The next day.

I started my training. The purpose, as I said, is to fully embody the traits that we now possess.

I don't know how long it'll take, but I'm gonna try my best.

“· · · · · · · Once the flesh of the wind seems to be fully matured soon. ”

Honestly, the complete sieving of elf-side characteristics is largely meaningless.

If you increase your charm more than this, nothing will change.

“But it's meaningful to make it fully materialized. ”

In fact, the most important thing is to fully embody the angelic nature.

It is so ‘black’ that it should be made at least ‘red’.

“I should have used a thunderbee more often. ”

The problem is that all three of the characteristics of the heavenly bodies that are being learned are completely different from each other.

We've only just acquired [Divine Power] and [Battle Angel].

[Punishment] is rarely used, so it is virtually like a recent one.

The ‘thunderbee’ is close to being fully stoked, although it is aimed at using it regularly and fully stoked.

“It's too bad the cost is too bad. ”

Magic efficiency is so bad, I'm dying of frustration.

It is worse than the flames of the Spirit.

Of course, the Spirit's Flame is only usable because it has been calibrated by 'Affinity of Hua Traits’.

However, the value of the thunderbolt is even worse in the current situation.

That's why I left the thunderbee alone.

It's more efficient to use the Spirit's Flame with the same magical power.

“We still have 20 days to make it work." ”

I received the list of ancient artifacts that were confirmed to be exhibited at the museum from Yoo-Hwa, but there were many useful celestial artifacts.

In order to use those artifacts, at least one thousand bees must be fully materialized.

“Let's start again, then. ”

You must be out of your magic.

I got up from my seat after a break.

* * *

That time.

The most important hiding place in the organization of the lifesaver of truth.

“Boss, here's the report. ”

Maestro reports to Unknown.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Unknown is just looking at the report.

He didn't seem to want to receive it.

The way you look at Maestro is very cold.

I don't like the look of it.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Looking at Unknown's expression, Maestro chews his lips small.

The trust between Unknown and Maestro has been broken since the last incident at Hermitage.

To be more precise, Unknown did not trust Maestro.

‘The mistake was too great. ’

Oil kidnapping operation failed.

He lost the Alchemist and returned home with no income.

And most of all, Hermitt wasn't a real spy.

A series of mistakes led to the loss of Unknown's trust.

Unawn grimaces at Maestro as he still looks at the report.

Then I started to quickly read the report without a single syllable.

“There's nothing wrong with the report, right? ”

Unknown, who read the report halfway, frowned on the report with his gaze fixed.

“· · · · · · · Example. ”

The question made Maestro's glabella tingle.

Even these basic reports have pride in the doubt that there is no error.

“Then I'll be going now. ”

Unknown shakes his hand without even giving Maestro a look.

“· · · · · · · Example. ”

Maestro left the room quietly. At the close of the visit, Maestro's expression distorted badly enough to say, "Go away."

“· · · · · · · Dammit. ”

How did this happen?

I was familiar with the nature of Unknown.

Hates the loser and despises the loser. Whether the failure was a mistake or a skill, the failure was a failure. That is Unknown's philosophy.

‘How have you survived so far? ’

Maestro has never made a mistake or failed before. for almost a decade.

That is why Maestro was able to sit in the position of the second party, executive general, under the full trust of Unknown.


Maestro recalls Unknown's expression. It's like looking at a disgusting insect.

Maestro knows more than anyone about how the executives who used to look at Unknown disappeared.

‘Disposal · · · · · · · · · · ·. ’

Used by useless executives as "holy martyrs" and disposed of at the same time. That's what the trustless executive said.

‘Is there any way to reverse this? ’

How to regain Unknown's trust. If you don't find a way somehow, you're done.

It was when I was chewing my lips like that.

“Maestro of the underworld has become a laughingstock!”

Rust laughs and approaches Maestro.

“· · · · · · · Get lost. ”

Maestro growls in a vicious hue. I feel like I can release my magical power right now.

“You have a bad mouth. I'm here because I care about you. ”

Rust smiled.

“You. If you do this, you'll be discarded. You know?”

Maestro's expression was even more distorted.

“That's not going to happen. ”

“What can you do? I can't change the boss' mind about the mess. ”

Maestro shuts up.

“You don't have one?”

There was a debris flow from Rust's eyes.

"Okay, Hermite's right. ’

Then we can proceed as planned.

That's what Rust said.

“Then I'll make you an offer. ”

“· · · · · · Suggestions? ”

“Yes. I've come up with a way for you to regain the boss' trust. ”

“Let's hear it for now. ”

“Good choice. ”

Rust smiled at Maestro with a serious expression.

“Attacking the resting place of this dragon. ”

Hermite said to Rust,

“· · · · · · · · Okay? ”

It was a moment passed on to Maestro.

* * *

“Rust has been contacted. ”

That night.

Black fog approaches me, who was working on his training on his own. Needless to say, it was Hermit.

“What did Maestro say? ”

“I'd say I haven't said anything yet, but I'm sure we'll get on with our intentions. ”

Hermit's eyes glow coldly.

“This trap is a hell of an ant you'll have to fall for in the first place. I'm afraid of Kang Seo Yul who came up with this idea. ”

Hermit smiled.

“Don't overreact.”

“I mean it. When I heard the details of the operation, along with my promise to use Maestro, How creepy it was. ”

Hermit rubs his arm against the black coat.

“A meticulous operation · · · · · · · · that cannot be set without 100% awareness of Maestro's propensity, and yet is delicate and deadly · · · · · ·. I'm amazed to think about it. ”

I'm ashamed to hear it all.

“So you think things are going well, right? ”

“Yes, I think 99.9% succeeded. ”

“What is 0.01%? ”

“This is the case of a natural disaster or something similar. the recent Gate catastrophe of colostrum. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“If something like that happens, the plan itself will be ruined. Of course, that's not gonna happen. Haha.”

Suddenly I became anxious.

Thinking about all that's happened so far.

The more detailed my plan was, the more miserable it got.

· · · · · · No way. Again?

No, I don't want to deny it.

Let's not think about anything weird.

I shaken my head desperately, casting off my sinister thoughts.

“Anyway, call me if you need anything. ”


This also achieves a second condition.

All that's left now is to be strong.

* * *

I thought about it for a while, but I also decided not to say the word 'master’ to anyone, including Maiden.

It's not that I don't trust those four, but there's no such thing as a perfect secret. If you want to deceive an enemy, you have to first deceive an ally.

‘I don't know what Mr. Maiden will do if he finds out who the Master is. ’

Anger is hard to control, so no matter what kind of mistake Maiden might make.

And I'm the only one participating in this attack on the Dragon's Rest Area.

In this situation, there is no need to scratch the four of them to reveal the identity of the master and make a sponge.

It's not too late to tell me when everything is over.

“· · · · · · Let's take a bath after. ”

I smiled bitterly.

I got up at the same time.

You must have run out of magic.

“Hoo. We have to start again. ”

This is the end of the break.

“Oh, my God. Let's just get fully operational today. ”

I prayed earnestly and tried to use the thunderbolt.

Kuaaaaaaang -!

“! ”

An enormous boom sounds from outside the training ground.

My heart palpitated with a sudden thump.

“· · · · · · No kidding. ”

Another variable?

I've got it all worked out, and then again.

“I have to check. ”

I hurried out of the Training Hall.

Damn it.

What is it this time?

Nothing about this timing should come to mind.

‘Please don't just go outside the specifications like Lucifer Rain or unseal the mephisto. ’

I prayed earnestly and looked at the source of the storm.

A building is consumed by fire. It's not that big of a fire compared to the noise.

The people around me were also much calmer than I thought.


Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

“What's going on? ”

Like me, the passerby who just showed up asked someone. I listened to them.

“An accident. I heard there was a problem transporting the captured monsters. ”

“What's the problem with that explosion? ”

“What did you say? The magic drive you were using to trap the monsters exploded. ”

· · · · · · Aha.

That's the situation.

So it's not really that serious.

‘Thank goodness.'

I sighed for relief.

You're making people's hearts tremble for nothing. I was annoyed for no reason.

“What about the escaped monsters? ”

“Clever bastards, taking hostages from nearby passers-by. ”

“· · · · · · We're in a commotion. ”

That's the situation.

I immediately ran up to the roof of the building.

Upon arriving on the rooftop, I immediately triggered the Elven Eye.

The field of view widened, and the location of the incident began to appear as three people.

‘13 hostages · · · Monsters · · · Fire Etter. They're notorious for being clever, but I didn't expect them to take hostages. ’

Well, it looks like 20 of them.

Yong 'an was also active just in case.

In addition to the three-inch field of view, 'Magical Power’ began to be visible through the feature.

Hostages are blue.

‘There's another one between the structures. Then 14.’

Fire Eater is red.

They're hiding more.

‘30 in total. ’

You can also see superhumans camped out around you. The hostages seem hesitant to approach.

‘· · · · · · · · Hmm. I think I can handle it. ’

Fire Eater's body is very hot.

If we hold the civilians in that state, we'll burn them to the ground.

They know that and are camped some distance from the civilians.

‘The hostages need to be alive to help. ’

That's really clever.

Anyway, it is important that they ‘are not in contact’ with the hostages.

‘I'm not worried about further damage. ’

As long as I'm in control, there's no additional damage from an electric shock.


Perfect timing.

Phage job -!

Lightning struck my right hand.

The target is 30 Fire Eaters camped out in the field.

Adjust the intensity of the thunderbees based on the amount of magical power they have.

Parker! Parker!

‘Now if you repeat this intensity 30 times, ’

A small ball of lightning sprayed out of my hand and multiplied.

It is very intense to try to adjust the power, control the position, and trigger simultaneously.

But it's not enough.

I continued to rotate the magical force.

‘24, 27, 30! ’

And when the lightning beads on the palm of my hand turned to exactly 30,


I unleashed a bolt of lightning into the sky.


At the same time, the sky cried out.



Thirty thunderbolts fall.


My "thunder bee" was pinned down precisely over the heads of 30 Fire Eaters.

* * *

[Solving the Fire Eater hostage case alone is Korea's best promising bookkeeping rate!]

[With no effect on hostages, pay attention to the complete ‘brain properties’ magic control that only 'deals with' monsters'! The best talent since the Dawn Army!]

[Citizens, I am proud that there is a promising shareholder, Gangseo Rule, in Korea.]

[“I like the Gangseo rate as much as Korea”, foreigners from Itaewon who chose nationalization.]

That night.

I was looking at the articles on the news portal.

“· · · · · · Why do journalists keep putting in ‘Korea’. ”

No, at least if I'm a "superhuman" overseas, I can do that.

Isn't this a little too much?

“Is this better viewed? ”

I hope you put in a "mulberry" word because it works well.

“Hehe. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed that I can't see you anymore. ”

It's not heaven or hell.

I'm embarrassed because the article is praised, and I feel bad because the comments are condemned.

“The green portal news is no different here or in the original world. ”

I didn't know it would take so long, by the way.

I have to. I'm the only one using lightning except for brains. It's worth getting caught right away.

Even if it wasn't, there were a lot of witnesses who saw me around.

Well, I wish I could make a name for myself.

“And the thunderbee is finally fully incinerated. ”

A while ago, the complex use of the thunderbee finally made me fully incinerated.

“Just a moment ago, the flesh of the wind had completely warmed up. ”

The 'Flesh of Wind’ was also a common characteristic used by the original, and the body was quickly completed.

“The nature of giants, the ‘overwhelming power’, has also been tempered. ”

Could it be because of the simple effect of raising a Strength Rank?

I just got warmed up.

The Giant's full fire effect increases their strength as expected.

But it wasn't that big.

Roughly A (2/99) to A (22/99).

‘As expected, the higher the rank, the lower the ramp. ’

The Demibeast's fully weaponized will have less than that.

Demibeast Fully Humanized increases three abilities, so it's a little weak.

‘And lastly. ’

I took out my phone, checked my messages.


[This is the list of ancient artifacts handed over from our guild this time. Let me know if you need anything.]


[These are ancient artifacts we were supposed to keep in the mythology group beforehand, but please let me know if you need any of these.]

The ‘real' of the ancient artifact has finally begun to come and go.

“Ancient artifacts rain from the sky." ”

It was time for Adam's stigmata to turn all red.


I burst out laughing without knowing it.

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