Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 1057: Where in the world is Chengxian Road?

“Xu Fu?” Long Xi was surprised, "said Xu Fu, who was looking for an immortal medicine for the emperor? ”

Tianxin's seventies slowly nodded, and only the alternating rooms inherited from each generation of clothing lanes will reveal the secrets from the previous generation to the next, at this time slowly.

“Xu Fu… or the Heavenly Heavenly First Generation, comes from the true Penglai. ”

Heavenly Heaven, in his seventies, said positively: "He was once a boy under the true Cactus of Penglai. Originally, the owner of the Penglai treasure trove from outside the country did not know how to kill the Immortal of Penglai, and then invaded Penglai, and based on Penglai, created this Penglai treasure trove. Heavenly Heaven's first generation escaped, but since then, he has hidden his name, walked in his capacity as Xu Fu, and was later reused by the first emperor… As for clothing, he formed himself during that period. ”

“No… things are a little wrong.” Dragon and Eve frowned at this moment: “You said that the owner of Penglai's treasure trove was an extraterritorial aggressor. I asked you how you could know that you said this was the message left by the founder of Clothing... because this founder, Xu Fu, himself came from outside the country, a world different from ours. And now you're saying that he came from the real Penglai... which one is the real one? Or... say it?! ”

“As you think, Lord Dragon.” Heaven's 70th generation sighed, "For a thousand years, the Penglai pursued by Shenzhou was also from outside the territory… or a higher place than outside the territory. ”

“I don't understand.” Dragon and Eve shook their heads very directly.

“We at Clothing believe that the world is not the only one, but is made up of countless similar worlds," Heavenly Heaven said in his seventies. ”

“You say... world debris?” Dragon and Eve frowned.

Heavenly Heavenly Seventies shook his head: “It is not a fragment of the world, but a complete Lord in this world… For example, in another time and space, there is also a Shenzhou, there is you, Lord Dragon, there is me, there is Shenzhou, there is China, there are other countries, but their development may be completely different from ours… Even then, in that time and space, there is you, Lord Dragon, but you do not exist as a Shenzhou Dragon, you may just be an ordinary person. ”

“Parallel space-time? ”

“It's understandable.” Heavenly Heaven nods in the seventies: “In fact, the theory of parallel worlds has been around for a long time, but only in mortal societies have these decades begun to flourish. ”

“So... Penglai? ”

“It may be from other space-time sources, but it is more likely to be above parallel space-time.” Seventy Days of Heaven has passed, seemingly at the discretion of words, after a while of heat: “Let's call the world of many master worlds, called the Great Thousand, shall we? While I am not sure if I can call it that, it seems that it is the only one that is most appropriate… It seems that the term dimension has also emerged in modern times. But I don't really understand the so-called dimension, so it's called the Great Thousand Worlds. ”

He looked at Long Xi Ruo: "In a thousand worlds, there are known to be countless of you and me and him. But you and I are independent, but somewhat related to each other… it's more like being on a fork, because different paths are chosen, and the possibilities are developed —— for example, when a person faces a choice, the right choice leads to good results, and the wrong choice leads to bad results. Then there will be a world of good results and a world of bad results. In that way, there are two different worlds. ”

“Seventies, if you say so, it's already infinite! ”

“Time is infinite.” Heavenly Heavenly Seventies laughed bitterly: “My clothes are long in calculation, but every generation is exhausted for a lifetime and cannot find the limit of time... even I'm afraid it's just a poppy. I'm afraid every moment of change in the world isn't simply arithmetic that can see the end. But we believe that there is only one thing in the Great Thousand Worlds —— as true as it is, that it is intrinsic, that it is the source, and that nothing can be separated from it. Penglai, maybe this is the only one. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“Once the achievement is the only one, it is possible to emerge from the great thousand worlds.” Heavenly Heaven Seventy Generation: “Becoming the only one, countless individuals in the Great Thousand Worlds will be united as a result… According to our clothing speculation, perhaps the only gods and immortals we know have been achieved, after unifying the countless' I ’of the Great Thousand Worlds, has reached a higher level. ”

“Higher? ”

Heavenly Seventies frowned: “We've always studied this part, but there's never been a definitive conclusion… In fact, in my generation, it's just some blurred trace… that's the Great Thousand Worlds, maybe something cut out as a fragment somewhere. Our main world, perhaps just a fragment of a more advanced world. ”

If Longxi digested it for a while, he rubbed his eyebrows and shook his head: “Exploring this aspect, we'll have a chance to talk about it later - or go back to the current problem, why did you come to me? ”

Heavenly Heaven Seventy Generations said: "Heavenly Eyes and Heavenly Heaven are what my founders got from Penglai. But in fact, Heaven's Eye and Heaven is also the cactus of Penglai, what you get from that place. According to the Heavenly First Generation, every individual who achieves the only one can automatically acquire the inheritance qualification to chase that place… but it seems that throughout the process, it is not easy to achieve the only individual and more than one, trying to stand out from the many qualified people. At least, the Cactus of Penglai failed in such a competition… defeated by the bewitched and ultimately defeated. ”

“No, there's already a boss in that place, so what? ”

“It seems that while the orthodox heirs are still in place, the rest of the qualifiers can only acquire the power of the subordinate, or what they call the alternate…” The Heavenly Seventies frowned: “But in fact, it is difficult to know what form this is… unless, after we have achieved the only, unified, myriad 'I’, perhaps a little bit of inspiration. ”

Long Xi shook his head: “According to you, that was the only thing that came after - the owner of this Penglai treasure trove wanted to wake up in order to accomplish the only thing... The founder of your clothing ceremony was a boy under the Cactus of Penglai, and the Cactus of Penglai died in a battle with the owner of the Penglai treasure trove, which led to resentment. I can understand why Clothing has been watching the Penglai Treasury for years... but the fact is, the owner of the Penglai Treasury can't wake up, it's just a grudge between your clothing ceremony, it has nothing to do with my Shenzhou, right? ”

"What if the only way to achieve this is to sacrifice everything in the world," Heaven said in his seventies. Whether we are in Shenzhou or out of Shenzhou, will this present world be the only resource for the promotion of the owner of the Penglai Treasury? ”

Sacrifice… using the whole of the Lord as the only resource for achievement!

Subconsciously, if Dragon Eve thinks of that place... that place where everything can be bought - sacrificing the whole Lord in this world to be the only one in a thousand worlds!

She had difficulty doubting what the Heavenly Seventies had said - because if it was that place, it was too likely - that someone had spent everything in a master world to be uniquely qualified for achievement!

“What am I going to do?” Long Xi asked directly.

“Heaven is incomplete.” Heaven and Heaven have been divided into two parts since the beginning, "Heaven and Heaven said for the seventies. The owner of the Penglai Pokémon possesses a part of the heavenly heart, which gives it a rough idea of the direction this master is taking in the present world - that is, a peek into the future. In that way, it can essentially avoid a situation in which it fails… it can only be defeated if part of its mind is taken away from it so that it cannot see the future. ”

Longxi stared dead at Heavenly Heavenly Seventies at this time, “You are so good... the owner of this Penglai treasure trove is from outside the country, even the only Penglai Immortal can be killed... You make me a little Shenzhou Jinlong, to stop it, you really can see me! ”

“Not really.” Heavenly Heaven Seventy Generation said: "The Cactus of Penglai seemed to have suffered irreversible and severe injuries in the struggle for the Orthodox heir of the place, becoming unusually weak in itself, so as to give the owner of Penglai's treasure trove a chance. In fact, the owner of Penglai Baoqu himself is not uncomfortable. He must also be seriously injured. Otherwise, it is not possible for me to keep an eye on the entrance and exit of the treasure trove all the time, and be safe with each other..."

“Silence.” Lung Xi suddenly said: “Is the silence helping you… does he know all this too? ”

"I'm just telling him that this Ponglei treasure trove is stamped with an ancient monster's head. It must not be awakened, otherwise the scourge of overthrow will befall Shenzhou. Pucheng Lord Ancient Warm Bowel, immediately promised to help me get another part of the Heaven from the treasure trove. However, this Ponglei treasure trove is in great crisis. I'm afraid it will be difficult to accomplish it alone... Lord Long, this is the reason I sent you into the Vanguard Tower. ”

Dragon and Eve suddenly laughed coldly, "That voice saved your lonely soul and fed you with the Vanguard Tower. You are good, but the ancient demon ignored him when he was about to perish. You guys are really good at fabric. Some people believe in this nonsense! ”

Heavenly Heavenly Seventies had to say: “The owner of Pu Cheng is also one of the chasers of Penglai... If he were to confess, he would surely be involved in the shadow and darkness that Clothing has done over the years. Now the fabric ceremony is already in jeopardy because of the nonsense of the seventy-first generation, if you really want to expose it again... Lord Long, although I have only a wreck, I have always taken over the seventies of Heavenly Heaven, and I don't want to let the inheritance of the division just be cut off like this. Besides, if Master Penglai is to achieve the only thing, he really needs to sacrifice the whole world. It is also a fact, saying that it is the devil's head, and it is not nonsense to be extinct..."

If Long Xi still laughs, “But can you tell me? ”

Heavenly Heavenly Seventies straight: “Lord Long only values the balance of Shenzhou... take 10,000 steps back and say," Does Lord Long really want to see the presence of Penglai, the two realms of Taoist demons reach Penglai? Today's generation is a humane and prosperous generation. As the dragon vein of Shenzhou, you should know better than anyone... Once the demon recovers, it is the same as the number of times this Shenzhou has been turned against. What good is it for you? Why not let this Penglai, always a legend, give Taoist demons a distant but persistent dream, let them have fantasies, not complete magic? In balance, I think Lord Long knows better than I do. ”

“What a magician, such a liar! What a jerk!” Long Xi snorted coldly, stood up and whisked her sleeve away.

“Lord Dragon!” Heavenly Seventies hastily stood up at this time.

“Why don't you let me out in silence?” If Dragon Eve turns around now, she's angry: “Do you want me to blow up this tower myself? I won't pay! ”

The Heavenly Heart was relieved in the seventies… seems to have agreed.



Across the clouds, in the miserable cloud smoke, everything seems hazy... the wind is actually tired of this purposeless climbing.

Brother Mo Xiaofei has not spoken, but the higher he climbs, the closer he gets to the summit of this mountain, the more distressing it will be on Brother Mo Xiaofei.

It seemed like a tumbling ocean, shocked and horrified... but his divine colour grew more calm.

Anger... Chasing the wind felt the anger on Brother 'Mo Xiaofei', as in substance!

On Panshan Road, a huge piece of rock, the moment Brother 'Mo Xiaofei’ walked by, instantly turned into dust... the cloud smoke floating around, at this moment, is agitated with madness, like a demon dragon sneaking in the cloud sea, the wind waves.

In pursuit of the wind consciously swallowed saliva, at this moment he, even had to use the lustful wolf god to barely keep up with Brother Mo Xiaofei's steps.

The journey has become extraordinarily long… the silence of the journey.

The wind chase even forgets the world, wondering how long it has climbed - just feels like the pressure of everything just disappears instantly.

But just between moments, a much bigger anger erupted like a volcano, instantly erupting from Brother Mo Xiaofei!

The surrounding cloud sea is rolling violently at this moment, electric thunder!!

The chase wind suddenly raised its head, ‘Mo Xiaofei' brother has stopped at this time... they have unwittingly walked to the top of this mountain!

From a glance, you can only see an Emerald Palace standing in front of you, golden and brilliant!

‘Mo Xiaofei' drank angrily at this moment, his body rushed to the sky, and he ran straight into the huge Emerald Palace!

“Brother?” The chase of the wind shouted and rushed up!

‘Mo Xiaofei' walks through the gates of this majestic palace - a huge entrance like the Heavenly Gate, where man is as humble as an ant!

The wind is blowing all the way into the depths of this majestic hall!

Finally, Mo Xiaofei stepped deep into the Emerald Palace and only heard a loud noise from where Mo Xiaofei stepped, while the entire Emerald Palace was slightly trembling!

And right in front of Mo Xiaofei, there's a huge, brilliant crystal!

In this crystal, you can see a figure, the beard is scattered... the wind is full of eyes, you can see the person in this crystal, missing a left wrist, "Brother, who is this? ”

‘Mo Xiaofei' snorted coldly at this moment, "Penglai... cactus! ”