Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 1689: You look so brave.

It was supposed to be a very quiet train, but once it was pulled up with a giant beast, it instantly became bumpy.

Inside the rear compartment, a monkey warrior sits facing each other, and then moves forward looking in unison with a smile and a snowy teeth.

A warrior in the undersea closed the door and walked into the front compartment of the train.

King Mojito is still talking about the history of tears in the blood of his ancestors - not least when the herders were still there, who had been shut down and subjected to cruel experiments.

“My ancestors were forced to give up eating their favorite bananas. ”

“They even provide their ancestors with an indiscriminate mating object! ”

“Every once in a while, they draw their ancestors' blood alive...”

“What's even scarier is that they even force their ancestors to repeat every day an academic called Numbers! They call it math! From waking up in the morning to sleeping at night, you have to do math topics. You say it's scary and it's not scary! ”

Master Karen, who doesn't know how to throw up, squeezed his eyebrows directly, "Your Majesty, tell us about [Louis] … what hatred there is between you so excited that you can talk about him. ”

“I'm not excited!” King Mojito shoots his blanket on the table. "When did you see me excited? ”

Master Karen shook his head, "Yes, you didn't, my dear king. ”

King Mojito sighed this time, “Lewis, taught me a lot of things when I wasn't the king of the boulder kingdom, and above me, there were many powerful brothers. It was Lewis who taught me how to fight, taught me how to convince my people, and the collars my ancestors left behind, and some other legacy that Lewis taught me to use. ”

“He's a herder?” Ryuoka seemed to realize something.

“Yes, only herders can use the artifact of the central tower.” King Mojito nodded: “Lewis convinced me of these wonders and agreed with me that I could use them too. ”

This is almost the first time that authority is given to… the people who are doing it.

“Finally, with the help of Louis, I not only succeeded in defeating many of my brothers and sisters, but even became the new king of the boulder kingdom. ”

“So this Lewis helped you a lot.” Mrs. Kaia frowned: “Then why do you resent him? ”

“He lied to me! ”

“Lied to you? ”

“He said he'd take me away from this place! He said the outside world is better! We made a deal to see the outside world together! But he regretted it! He left, didn't take me, didn't even say goodbye... you fucking liar! We have a brotherly bond that is deeper than blood! But he cheated on me and left me alone in this place!” King Mojito grabs the cup hard at this point.

The cup is even broken directly because of excessive force.

Only King Mojito was angry: "Here I am alone! Even if I became king of the boulder kingdom, I was lonely! None of my fellow countrymen can understand me! None of them bring me happiness… I'm different from them! My soul belongs outside, free! Lewis cut my way to freedom! He abandoned me! Betrayed us! ”

“Your Majesty, calm down and relax…” the master hurriedly waved.

“I'm not excited!” King Mojito punched him hard on the table and smashed it straight down, "I didn't. Don't say anything! ”

Lady Kaia doesn't seem to be able to keep watching or listening... what kind of dizziness and confusion does it take to fall down so that one can rely more on this King Mojito than General Batulu, who only knows how to have children?

“I'm sorry, I'm going away for a second.” Mrs. Kaia stood up and left.

But I think of the [Louis] thing in King Mojito's mouth - although Mojito did not specify that the [Louis] he encountered fell in the first generations, I'm afraid the current XXIX is no worse in terms of time.

She has learned that the lifespan of these six-armed monkeys is generally between 120 and 150 years.

As for Louis XXIX, counting his time, he became Emperor of the Underwater City, just over a hundred years ago.

On the top of the train, blowing the less fresh wind in the tunnel, Lady Kaia pulled out a necklace... with a photograph of three people on top of the pendant.

Have her, have her husband, and her children.

“Reaz, are you okay...”




The walls are already filled with traces of high temperature burning, but the fighting has not stopped.

This is the largest red and black airframe Reaz has ever encountered… more than a hundred airframes, at a time when the whole road is being squeezed out of water.

Reaz thinks he's capable - but he can't seem to make the energy box out of an energy gun!

The energy box touched from the defeated airframe along the way can no longer support this battle!

Not only did he become more powerful in one encounter, but these red and black bodies, too, became more and more difficult!

It was as if they had known Reaz's actions long ago, so much so that he was both evasive and attacking that in this state of force Reaz had filled the last energy box with an energy gun while sweating cold.

Half tired, half shocked.

“Reaz, if you can't, just let me go...”

“No, I said to protect you. ”

“But you...”

“I can do it!” Reaz bites his teeth, his eyes sweeping fast in these horrible formation of aircraft, "I need to replenish some energy boxes… all over the ground, but once I stop, I will be sieved directly by them. I have to think of a good way. Calm down, I can do it... I can do it. ”

Take a deep breath, Reaz adjusts his breath at the moment… the blue light in his eyes becomes clearer - suddenly Reaz moves!

Dozens of beams of energy came towards him at this moment… Reaz's spirit entered the other world as if everything had become extremely slow in his eyes!

In this state, he entered once - on the track of the [Feitao] competition!

In an instant, Reaz's body twisted, dodged and advanced at all incredible angles... as if he had foreseen the orbit of all the attacks, perfectly avoiding this round of horrific shooting!

He bit his teeth and directly snatched an energy gun from a damaged body… but Helen screamed at the moment he was going to fight back.

Reaz's unprecedented momentum instantly dropped, his subconscious looked up, but he saw it above his head. At this moment, there is a huge net directly covered!

He and Helen instantly fell under the cover of the mesh!

“This is a trap… did they intentionally lure me to take this energy gun? ”

In the moment of being covered in a mesh, Reaz suddenly realized this… these bodies became smarter —— no, the guy behind these bodies, started using other methods!

It is too late to regret this moment, Reaz can only reluctantly support the mesh, but nothing can be done. A large number of bodies are pouring up at this time - sharp sharps pop on their arms, shattering his body at first sight!

At the moment of life and death, Reaz only felt the blood in his body burning... boiling and even burning his eyes, on his forehead, a [M] shaped crest, hidden above the cortex.

For a moment, these insane bodies of merit seemed stiff… but only momentarily, they started again.

And the boiling sensation in Reaz seems to have reached its limit!

“You've got a lot of nerve. ”

Then he heard this voice… the source of that sound was a delicate and soft figure - it was the voice of Ryugo!

Reaz had a heart attack.

The young girl, Ryugo, held two short blades in her hands at the moment, and her body rotated in the air and fell, while also hanging the head of a body!

Faster, more agile, more aggressive than him!

At this point, the young girl, Ryugo, like an agile cat, travels back and forth between these bodies… a body falls as a result, perhaps because of a beheading, or because it is pierced as the core of the drive.

Girl kills her way to the end of the tunnel… Reaz wakes up as if she were dreaming when the last body also reaches the ground.

And time, not for long.

After killing all these difficult bodies, the girl slowly came... to Reaz, then raised her short blade, and then rowed it down!

“You want to do it...” The sound stopped, covering Reaz's mesh. At this moment, it had been cut directly by a short blade, and Reaz immediately changed his mouth, “Thank you...”

“Humph.” Girl Ryugo snorted coldly, approaching a little again, and stretched out her palm to support Reaz's curtain, measuring it carefully.

“Do... do what? ”

The girl grinned and said: "Do you feel like you are very capable, you are about to do everything? ”

“I... I didn't.” Reaz spoke for no reason.

“It's just a preliminary activation of the body's blue blood, not even an awakening.” The girl grinned and said, "You want to learn human inflation? I don't know! You really think you're a god of war? If you know a little more about yourself, look back at her frightened face! ”

Reaz doesn't dare to speak... Ryugo is not only embarrassing, but even embarrassing.

“Never mind, this is no place to train you.” Ryugo appealed and looked up and down at Helen and frowned: “What is this girl's history? When I was outside the stone gate, I wanted to ask you! ”

“I am.” Reaz squeaks: “Why are you here? ”

“Killed all the way here.” Girl Ryugo said softly: “It's no big deal, it's just a waste of time… this is the bottom of the central tower, it's just the lowest level of miscellaneous soldiers. ”

“You know about the central tower?” Reaz asked hastily.

“I've heard Lewis say some things before.” Dewey shrugged: “But Lewis tells a story about an idiot who stuffs people to sleep in the past, and I don't remember much. ”

“In addition to your ability to use your fists, can your brain do it?” Reaz sighed.

“With big fists, any problem can be solved, only the weak know how to use their brains.” Girl Ryugo laughs, "but if you want me to use my brain, you'll die worse than you think! Besides, what do I usually teach you? What's my name? ”

Looking at the teenage girl's fist at this moment, remembering the humiliation and fear that had been dominated by this fist for some time, Reaz shook for a moment, frightened: “Lord Ryugo, Lord Ryugo. ”

“See?” Ryugo now looks at Helen on Reaz's back, "that's a scoundrel! ”

“He's not! ”

Ryugo smiled softly, “I hope he's not... well, Reyes, tell me, why did Lewis send you into this place? ”

Reaz kept his mouth shut.

"A truly mature man doesn't look like a child because of a woman's ridicule," cried Deuge softly. "If you don't like it, make yourself better... excellent enough, I'll crawl in front of you. Unless you feel you have no way to make progress other than making a mess of yourself. ”

“I don't know.” Reaz bit his teeth and stared dead at Ryugo: “I don't know why he wanted me to come into this place... but he seemed to leave me a message. ”

He took out the sheet of metal.

Deugro took a closer look and frowned: “What do you have in mind in this room? ”

Reaz had to repeat his previous assumptions, and Ryugo thought, “Well, let's leave it to you, from now on, I'll just follow. ”

Reaz Murmer nodded.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath and slowly said, "Thank you for saving us. ”

“It's not hopeless.” Deuge calmly said, "sounds sincere... but you better remember that I helped you just because it's what Louis wanted - not how much I think you really fit in. ”

Reaz thought, “You just said that I just activated the power of blue blood, not yet a real awakening... so what's going on with awakening? ”

“There are two ways.” Ryugo said softly.

Reaz was anxious to ask, “What's the solution? ”

“The first way, you kill the girl behind it yourself.” Ryugo laughed and said, “The second way is to turn yourself into a monster, kill the girl behind you, and then become a human. ”

He just hoped that he never knew what those two options were.



“Experiment number 00… resurrection. ”

Lochu looked at the [host] of the central tower and, after a long period of silence, slowly said: "Have you found a way? ”

The central tower [host] shook its head: “No, the project has been in a failure phase, the progress is almost zero, but in the course of the experiment, a number of more powerful life reactions have been created, which is also a relatively successful individual. ”

The center tower [host] waved its arm.

There was a light screen surrounding it with some simple information about the so-called powerful individuals in its mouth… The eyes of Boss Lo and the maid were swept on these screens.

And then they saw one of the golden dragons on top of the light screen.

It is… 09!

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PS: (4583)