Transcend Race Due to System Error

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“Let's sit down. ”

In the gesture of his hand, two chairs were formed around him facing each other.

“Isn't there no time? ”

Do you have time for this?

I sat down grumbling.

“I guess there were time constraints for me in the future, too? ”

He twisted his mouth and sat across from me.

It seems that there are no such restrictions for the older brother in this age.

“· · · · · · · Ah. Future Kim Sin is useless. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

My brother's eyebrows frowned.

Whatever future insults you, it must be upsetting.

“Anyway, tell me quickly. ”

Whether I have a lot of time or not, my patience is already limited.

“Even if I don't scold you, I'll start right away. ”

My brother twisted his legs and touched his chin.

“Where to start, how to explain. Hmm."

I stall, staring at myself.

“Bro, I hit you two earlier. You're not stalling, are you? ”

No matter how much you look at it, you're not really thinking, you're pretending.

My brother raised his mouth again.

“I'm trying to come up with a real idea. ”

Oh, is that so?

“So when does the theorem end? ”

“Wait five minutes. It takes a little time, too, for me to do my best analogy of my future thoughts. ”

“· · · · · · · Yeah? ”

If you say so, I have nothing else to say.

“Okay, I'll wait five minutes. ”

“Please be as quiet as possible. ”

Five minutes went by, feeling so nervous.

“I think it's been five minutes. Is it far yet?”

My patience is going to explode right now.

“We're done here. ”

He lowered his hand as he stroked his chin and folded his arms.

Seeing that, it seemed like it was the right thing to do.

· · · · · · Is the god of this age a little generous?

“Then let's begin with the explanation. ”

I untied my twisted leg and listened in an orderly fashion.

“First of all, this world is not a ‘fictional’ world. It's the truth."


I thought I would.

People in this world felt something.

“So, based on a novel written by your future brother, this world was created? ”

“No, I don't think so. ”

My brother shakes his head.


“I created this world, and then I went back to the world you lived in, and I wrote a novel about it. ”

“· · · · · · Why? ”

Why did I need to do that?

“To remember this world. To make this world known to others. And. ”

My brother smiled bitterly.

“As an entertainment to this world. He probably wrote a novel about this world on purpose. ”

“· · · · · · Confusion? ”

Songs for the dead.

That means.

“You mean the world was going to end? ”

“Yes. I don't know what the end of the novel you read is, but this world is sure to run towards destruction. ”

The last novel I read.


The endless end.

In that last episode, the original protagonist Lecture finally defeats Marcin and welcomes a happy ending.

“So the ending is. ”

“Could be fiction. There was such a wish that this destructive world would have a happy ending in a novel. ”

Immediately after the novel was finished, I was exhausted and I remembered the image of God who drank a lot of alcohol.

‘I just thought the novel was broken, so I didn't get the grades. · · · · · · ’

Now that I think about it, it was strange.

It wasn't like this when I rolled up the previous artwork.

It was only poisonous when [Class S Window] was rolled.

‘That's why you did it. ’

The novel [Class S window] for God was special to him.

‘I was sad that my child and the world were not recognized by others. ’

Even though it was a world where it had unwanted happy endings, it must have been a great sadness.

That's why I was so distracted.

“· · · · · · Then why was the brother of the future in the other dimension where I lived? ”

I understood why my brother started writing novels.

Then why did I write a novel in another world in the first place?

Why did the man whose name was God flee to another world with his world?

“He ran away. I wouldn't have been able to see the end of the world when it was doomed. ”

“Ahh · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Roughly got it.

“I tried to escape, but in the end I didn't forget this world and wrote a novel? ”


Oh, I see.

I understood roughly what the causal relationship was.

“And why have I been thrown into this world? ”

“You're probably noticing something. ”

There was definitely something to speculate on from the previous conversation.

“· · · · · · Save the world from destruction? ”

“That's right.”

My brother nodded small.

I knew it.

“Then why did the power of the ‘system’ disappear from me? ”

“S-grade status window · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

The look on his brother's face sank.

“Before I explain that, I need to explain what a Class S window is. ”

Then she looks at me with strange eyes.

“Class S is a transcendent force that I am developing to prevent future destruction. ”

“Developing? ”

“It is now. In three years' time, this era will be finished. ”

So at this point, we're working on it.

“The future me would have definitely completed. A special human being and Savior of the world who has partially transplanted my soul, the class S window and the book of Genesis. The character from the novel you read. ”

I cleared my mind for a moment.

The previous words were all hints.

The conclusion came as soon as possible.

“Even the transcendent power of the S rank spear did not stop the destruction of this world. ”

“· · · · · · I don't know who I am right now, but that's probably how I would have acted in the future. ”

God smiled bitterly.

“That's why I erased the Class S window from you. You knew better than anyone that you couldn't protect the world that way. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Maybe that's what you did to me in the future. The word" pull out the status window "might be a hint. ”

My brother stared at me from all over my body.

“The body was made using my soul, so it is suitable for directly puncturing Adam's stigmata. Though he was a gambler, he thought it was worth a try. At least if I was in that situation, I would have thought so. ”

· · · · · · This is how Adam's remains continued.

But I still have questions.

“Then why did you throw me into this world? Even if I don't possess myself in another world, I want to give this power to the original protagonist. ”

“If I did, I'd be dead a long time ago. ”


“The lack of a system in this world is an unspeakable penalty. At least like you, you decided you couldn't get through unless you were a third person who experienced the future of this world indirectly. ”


I thought about it for a moment.

What would have happened if I didn't have the knowledge of the future?

Could we have survived in this harsh world?

‘I will never survive. ’

Even Pierre Aloe couldn't solve it.

Could have been a Doppelgänger episode.

The lack of a window of status was a huge penalty in the beginning.

‘So you got rid of the Class S window.' ’

Obviously when God met his brother in a dream before. He said he had to get rid of the Class S window, so he did.

That's why.

“· · · · · · · Huh? ”

I had a question because I was in Class S.

“Brother, can I ask you a question? ”


“If what you're saying is true, then all the novels you wrote are based on ‘facts,' actually ‘what happens in the future,’ right? ”


“And he knew the world was coming to an end. ”

I opened my eyes sharply.

“So you knew everything that was going on in all the time slots in the world? ”

“Yes, I'm sure you did. ”

“There would be"? ’ ”

It's like you don't know the future.

“You'd be right. Now I don't know in detail what will happen in the future. ”

“· · · · · · Why? ”

“I have a distraction. ”


You're talking about drinking.

“What I know now is that three years from now, this era will be doomed. ”

My brother smiled.

“If I had a line in the future 10,000 years from now, there's no way I would have built the power of a Class S window that's sure to fail. ”

“Oh, that, too. ”

You're right.

“Three years later, presumably, after the time of the heretics had come to an end, we began to see a glimpse of the future. ”

“· · · · · · Disappeared? ”



The drink was sealed at that time.

“And desperate. Even the [Class S] window prepared as a guide to the spleen would not have been able to prevent the destruction of this world. ”

“· · · · · · · So you fled to another world? ”

And I wrote a novel, and after meeting me, I got a clue that I could save the world.

‘And I became possessed by the main character of the world. Minus the Class S window, which we found useless. ’

This was the story of possession in my novel.

“If this is the case, tell me something and send it to me. ”

You did this just to mess with me.

That's why you couldn't tell me why. I had my doubts about that.

Would it be nice if we didn't have to keep it a secret?

“Probably would have. ”

“· · · · · · · · · did? ”

When was this?

“Maybe he told you all about it before you came to this world. ”

“· · · · · · · I don't remember. ”

“I told you. I would have locked my memory. ”

“Because of his authority? ”


I hung my chin and thought,

“Obviously, when I met him in my dream, he asked me to do something, and he told me that I had accepted it. ”

“Then you'll be sure. He explained everything to you, and you accepted it. ”

“· · · · · · · Yeah? ”

Given my personality, I would be more likely to accept hearing about this.

And that day, I was drunk.

“Okay. First of all, why am I in this situation? I understand everything about him. ”

All the words fit together organically, so I couldn't be more curious.

“All you have to do is save the world, right? ”

So 859.

He said, "See you at the end, not at the end." As long as we get there, the goal is practically achievable.

“Yes. If you do that, you'll be able to return to the world you once were. ”

“The Original · · · · World · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Even if you say you're going back.

“I don't think I want to go back. ”

“Why? Don't you miss your family and friends? ”

“· · · · · · You really have no memory of me at all. ”

If God knew me, you wouldn't be talking about this.

“I don't have a family. ”

It's called a thousand orphans.

“Since a friend is obsessed with work at such a fast age, there is nothing. ”

I was busy keeping one of my own.

There are many people called acquaintances, but it's just an office relationship.

Happy Holidays. I haven't heard from him in about a year.

“I wasn't contacted by anyone. ”

I didn't do anything to be hated because I knew it well.

Then, there were many people who secretly exchanged contact information.

Sometimes I had a girlfriend.

However, it was hard to give love.

I just thought · · · · something light.

Thanks to you, we haven't been together long.

“I've been obsessed with web novels ever since I had time to relax. ”

God is the closest thing I've ever had to a brother in my life.

“That's why there's not much sense of the world. ”

Maybe that's why they adapt so quickly to the world.

“Speaking of emotions, I want to stay in this world. ”

I felt more passionate about this world.

I like people in this world.

The five months spent in this world were more valuable than the 28 years that had originally lived in the world.

“If this world becomes peaceful without worrying about destruction · · · · · · I want to enjoy living with people I like in this world. ”

If I'm going to save this world, I want to stay in this world.

“Can you do that? ”

God smiled at my question.

It was a warm smile.

“Of course.”

The god of the future seemed to show me a smile.

“My world is not a worthless world to rule out heroes. ”

I smiled slightly at my brother, too.


I forgot the most important thing.

“Brother, now that I'm in the past, won't the future change? ”

Butterfly effect.

Time paradox.

I have to answer for this.

So we can do something about it.

“If my actions make the future worse, · · · · · · · ·. ”

“You don't have to worry about that. ”

My brother approached me one day and put his hand on my shoulder.

“No matter what you do here, your future will never change. ”


“You're the protagonist. ”

“· · · · · · · What are you talking about? ”

I don't know what the future has to do with me being the hero.

“You are the ‘great’ history of this world. The center of destiny, which cannot be changed into any change. ”

I couldn't understand it.

As I frowned, my brother spoke again.

“It means that nothing that makes you what you are is going to change. ”

“What shapes you? ”

“The people around you. What you've been through. What you've got. Those things never change. The forces of history change to revolve around you and retain you. ”

“· · · · · · Because I am the teaching book rate? ”

The main character in the world.

A body that received a part of Adam's soul.

Lecture rate.

Is that what this is about?

“There is a reason, but you are also the target of the Time Reef. ”

“What's wrong with that? ”

“Your existence is as good as confirmed in your time leaf. Therefore, you must maintain yourself in the world's view. You can't have a Time Paradox. ”

· · · · · · There's something about the law that stops the Time Paradox itself.

“Does that mean that even if I keep Teddy or Adele safe here, future instructor Pidgin and Gia will be fine? ”

“If they are important figures in your ‘history,' they will be. ”

They are important people.

“Nothing's gonna change around me? ”

“Yes. Everything will stay the same. That's why. ”

“· · · · · · · Sure? ”

“I am sure. I can confirm with two names: 'Adam’ and ‘Kim Sin’. ”

“· · · · · · · · Yes. ”

Then I was able to sigh for relief.

“Anyway, like you said, the world is the real past, right? ”

“That's right."

“If I knock down a drink now, no drink will come out of the future? ”

“· · · · · · · If I could, I would. ”

I saw this slip through my eyes.

‘Not bad. ’

The chains (worries about the future) of Time Paradox disappeared, and I got the perfect chance to defeat my drink.

“It won't be easy. It is against fate to defeat a drink. Particularly at this point in the past, it will be very difficult to reverse fate. ”

As long as a nation is the force of this world, it will be quite difficult.

“I know. But it's an opportunity. We have to try. If you fail, you can save that failed experience from the future. ”

Fighting a drink won't hurt me.

“· · · · · · Right. ”

My brother seemed to be convinced.

“Oh, dear. Well, we should be prepared to return to reality just in case. I haven't found a clue yet. Do you have any idea how to get back? ”


My brother went back to his seat and thought for a moment.

“When I got here, I thought the 'Essence of Time Dragon' worked with the collision of errors. ”

“That's right."

The artifact of time regression.

Essence of Time Dragon.

The cause of my Time Reef was likely to be there

“Then there's only one answer. Go find Time Dragon. ”

“· · · · · · · Time Dragon still alive? ”

“Yes. I'm working tomorrow, but I'm still alive. ”

With the gesture of my brother's hand, a piece of paper fell down in front of me.

“If you go there, you'll find Time Dragon. ”

It was a map.

“You'd better hurry. Time Dragon's life is at hand. ”

It was a set moment for my next destination

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