Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 988: Where is Chengxian Road in the World (13)

The Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master was able to communicate with Yin and Yang. At first, the appearance of the Heavenly Master was also intended to sweep away the mysteries of the world... Feel the state of the soul. For the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, it can be said to be an introductory cultivation.

In this box, dozens of souls, at this time, breath of hatred, despair all the time… probably a cry of being trapped in this little box after being harvested.

Momo pressed his head at this point and sounded a little heavy, “I don't know exactly what the coin is... but is it really okay for you to do this? ”

Nero, who was pouring a big beer in pain, was staring at Momo next to the cup and holding his drinking motion.

“To get something, trample these lives... treat them as a bargain?” Momo's voice sank even more.

Nero blinked and put down the big cup on his hand, curious: “I said brother, aren't you the type of justice? Ah... that's boring. I didn't make the rules, I just follow the rules. Besides, why shouldn't I spend the money I earn on my own? ”

“Are you kidding me?” The table burst out - that's what Momo did when he shot his hands so hard on the table. He stood up and stared down at this indifferent, white-haired girl, "Do you know how much life weighs?! How can you just... Whatever!!! ”

“Oh, that's really the type of person.” Nero waved, “it seems we don't have a chance to form a team. After eating this meal, run away... and, Brother, don't you think you're bothering someone else? ”

Only the guests around the hall are already looking this way.

Momo reached straight for the soulful box.

“Don't move.” Nero said indifferently.

At this moment, Momo is like being stared at by countless evil spirits, surrounded by essentially murderous intentions that instinctively stiffen his body.

He looked subconsciously into the eyes of this gray-haired girl… this is not the kind of eye a person should have.

“You want to save these souls?” Nero said softly at the moment: “Yes, but you better be prepared to be cut yourself... I, too, don't really speak very well. ”


“I'm still saying that.” Nero recycles the box now, "I'm just following the rules. The rules allow me to do this. If you have any complaints, go to the rulemaker. ”

That enormous killing intent has not been eliminated. Momo only feels more and more pressured in Nero's eyes... even beyond confronting the conventional state of the White Tiger Emperor White Charm.

“Forget it.” Nero stretched out his lazy waist at this moment, and the essence of the killing instantly disappeared, and she stood up and put the cartridge on her back, "I didn't care for myself anyway. ”

When Nero turned around and left, Momo just sat down and lowered his head.

He subconsciously grabbed at the black wooden sword handle next to the table, but found that even if he had already grasped the wooden sword handle, there was still a feeling of instability between his fingers... strength, the method had not yet recovered.

“Oh... I almost forgot. ”

But Nero's voice sounded in front of him again at this point, making Momo suddenly look up and tense.

”But when Nero reached out and picked up the grilled meat from the table, he laughed.“ Thank you for your hospitality... goodbye, brother of justice! "

She just walked away.

The museum doesn't know when the noise will return, but Momo is thinking about one thing: the rule-maker.

The rulemaker... the rulemaker... is this the rule set by the predecessor?

Use the soul of man as the currency of the deal.

“Senior, what are you...”


After leaving the small restaurant, Nero looked around the street, chewing on the barbecue skewer and muttering: “The righteous little brother... probably the boss loves it, this so-called noble character. ”

Walking through an alley, a stray dog poked his head out and stared pitifully at Nero... or at the barbecue in her hand.

Nero also stared at the poor dog at the moment, ate what was in his hand, and finally left only a piece of bamboo stamp on the ground, but the dog just looked and hesitated.

Nero laughed: “Don't you have the courage to fight for this abandoned leftover meal... I say, you should just die. ”

In the end, the dog didn't come forward, just tucked his teeth in and slipped into the alley.

Nero didn't keep it either, his fingers hooked behind his back casually, stepped on a light stride, hummed a small song and gradually disappeared into the streets of many people.




Seems like something unexplained and unexplainable has always happened recently... Song Cherry thinks so.

Not long ago, I remembered that I had been lost in a foggy maze - a falling cliff that had been known as nine deaths and a lifetime.

Song Sakura thinks her nerves are actually very strong already... even the zombies have seen it, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

But in fact, she's kind of scared right now.

In the fog, there is moisture everywhere with negative ions, but in this cold season, it is not a good thing... I knew the coat was coming, Song Cherry took a sigh of breath towards his hands.

All of a sudden, whether it's Song Hao Lan, Lo Qiu, or even Zhang Fu Rui, all of a sudden - but obviously it's not a dream.

The child of the Dragon God, the legend hidden in the mountain village where Song's ancestral home is located... is this not true?

So she thought, Song Cherry took out her phone, but saw that there was no signal on the phone at all. She had to take it back with some exasperation.

“At least one person...” Song Sakura turned in one direction, slowly exploring, thinking of meeting at least one person... even if she met Miss Zhang Jia, it would be better than this.

Perhaps you should stay where you are?

But it's long gone. Song Cherry now had to hold a stick-like branch (picked up on the ground) in his hands and move forward carefully.

Suddenly, a strange sound sounded in Song Cherry's ear. This caused her to stop suddenly and hold the thick branches again with her hands firmly, while the eyes… the eyes moved slowly left and right.

She didn't even dare move her head - because at this moment, Song Cherry felt something appearing next to her shoulder.

Her body shivered slightly, slowly twisting her neck - finally, she saw something and seemed to move it, just like her, slowly.

Finally, when her gaze was against the two red lights, a hot breath erupted directly into her face, directly blowing her long hair.


Not escape.

At this moment, Song Cherry did not know where the courage erupted. When he raised the branch of the tree in his hand, he slammed towards all the red light in front of him. Together, he could not see clearly the shadow of the appearance and knocked it off!

The thick branches knotted something on the ground, and Song Cherry did feel that blow - just the branch at the same time instantly.

There is no doubt that such attacks have had no effect whatsoever.

The two red lights suddenly flashed, and at the same time, a huge bark sounded - a huge thing in the fog - emitting something that made Song Cherry Chestnut tremble.

Run ——!

Countless escaping thoughts erupted in Song Cherry's mind at the same time, and they came together as a force of fear, driving Song Cherry's face to quickly flee back.

But just for a moment, Song Sakura felt her body suddenly relax... as if she had lost all gravity for a moment!

No, her body is falling down right now!

But she doesn't know what she's stepping on!

This state of weightlessness, the instant one that maximizes Song Cherry's fears, while making her mind jump wildly, may be able to become a stallion.

If you're dying, who do you want to see most?

Suddenly, such a question sprang up in Song Cherry's memory... this is when he and Lo Qiu were trapped in the freezer, almost freezing to death, she asked Lo Qiu's question.

Song Sakura's eyes suddenly flashed several shadows...


Not such dishonesty...

Let's just...


But something suddenly haunted Song Cherry's body at this moment. This Song Cherry feels strangled, but at the same time slows down the fall of Song Cherry.

Before she could react, she felt the impact of her body on the ground - fortunately, because of the cushioned relationship, she took a moment and just felt the pain and no fracture.

Song Cherry rested on the ground for a while before moving her body forcefully - she should have been saved by something like a vine when she fell.

How fateful... I don't remember how many times I've been born.

Sometimes Song Cherry doesn't know if it's her luck or her misfortune... she starts measuring where she's fallen.

Seems like a deep pit, or a hole? But the presence of such a geographic environment in the old forests of the deep mountains is not magical.

Song Cherry already feels fortunate that the cliffs are not the ones that fall the most.

But at this point, she hears something… in the dark, something seems to be approaching her. This leaves Song Cherry's pores open because of tension.

“Who... who's here!!” Song Cherry quickly climbed up and grabbed the broken branch, knocking it over to the front without saying anything.

“Miss Song? ”

Suddenly, Song Cherry heard the sound of recognition... but at this time it was too late and the branches knocked down heavily.

Song Cherry didn't know exactly where he hit each other, he just heard a painful hum, and then he fell down.

Song Cherry hastily took the phone and turned on the lights.

At this time, he fell to the ground. He appeared to be some wolf and frightened person. He was the lady of the Zhang family who accompanied him along the way, Zhang Yu Rui.

“I'm sorry, I don't know...” Song Cherry hurriedly threw away the half-cut branch on his hand.

“Miss Song Cherry, can you pull me up first... I seem to have twisted my foot when I fell...” Zhang Wanrui said with a bite of his teeth.


By the way, the young lady from the Zhang family is a bit miserable.

Listening to her, she also suddenly broke away. In the search for people, it was as if something had been encountered. She panicked and panicked, and finally fell into this deep pit.

But Zhang Tuanrui didn't have any good luck with Song Cherry, he landed in a bad position when he fell, his ankle was sprained, and... and ate a stuffy stick of Song Cherry hard.

The spot hit was the elbow position, probably hurt the bone, looking at Zhang Rui's right hand a little unable to lift up, with a more painful look on his face, Song Cherry had to embarrass himself: “Are you... afraid of pain? ”

“Should be fine.” Zhang Wanrui whispered.

Only Song Cherry felt surprised when he touched his hands toward his calf.

Song Cherry moved to the front of Zhang Furui and slightly pressed her hands against her ankle. He looked up and said, "Well... it's okay. It may hurt a little later, but just hold on, and you'll feel better when you do, believe me. ”

“Okay...” Zhang Kuanrui grabbed his collar nervously.

“I'm going to start!” Song Cherry takes a deep breath, then momentarily forces.

In an instant, Zhang Yuanrui made a moaning noise... only that she tightened her lips to death and tried not to make a sound.

The pain of the moment did give her the urge to cry. But when the pain was over, the soothing sensation that came out of the injured place did make her feel much more comfortable.

“Miss Song Cherry, you are amazing.” Zhang Yuanrui looked at each other with some admiration... If this is his case, he probably doesn't have the means to deal with it?

“Nothing. Somebody said I was a tough girl anyway. If I didn't understand, it wouldn't be normal, would it?” Song Cherry chewed on his teeth and said, and finally looked at Zhang Rui. Zhang Wanrui smiled softly.

Song Sakura looked a little stuck... if she were a man, she would probably be captured with such a smile?

Knowledgeable, talented, gentle and quiet, generous and intelligent... this is basically a trait that men like.

“Do you... like Rochu?” In the loss of consciousness, Song Cherry spoke out and asked such a question.

Zhang Yuanrui's lips widened slightly.

The two of them looked at each other.

Zhang Yuanrui suddenly blurred: “He doesn't have a girlfriend anymore. ”

Song Cherry shook his head, and it didn't smell like a soul. “Don't make a lady yell. I'm Song Cherry. Just call me Song Cherry. ”

“Zhang Yuanrui. ”

They just shook hands like that.