Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 931: Immortality

The dark blue arc formed an electric grid in the air, but Cook's long gun swept across, and the long gun flashed a bright light. It broke the grid directly, and then the long gun swept hard towards the woman's body in the black trench coat.


Women's bodies in black trench coats were directly knocked out.

Cook stood single-handedly at this point and suddenly stopped the attack, just looking forward - in the forward position, the black trench coat woman staggered her hands in front of her, while her body bent slightly differently.

“Are you from Paradise Island?” Cook silenced for a moment and said softly; “Your physics is the way to Heaven Island. Um... usually field staff learn. ”

The black trenchcoat woman is shaking her hands at the moment... simply blocking this sweep from Cook and paralyzing her hands. Wrong, there was a grid that removed most of the force, and I'm afraid the bones in both arms would be broken.

The Twelve Gods of the Club will be truly horrified... even though they have frantically exploited the power of thunder from that man for some time.

“No.” Unexpectedly, Cook frowned at the moment: “With your strength, it cannot be just a field worker… at least an elite warrior… scanning, identity retrieval. ”

Cook suddenly mumbled —— a half moon collar he wore around his neck flashed a little bit.

“Really just field personnel?” Cook is slightly surprised to measure this black trench coat woman, “Jessica? ”

“Hello.” Woman in black trench coat... Jessica suddenly changed a smile and asked what surprised Cook - yet at this moment Jessica suddenly squatted on the floor with her hands pressed against the floor!

Electric light bounced off the floor and then ran right into Cook like a Mustang!

There was a crackling sound in the air, and a lot of electric arcs blew right up on Cook right now!

Instead of responding, however, Cook walked directly towards Jessica, "although it is not known why a field staff member suddenly gained this level of strength, it is still too far off. This level of current, at least ten times stronger, would cause me trouble. ”

“Really... that's what you want!” Jessica made a roaring noise at this point, and the blue light rose wildly in time.

“Go back to Paradise Island with me. It's a shame to die in this place.” Cook shook his head and remained idle in that terrible light.

“I'll go… one day!” Jessica screamed.

Cook exhaled, the dark red gun on his hand gently waved, and the arc on his body was instantly dispersed, "Just... just be ready to get hurt, I'll take you back. ”

But at this point, something suddenly flew around towards Cook. It's just that his marksmanship is already masterful!

Like a real lightning bolt, a long, dark red gun stabbed out of nowhere at this moment, knocking those things directly at him.

Pistols, iron plates, screws...

Cook frowned, and Jessica wasn't supposed to be manipulating solids with mindfulness, “Oh... magnetization, so that's it. But just to that extent... hmm? ”


A loud bang!

The explosion took place next to Cook - from the console in this command room… Turns out the real purpose of Jessica's radiation arc was to detonate the instrument here.

The flames are burning.

The flames were burning, and in the flames, Cook slowly walked out, but there was no sign of Jessica here, and I'm afraid the retreat route had been chosen at the moment of the explosion.

Cook suddenly electrocuted his hand and reached for a screw that shot at his face and suddenly laughed: "Nice combat consciousness. ”

Meanwhile, Cook's comms went off.

“Mr. Cook, what's the status of the sub-base? Any sign of an intruder? ”

Cook then glanced at the man whose head had been blown up in the explosion and said softly: "We are late, and after the invaders killed the chief minister here, it seems to have left. ”

“Okay, I get it! But the intruder should be gone for a short time, and the follow-on troops will be here soon, and we'll do a full search! Mr. Cook, I need you outside the sub-base. I'll pick you up! ”

“No, I'm here to see if there's anything else.” Cook said, turning off the transmitter.

After that, Cook went straight to the man who was first captured by Jessica for questioning, but unfortunately lost his life in an instrument explosion - probably the branch minister of this branch.

Cook then squatted down and stretched out his hand to keep the man's eyes open... digging the man's left eye straight out.


In the woods, the shadow is moving forward.

The force of the explosion was not insignificant, but made Jessica look unusual, and the clothes behind her had been blown up and the sleeves on her left arm had disappeared.

The night was reckless, yet from time to time there were beams of light passing quickly in the woods… I'm afraid they were sent by the club to hunt her down.

Jessica felt a headache at this point, which should be the reason she overused her abilities when fighting Cook.

Her gaze gradually became blurred, her body was even more weak, and her ability to avoid this chase was an unknown number... Can't go back to Heaven Island and avenge Heaven Island anymore...

Jessica was eventually exhausted beneath the roots of a large tree.

She painstakingly turned her back and lifted her clothes - a sharp piece of iron was inserted in her abdomen at the moment, which she inserted into herself when it exploded.

Jessica shook her hand and grabbed the tip of this iron... this thing was inserted too deep, without a hemostatic tool, it really shouldn't be pulled out directly, however, even if she chose to let it go, the wound would still bleed!

Jessica suddenly sat down for a few deep breaths and then picked up a branch from the ground and bit it in her mouth. Her fingers snapped together for a few moments, then suddenly pulled the iron out of her abdomen as she breathed!

The branches let her bite off the past at this moment - but it's not over!

At this point, Jessica pressed her hands against the wound on her abdomen with only a little force left, and then the electricity flashed...

She breathed more rapidly and the pain almost choked her… while stopping the bleeding through this cruel method, it also drained her strength.

She doesn't say to stand up at this moment, I'm afraid climbing on the ground also appears to be a tremendous hassle... probably only to do as she is told, and those who look forward to pursuing her will carelessly neglect.

“Quite resilient...”

All of a sudden, a nice voice came.

What surprises Jessica at this moment is not the sound of a sudden intrusion, but the speaker, who speaks the native language of the Yea Nation —— in this place, why is there a guy from that country?

Jessica opened her eyes reluctantly, but with a petite figure, as if she were just a little girl.

“You are…”

“Oh, you can still understand me?” The little girl crouched down at this moment - in front of Jessica, "it looks like this is a branch base of the club... did you destroy it? ”

Jessica was relaxed.

“Why destroy it, you have vengeance?” The little girl suddenly asked.

“Revenge…” Jessica said weakly.

“Revenge… what a coincidence. ”

The little girl suddenly laughed down: "I happen to have some accounts that I haven't settled with this shit. Thanks to them, I was poisoned... Hey, I don't think you can live like this, or let me help you, I'm a little hungry too. ”

“You…” Jessica moved her lips.

Yet the little girl suddenly leaned down, and Jessica felt only a tingling sensation on her neck, but oddly enough, it counteracted the pain in her abdominal wound, even… a strange feeling of crispness, which made her unable to help but groan softly.

“You… are… who…”

“Remember to give to those who do not die… Su Zijun. ”

“Sue...” Jessica's lips moved and eventually lost consciousness.

The moon flashed suddenly, dispersing the shadow of the trees in the forest a little bit. The little girl raised her head at this time, and the red pupil suddenly widened a little.

She reached out and wiped the blood off her lips and looked down at Jessica's face, "What a nice kid. ”

“Found it, here! ”

Suddenly, more than a dozen lanes of light were set in full swing beneath the tree, as if a light screen had been created around it.

“Is there another one, an accomplice... a little girl? ”

“Whatever, grab it together. ”

”The little girl suddenly stood up and laughed.“ Let's charge some interest first... ”

Something suddenly shook the sleeping birds in the woods and let them rush out of the woods for a moment and into the night.


Far away, Cook looked at the direction of the mountain forest with some confusion, but he just frowned and did not intend to go over and look - where he came today is a secret chamber in this branch base.

Basically, there is a place in every branch - a place for ministers to communicate with the Paradise Island side of each branch, but also a place where the network hosts a branch base.

The elevator is about 15 meters deep underground, and when Cook walks out of the elevator, there's not much space in front of him, only about twenty or thirty square meters.

Cook walked up to a huge console and quickly typed a series of instructions on that console, and then suddenly opened a small scanned version on the side.

Cook took that fresh eye out of Branch Minister's left eye and placed it in front of the scanner.

“Authentication password scanned correctly. ”

The interface on the screen instantly explains that Cook sat in front of the console with his hands on the keyboard, knocking out a string of instructions.

“The Paradise Island Master System has been linked to the 019 Branch Agent with authority to view documents below Level 3 Confidential. You can upgrade permissions to view more advanced confidential documents. ”

Cook now removes from his body a large slap crystal card - a crystal card with many circuit board-like lines and an Arabic numeral of 7 engraved on it.

Cook plugged this crystal card into a slot on the console.

“Upgrading permissions… Permission upgraded successfully. From the authority of the Seventh God to ‘Tyrant’, you can now access all confidential documents of Level 7 or below. ”

Cook frowned and again took out the same crystal card, only the number engraved on it was 5.

“Check out the new Authorizer, from the authority of the Fifth God to ‘Magic Gun’, you can now access all confidential documents of Level 7 or less. ”

Looking at the text appearing on the screen, Cook finally shook his head and said, "Are the two gods authorized enough...”

Without any hesitation, Cook quickly pulled out two crystal cards and eventually left the place.

When he returned from underground, he received information about the deaths of dozens of search team members - in a strange state, as if they had been planted with bombs in their bodies, the entire site exploded, and only a pile of pieces of meat were found that could not tell who was who.

As to who the killer was, we didn't find him.

Soon after, Cook received a twenty-six seat order from the Paradise Island asking him to return immediately to Paradise Island for the reason that… a highly intelligent 'Prometheus’ was found on Romanian soil.



Firecrackers and fireworks, as well as traditional gong drums and lion dance teams.

In front of the Chamber of Commerce building on Chinatown, there were many people gathered in the heat. Some of them are local residents of China Street and some are outside journalists.

Today is not a special festival, however, the reason why China Street is so lively is because Master Song feels the bad luck has been so much lately, so Song Se is here to have a big dinner, feasting on almost all the old neighborhoods.

Song Tianyu, the master of the Song family, hasn't appeared in China Street in a long time. This sudden news immediately attracted many characters.

Especially some elderly seniors who live in China Street. They used to be able to say a few words to Master Song. Today, they have not seen each other for many years. Naturally, their hearts are hot.

“I have two announcements to make today.” Song Tianyu looked at the neighborhoods of Zhonghua Street in front of the microphone at this time and smiled: “The first thing is that the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Bai Shui Pond, has resigned from his position due to his physical condition. The new president of the chamber of commerce will be chosen and we will see you soon. ”

After a pause, Master Song continued: “As for the second thing, the ‘birth door’ of the Chamber of Commerce will be cancelled from now on. ”

Everyone was shouting.

Because, having had a long history, the sudden cancellation of "Birth Gate" now is completely unacceptable.