Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 982: Where is Chengxian Road in the World (7)

Shortly afterwards, Mr. Blind and Song Da Song San were led by Miss Miyagi to a teahouse outside the town in Yishan waterfront.

Because of the rush winter season and the proximity to New Year's Eve, the teahouse is very cool… and of course, it could be the result of being wrapped up.

On the road, Song Da and Song Sang chatted with the blind man. According to the blind man, he had not met this Lai Caizheng, but he knew that his brother did have such a disciple and was an authentic heir to this generation of clothing.

As for the rules of clothing, over the years, the Song Dasan brothers have long knocked on the sides from the blind man's mouth... It does not seem that the best doorman is qualified to become an orthodox heir. The blind man seems to have a higher talent than his brother, the heir of the previous generation of clothing.

But after all, as a Fengshui Gate faction, it does not seem to attach particular importance to this aspect of fighting power... As for why blind people should stay away from China and stay abroad for a long time, whether it is Song Da Feng or Master Song or others, it remains unclear.

However, Song Da Song san seemed to see the blind man return this time because of his brother's cry... So, the relationship between the two heirs of the previous generation of this clothing garment seems to be okay?

With many doubts, Song Da and Song San were stunned to find that they had been placed in another elegant room in the tea house, unable to participate in the meeting between the blind and Lai Caisheng.

“Prefect Qingxiako said that you two are followers, just wait here.” Miss Miyagi unnecessarily blocked the protest that Song Da Song spoke of.

Oh, my God! This blind man really thinks he and his brother are handbags!

Ignoring the depression of Song Da and Song San in Yama at this time, in a gazebo in the teahouse, Mr. Blind, led by Miss Miyagi, finally met the young white head Lai Caisheng.

The teahouse was built on the edge of the pool, and this gazebo is laid in the center of the pool. There seems to have been a relationship with a little snow not long ago, and trees in the distance can see a little bit of white frost.

Lai Caizheng is making tea at this time and the action is delicate.

Mr. Blind himself is young and grey, and has not recovered for so many years. So when he ‘saw' Lai Cai Sheng, he knew what Lai Cai Sheng had been through.

One night in the 99th century, the joy of the divorce, the white head... This is a very special door in the cloth lane, not a real VIP spends the 99th century overnight, can only say that the more past lives spent, the higher the achievement.

“Uncle, have a seat.” Lai Cai raised his head and smiled.

Mr. Blind frowned and sat down slowly after lifting his clothes, suddenly asked: "Ninety-ninth century, have you spent all of it? ”

Lai Cai Sheng did not seem surprised by such a question, so he answered, “It's a lifetime gone by. ”

Mr. Blind nodded his head and sighed softly: "You're better than me. ”

Lai Cai was born a lifetime apart, but Mr. Blind himself was far short of III… After the ninetieth century, the degree of difficulty rose every other generation. There was also a difference between him and Lai Cai Sheng for two generations, and the gap in potential was already difficult to calculate.

Now he is able to easily grasp some of the falsities of Lai Cai Sheng, but only because of the experience of the other party, which has taken a lot of time, to indulge.

“Master said that Uncle Shi is the most outstanding genius I have had in nearly 300 years." Lai Cai gracefully poured Mr. Blind a hot cup of tea at this time.

But Mr. Blind couldn't move, and went straight to the subject: “Why didn't your master come to me this time and let you come instead of showing up? ”

Lai Caizheng said positively at this time: “Uncle Shi didn't know anything about it, and now I can't know where Shifu is. I just came to my senses the other day, taking advantage of gossip, and figured out that a man with deep roots in this door would show up within days. I think you're the only one in the world who thinks about it. ”

“Brother is gone?” Mr. Blind frowned: “What happened? He also left me a message on Wudang Mountain, and I was also able to guess that it was near Tarzan. ”

Lai Cai raised his eyebrows at this time, “Don't know what message Master left for Uncle? ”

Mr. Blind said softly: "He just said that there was something important he wanted to talk to me about, but I didn't know exactly what it was. As you know, the doorman of Clothing Lane likes to guess... we're good at everything, only that's not good. Seeing people go blind, everything is based on extrapolation. If you don't know that people are poor and uncertain... people are not as good as heaven. ”

“Students were taught.” Lai Cai made an honest gesture to Mr. Blind at this time.

At this time, Mr. Blind's face looked at the sky outside the pool and suddenly opened his cloudy eyes, “Here the demonic air rushes, the fluctuations of magic are difficult to discern... What happened at this meeting in Penglai? ”

Although Mr. Blind has lived abroad for a long time, after all, he is a person who walks out of Shenzhou. He is naturally familiar with the major events of every decade in both worlds. Even when he was young, he attended several meetings in Penglai with his master. Naturally, he is not unfamiliar with the meetings in Penglai.

So Lai Caizheng appeared the White Jade Royal Decree, and everyone fought for it. Finally, Shenzhou Zhenlong joined Xuan Palace and the ‘Bureau of Management' to intervene briefly.

Lai Cai Sheng sighed: “If it wasn't for the dragon, I'm afraid the Taoist Association would not be able to suppress it at all... even some of the Taoist Association's people are quite impressed by the royal decree. ”

“Such a treasure naturally breaks people's minds.” Mr. Blind said softly, "They're just human beings, not immortals yet. ”

“It is precisely because it has not yet become a fairy that we will grab that slight chance.” Lai Cai Sheng said softly: “A hundred years of monasticism only begged for Cheng Xian... In the beginning, everyone held this hope and chose this path. ”

Mr. Blind shook his head and did not speak. After a long time, Lai Cai Sheng tried to replace the already cold tea, but Mr. Blind said no. He drank the cold tea himself.

He said softly: "Everyone said that people walked cold tea, and I left early this morning. It would be perfect to drink this cold tea. ”

Lai Cai smiled and did not pour his own cold tea, but drank it with Mr. Blind. He went on to say, "My uncle lived overseas, and now that he's back at the beginning, he won't be able to hear from my master for a moment and a half. Let's just live in Wolong Mountain for a few days. ”

Mr. Blind was silent.

Lai Caizheng laughed again: “We have our own yard in Wolong Hills every time. Uncle Shifu used to stay there, why not swim again? Besides, there are many things to be learned, I hope to get the uncle's pointer. ”

Mr. Blind shook his head: “I can't teach you, and maybe my brother can't teach you anymore. Since you have officially become a contemporary heir, it means that you are the most orthodox master of clothing... Since the master invited you to fight in good faith, Qingxia Zi will take it. ”

“Uncle Shifu doesn't have to.” Lai Cai Sheng said hastily.

But Mr. Blind said, "Technically, I'm just a deserter. ”


Shortly afterwards, Mr. Blind left from the gazebo in the tank, and Miss Miyagi came to Lai Cai Sheng at this time.

Miss Miyagi frowned slightly, “I heard that the heir of the previous generation of clothing should be Qingxia Zi. Why did Qingxia Zi become an abandoner in the end? ”

Lai Caizheng slowly made tea, slowly said: “Some feel that this identity is a cage with an unbreakable destiny, others feel that it is an honor and cannot be sought out. ”

“What about you? What do you think this is?” Miss Miyagi looked at Lai Caizheng and asked.

“Me?” he smiled. ‘I don't think this is anything... I'm just looking for what the bad life is. ”

Miss Miyagi was silent for a moment before she said: “After all, Qingxia Zi is also the gatekeeper of the clothing lane. This time your master went a long way to get him back. Surely it is not just a matter of meeting him to narrate down. You said..."

Lai Cai Sheng suddenly stopped, then dipped some tea on his finger and painted something on the stone table.

Miss Miyagi glanced at the tea trail, which appeared to be a ‘dead’ word.

Lai Cai was silent at this time and seemed to want to continue writing, but his fingers were still still moving. Finally, he scrubbed the word ’dead'.

“The planet is still chaotic as ever.” Lai Cai sighed and then stood up and watched as the winter had calmed down without a slight flurry of water and had not spoken for a long time.

Miss Miyagi knows that Lai Caizheng is an inspirational person. His inspiration is more like an intuition for the future, so he did not dare to disturb Lai Caizheng's contemplation at this time.

After a long time, Lai Zheng shook his head: “Forget it, boat to the bridge... do you have anything else? ”

Miss Miyagi nodded, “I have just received a message that several descendants of the four great demons have disappeared from Pupeng Mountain Estate. ”

“All four?” Lai Cai Sheng turned around and seemed somewhat surprised.

Miss Miyagi said at this time: "One of the Green Dragon Nation, one of the White Tiger Nation, two of the Peacock Nation, and the last Xuanwu Nation is also one. ”

Lai Cai Sheng muttered: “What do you think? ”

Miss Miyagi said: "In order to compete for the royal decree, both the Taoist and the demonic worlds have sent a lot of people privately this time. In spite of the fact that the Taoist and demonic worlds have been quiet for a long time because of the agreement, friction continues in private. It is possible that these missing demons were caught on the way out by people on the other side of the road. ”

Lai Caizheng shook his head: “Not this one. ”

Miss Miyagi shrugged and then frowned. But she moved quickly, “Are you saying that whatever the reason for this missing demon race, it will also develop into the most direct problem for both the Taoist and demonic worlds? ”

Lai Cai Sheng sighed softly: "O us, divide the demons of righteousness and evil too clearly. ”

Then he laughed bitterly and said: "Take me back to Wolong Mountain to lie down. The two grandfathers above me, I don't think I'll be able to sit down at this time. ”

Miss Miyagi nodded directly.



In my impression, Rochu is not such a strong man - he is not talking about physical strength, but about his ability to resist the cold.

Zhang Yu Rui remembered having a cold once before the first cold break in the first grade when he came to the classroom in a thick coat. At that time, it was still Professor Qin's class. This person must have taken cold medicine, so he slept for more than an hour, and finally let Professor Qin leave a copy of the punishment.

At that time, he... should be just an ordinary person, right?

The more curious Zhang Furui became, what happened to him became unusual... or the email he received to write about himself in the future was just a joke, a hallucination.

Song Hao Run of the Song family said he was going on an adventure to find the children of the local legend Dragon God.

For such an adventure, Zhang Rui understands that these are the two backs of the Song family for the curiosity and exploration of their hometown... Children growing up abroad probably have a different kind of curiosity about Qingshan Xiushui in China.

And China, too, has always had a lot of mysticism, let foreign countries read it randomly.

Zhang Yu Rui had no intention of traveling, but seeing Rochu seemed willing to go with him made the ghost poorly agree - she was a little complicated about Rochu.

Although the two sides are very tacit classmates, more, now Zhang Yuanrui has more concerns about Lochu after that email.

After two days together, Rocchu seemed to be the same classmate Rocchu, and seemed to be another person.

“What are you thinking? Miss Zhang family.” Song Hao ran suddenly appeared behind Zhang Yuanrui at this time and probed his head and asked.

Zhang Yuanrui was a quiet person, and smiled slightly: “I was wondering, if this adventure can really find Dragon God's child, what should we do? ”

Song Hao ran blinked and said: "Miss Zhang family, did you believe in this mysticism? ”

"'Probably because some of the family's business has to do with mysticism,' said Zhang Yuanrui. In fact, there are many things in history that cannot be explained. A lot of places. Isn't there a lot of legends? ”

“Legend...” Song Sakura interjected at this time: "It's just a rumored hypothesis. All legends come from fantasy and worship, and then the latter just reprocesses. ”

Zhang Yuanrui did not seem to have any intention of disputing it with Song Cherry, but smiled slightly, "so these legends, one by one, should be tested. I think it was a very interesting thing. ”

“Your thoughts are good," said Song Hao Lan, smiling. “Are you interested in exploring with me? ”

Zhang Rui smiled without saying a word... the negotiation between her and her grandmother has not yet really come to an end. Whether she is a caged bird or a free bird in the future, how can she easily aspire to this kind of thing?

The mountain wind suddenly got a little bigger. Zhang Wanrui couldn't help but shake her body. She found herself wearing something a little smaller eventually.

“Put it on. ”

Lochu in the back took off his clothes and gently put them on Zhang Yuanrui.