Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 406: Paranoid

It was too dark, and Cheng couldn't even see what the two people in the compartment were like... he knew them or he didn't.

But the weird feeling that drove him here eventually drove him in and sat down.

Across the huge glass table in the box, he pointed that way at the one sitting on the couch... all he knew was that he was a man.

But he couldn't tell what he looked like or how old he was.

“You are…” Cheng also frowned.

“A businessman, a businessman who can sell you anything.” And so is Rocchu, who is measuring the schedule. The darkness in this compartment is also an obstacle to Cheng, but for the owners of the club, there is no difference between light and no light.

“Merchant?” Cheng also lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

“Look.” Lochu suddenly said softly.

This successfully caught Cheng's attention, and he immediately raised his head. The level of lifting your head is also suddenly becoming a little frightening.

Because he was able to see clearly something - not so much in front of him, though it was dark - that happened on the table he was sitting on.

The mysterious man in front of him just reached over the glass table and rubbed some scattered objects directly in front of Cheng Yan.

He recognized the pieces —— the electric guitar he broke himself after fighting with Hung Guan.

Cheng also subconsciously reached out and picked up one of the pieces… there was also engraving, writing a word: the sea.

“Is this your thing? ”

“This is my thing, yes.” Cheng nodded, but frowned again: “Is there any mechanism here? Did you sit on the table with your hands and feet or... Forget it, I don't have time to watch you do this weird magic show here. Besides, I don't even know you. ”

“So...” Rochu suddenly punched a finger, “Is that magic? ”

Cheng Yan suddenly flew out of nowhere, along with all the pieces and parts on the table, the piece of land was suspended at this moment.

They began to slowly re-assemble in front of Cheng Yanya, combining… even the broken strings were re-attached.

A complete electric guitar eventually landed in Cheng's hands!

It's amazing, I can't think of any magic that could do that! Cheng also rubbed his eyes hard and even subconsciously reached out to move the sound strings.

“This feeling... this is my guitar!” Cheng also looked up, incredibly: “How did you do that? ”

“You want something?” Rocciu won't answer the question, "and would you do anything for it? ”

“I...” Cheng also opened his mouth and held the "Dead and Resurrected" guitar in his hands, “I... I...”

“Looks like the Guest hasn't decided yet.” Rochu laughed, “But it's okay, our door is always open for you if you want. ”

Lochu stood up and seemed to want to leave.

Cheng also shouted subconsciously, "Wait... wait! Wait a minute!"

“Anything else? ”

“This… this guitar…” Cheng also hesitated: “This guitar…”

“Consider it a souvenir.” Rochu said softly: “A little gift for you, so precious things, don't smash it next time. ”

Cheng also held the guitar tighter in his hand. As he looked at this mysterious businessman and the other figure about to leave the box, Cheng also bit his teeth and suddenly cried out: “Me... what can I buy? ”

Opportunities pass slightly, and there is a profound understanding of this - for a musician like him who has little talent, no bright appearance, no economic foundation, and the most ordinary musician, even if it is just one chance, must be seized.

But he never had the opportunity… to subvert his cognition at this moment.

This may be an opportunity.

Even if the other side is the devil.

“Me, me...” Cheng also bit his teeth. “I want to buy it! ”



“I'm sorry, I'm sorry! ”

Hung Guan constantly apologized… nodded to the club manager and apologized. His warm blood and bones had been flattened on thorny music roads.

For the sake of life and family, even if at this moment they scold themselves for a dog's blood, he also tells himself that patience is necessary... at the very least, the money for the performance tonight cannot be lost.

The manager of the club snorted coldly: "What is it? I have a good desk. Your partner says throw things away and throw things away! He's got character! If you have such character, then don't come to my place to sing! In the beginning, who depended on me to give you the opportunity to be here? Hey, you guys, almost screwed up tonight's event! ”

“I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! ”

Hung Guan hastily said: "You're relieved! I'll be sure to say something about him... he's in a bit of a bad mood tonight, he's had a little more wine, he's in a good mood. I think he couldn't stand it for a second. Besides, manager, you see, even though he did, wasn't he well? I'm happy by myself and the guests from the stage. ”

The manager waved tirelessly, "All right, forget it! Isn't that the wage? Don't worry, I always say good things! I won't lose half your share, but your big singer friend, I'm sorry! Not a penny! You tell him to get out of here. I don't want to see him again! Boo, something, in front of the labourers! ”

“Manager, can we discuss this again? Not at all. That's too...”

“Say it again!” The manager glanced hard, this mixed night club for more than a decade could even scare Hung Guan, “Besides, even you didn't! ”

Hung Guan suddenly lowered his head in darkness, and that was the reality.

When the manager finished scolding him, he turned around and walked away. He threw a piece of electric bass against the door before leaving the house and smiled. “Musician? Boo!”

Hung Kuan pinched his fist, bit his teeth tight, and did not go forward.

Wait until the manager leaves before he silently picks up his electric bass... if he decides to give up, what does it matter if he doesn't pick it up?

He said so himself.

Hung Guan sighed and subconsciously took out the phone... the address book home page in his phone, the first number stored, and still is.

Hung Guan's fingers tried to open a few times on the screen, but eventually they didn't go down.

In the end, he just chose to send a text message, briefly to say what was going on, and finally he wrote, "You need to calm down, I'm going back, my wife is still in the hospital. If you need anything, come to me. And then, for the last time, I didn't really work with you. Too bad.

However, before sending it, Hung Guan was silent for a while, or delete the last sentence and replace it with the following:

Good get-together.


Hung Guan quietly packed his things, walked out the door of the nightclub and sighed heavily. He suddenly laughed and didn't know what he was laughing at.

No DiDi taxi was chosen. In order to save some money, Hung Kuan intends to rush to the last bus.

“Hey, I'm off duty, yeah! I'm coming to the hospital right now! Not hard, not hard... um, okay. Didn't eat... Oops, I forgot to eat. It's okay, I'll just buy something to eat on the side of the road.” Hung Guan spoke to his wife on the phone.

Passing a fish egg tray, he unconsciously stopped.

“Boss, do you have any more food? ”

Sitting on the bench, looking at the newspaper's fish egg, Qiang raised his head with a cigarette and said, “There's nothing to eat, there's not enough. If you want to eat, you can have it all. Five bucks. ”

“Yes.” Hongguan nodded.

Fish eggs stood up, grabbed the tools, began to skillfully put the rest of the fish tofu fish eggs and stuff in a bowl, and suddenly he looked at the crown and said, “Dude, do you play music? ”

Hung Guan stunned and looked unconsciously at his back... I'm afraid he'll never use the means of livelihood again, shook his head: “No. ”

Fish Egg Qiang took another look, “Why? Isn't it good to play music? ”

Hung Guan smiled. “It's not going to work. ”

“Really?” Fish eggs nodded strongly, sprinkling sauce on a packed bowl of food, "Okay, thanks for five. ”

Hung Guan gave the money, took the things and left.

Not many steps later, suddenly I heard this fish egg owner behind me, “I've just sat here all night listening to it. It sounds pretty good. ”

Hung Guan suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at the owner of the fish egg stall. He suddenly smiled and walked toward the boss.

“What? Didn't you get the chopsticks? ”

Hung Guan shook his head, but he unlocked his electric bass and put it on the door. "Boss, this is for you. ”

“Give it to me? I won't be polite, and I won't pay you back. Are you sure?” Fish eggs looked randomly and still held smoke.

Hung Guan just patted the boss's shoulder gently. He didn't say anything. He just lifted the packing box on his hand and sniffed it in front of him. "This smells good. It must taste good. ”

The fish eggs shrugged and sat down, resting their left leg on their right knee, and they saw the newspaper again.

For the owner of the fish egg stall, this is another strange encounter...

Hung Guan has left, and the fish eggs beat up a huge debt. He also cleaned up his slot with dignity. But this moment, from the club in front, suddenly there was a loud sound, “Shit, stop it and you'll die! ”

But listen, the fish eggs got a little distracted, and the cigarette butt in them suddenly fell off the ground without paying attention.

He just subconsciously walked up… close to this glorious club of lights. It wasn't just him, some of the high-skinned people in the nearby nightclub who came here, but they started watching the club's doorway.

It's like being attracted to the past by something… by that deafening, like being able to thump the voices of their inner world.

Meanwhile, in the club, the manager of the club opened his mouth and his face was incredible.

He looked at the customers in the lobby who were completely like crazy, their own escort ladies, sommeliers... etc., all rocking like drugs, crazy!

“Crazy... Crazy...” the manager muttered to himself, but his body also swayed with the beat.

It's all just because, right now, on that stage, Cheng is also playing a crazy song: "Paranoid".