Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 1853 Gathering

In the rubble, Miss Tina is struggling to lift those seemingly heavy stones.

Finally, amidst a pile of rocks, the maid succeeded in finding Valley, a young man buried here with broken hands.

“Master! ”

Tina jumped quickly into the pit and sat up with Wally, a young man with dirt on his face... At this time, Wally looked at her subconsciously, her lips slightly moving and seemed to want to say something.

“Master, what are you trying to say... you're too bad right now.” Tina is fast at the moment: “Drink these medicines quickly, these are the finest... the guy punched them, although not nasty, they are really good stuff. ”

Junior Wally suddenly waved his broken arm and opened Tina's vial directly.

The lady maid has changed slightly.

“I... I don't want to hear anything about that guy!” Only Juvenile Wally is dying at this point, "said the sharp voice,“ and I have medicine myself! Lots more!! I don't need anyone to help me! ”

Between the words, only a vial appeared empty-handed and then fell directly on the ground.

Juvenile Wally, who had just cut off his hands, was simply unable to pick it up. The maid had to silently reach out and grab it, but she was hit directly in the shoulder by Juvenile Wally.

“I don't need pity!! I can do it myself! ”

Tina lay down on the floor, about to get up, and saw Junior Wally bow her head directly at this point, lifting up a vial on the ground with her mouth like a bad dog feeding.

He raised his head and chewed the bottle with his teeth, swallowing even the bottle's shards and liquid - and then he squeezed his lips dead and his body trembled.

Just above that broken hand wound, many granulated sprouts grew fast... at this time the teenager Wally stood up a little bit pale.

“I've made up my mind... I'm not leaving...” Junior Wally is crazy at the moment: “Stay here... nobody wants to win this game! Nobody triumphs from me! ”

“Master…” The maid looked at Junior Wally with a grudge.

Only then did Junior Wally calm down and breathe slowly before expressing herself: “Tell Tiff... she can wake up. Tell her I need her now. Although the Wang Du Circle of [Chess Board], like the [Elf Country], separates the bond between the follower and the king… Yet you, as two born in one, have the peculiarity to break this barrier… This is my, the most special and the most important ability. ”

“Yes…” the maid nodded silently.

Master Wally was right.

This is exactly what they need - from the fate of being rejected, to be eligible for being needed, and… to survive, to have the names of Tiff and Tina.



He was surprised… surprisingly, he was able to clearly see the struggle between his grandparents and Queen Hilda.

It cannot be said how slowly Grandmother and Queen Hilda moved in front of him - he was only able to see clearly.

Old Tang has been wondering about one thing - how powerful he really is today.

“It always feels like even if you get involved in a fight like this, you won't be very hard...”

Such an idea flashed through Tang Tianlin's head... he was immediately surprised by his own idea, just thought it was likely an illusion.

Yeah, it's like I can fight back the three delusions of life... the delusion.

He was approaching the depths of the [Guardian's Palace] at the moment… However, just down the road, a figure laying on the ground forced Tang to stop.

He recognized the identity of the man who was lying on the ground —— he had met, and this is Laura, the head maid next to Princess Carol.

Tang Tianlin remembers that when he first met this waitress, he was amazed... but he had no idea.

It's just that Laura has always given Tang a cold, hard feeling to get close to. She is also the person next to Princess Carol. She is also the apostle from the Dragon Nation. Therefore, Tang has always been able to touch less or less.

But how did she get hurt... and still get hurt so badly?

At this time, Tang Tianlin couldn't help but frown at Laura's violent wounds, the almost ruined face and the terrible wound on her chest.

Is that supposed to be a messenger from the Dragon Nation on the mainland?

Even with such a heavy wound, you can still hang your breath without dying completely?

Yes, Laura did not die at this time, but she did not react… she lay there as if she had been forgotten, perhaps the next moment she would have swallowed her breath completely - if she had not been rescued.

But in fact, such serious injuries may not be curable.

Tang Tianlin shook his head and walked straight from Laura.

“Don't... don't go...”

A slight, almost non-existent voice, but at this time it came from behind Tang Tianlin...



“Six hundred and ninety-seven... six hundred and ninety... eight... ah... six hundred and ninety... nine!! ”

Both hands trembled wildly, but Mossan insisted - but it didn't seem like a task that could be accomplished by insisting.

What he could feel was that the black iron rod on his back seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

I don't know where I got such a horrible black iron stick... Mossan still has to keep going and has no intention of stopping.

Even, not so long ago, those crazy guys, pouring into the palace from the outside, rushing through his side in large numbers, Mossan didn't stop —— they didn't attack Mossan on their own initiative anyway.

As for the horrible [giant] that appeared later, and then [giant] was defeated, it still hasn't spooked the spiritual big and small guy who was standing up all the way down.

“Mossan, what are you doing here? ”

“Shut up, you're going to interrupt my count... Damn, I forgot how many! Damn, you're hurting me!” Mossan was furious at the moment, and as soon as he looked up, he shouted at the guy who interrupted him and stared at him!

But when he glanced, Mossan instantly opened his mouth and panicked. “Go... General! It's you... it's really you! ”

At this point, in front of Mossan, Hercules is the general of the kingdom of [El Niz], [Iron Marshal] Jax!

Not only [Ironface Marshal], but also the sword Sang-riyuro, as well as a line of black-armed soldiers, and finally the young messenger Tianyun.

“Mossan, what are you doing here with a stick on your back? Why don't you get up?” [Sky Marshal] frowned and sipped.

He's never had a way with this guy... Mo Big Head, Mo Big Head, not only big head, but also big head.

Nevertheless, it was Jax himself in time, and sometimes he had to marvel at Mossana's terrible natural powers.

“No, my mother told me not to get up without a thousand! And then a thousand more! I've forgotten how many I've done. I'm dead! I have to do it again!” Mossan said bittersweetly at the moment.

“Your mother?” Jax frowned and seemed to be thinking about something.

Jiansheng couldn't help but look at Jax and seem to be asking, "Where did you find this... amazing man?

“He was met by accident in the valley when I once again surrounded the barbarian bloodshed.” Jacks said quickly, "I accidentally hit the enemy's arrow and was left alone, and Mossan saved me. The child was born with divine powers, but came out alone, and I saw that he was loyal and honest, so I took him as a doorman. ”

“I'm the first customer of the Admiral's house!” Mossan looked proudly at Riyuro at the moment: “Who are you, old man? I don't think I've ever seen you. Are you a friend of the Admiral?! Hey, it's not Little Dot! Little Dot, you're here too! ”

Following Mossan's gaze, it can be seen that the young messenger he is hiding in the crowd, Tianyun Xin... only at the moment Mossan recognized, but saw Tianyun Xin stunned his head, as if he had to be recognized.

“Interesting fellow.” The sword sanctuary shook Yuro's head.

Sometimes he hasn't seen such a spiritual guy... can't say love is the heart, it's just funny, "Little brother, don't get down on the ground. Get up, whatever reason you have, now is not the time to do these things. ”

Li Yuluo reached out directly to Timothy's black iron stick on his back and subconsciously said: "You carry something, even if you exercise your body, it doesn't work... this iron stick?? ”

I only saw Mr. Kensei gaze at this moment.

He was all bent over at the moment, holding the black iron bar behind Mossan in his palm - but he couldn't lift it!

He really can't!

With the strength of his kingdom Sword Saint, the human Sword Saint, I can't even remember this flat black iron stick... I can't even lift an inch!

“What's the matter?” At this point, Jax obviously noticed Kensei's inappropriateness and asked in a low voice.

“This iron stick is weird.” Sword Saint frowned at this point and said: “I can't believe I can't bring it up. ”


Jax apparently didn't believe it at the moment, so he went straight ahead and couldn't bring up Mossan's stick until he had used both hands.

“Admiral! Forget it! This black iron stick of mine is really heavy and hard! If you talk about it again, I'm afraid it'll flash your waist!” Mossan said with sincerity, "My mother said, if the old man's waist doesn't work, his lower body will be ruined! ”

“Get up!” Marshal Jacks snorts now, "Moses, I command you to get up now! ”

“No way! My mother said," If I don't finish, I won't be allowed to get up... "Mossan is having a hard time at the moment.

“My orders, are you not listening?” Marshal Jacks snorted, “Now I haven't seen your so-called mother, but I'm right here in front of you. Who the hell are you listening to? ”

Mozanne struggled for a moment and looked heavily, “... I'll listen to my mother. Admiral, you raised me for three years, but my mother raised me for over a decade. I'm sure I'm bigger! ”

“You moron!” At this time, Jax didn't know if he had to cry or be ashamed to get angry, and eventually he sighed: “Forget it, you still tell me why you're here... and where your mother is, I'd like to meet this hermit tall man. ”

“Isn't my mother tall?” Mozanne was in trouble at the moment: “When I grew up, my mother just came to my chest... mother! ”

At this moment, Mossan suddenly shocked, his head stretched straight up and stared dead at the rays of the night sky crashing wildly into each other.

It was a war between the grandparents and Queen Hilda.

“Is that Queen Hilda?!” Yuro Kensei couldn't help but shock at this moment, his face was stunned, and he said: “You say that this is being spelled by Queen Hilda, unlike... is your mother? ”

“Yeah!” Mossan nodded, twirling: “But it's not like that! My mother hasn't really pushed it yet. If she really pushed it, it wouldn't be like this! ”

“… yes, what does it look like?” Sword Saint cannot help but ask the wrong question at this time - the iron stick that he cannot bring up, and the fact that the second grandmother is fighting with Queen Hilda in front of her, is defeated.

“What's it like...” Mossan thought about it at this time, then took a deep breath and flew quickly: “Probably just forked his waist, then raised his eyebrows, then said aloud: Mossan, you son of a bitch, I let you plow the fields, so you can go to the old royal daughter-in-law's room next door to sleep lazily! Look, I won't kill you, you son of a bitch!!... like this, it's horrible! ”

Yuro Kensei instinctively looked at Marshal Jacks next to his eyes.

Only the marshal responded with a deep glance: See, you know my pain? This is what it looks like and it's a great way to make you angry and die.

Sword Saint shook his head at this moment and suddenly sank: “This mother of Mossan, I never knew, but I never thought she would be a hidden tall man capable of forcing Hilda into this situation... I'm afraid this is going into the palace. ”

Marshal Jacks did not speak, just stared at the [Guardian's Palace] deep in the palace... at this moment, a glorious, sudden rush into the sky from the [Guardian's Palace].

Unlike the previous one, which directly defeated the terrible [giant] and broke the glow of the Dragon Emperor's junction... that glow is sharp and shining, yet this glow is incredibly gentle.

“We have to hurry! ”

Yuro Jianshengli frowned at this moment, even without waiting for Jax's reaction, the sword alone turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the [Guardian's Palace].



“… Almost done! ”

Behind the columns, Dr. Gulls's voice was slightly condensed at this time… the formats used for the summoning ceremony had been completely unfolded.

The lines apparently absorbed enough royal blood, and now they are releasing something… The glow of convergence is now rising, and King Amos, in the center of the Falun Front, has bowed his head.

His chest fluctuated gently, but he felt like he was swimming silk.

At this moment, Mu, the heavenly man, suddenly stood up with his sword.

Dr. Gulls suddenly freaked out, “What do you want… to do! ”

“Let's see if this time my sword can cut this King Amos.” The heavenly man Mo shrugged his shoulders at this moment, "just for a moment. ”

As soon as Dr. Gulls bit his teeth and rose, he can no longer remain silent... If the summons ceremony is destroyed, he may leave [the chessboard] for an indefinite period of time or even for an indefinite period!

“You forced me.” Dr. Gulls said coldly.

The heavenly man Mu smiled softly and bounced his fingers on the blade... the sword sounded.

But when he saw Dr. Gulls, he clamped up Snev and turned around and ran, "Wait! I won't let you go! ”

Mu's sword is still... still ringing.

He shook his head and jumped straight out, then landed… in the middle of the Summoning Ceremony Law Front, right in front of King Amos.