Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 948 Lost (1)

In fact, in addition to the cold winter, there is one thing that is bothering Mordor Airport - not many days left is the Chinese New Year.

This is often referred to as the difficulty of spring luck.

Especially since the airport has been connected to the railway station in previous years, the flow of passengers here has been maintained at a terrible figure.

If you are experiencing a weather problem that prevents your flight from departing on time, it is a serious problem indeed.

Better yet, it is now midnight and far from daytime - many shops have closed, with the exception of some of the retail and restaurants, which are open 24 hours a day, after the terminals have undergone security checks.

Overall, it still looks a little chilly.

Of course, such an environment is very beneficial to Han Bingjiang... why?

Naturally, because less means broadening the horizon, which is certainly not desirable for entertainment journalists like Han Bingjiang who live off secrets and explosives - making it easier to get a sneak shot of the target.

Labels such as' First Entertainment ',‘ Strongest Puppy in the Line ', have been stuffed all over Han Bingjiang for a few years now - it's another fame.

There must have been a lot of breaking news for the New Year, but unfortunately the ‘paparazzi’ at the studio were all home on vacation. Helpless, Han Bingjiang, the owner of the studio, could only fight in person.

Today's target is a famous female star.

According to reliable information, the female star, who viewed humans as innocent, claimed to be a devout believer, had repeatedly said in front of the media that she refused premarital misconduct and had no boyfriend to date - but this time she seemed to have a foreign boyfriend with her and seemed ready to go home for the New Year.

- Unveil the hypocritical veils of men and women in these entertainment circles! Let them fall from the altar into the abyss, and watch as they grieve in trouble and cry… much more than the money that this thing can get itself.

- What a pleasant thing.

- What did you say?

Han Bingjiang recently saw someone upstairs make an expression with their own avatar. That's what it says: I like watching you hate itching, but you can't hit me.

“Go away, little redneck, smoke all these years, and don't be afraid to blow your mouth off! ”

A very swollen cleaner at this point ‘squeezed’ the smoking room with a dark color, cleaning up those 'old cigarette guns' to solve the legacy of need.

Han Bingjiang thought he was a Sven, lazy and this bloated aunt, strangled the cigarette butt and walked out... well, I felt bad about his mouth, after all, he had been lurking in the airport for a long time.

She also looks a little hungry.

Han Bingjiang, who was just about to grab something to eat, suddenly stopped —— because he saw a high-quality woman.

There is no doubt that Han Bingjiang's eyes are very poisonous, and he can almost see at a glance who or what he comes from - obviously, this high-quality woman is not rich or expensive, and she has a very stylish feeling, I'm afraid she's some gorgeous celebrity.

It was just a while before Han Bingjiang remembered what this woman was really like.

A woman of high quality, and a young man who looked rather ordinary, with a child clearly not of Asian ethnicity, always felt a strange combination.

Out of instinctive curiosity, Han Bingjiang smiled at the young man and woman - although his appearance had long been exposed to the public in recent years because of the many explosive stories he had read, if carefully disguised, he could fool most people.

After all, it's not everyone who keeps an entertainment journalist's face in their head - especially the photographs and the ones they see themselves - and there are some surprises already.

“Did something happen?” Han Bingjiang smiled, like a teacher, giving people a sense of being approachable.

“The kid's lost, and we're going to help him.” The young man spoke casually.

But when the child next to him saw Han Bingjiang, he rushed to hide behind the young man, seemingly terrified - and this depressed Han Bingjiang.

“Never mind, the child is afraid to have children, even I am afraid.” The high-quality woman said coldly, seemingly sour.

Han Bingjiang just grinned.

There is no value at all... Han Bingjiang shook his head in the dark, but as part of his disguise, he pointed very ‘kindly': “Not far from the airport's duty room, you can go check it out. ”

“Okay, thanks.” The young man smiled and suddenly said: “There's also a water supply machine over there, not far away. ”

Han Bingjiang stunned and subconsciously realized a thank you, then watched the young man and woman leave with the child, frowned and muttered: “How did he know...”

However, Han Bingjiang quickly reacted because the smoking time was too long, his mouth was already dry, even his lips were cracked. At first glance, he was like a thirsty person.

But seeing the distant child suddenly turns back, looks at himself, and then turns his head quickly... obviously still looks very scared.

Han Bingjiang shook his head and insinuated that he might not really like the people his children liked... Well, counting the time, is it almost time for that girl's flight to arrive?

Han Bingjiang hastily drank two sips of water at the water point before rushing to the arrivals hall.


Just to surprise Han Bingjiang, he didn't have long to meet his goal for the trip - the new actress who just won the Best Newcomer Award at last year's film show: Joanne!

Han Bingjiang's eyes were so poisonous, otherwise he wouldn't have caught so many star scandals - even though the new star in front of him was wearing a turban and sunglasses, Han Bingjiang recognized them at first glance.

The woman walking in front of me was looking around at the moment, as if looking for something - she was the only one carrying a small luggage case, not even her assistant, which made Han Bingjiang wonder.

But to make Han Bingjiang even more surprising, the winner of the Rookie Award walked toward himself without even saying a word, and walked fairly fast... is he recognized?

That's not good.

If they were recognized, I'm afraid they'd be prepared already, so there's no such thing as useful news.

“Excuse me, have you seen a child? Probably this high.” The woman in front of her took off her sunglasses directly in front of Han Bingjiang, and drew her hand by hand. "About this tall, blonde hair, a little boy. ”

How can you be so direct in front of yourself that you're not even going to cover it up?

Han Bingjiang opened his mouth... If it weren't for the woman in front of him to be sure it was Joan, Han Bingjiang might even think he was the wrong person - which star would not see himself as if he were hiding from the Plague God?

No, it could be intentional… deliberately pretending not to know yourself.

If you want to delay... this point, the foreign boyfriend must be in the neighborhood too, to cover up.

But... why did you mention the child you just met?

“What is your relationship?” Han Bingjiang lowered his head slightly and pushed the glasses on the nose beam.

“That's my son.” The woman in front of me... Joan looked worried: "I was going to take him with me to his parents' house for the New Year, but I didn't know what was going on and suddenly he was gone. I was going to find the staff, and I ran into you. ”

“You... your son?” Han Bingjiang opened his eyes and thought he had misheard, “Is it really your son? ”

Joan was also stunned and frowned: “It's my son. Yes, what's the problem? ”

“Are you... are you Joan?” Han Bingjiang also frowned, "female star Joan? ”

“Yeah, is there a problem?” The woman in front nodded, "Oh, I'm sorry, if you haven't seen my son, I'll excuse you. ”

Joan hurried past Han Bingjiang and shouted, "Paul! Paul, can you hear me? Paul?”

Only Han Bingjiang was left standing still.

What's this foreign boyfriend hiding from so many fans... it's obvious that even the baby is born! And he's seven or eight years old!

Joanne is only in her early 20s this year... that means she was unmarried when she was a teenager?

Breaking news!! Super hot news!

Han Bingjiangton struck a spirit and rushed up, "Ms. Joan... Joan! I think I've seen that kid before! Just a couple of young men and women took a lost child and said they were going to the guard room! ”

“Really! Great.” Joanne is obviously relieved.

“Shall I come with you? I know the way." Han Bingjiang rushed to the tunnel.

Joan looked at Han Bingjiang strangely at this moment and thought that the middle age seemed a little too enthusiastic - Han Bingjiang was already an old oil strip, where he couldn't see each other's vigilance?

He hastily said, "I won't tell you, I'm actually a fan of yours! I love you so much! I'd be happy to help. ”

“Well...” Joan nodded, but didn't get very enthusiastic about it, just smiling. “Well, when you find my son, if you don't mind, I'll give you a signature... although it's not very valuable. ”

“Do not beg, do not beg!” Han Bingjiang is just as excited as fans are to see idols.

“So... can we go? ”

“Of course, this way, this way! ”

The two hurried towards the guard room.



“Wait, where are you going? Is this the security room? By the way, I just missed a guard room... did you mean it? People are pointing out to you. You're not in the same room as before! ”

Song Cherry suddenly stopped - in fact, there was no stopover on the road, this Rochu seemed to know where to go, and just took the child with him.

Except I ran into a strange uncle along the way.

“You don't have to go to the guard room.” Lochu shook his head.

Song Cherry opened his eyes and dared to take this guy with him to the airport? Song Cherry sighed, “Maybe you're spiritual now, but please, I'm tired. We just have to hand this kid over to the guard room. No need to do it yourself! ”

He grabbed the child's hand and took him to the door of the guard room, regardless of Lochu's consent.

Although the child looked scared to give birth, there was no fuss at this time, let Song Cherry hold it like this.

“What an acute man.” Rochu laughed and walked in.

The guard room is small and can be seen almost at a glance. At this point, Song Cherry told the airport guard about the situation and started asking about the child's name.

No matter what the kid asks, he just lowers his head and doesn't say a word.

Song Cherry glanced at the guards and was helpless. Song Cherry even frowned, “This brother, I can't help the bear child, he can leave it to you? I've been on a plane for over a dozen hours, and I'm tired now, and I want to leave first. ”

“Um... okay.” The guard nodded and felt that there was really no need to keep someone else - it was already quite kind to be able to bring the lost child to the place.

“Miss, would you please leave a contact information? If anything happens, or if the child's parents want to thank you, at least they can find you.” The guard asked politely.

“No, that's it.” Song Cherry shook his head, then looked at Rochu and raised his eyebrows, which seemed to mean, "Look, isn't this done? What a simple thing!

“Excuse me, are you free? ”

The guard room suddenly came in with a pair of men and women.

The man was about twenty-seven or eight years old, with blonde hair and green eyeballs, and very brilliant. At this time, the foreign man was manipulating a less pure but fluent native Chinese language and asked: "We accidentally dropped a ring when we got off the plane. Can you help us? ”

The white man was followed by a woman in a sweatshirt.

The woman took the sweatshirt's hat and had brown glasses on her face, but she didn't speak.

“Oh... well, why don't you fill out the information here first?” The guard was in a hurry at the moment: “I'm so sorry, I just lost a child over here, we're looking for his parents! ”

“It's okay, I'll fill it out first.” White youth smiled and seemed quite polite.

Song Cherry was about to leave with Lo Qiu, but looking at the white young man, he was stunned and whispered: “I said... does this guy look a little like this kid? ”

Unexpectedly she had just finished, the child, who had never spoken, suddenly pounced over at the woman next to the white young man, holding her dead and shouting: "Mom! Mom!”