Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 388: I Was Going To The Moon

“I would have minded to the moon, and the moon would have lit the trenches. Sigh, sigh, sigh...”

Such emotional speech is naturally not something that Fatty Zhang would say —— and he stands under an iron window with a gloomy face.

Plus, even though you don't have a mustache, you still have to do the caressing... the whole Chaoyun prison, naturally only dozens of cabins of total handles left.

“Alas... I said Zhou, what is my master doing? ”

Zhang Fatty looked away with his hands and gently touched Zhou Xiaokun's shoulder, curious to ask.

“Poetry, dude. He's reading poetry.” Zhou Xiaokun chanted softly: “My heart would have turned to the moon, and the moon of Naihe lit the ditch, so wet and wet. ”

“Go, go, who doesn't know it's poetry! I asked you what you meant! ”

Zhou Xiaokun shrugged: “This means that I like you now, but you don't like me. But we know that Brother's wife is long dead, and we associate it with his current situation. I think brother's thinking about his daughter. ”

“Why don't you just say so? Holy shit!”

Zhang Fatty glanced at Zhou Xiaokun and rubbed his hands. He smiled and walked behind the chief carrying handle in the dozens of compartments. He respectfully shouted: "Master! ”

“Don't call me Master, I already said, I won't accept an apprentice without the consent of the Master, huh! ”

“Master Feng.” Zhang Fatty didn't mind either. "Master Feng, in fact, you don't have to be unhappy. Soon you will encounter something happy! ”

“What?” Tai Yin turned his head and looked at this... Zhang Fatty.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fatty blinked at this moment and said: "Master Feng, you will not forget what day it is? Today, today! ”

“Today? ”

“Yeah, today!” Zhang Fatty is happy: “Anyway, Master Feng, you don't have to thank me! Believe me, I've arranged everything! ”

Does the owner often describe this guy as... retarded?

The clown frowned. “What are you trying to say? What's the plan?”

“Hey, hey! You'll find out tomorrow! ”

Zhang Fatty hey hey smile: “But don't thank me, this is my honor to your old man! However, if you really want to thank me all the time, there is nothing to say. What about me? Nothing else. Just one word! Righteous!”

He patted himself hard on the chest, and Zhang Fatty hummed: “We're out walking in the river and lake, the word is in the head! Besides, your old man is our future master, your business is my fat Zhang! ”

“What are you trying to say? ”

“Hey, secret, secret! Almost done!” Zhang Fatty patted the shoulder of this dozen cabin master handle, “you old man, just wait for the warden to call your name! ”

Fucking retard!

Too shaky shook his head, he sighed, or he kept looking up at the iron window and reading the poem.

Dao, when will I get out of this shithole...

It's time, Germanic Chariot is coming here for a concert! I booked tickets a month ago.

“Strange, how suddenly there's an unknown feeling? ”

Too shady even hit a chill.



On the highway.

Because this is the road to the prison, and it is the road that does not go to the village and back, Longqiang squatted on the tree for hours without seeing any other cars coming and going.

“Holy shit!” Dragon Qiang shook his head, and when he heard the sound, he stretched his neck... and then his workers came back.

“Where are the people?” Dragon Qiang asked.

“Foreman, I've looked everywhere, I just haven't found anyone. The chick doesn't know if she's hiding from us or not! ”

“Shit! That's great. Lose someone!” Dragon force disturbs the head: “What do you want me to tell people later? ”

“Foreman, what's wrong? ”

Dragon Qiang was helpless: “Heh! The girl left her phone here while she was running, and I answered it when I heard it. It's the girl's man. The guy's got a good attitude, so I asked him to bring some gas. ”

“Did he say yes? ”

“Promise.” Dragon Strong shrugged: “He also said he was going to pay me $800 in medical bills. ”

“Good thing, foreman! ”

Dragon Qiang couldn't reside on the worker's head and knocked him hard: “Good sister, good! I thought you guys were gonna get people back! Now, people don't know where to go, wait for someone to come over, what can I say... Shit, say Cao Cao Cao Cao will come! ”

That phone call belonged to Tao Xiamang. It just occurred to me.

Johnson panicked. “Think about it! Say it, say it! ”

“How to say… how to say…” Workers rushed to come up with a solution: “Yes! Foreman, don't tell anyone you lost it, you'll see it when he gets here! What matters is gasoline. We can't take the car away with gas! It's too expensive to call a trailer! As for people, alas, so big, no problem! Maybe I'll run back when I'm hungry! ”

“Well, that makes sense.” Long Qiang nods his head, "so I answer the phone? I really did! I really did! ”

“Pick it up, foreman! ”

Dragon Qiang slightly coughed twice: “Cough, hey... Yes, it's me! What about what I want? Oh, did you bring it? That's good... people? You'll see when you get here! Cut the crap! Hurry up! ”

Dragon Qiang quickly poked his finger at the screen of his phone and was just a little nervous: “Well, how was I just doing? ”

The worker suddenly raised his thumb: “Handsome! ”

Dragon Johan hey hey smile: “Handsome! Let me tell you something, someone I knew, who didn't call me Mercy Wind Mountain Django? This is bullshit. That's amazing! ”


“Lin SIR, trace the location of Tao Xiamang's cell phone signal. ”

A commercial vehicle parked at the exit of the outer loop, the police turned the screen of the notebook to Lin Feng, pointing out the location of the signal, and said: “Our signal tracking is very smooth, it seems that the other party is not aware to take precautions against tracing! ”

Lin Feng nodded and then looked at Zhou Zihao holding two big bags of cash nervously beside him.

Lin SIR solemnly said: "Mr. Zhou, since the kidnappers have indicated that you will personally deliver the ransom, there is nothing we can do. But don't worry, if you know where the signal is, I'll arrange for the armed police and snipers to set out early to ambush you and protect you when you trade. But for your own safety, please put on your vest. ”

“I get it.” Zhou Zihao nodded, “but Lin SIR, remember, the safety of my fiancée must be paramount! This money, it doesn't matter! ”

“Don't worry, we'll save the hostages! ”

Lin Feng stepped out of the car and sank: “Assemble! ”

He looked at the group of officers gathered in front of him and said, "Everybody be ready! We do not know the circumstances of the bandits for the time being, but we do not rule out the possession of dangerous weapons, even guns! So we have to be armed... then who, get me a bulletproof coat too...”