Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 1319 Grievance Spirit

The constant [knock knock knock] stopped the boss and the maid's fingers while awakening Maria in shallow sleep.

[Norman] Not knowing when to open his eyes, he followed the sound source and looked at the location of the entrance to the residence - the huge mouth of the Red Dragon remains.

“What happened… what happened?” Maria stood up in a hurry, "didn't you say those things wouldn't find this place? ”

“Like, not those things.” Lochu gazed and whispered, “What else? ”

“What else... what?” Maria couldn't help but swallow her mouth.

At this point, [Norman] walked directly towards the temporarily closed entrance. His footsteps were unusually mild, as if his weight had disappeared, like a shadow swept by.

This entrance appears to be a different machine, only [Norman] slowly rotated on a giant dragon's teeth on the side of the giant entrance, and he heard a faint sound.

It seemed that nothing had changed, yet the many white bones used to seal the entrance suddenly loosened a tiny fracture… about half a finger wide.

At this point, [Norman] made it to this crack... and when his gaze had passed through this crack to see the outside world for a few moments, [Norman] instantly shifted his gaze away.

He turned around and looked at the people inside, his gaze seemed to be slightly confused and... nervous, although the color of the gods had not changed much.

Soon, however, he put his gaze on the crack again.

Haven't spoken in a while.

“What the hell is out there? Do you... say something?” Maria couldn't help crying.

[Norman] At this point, he slowly shifted his gaze again and then stepped back... quietly as he did.

He returned to the crowd and greeted them. It was a while before he squeezed out his voice: "I… I don't know what it was. Seems like… children. ”

“Kids? What kid?” Miss Witch couldn't help but stand still.

Boss Luo looked at Yu Night at this time, and the maid would like to get up and go straight to [Norman] to observe the outside position and start measuring.

At this time, the deep pit of the remains is still filled with the faint light of the Pyramid algae… those strange and aggressive vines are spreading everywhere at this time.

It's like a web, it's like a blood vessel, it's attached to the piles of carcasses, and it's creeping aimlessly on the ground… but in addition to these things, there are dozens of tiny shadows outside, walking slowly in the pits of the carcasses.

Small... really small.

One way, only the shadow of a calf-height, naked child… they can either walk stumbling or crawl slowly on the ground.

Not talking… not even having any communication.

These naked children are covered in mud with a strange smile on their faces… their eyes don't look like ordinary people, they're completely black.

“Hee-hee... hee...”

“Hee-hee, hee-hee...”

And that intermittent, laugh from the mouths of these children… [Lost fangs] will attack any living vine, as if to ignore it at this time, let this little figure, in their territory, climb, walk… even roll.

Under the dark blue light, their skin is like gray, like gray black… perhaps they should have been a miserable white color.

Perhaps it was because the maid was so calm that Maria, driven by curiosity, gradually approached, and from a tiny crack, scholars peered at everything outside.

But almost at the next moment, she reached directly over her mouth and the edges of her eyes began to twitch slightly.

At this point, Yunight just looked at Maria casually and moved back to her master.

Not like [Norman] Ben's caution, the maid just said in a weekday tone: “It should be some spirit. ”

The maid then described what she had seen to Lochu and went on to say: “It was read in the diary that the people who lived here had killed all the descendants of the mutation... presumably because of the relationship of mutation, the spirit is stronger than ordinary children, so become a spirit after death. As for the environment here… after a long period of absorption of the breath of death, the spirit became directly resentful, essentially so. ”

Although this is an inferred tone... the maid's inference is that there have been no errors since Lochu met her.

“Turns out it's just spirits.” Golden Dragon listens, not much care… For the last Golden Dragon, even if it is positively or secretly attacked, it is part of the true dragon hammer of the East, but except for Dragon Xiaoru, the violent old lady, Farfner (Na) has not really been afraid of anyone - at least in [the inhuman realm], it has not appeared to frighten him.

Of course, there are a few things that you can't care about.

The Golden Dragon has lost interest, but Boss Lo is now interested... now Lo Qiu will not give up any moment that will interest him.

Actions, even before he thought consciously, he had stood up.

But when he was about to observe, something special happened - Maria didn't know why she stood still at the entrance… as if she hadn't heard the conversation before.

Suddenly, she twisted her neck… a very uncoordinated and weird twist.

Her eyes suddenly lost their white spot… without speaking, Maria suddenly waved the wand in her hand - an electric light similar to lightning emitted from the wand and then blew up [Norman] 's skeleton to block the entrance.

This unusual variation occurred in Maria, destroying the moment the entrance was blocked, and a figure burst out like lightning - [Norman]!

He flashed in front of Maria at extremely fast speed, without any signs, and raised his hand and punched Maria in the stomach, knocking her straight to the ground.

But also at this time, at the broken entrance, instantly came the [Lost Fang] terror vine like a tentacle.

Growing from all around, it spreads in a flash, and then it's all over the entrance… even [Norman] 's legs at this time have straightened the roots of these vines!

He seemed quite resolute with his palms waving... ripping the rattan beneath his legs straight away as his fingertips sharpened.

But a screaming voice came from inside the residence… it was the maiden Mina screaming in horror!

The roots have invaded the dwelling, while Mina, the young girl, her legs and below her waist, are all wrapped in a creeping vine roots.

[Norman] 's pupils instantly turn blue at this moment, while slightly opening his lips, vampire fangs have been exposed - faster, like a breeze passing by.

The roots of the young girl were instantly broken, and she had been taken into [Norman's] arms.

Because of the need to rescue Mina, he naturally ignored Maria, who had been knocked unconscious on the ground, and the moment he left, Sugen had wrapped the entire territory of Maria.

Farfner did, however, release a dragon flame, burn down the roots at the entrance, and then bring Maria back - although she hates women, at least she can't let her readers get hurt in front of herself without moving.

The maid retreated to Lochu and looked down at the roots of the vines that were approaching these steps. As she was about to make her move, Golden Dragon's fingers had waved.

The bright red dragon flames burned instantly, burning all the roots around them to ashes.

The flame reflected the face of the golden dragon, making it brighter... In the light, the golden dragon smiled softly and said: “No one is afraid, I will protect you... these things, I will go back! ”

- Take a good look at me!

Speaking of which, Farfner smiled? A sound, rushing directly out of the entrance… the flame, in its walking room, spreads directly around.

[Norman] No talking, just holding Mina upright - this place has been invaded and still leaves him only to fight like a trapped beast, he needs to leave this narrow space... at least to guarantee his horizons.

He didn't even say hello to the boss and the maid, and the moment after the golden dragon rushed out, he rushed out very quickly.

Boss Lo glanced at the maid and then walked up to Maria... as he was approaching, she was knocked out by [Norman] and suddenly opened her eyes.

Still that whole black eye.

In a moment of shock, Maria opened her eyes and opened her mouth directly, sounding deep down her throat, like a snake hissing, like a beast roaring... she suddenly reached out her hands and strangled her towards Lochu's neck!

She was fast, the maid was countless faster than she was... she even had her hands not fully extended and had grabbed her forehead directly by the maid's five fingers, then pressed directly on the ground... half her head, almost buried in the dirt.

Without any language, the maid's eyes were like blue ice crystals, her palms lifted, and a cross sword of black smoke flashed directly.

She whispered in Maria's ear: "Maria Head Cover, you're hoping that I have a good reason to go straight through your heart? ”

Seeing Maria's eyes suddenly revealed a bitter colour… Then she made a fierce cry and a black air rushed out of her mouth… Finally, the black particles converged in the air.

It was a black-haired, black-eyed, naked little boy, about a year or two old, smiling weirdly —— and Maria passed out again after breathing out that black gas.

At this point, it invaded Maria and dominated her body, destroying the grievance spirit at the entrance, flashing towards Lochu.

The maid's reverse hand was to shoot out the Blackflame Cross Sword in her hand... the moment the Grievance Spirit burst out, she was nailed directly into a rib of the Red Dragon Skeleton residence.

It is like all creatures that have been subjected to this death sentence, struggling in agony and fear.

“Is Miss Maria all right? ”

Mr. Lo asked softly.

“It was just a coma, and when I stopped her, I broke three ribs.” The maid smiled slightly: “There should be no obstacle… there are two more that should have been caused by Mr. Vampire's boxing. ”

I mean, just [accidentally] broke one meaning... or something?

Lo Qiu's lips were slightly spread... and then he walked towards the grieving spirit nailed to the bone.

It cannot escape this cross sword, while the flame on it is constantly burning all of it - that is the source of its painful cry.

Lochu waved, stopping the flame on the cross sword… or stopped the leakage, just keeping the sword in shape.

Because the flame stopped the burning relationship, it was just a nailed state, resentment seemed to become less painful... paused struggle.

He came to this grieving spirit, staring directly into its black eyes, “Just now, were you knocking? ”

It doesn't even have an eye curtain, and all black eyes look at it like this... and it doesn't make a sound.

“Is this your home?” Once again, Rochu asked softly; “Once upon a time. ”

It's completely quiet, and the head slowly leans to the right, then to the right, slowly to the left, and then it slowly reaches out.

It opens its mouth… like dental language, emitting some unintelligible syllables.

Lochu gave it a real response and extended his fingers. In the air, his tiny finger eventually touched Rochu's finger... and Mr. Rochu slowly closed his eyes.

The roots of [Lost Fang] grow again and invade the bones of the Red Dragon again.

This time there is no golden dragon to show its English - the golden dragon is attacking unscrupulously in the deep pit of the skeleton at this time - but it can easily be inferred from the movement that has been transmitted.

Nor is there a vampire who calls himself [Norman].

But there's a maid by Mr. Lo's side.

When Lochu closed her eyes and came into contact with the grieving spirit in front of her, the maid whispered in an emotion-free voice: "Do not disturb my master. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind digging you out of the earth and sending you into the sun to burn... [CAIN] ”

The madly growing rootstock suddenly began to wither… Not long after, the rootstock that had grown in the dwelling became dry and cracked.

Then Rochu suddenly opened his eyes and reached out his other hand to the maid, laughing: “You too. ”

So the maid smiled and moved to the master, fingers wrapped up, then slowly closed her eyes.

It opens up the memories of life that the Grieving Spirit once had.

Outside the Red Dragon skeleton residence, Golden Dragon Favna Xiang (little) Sheng (sister) is turning into an arsonist for the heartfelt smile of a beauty.