Transcend Race Due to System Error

< It was 3, but it wasn't (3) >

I got out of the park and into town.

“· · · · · · · Ji-hoon Choi. ”

Right now, my head was full of thoughts about how to use Choi Ji-hoon to eat.

Chan Ji-hoon, age 3, a water-based group's reign.

Personality is not cheap as it looks.

The arrogance of knowing that the world revolves around him.

“See you later, really. I'll make you an item vending machine. ”

It was when he was smiling so wickedly.

“Excuse me.”

Suddenly, someone called me up.


It was two women.

“W. Blood on the face. ”

One of them gave me a handkerchief.


Then I remembered the scar on my cheek.

I forgot because I didn't feel any pain.

I smiled shyly and handed over the handkerchief.

“Oh, thank you. When did you get hurt?”

It's not polite to put blood on someone else's handkerchief, but it's not polite to refuse favors.

I wiped off the blood and trembled.

“Oh, my.”

The woman's eyes widened and her face reminded me.

I wiped the blood with a handkerchief and examined the two women.

They're both very beautiful.

Perhaps if I had met these women in the world, I would have lost my eyes.

“Thank you. For those of you who don't know, even a handkerchief. ”

But not now.

There are two reasons.

“If you thank me, give me a phone number. ”

First reason.

As you can see by watching these beautiful women talk to me first, the 'Book of Revelation’ in this world is a genius in appearance.

I mean, it's not them, it's me.

“I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend. ”


One more thing.

As you can see by looking at the world's water rooted on the Korean Peninsula,

South Korea in the world is a country that has "Elves" as a protest.

You said you got a motive for being a nation of bows.

South Korea also has the denominator for the best beauty in Asian countries.

“Kid, is that the kind of man you think he is? ”

“I'm what? ”

So here's what I'm saying.

“What is common in the top 50% of Korea? ”

“· · · · · · This bitch is a coward who hits with facts. I look good in the world, too. ”

“Yes. Of course.”

This beautiful woman is widespread in Korea.

Kim Tae-hee and Song Hye-gyo walk around just turning their heads.

“But how attractive are you? How attractive is that face? ”

“Well, I don't know. ”

I folded my handkerchief neatly and handed it to the woman.

“Tsk. That's enough. Say no if you don't want to tell me. ”

The woman pouted her lips with a handkerchief.

It's cute.

Well, now's not the time for me to think about romance.

“I'll be going, then. I have an appointment.”

I waved my hand small and turned around to take a step.

“· · · · · · · · was really handsome. ”

“Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen a man like that in Korea in beauty. ”

My compliments from behind make me smile.

I'm not in a bad mood.

I felt a little better because of Ji-hoon Choi.

* * *

I took a bus through town.

Nearby department stores have arrived.

The destination is the equipment store in this department store.

I searched on my phone and it was the biggest and closest.

The objective is to view and investigate the equipment.

You need to see the weapons for yourself before you decide what equipment to use.


Fourth floor.

The elevator stops and the door opens.


The woman welcomed me with a refreshing smile.

“Can I help you find something? ”

“No, I'm just going to take a look around, if you think I could show you around. ”

“Yes, of course. This way.”

The fourth floor of this department store is an entire hardware store.

“First, let me show you the armor of this sword family. ”


Following the waiter, you see a shelf full of swords far away.

By the way, that sword back there. That looked like a really good sword.

It was light enough to be held lightly by my sheer power.

How many swords will that be?

“For a body type like yours, I recommend a washsword or a blade. Ah, and check the status window for the price or ability of the armor. I've activated all the access to the status window. ”

I want to, but I can't see the status window yet, so I don't know what it is.

I looked at the armor with a fat expression.

“Then this way. ”

I've been going around the shop ever since.

Honestly, it's there, and I don't know what a good sword is.

Is this the hesitation of a man without a status window?

“You don't seem to have the right equipment. ”

The waiter smiled bitterly.

“Yes? Oh. ”

Maybe it's because I was making a fat face.

You must have been disappointed.

I'm not disappointed.

It's just that I don't see a window.

“If you don't mind, can I show you some higher level equipment? ”

“Yes? Oh, yes. I like it.”

If you don't want to buy it or pay for it, and you're willing to take care of it like that, then I'm grateful.

“Then this way. ”

How far along the waitress they must have gone.


I've arrived at a place that looks like a giant safe.

As the woman touches the panel of the vault, the vault begins to open gradually.

“Is he okay? You can just show me places like this. ”

“Yes, of course. It's a place that's accessible to anyone with a request. ”


I thought it was good looking and profiting, but it's not.

It's gross.

“This place is a museum, actually. There are no items for you to wear. ”

“· · · · · · Is the wearing limit so severe? ”

“No, it's just biologically overkill. ”

The woman raises her hand to one sword.

A sword that even pretends to be glamorous.

“For example, this sword. The wearing limit is set to 'Only the Dwarves may wear it’. ”


Oh, I see.

That's why they call it a museum.

“And the other items? ”

“Yes. Elves, Dwarves, and even Demibeast items there. ”


As I said before, the worldview of the world is a bit unique.

What's unusual.

Even though the "number of worlds" stands in the heart of Korea, there are no Elves.

Even though there are Dwarf heritage all over China, there are no Dwarves.

There are no dragons, even though the heart of Dragon Road is designated as U.S. national treasure.

Only the intelligent are left in this world.

“How are you feeling?”

“Yeah, that's great. ”

“Ahem. Right? ”

Elves and other intelligent xenophiles lived in this world about 10,000 years ago.

Ten thousand years later now.

Their existence remains only a legend.

Leaving only a handful of artifacts as evidence that they actually existed.

“· · · · · · · You can rob this place later. ”

“Yes? What did you say? ”

“Oh, it's no big deal. ”

Of course, there is no need for this setting. As the novel unfolds, the factions appear before the protagonist one by one.

He said he was hiding for a reason.

“Wow, but it's amazing. ”

“Right? ”

It's full of fancy equipment to watch in games and comics.

While looking at the equipment with such admiration.

“· · · · · · · Huh? ”

Suddenly, I noticed a colorful sword hanging off the shelf.

Did he fall from above or did he have a problem with the pedestal?

A deadly sword that seems to fall even if the wind blows a little.

As we get closer, unlike other equipment, the protective glass is lying flat on the floor.

I reached for the sword.

I was thinking of returning it to its original position because something was bothering me.

“Oh, right. And. ”

The waiter who was explaining in front of me was about to turn around and say "Moore."

“The equipment here is · · · · · · · Ah! Hey, hey, hey! ”

Suddenly, her eyes widen.

“Th-that! Touch it!”



At that moment, a ferocious spark popped from the sword and the place where my hands touched it.



That's when I remembered.

There was a setting that was not to be touched by equipment with faction-limited restrictions.

There was no direct depiction of the novel, but a rejection reaction occurred.

Idiot. You forgot that!

I quickly remove my hand from the sword.

Luckily, Sparks has stopped momentarily.

“Ahhhh · · · · · · · ah ·? ”

The waitress, who was screaming, comes out with a big round eye and turns to look at the sword.

“Are you okay? ”

“Oh, yes. I'm sorry, I don't know. ”

“Huh, huh? ”

I blurted out my thoughtless behavior.

It was quick to let go, so it didn't seem to react.

But it's all about consequences.

Doing something stupid doesn't change that.

“· · · · · · Anyway, sorry. You've been leading me to places like this. ”

I bowed my head.

“Oh, no. It's because of the lack of care on our part. I'm more sorry. ”

The waiter was still fascinated.

You seem surprised.

“Well, I'll be off for the day. ”

“Oh, yes, yes. Yeah, go ahead. ”

I turned around smiling bitterly.

* * *

After the Book of Genesis disappeared.

The waitress who was left alone stood dumbfounded for a while.

“· · · · · · · Weird. When I was clearly trained, I told you never to touch this sword. ”

A sword held by the Book of Revelation.

Looking at "The Fangs of Vampire Road," I remembered a time when I was training.

“Touch anything, and it'll turn to ash. Be careful · · · Obviously. ”

The waiter stared at the sword for a long time.

“Did you just scare him? ”

* * *

April 11.

I spent the last two days researching this world to see if it was any different from my knowledge.

As a result, I confirmed that there are some things that I do not know that are not depicted in the novel, but there are no different settings than what I know.

And tomorrow is finally Awakening Day.

This is the day I can see firsthand the status window of GNOME that has come in for ear scratches in the last three days.

It's also the first time I've fought an enemy.

“· · · · · · It's really more control from up close. ”

So today is the place where tomorrow happens.

I decided to go to the World Water Park dictionary.


Spectacular cafe terraces and a huge fountain of water parks.

This time tomorrow, terrorism will occur in this place.

Awakening needs to be on site.

“· · · · · · · No problem? ”

I've never done a proper brawl before, but I suddenly felt anxious because I thought I had to fight terrorists.

If the story continues, there will be no great crisis.

His power won't work on me.

I controlled my mind as I did so.

It was when I thought about it.

“I'm sorry, have you ever seen anyone like this before? ”

I heard a beautiful voice that sounded like my ears were being purified.

I turn my head to the source of the voice.

Oh, my.

There stood the goddess.

Blondes glow more brightly in the sun.

Perfect foresight without words to use.

As I said before, all Koreans in this world are generally beautiful.

But this woman is definitely out of it.

This is what eye deprivation looks like.

“Excuse me?"

“Oh, yes. I'm sorry, what did you say? ”

“Yes. Have you ever seen anyone like this? ”

She had a picture in her hand.

A photograph of a man dressed in full black with a fancy look.

I had never seen him before in my life.

“No, I've never seen it before. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

It became dull.

Even that is a picture.

It was when I was so numb.

“Jia. It's not here either.”

A man who appeared to be in his late 30s approached us.

No, but did you say "gia"?

“· · · · · · We don't know yet. Let's do some more digging. ”

The name Gia on that look.

I'm sure.


A kind woman who always helps the protagonist as the main character of this novel.

Among her many settings is the Face Genius setting.

If there is a ‘Book of Power’ among men, there is even a saying that there is a ‘Sindhia’ among women.

Obviously, that's what they call it.

Then why are you here now?

I thought it was after admission that Shinjia and the protagonist met.

No, today is not the day that was written in the novel.

It's not that weird that she's here.

It was time to be convincing.


Suddenly, you hear a woman's scream in the distance.

“! ”

A light breeze blows.

I felt goosebumps all over my body for a moment.

Me and Cynthia head back to you at the same time.



In that direction, the terrified people rush in like crazy.


At the same time, a violent thunderstorm shook the earth.

“D, run! ”


Suddenly, I became Abigail.


That's what everyone on the run was shouting.

Terrorism must be tomorrow. Why?

“Jia. ”

“Yes, I know. ”

Shinjia's eyes sank cold.

“Pialle-Allo. Today must be. ”

Look up at the direction the smoke rises with the cold-filled eyes.

“Please contact the guard and the main house immediately. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“I'll go first. ”

“Yes. Please be careful. ”

In the end, two people disappeared from my sight.

“Pialle-Allo. ”

I know that name.

“Why today · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

The first enemy to appear in a novel, and the protagonist to trigger the awakening.

The case was drawn forward one day.

< It was 3, but it wasn't (3) > Ended
