionally talk.

"Uncle, what do you call it."

"Call me De Shu."

"De Shu, have you been a long time in this cemetery."

Shouling people De Shu casually said: "Two thirties, you said long."

"There are more people who are here to come here." Xiaoluo SIR asked curious.

"Life is burial, Qingming Chongyang in the middle of the yuan, there will always be some people." Deman has no expression: "There is nothing in the week, who is going to this place ... How do you? Where is the cemetery? "

"Before it is." Xiao Luo SIR once ... That is the side behind the mountains, in the night, the direction indicated, seems to have a faint light, "" See it, There."

Unexpectedly, De Sad, but the face was slightly, he suddenly suddenly took the tool on the hand of Xiaoluo SIR. "Go! Today, don't pick up, don't use you, go ... Roll!"

Demai is slightly smoking, plus he is white without blood, and it seems that there is a few points like a devastos.

Xiao Luo SIR looked on the paper money paper treasure on the ground, and did not say anything, just kneeling, and slowly packed something.

"I said that you will go right away! Do you understand it?"

"I will leave." Xiao Luo SIR whispered, "But ... you, really plan to let me go now."

De Shu frowned, frowning.

I saw that the small Luo SIR slowly stood up, and the dust on one piece of paper in the hand was slowly swept away, whispered: "De Sh, you don't plan, will you give her this dress, give her. "


Shu is looking at the paper clothes that use to burn to the deceased ... This is just that he is brought from the warehouse, the most common, but also the most inferior product.

At this time, this should be the worst thing, in the hands of the small Luo SIR, it is actually a real clothes ... soft and incomparable, the snow is translucent.

"how come……"

"Come." Xiaoluo SIR said softly.

This time, he walked in the position of De Shu to the south to the mountainside.



Around the empty, only a small grave, on the back of the mountainside, under a pine, the bustling of the fire clouds before the grave, but the more distant mountains and horizon.

A bunch of small yellow flowers in front of the grave, fresh.

When Xiaoluo SIR came, the tombstone suddenly turned out in the past ... It seems that it is not easy to hide, and it is always seen.

De Shu couldn't help but Zhang Zhang, the look, the time is dignified, and sometimes worry ... sometimes.

"Who are you?" He was a matter of worrying, "You are not an ordinary police officer."

The little Luo SIR has already come to the tomb, kneeling down, starting with paper treasure, "De Sh, you will come over every day."

"How do you know." De Shu frowned, "because this bunch of small yellow flowers?"

Xiao Luo SIR shook his head, refers to the grass on the side, "because of these dry little yellow flowers, if not change every day, there will be more throwing here ... I saw it when I passed."

"You observe it carefully." De Shu is a smile, it seems that it has been best to prepare, so breathing a little airway: "Yes! I will come here every day! I will come back in the future ... Who is stopping me, I will Who will you welcome! Includes you! I don't care, but since you are discovered ... "

A cold breath suddenly broke out on Uncle Shu.

His face is more pale, the cheek is even in an instant, and it is like a shameful ... gradually, from the face of De Shu, it has emerged a mask.

This mask, the feeling of the [Black Dragon King's Hand Claw] gives Xiaoluo SIR.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is this banned?"

"Hey!" Shu Shu is smiling: "How many years, still some people force me to take it out ... I want to blame, I blame you!"

The little Luo SIR shook his head. "In fact, I don't have much thing, but I will never touch things ... I can't say bad. And, I didn't malicious ... What are you scruple, what is the status of this policeman?"

Durde is full of cold breath, the half-mountain waist, the time is full of a variety of wolves, "I don't worry about it ... Who will bother her, I will let death! This more!"

Xiao Luo SIR said: "In Firem City, the ghost is a violation, even if it is not me, it will be discovered here sooner or later ... you are going to keep it here."

"Don't benefit." De Shu took a breath, under the mask of the wolf, the body was blotting ... His whole people were on the ground, and they were more golly-like cyan coat.


A golden gossip has appeared at the foot of the Xiaoluo Sir at this time, and the Bud Body is played in an instant!

"This is ... gossip returns to the day?" De Sad was shocked at this time: "You are Ye Ye."

Xiao Luo SIR said: "Pick the mask, this is not good for you ... I can help you."

De Shu bite his teeth and resolutely flew again.

When you can't talk well, Xiao Luo SIR only directly released the defense of the gossip returned, nor did you have any tricks, grabbed the terrible claws of De Shu, and then in De Shussea, will he The wolf head mask on the face is torn down!

On the middle of the mountain, De Shu suddenly issued a scream!

The wolf head mask actually has a lot of silk lines like a meatline, connected to the face of De Shi ... It is completely sync in the face of De Shi, so tears, like a torn man!

The wolf head mask is about to be separated. It is actually a self-conscious, and the eyes of the wolf head suddenly brightened, and the black shadow of a giant wolf has emerged, and the teeth dance claws.

Xiaoluo SIR waved his hand without expression.

Hand palm, like a sharp sword, directly put the giant wolf's black shadow into two, directly clear, then the eyes of the wolf head mask instantly pass.

The spikes in the middle of the mountains disappeared, and after a wolf, everything resumed average.

De Shu is weak, and it has fallen in the ground ... The floor is already completely peeled off. At this time, he is already completely lost.

De Shu is not only losing for a long time.

For a long time, he picked up the wolf head mask and looked up at that young police officer. "You ..."

"I feel better now." Xiao Luo SIR smiled: "I think, we should be able to talk well."

Shu Shu Zhang Zhang, for a while, he slowly liked the tone, the look was complicated to look at the mask in his hand, smirk, "I never thought, I also have a day away from it ... I always thought it Even if I am dead, it will nail on my body. I feel that I haven't been so easy for a long time. "

He climbed his knees.

At the same time, the wolf head mask has lost most of the powerful power. At this time, it is weak, as if the mountain wind can blow it ... but Demai is not careless.

"What have you want to do." De Shu looks deeply asked Xiao Luo SIR.

"You, have a story." Xiao Luo SIR asked softly.


Uncle De Shu threw the wolf head mask on the ground, did not have a slightest ... Drop, as if it was just a waste, even if it used to be a famous ban on the list.

I saw De Slee raised the bucket at this time, slowly walked to the grave, slowly wiped dirty tombstones.

"Nothing to say." Dec Shu said: "It is a young man, and the guy who has lost his family."

Shu Shi is gradually, "First? The first is a good thing, for it, I am constantly challenging, be the first first, but the second first. Gradually, I am fear, I even If you don't dare to look back, those who have been defeated ... I am thinking, when will they catch up? "

Training, training, training ... training. "

"That duel, I still won ... I am planning, no longer go to the road, no one can always be invincible."

"After the duel, I didn't have a half-point joy ... I was not around when I was at the time. At that time, I had closed the confrontation. After the duel, I went home, but I found that she is already. . I thought she was able to take care of her own, what can I ... Why? "

Perhaps it is because the relationship is peeled off.

"Sorry, I am not good ... I am really not good."

De Sad couldn't cover the pain in the heart, he didn't have a tear, but only a little bit of couch.

He wiped every corner of the tombstone, "I have been here every day, I clearly know that the ghost is a big tabo, I know that this is not good for you ... but I, you can What can I do? I just want to see you again ... "

"I don't want to do what is the first ... don't do what is strong ..."

Some warm lights began to flash in the eyes of De Shun, the little Luo SIR silently ignited the brazier used by the treasure.

"Come on." He looked at De Shu, put the paper in his hand to the hands of De Sh, "Give you ...

Dec Shu is hung, and the hands have been taken under the consciousness. He appeals to your tone. The look is complicated. "" After some days are her birthday ... But, but also, she likes white. "

Demai did not speak again, putting the paper into the brazier.

Some people say that what is burn to death, is a kind of comfort ... How do they have to get it, those that have become ashes.

Ghost ... In fact, he did not succeed.

He doesn't have the skill in that way, halfway, can only be used as a glucker, four unlikely, it is never let her customly appear ... He will not see you again, just know that she is here.

Every day, every day, every day, only the ghost fire flashes, he just knows her.

Talk to her, can you hear it ... I heard it?

"Wen Wen, forgive me?"

It is no longer the first time, De Shu has closed his eyes deeply, and the ashes in the brazier rose, and the embers are on the airflow, and some patted the face of De Shu.

It's like it ... it seems to have anyone, touch your face.

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI DEVICATION SHARD, the fire is slow, and the figure of the white clothes slowly emerged ... De Shu Zhang Zhang, the throat sent a trembling .

He wanted to speak, he lost his voice, ah ... ah.

"Dad, you see my clothes, I am fine ... Wen Wen has been here!"

Little girl, white dress, smiles.

"Sorry ..." De Shu opened, crying, touched ... I met, it was a real touch, "Wen Wen ..."

For more than 20 years.

It turns out that it is possible to wait.





Dew began to condense on the leaves.

The flavin has been extinguished, the temperature is slightly down, some cool, before the pine tree, De Shu curled up with the tombstone.

It should be a good dream.

Xiao Luo SIR lightly cleared the residue after incineration.

A small, wearing a white dress, at this time, standing back, bending down the waist ... The little girl blinks, actually wants to go to the face of Sir.

"This can't, this is to give real favorite people." Xiaoluo sir smiled slightly, reach out his finger against the lips of the little girl.

"Dad said, when you thank you, you have to kiss!"

"He is now estimated that you will not say this." Xiaoluo SIR smiled at the same time, "In addition, can I give it to me?"

"This?" The little girl blinked, and the spin didn't want to take the little yellow flower in the top of the grave, and even the vases were carefully held.

Not as not to be, just because just shed ... - I don't move things - strength is not allowed.

"Big brother, do you like a small yellow flower?" The little girl asked curious.

"Just because this is better." Xiaoluo SIR took a vase ... Magic, vases disappeared.

The little girl can't help but be very surprised.

"I won't be pleading." Xiaoluo SIR whispered: "Especially those who have a lot of evil things in those body, I feel particularly scared, know."

"Okay! I know!" Wen Wen silver bell smiled, then thought about it: "Big brother, are you looking for things that the dried grave? Wenwen knows! Wen saw! There is a tattoo in the hand! "

Said, the little girl picked up a branch in unskilled, and painted it slowly on the ground.





Household building, underground ... [blood] treasure house.

Ti Luosa has wiped [Baoyu] to wipe it back and forth. Suddenly, Ma Houde's star suddenly secretly, has returned to the brightness of the start.

Although it is still very bright, it is not a very outline ... just leave it!

"What happened?" Tieluo couldn't help but muttered, "suddenly the fortune broke out ... It's hard to eat?"

It can be seen [Cang], the old horse, the brightness of the star, how to see, is not like the fortune, suddenly exhausted to eat the seat?

Tie Luo brakes, although the old horse's star is restored, but she still decided ... and then wipe [Baoyu].

Baoyu can't blust it!