Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 292: Wild Werewolves Ahead

Carrying the Bernery M1 on his shoulder, the man who broke into the door looked at Yuri's walking down the stairs.

“Looks like we finally found our righteous owner.” God's defeat sneered: “This estate is huge. ”

The moment he spoke, Heaven's defeat suddenly shifted away from his body. Between the lights, a bullet rubbed through his face and hit the door panel behind him.

The heavens lost momentarily waved the Bernery M1 and didn't look at the position, pulling the trigger very quickly. At the moment of his shooting, he saw a man whose whole body was blown into a horse's nest, bleeding.

Burnelly M1... shotgun power, too horrible.

“Feel free to take the master away, Mr. Edgar! ”

The head of the Dickabees' bodyguard said a quick word at this point, and together with several of his companions, he turned wildly toward this man - God's defeat, suppressed with fire!

“Die!” A Dickabee bodyguard bit directly off the safety bolt of the grenade and threw it at heaven's defeat.

Instead of backing away, the defeated stared at Bernery M1 as a baseball bat, striking precisely against this flying grenade.

A hit - the grenade flies back!


The power of the explosion, blow up a staircase!

At the moment of the explosion, Mr. Butler quickly threw Yuri to the ground. It was just the airflow of the explosion and the loud noise that struck him for a moment.

Yuri climbed up from the ground, shook her head, and still looked like Venus. Tinnitus made him feel like everything was shaking in front of him... but it was also clear that every one of those bodyguards had fallen and turned into a fleshy corpse.

He saw Edgar fall on the ground, and the old man pushed him while blocking the impact of the air currents for him, but he couldn't move, and he didn't know his life or death.

“Who are you?” Yuri took a deep breath at this point.

Afraid? He doesn't know… but obviously the most human instinct makes his voice nervous.

But it was obviously not interested in saying more, and the Bernery M1 was lifted on his hand, aiming directly at Yuri.

Yuri could only retreat in panic, but eventually pushed onto the wall, finding herself without a way back, and perspiring.

“Wait! ”

At this moment, a voice that did not belong here suddenly sounded.

Looking at the sound, all I saw was a huge figure, coming in slowly from the door that had been broken down by heaven.

Yuri instantly looked at the man, glaring at his eyes and biting his teeth: “Yefim! ”

At the moment of first meeting Yuri, Yefim frowned and looked around before snorting coldly: "It was you! I knew it. It must be Anna. That bitch's lying to me! She didn't kill you! I had no idea what kind of way you poor, sour homeless bastard could become a Dickabee! However..."

Yefim sneered: "Whatever your identity is, I want your life... now! ”

Yuri stunned.

But it worked.

“Wait! I'm not the heir to the Decabees!” He's flying fast: “I'm just that guy's double! He wants to fight you! ”

“Alternate?” Yefim frowned: “Where is the real heir? ”

At the same time, Yefim took a pistol from God's defeated hand and brutally said: "If you dare to say you don't know, then go to hell! I'll send you to see your pal. ”

“Wait!” Yuri swallowed his saliva and said, “I can take you to him! I know where he is! But you have to let me go! Otherwise, he'll be able to get out of this place in no time! ”

Yefimton closed his eyes.

But all of a sudden the defeat around him was, “Mr. Yefim, I don't want to waste time. If the man you're going to kill leaves, we won't continue to help you find someone. You have to leave Moscow before dawn. ”

“Yuri, I hope you don't let me down.” Yefim grinned, “Otherwise, before I left, I'm afraid you'll have to bear my anger. ”

Yuri took a deep breath and nodded.

God's defeat was waved: “Go ahead, don't play tricks. ”

Yuri could only turn around… but he knew that behind him, the Bernery M1 shotgun, was clearly resisting behind him.

“Follow me. ”



Yergo easily saw a guy fall on the ground on the road.

I'm afraid it's the estate itself!

He looked at the blood hole in the man's forehead and subconsciously thought of a noun: shot to death!

“What the hell happened?” Yergo tightened his eyebrows, but quickly reached over the man's body.

So the Yergo baby easily picked up the gear on the road: a pistol.

He didn't know about the estate and could only do more to protect himself, “Mr. Victor... Victor! ”

He remembered Victor, who had not heard from him since he was taken away, feared that he might still be trapped somewhere on the estate, and bit his teeth, followed the body along the road, tracked him up all the way!

Suddenly, Yergo heard a loud bang… The explosion sounded like a powerful weapon, perhaps a grenade or something.

“Is this family nuts? How does a security check work? Does it make people carry such dangerous things through customs? ”

Yergo, whose heart was going to spit, rushed towards the sound of the explosion, but didn't want to, on the way, to encounter a scene that made him feel a little surprised!

It was a man with a black hood, holding the neck of a man in a white suit with one hand, lifting the other's body so easily.

At the same time, the man with the black hood, the automatic rifle on his hand, pointed at the chest of the man in the white suit and protruded.

After a painful scream from the Dickabees' bodyguards in white suits, their bodies were casually left on the ground.

And the guy with the black hood slowly turned his face and looked at the panicked Yergo in the hallway, twisting the bones around his neck, and he said, “Is there anything else missing? Exactly, don't need me to look. ”

Yergo hurried his hands up and pointed at each other, sighing and drinking: “Drop your weapon! I'm an agent of the Third Police Department! I command you now, drop your weapons!! ”

“Agent?” Heavenly sin beguiled, but shook his head: "Whatever it is, it should be cleaned up or to be cleaned up. ”

He walked slowly toward Yergo, behaving himself, and said softly: "Your hands are shaking. You said you were an agent. Have you ever shot anyone? ”

“Stop! Drop your weapon! Ah!!" The young agent, biting his teeth, suddenly pulled the board.

Boom, boom, boom--!

Three shots, the bullet fired on the floor in front of the heavenly sin, raised dust for a while, but did not hurt the heavenly sin half way.

“It turns out to be a rookie...” Heavenly sin shook his head, but his body rushed forward suddenly, moving extremely fast!

Heavenly sin easily punched Yergo in the abdomen, and a heavy blow caused Yergo to kneel down painfully. Heavenly sin snorted and grabbed Yergo's hair, his automatic rifle instantly pointed at Yergo's forehead.

At the same time, Yergo grabbed the chamber of the automatic rifle with both hands and forcefully prevented it from pointing.


From Yergo, Heavenly Sin felt quite a lot of strength... the gunpoint can no longer refer to this guy, but for Heavenly Sin, killing doesn't necessarily require the use of bullets!

He snorted coldly, one knee resting on Yergo's abdomen, instantly turning his body around behind Yergo, strangling Yergo's neck with a rifle in his hand!

While strangled, he slipped back on the floor, dragging Yergo's body.

Yergo could only kick his legs in pain, but could never break the barrel around his neck, a fear of his throat breaking, causing his pupils to dilate rapidly.

Finally, from the threat of death, he set aside some apprehensions, not struggling, but directly grasping the hands of Heavenly Sin in front of him.

Yergo suddenly saw a roar!

His clothes split right at this moment, too!

He threw this guy with the black headache back in front of him!

“Ahhh!!! ”

Yergo even made up a terrible fist behind each other's back… he could even feel the bone smashing behind each other's back!

Watching this guy eventually fall to the ground, he seemed immobile, and Yergo gasped and collapsed all at once.

Under the hallway lights, on Yergo's face, on his arms, behind the exposed pieces of broken clothing, and in his chest, a fine layer of plush began to emerge.

Yergo leaned back and pained himself, feeling only that a veterinary nature was spreading wildly in his body.

He grabbed his arms and made an extremely painful scream… He did not notice that the heavenly sin had fallen on the ground, but his body moved strangely.

Climb up!

The heavenly sin sounds a little low and weak, "A werewolf? No wonder you have so much strength... but you don't seem to be able to control yourself very well. ”

Yergo raised his head and opened his mouth like a beast towards this guy, revealing his sharp canine teeth, showing a wounded wolf.

But suddenly Heavenly Sin pulled out a tiny iron box from the collar, opened it... and took out a tiny syringe with a syringe, and slowed down: “Since you are a werewolf, there is no way. If I can, I don't want to use this stuff either, after all..."

Heavenly sin inserts the syringe directly into your neck... injection!

In the syringe, a light blue liquid is injected all at once into Heavenly Sin's body! Just for a moment, Heavenly Sin's eyes suddenly reversed, and his face burst into a large amount of blood vessels!

He also seemed to suffer tremendously and made a low roar - his muscles swelled up all at once!

“But anyway, the feeling that this power brings is wonderful...”

Heavenly Sin's body, like a giant circle!

He suddenly jumped and fell right in front of Yergo, punching him in the head!



It was a figure that flew out of the hallway backwards, and then another figure rushed out of the hallway, and it quickly wrapped around a piece!

Well, it looks like this medicine is a standard for members of the Michal Club.

Looking at the appearance of these two non-human bodies, Boss Lo can't help but think of something interesting.

But it was interesting, and even interested in the duel between the medicines at Michal and the wild werewolf agent, and the owner of the club went straight into the interior of the estate.

In fact, Rochu just feels that... these two guys won't be able to finish this fight for a while or so.

And after a quick glimpse of Rocchu and Anna behind Unight, she couldn't catch up with the scene in front of the panic.

She was initially just reluctant to die like this and let all her efforts go to waste.

But when she grasped it from the standpoint of the spectator, little by little, she knew something… was what she needed to do.

“Yuri, I would never let you...”