Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 1055: Where in the World Is Cheng Xianlu (81) - Wrong Questions

The cave was unusually quiet, and the hundreds of hijackers silently looked at the hard-ass boss.

He suddenly discovered that it was not only quiet, but even dead-end.

The Hundred Robbers woke up abruptly - all but themselves and the boss, as well as Dae-chul, here, including the White Charms, including the melee water, and the Qu Xing River, had not moved.

They, as if, in an instant, had become sculptures… horrified in the hearts of hundreds of hijackers.

It was frightening that they were not only unable to move, but even stopped thinking.

The content of the transaction is not divulgeable, and the club will not divulge the contents of the transaction on its own initiative - but it does not seem to be within the club's consideration if the owner of the transaction himself has spoken out.

So, at least at this point, when Lochu was present, it all stopped.

“If there is no problem, then start sending the person concerned away.” Seeing as the chief of the hundred robberies has not spoken, Rocchu intends to end this brief statement at this time, "old man? ”

“Wait a minute.” Hundred Robbers frowned and sincerely said: “Is there really no maneuverable means in this? Boss Luo, the rules are necessarily made, and naturally there are circumstances that can change... and there are inevitable loopholes. Every life here is so precious. ”

Lochu looked quietly at the eyes of the hundreds of hijackers.

After a while, he slowly said, "It works, but I don't know if the old gentleman will choose. ”

Hundred Robbers hurried: “Go ahead! ”

“Well... given the content of the service you purchased, Mr. Old, there are two main aspects. First, safely evacuate all members of both sides of the Taoist demon. And secondly, we don't do this indefinitely, so there's a specified time -- within 36 hours. So by shortening the time I serve you, but at the same time increasing the number of evacuees... What do you think? ”

Hundreds of hijackers had to be caught in contemplation.

The Authority appeared here, unexpectedly and unexpectedly. He did not even know that, apart from both the Taoist demons, even the Authority was involved in this place… So, besides the Authority, is there more people involved because of that spiritual Jade Dragon column?

Can these people be safely evacuated with 36 hours of service?

If the hours of service were reduced and the Authority's personnel were evacuated safely, would there not be enough time to evacuate the others afterwards… Is there anything else?

If the people in front of the board are now evacuated as well… can the club succeed in evacuating all the Taoists in the original contract within a shorter period of time?

Or, because it reduces the length of service, turns some of the demons that could have been rescued out of service time?

One hundred hijackers had to wrinkle their eyebrows.

No… even if the service time is shortened and the Authority's batch is increased, the club will be able to evacuate the Taoists successfully according to the original contract!

The key is whether there are any other people here besides the Authority, other than Daoists... in case you can't evacuate this redundant part after the service time expires...

However, why are there time limits for service?

Once again, the Hundred Robbers looked at the young boss - he could not read anything from the look on his face.

The power of this boss has exceeded the imagination of a hundred hijackers. He even feels that the other party can actually safely evacuate all the Taoists trapped here in a flash… Yet instead, the other side adds time to the service - which is also part of its own transaction, as a project to be paid for.


All of a sudden, the hundred hijackers figured out the key part, and the other side was perfectly capable of accomplishing it in an instant, just more time than the service, which equals more service costs!

Why did the owner tell himself?

Is he reminding himself that some of this extra profitability can somehow bring back profits?

Wang Hu said that this man is a man of true faith and does not appear to be false.

The eyebrows of the hundreds of hijackers gradually widened.

Lochu said softly, "Old man, it seems you've made up your mind, right? ”

The Hundred Robbers nodded solemnly, "My husband… is willing to shorten the time of service so that all members of the Authority can evacuate safely. ”

“I see.” Rochu nodded and suddenly asked: “But before that, I was curious... why did you make this choice, old man? ”

The Phantom of the Hundred Robbers: “Boss Luo, the obvious do not speak secretly... you need to make some profit, otherwise this business cannot be done. All the businessmen in the world are trying to make a profit… I understand that, old man. Boss Luo has reminded me of the possibility that the service time part exists... how can I not know? Your purpose is not to work in vain… Nor am I impatient. So, thank you, Mr. Lo. ”

“Well...” Lo Qiu nodded and said nothing more, "They can move soon, this exit has 10 minutes to exist, if the old man wants to say anything, just tell them... I won't bother you. ”

Then, Rocchu walked out of the hole, and Dae-chul disturbed the head, and then followed him out - when Rocchu and Dae-chul left, the time in the hole seemed to start flowing again.

But seeing the shadow of Lochu's departure, the hundred hijackers hid something that seemed wrong... it was just that time was too hurry to catch that glittering light.

At this time.

The reddish eyes blinked, and the royal white charm... the royal tiger's eyebrows wrinkled.

Some people's chests recovered at this time, others stepped out at this time… the stationary world instantly became a moving world.

“What just happened?” The pale water whispered toward the Qu Xing River.

Qu Xing River looked at it with confusion and found that Mr. Da Cheol did not know when it was gone, it seemed that there should have been another young man just now… the memory seemed a little blurred.

But the distorted space exit is still there.

At this point, the Hundred Robbers appealed and said positively: “Gentlemen, don't waste time. This exit can only last 10 minutes. ”

Everyone, you look me in the eye, no one has taken the first step, and finally the Authority sent someone to probe… a team member was arranged to cross this channel for the first time.

He went in, but came back a few minutes later, and he was like, “You can really get out! Captain, I can see Tarzan! ”

“Get out of here.” Captain Ling Feng nodded at this time, no longer hesitating, pressing to arrange for everyone to leave.


Outside the hole, Lochu looked at the metal machines of those types, and at a time when he was busy, besides the weeds in the woods, he didn't know what to think.

Dae-chul hesitated for a moment and walked up and whispered, “Boss, do you seem a little upset? ”

Lochu smiled, “There's nothing to be unhappy about, it's just a business. ”

Da Zhe was stunned and didn't understand: “Boss, I don't understand. Why are you reminding the hundred hijackers that time can be shortened? ”

Lochu shook his head: “Actually, I didn't remind him of what I meant… maybe he was wrong in his understanding, or I wasn't clear enough. ”

“So... boss, you want to? ”

Lochu looked at the distant mountains and whispered: “I just want to know what to choose between saving the eyes and saving the future… ”

“So... did he pick the wrong one? ”

“No.” Rochu shook his head again, "Actually, there's no wrong choice. Wrong... maybe it's just the choice itself? ”

Lochu then laughed and said, "Well, let's not talk about this... we'll go to the next place when the hundred hijackers get out. ”



Crossing the exit, a group of people appeared near a granary outside a small village - not alarming anyone, especially those who were working in the fields.

Looks like the exit is well chosen.

Near the sky and the Qu Xing River had no choice but to remain… they had experienced a terrible catastrophe, albeit brief, but also a sense of seclusion.

But they didn't choose to leave right away —— because most likely, the next evacuees will still be here.

Near the sky and the Qu Xing River also wanted to know for the first time whether the people they had brought with them had survived the disaster.

“How is that possible? ”

But at this moment, the wind's face suddenly changed.

This brought all eyes to Leung Feng, who was holding his cell phone and staring at the scene - Captain Leung contacted the Authority's headquarters for the first time.

“What happened?” Red Horse asked anxiously.

Captain Ling Feng frowned and looked incredible at the moment, "They said... it's New Year's Day 15. ”

“What?! ”

They went in on New Year's Eve and it just felt like two or three hours had passed!



“500 years!! ”

Grandchildren in the light sphere stood up without me and that delicate, lazy woman.

Perhaps because their eyes were too deterrent to let Jiang left subconsciously lean back - a mask that seemed to be able to sense Jiang left's thoughts, but also slowly retreated.

“Junior! Is that true?” My grandson's face is extremely heavy without me.

Jiang Zhong Shenzhen said, “The two seniors, the seniors can even swear to their own immortal master, the sentence is true, no half false! In fact, before the late generations came here, it was already the 2018 Lunar New Year, and it was 500 years apart from what the two seniors said! ”

That delicate lazy woman and her grandson didn't have me looking at Jiang Zuo, not saying a word, and seeing Jiang Zuo sweating... even though she knew the other side was trapped in the mask, she still had a cold back feeling - these two, what level of monk are they?

I don't know how long it took for that delicate, lazy woman to exhale slowly, ghostly: “I don't know what year this evening is in the Palace of Heaven... without me, it seems that this place and the outside world are in heaven. ”

The grandson did not hear back from me, sat down and closed his eyes. In Jiang Zuo's view, the senior must be overstimulated at this time, and his heart is difficult to recover.

But think about it, the world in heaven, hundreds of years after the shake, the retrospect is already human, the previously familiar place has canvassed the sea mulberry fields, the former ancients may have turned into loess soil, leaving only themselves... Alas.

The two seniors were also strangely pathetic, Jiang Zhuo's heart sighed.

I didn't expect my grandson to have me, but now he's slapping me in the thighs, and he's smiling. "Fuck! Five hundred years have passed, and our former enemies are almost dead! You don't have to do it yourself, it feels fucking comfortable! ”

Jiang Zuo:??

The delicate, lazy woman smiled softly, "Without me, you fool, you have no ambition! Why don't you think, 500 years later, you and I are both ancestors, the ranks are very high, maybe already grandmaster level! What are the rules of the people, the rules of the doorman? ”

Jiang Zuo:??????

Where's the tall man?

“No, I can't. I can't wait to get out when I think about it.” Feminine woman frowned at this moment: “Unfortunately, this shitty mask has been unbreakable for years... Could it be possible to stay for another few years? ”

At this point, the grandson suddenly slapped towards the mask.

This palm river left didn't see anything amazing, it was like a random mosquito shoot, but then the mask suddenly flashed a few times.

”Grandson Xifeng frowned. 'This thing seems to be getting weaker...

The delicate, lazy woman looked amazed at the moment… yet at this moment, as if to prove the grandson's absence, the space suddenly became blind and dim.

Jiang Zhuo was surprised, but suddenly felt a pulling force - his body pulled down all of a sudden, and at this point, the mask protecting him was also instantly broken.

So Jiang left fell on the ground... Wait, on the ground?

Jiang Left raised his head, and in front of him was a four-sided, three-dimensional space built for metal. Is that still the chaotic space you saw before?

“It's strange to me that I've never seen this happen.” My grandson doesn't have me to measure this metal room at this time, "we've been stuck here all these years... just like this iron box? ”

“This could be some kind of advanced space technology…” Jiangzuo frowned and climbed up at this point: “This metal room creates a special space. I remember Gaia saying that initiating protective procedures… could be used to protect so-called subscribers - when there was an attack outside. ”

“But why does this special space disappear?” Feminine women look inexplicably to the left of the river at this moment.

Jiang Zhuo shrieked: “Assuming that maintaining this special space requires enormous amounts of energy, you may have stopped if the machine you built fails, or if there is a problem with the supply of energy. ”

At this moment, a crisp noise suddenly sounded in the metal room.

[Energy supply will be restored in 30 seconds, subscribers do not have to worry, protection program is about to restart, please rest assured wait]

But seeing this metal room, the surroundings began to change implicitly, and it seemed like it was about to return to the original chaos again.

“Thief, motherfucker! I don't want to be trapped anymore!” My grandson didn't have me. He snorted.

“Over there!” Jiang Zhuo's eyes at this point saw something like a door and instantly pointed at it!

My grandson didn't see me, he raised his palm without saying a word... and he didn't see how he was going to do it. It was just for a moment. My grandson didn't have my palm already printed on the metal door!

The metal door was suddenly sunk, followed by a bang - an entire sheet of metal over two metres high flied out in an instant and then exposed an exit.

“Ha ha!” My grandson stepped out without me.

The sweet lady didn't say hello at this time, she flashed and appeared in front of the exit, then stepped out.

Jiang Zhuo broke out of his mind and hurried to leave.

It's just a strange moment in his mind - a sudden pause in the protection of space, and later electronic notes, have confirmed his assumption that the supply of energy is inadequate.

But it's too much of a coincidence that there's not enough energy available —— how come there's not enough energy available on its own?

This is really like the peak electricity consumption in Xia Jia city, and suddenly the power tripped off.

“What the hell was this place doing, suddenly draining energy beyond the limit? ”