Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1514: The Heavenly Demon is Born!

The voice of Weiko at this moment is extremely angry and repressive, as if there was a blood vendetta that could not be lifted by the four seas of the Three Rivers!

In the last three days, he was hunted down and set up. The culprit was Xiao's family!

Xiao Chenyu shook. "I didn't expect you to recognize my Xiao family's stunning moves, but you had to catch them! ”

Wei Zi long laughed: “Xiao Lao, since you Xiao's family are here, the prince must kill you as many as he can wait! Come back later to teach! ”

As he grew tall, he “banged” raw and broke Xiao Chen's rainfall siege, like a shocking rainbow, pulling away.

Although he is good at elf tricks, he is greatly weakened in this icy snow, where fighting is by no means Xiao Chen Yu's opponent.

So he retreated immediately!

Waiting for the night to sink and others from all sides simultaneously, with the intention of stopping Uzi from leaving, Uzi laughed: “10,000 water thousand mountains! I am the king! You think you can stop me? ”

The body twirled like a whirlwind, bang bang, at the same time with a dozen eight-point privileges, muffled, pulled up before Xiao Chenyu arrived, Ling Sky turned, the figure had gone beyond the hundred, and then flashed, the green figure had completely disappeared in the snow.

Xiao Chen Yu persisted and pursued him at full speed. In one move, he had arrived at the final disappearance of Uiko, but looked around, the white snow was dark, and the green trace had completely disappeared on the earth.

At one time, the faces of the crowd were not very pretty.

This exquisite cultivation has not only achieved the highest nine qualities, but has even reached the peak of the continent!

How dare you.

People had previously suspected Miao Zhendong and the other two offerings to blow the atmosphere, to blow weird power to shirk their own responsibilities. Now it seems that the two clearly speak of weird power low!

Xiao Chenyu stood still in the snow, looking at the white snow in front of him, his eyes sparkled. If he thought about it, he didn't say anything.

At this time, a sudden thunderbolt sounded, the whole sky suddenly darkened!

The crowd suddenly lost its colour!

This is the northwest, full of snow, and even on moonless nights, the true darkness is nowhere to go, but at this moment, it is utter darkness.

I can't see five fingers!

Such a change of colour has left people horrified.

In the end, what happened? ”

“Why is it suddenly dark? ”

“What's going on? ”

“This is the northwest. Even though the night is coming, how come there's no reflection of the snow? ”

The voices of all sorts of doubts fluctuated at one time; the night went down and others wanted to chase the weirdness, but suddenly at this moment they were in the dark without knowing exactly what was going on, nobody dared to move.

In this sudden darkness, even the Supreme Peak Powerful had some panic and panic.

The darkness persisted, an unknown evil breath, gradually diffused. The strong, such as Xiao Chen Yu, couldn't help but feel some cold in his heart, only a drop of cold sweat from his vest.

An unknown alarm rose, Xiao Chenyu only felt that his hands and palms were full of sweat! Even though I can't see anything, I still stare at it.

Such a panic, for over 10,000 years, has hardly ever happened!

What the hell is going on here?

“Was it the Nine Swordsmen who got the Eighth Sword and caused the heavens and earth to mutate?” Someone is skeptical.

The person spoke in the crowd, but the person across the street could only hear the voice and could not see the person who spoke.

Suddenly someone rebutted: "Absolutely not! The Nine Swords always emit a very bright and sacred atmosphere, and the power shook the heavens and the earth, but there would be such darkness and evil! ”

Everyone thinks it makes sense, but if it wasn't for the mutation caused by the Nine Kings of Sword, what was the change caused by it? How dare you let the heavens and the earth get so dark all at once?

The darkness is getting thicker and thicker. At this moment, everyone, regardless of the enemy, is uneasy. There is a sense of ‘collapse of the sky'.

It was a feeling of despair darker than darkness, and this moment, like the end of the world!


In the other direction.

Chuyang frowned at the sky: “What's going on? Why is it so dark all of a sudden, and what is this evil feeling? It's so strong. ”

Dance Town also has some doubts: “This is a completely unreasonable change of day and time, how can this be...”

Chu Yang looked up and had a familiar smell. He couldn't help but think: “This feeling seems familiar… I should have felt it from there… but it was much weaker than this one. ”

Dance City nods: “It's a familiar feeling, but it's dangerous. ”

The two men spoke this sentence without distinction, and then suddenly they were simultaneously silenced, an unspeakable repression that suddenly rose in their minds.

Because, just now, they thought about where this familiarity came from.

Dance City first thought of the weather demons of the Magic Lord!

As for Chuyang, the first thought was of the demonic smell of night drunkenness.

But there is no doubt that the evil smell of the law and the night drunkenness is not as powerful as it is now!

Too much power!

Or has a demon arrived in the Nine Heavens?

“... the Nine Heavens actually appeared...” Chuyang's voice was a little heavy. Speaking of this, he stabilized his mind and said heavily: “Heavenly Demon?! ”

“Heavenly Demon! ”

The two words, Chu Yang and Dance City, were spoken out at the same time.

The hearts of the two also sank with these two words.

If it really is, then judging by the shocking atmosphere of the present, there is no one in the Nine Heavens!

What should we do?

How can these evil forces, powerful to the extreme, rival each other? Can the wind of the morning breeze rival each other?

My brothers, is this the time to fight such evil forces?

Chu Yang's heart is restless. How can such powerful and extreme evil forces rival it, or only if the purple evil situation reappears, will there be a chance to overcome the enemy!


Li Family.

Faced with the darkness of the sky, Mo Tianjin scattered a golden piece of copper money in the air; in the darkness, his nine pieces of copper coins emitted a fantastic halo, seemingly flickering in the air with a milky yellow aperture.

“Mastering the world, Nine Hearts of Heaven!” Mo Tianqing's face changed to the light of the past, at this moment has reached the point of seriousness, his heart silently lowered a sip and extended his palm.

Pfft... Nine pieces of copper fell on his palm at the same time.

Five fingers, one on each finger, one on the mouth of the tiger, one on the palm, one on the wrist, and the last one, circling around on the palm of the hand, not settled.

Ding, ding...

A series of tiny voices rang out, sweating on Mo's forehead, breathing was a little rushed, his eyes blinking as he watched the gold copper money spinning in his palms.

Finally, a bang.

The copper coin was fastened to the copper coin in Mo's palm, facing upwards.

Mo Tianjin stared at nine pieces of copper money, silently counted in his heart, suddenly his face turned blue, purple, then red, wow a bite of blood erupted.

But he's still watching, staring at the copper money.

For a long time, another bite of blood erupted, bright red.

Three-piece in a row, Mo Tianjin could no longer hold on, his ass sat on the ground, his face shriveled and his face pale.

“Nine Heavens, Holocaust! The Nine Robberies... The Great Robbery! ”

“The demon is dead! ”

Captain Mo Tian exhaled and closed his eyes exhaustedly.


In the other direction, he talked about paying attention to the sky and murmuring and scolding: “Fuck, which goddamn thing did this to me? If I knew, I would have killed him...”


Close to the northwest, outside the Night Home Territory, a flying figure is moving rapidly in the northwest direction.

It's night drunk!

Ever since coming out of the night home, I have felt signs of loose weather hidden in me. It seems to be gradually becoming active, sealed strength, and a little unblocked.

His heart was filled with excitement, and all the way to the northwest, but all of a sudden the magic in his body pulse along the way, it took several days to finally make sense, and continue on the night and star journey to the northwest.

He seemed to be able to feel that there was a huge opportunity there that he had longed for all his life...

He was so tirelessly on the way that his eyes became more and more fanatical.

Just as we stepped into the snow fields, it was suddenly dark!

“Ah! Coming!” The night drunkenness howled without warning, and the sound was filled with the excitement and happiness of the heat and blood almost boiling! The darkness comes suddenly, not for long, but it makes people feel like they've spent millions of centuries!

A minute later, that evil atmosphere gradually converged and the desperate darkness dissipated, slowly restoring its original clarity in the heavens and the earth.

Everyone in the room looked at each other and saw that the faces of the people around them were inhuman.

While the darkness had dissipated, the terrible evil smell seemed to sink into everyone's heart.

Can't swing.

The feeling of despair, no one can forget, no one dares to forget.

Everyone feels that this Nine Heavens Continent, I'm afraid, has something really big to do... it's about to happen!


In a snowy cave somewhere in the northwest, France, dressed in black, had just completed his work and stood up.

The next moment, the whole person has gone out of the hole.

Father's eyes revealed a glimmer of happiness: "Dance City, if you let me find you again, you will surely die. ”

His body was suddenly black, and it was the magic that spread.

Suddenly, at this moment, all of a sudden, it's dark!

An evil smell familiar to France suddenly spreads through the heavens and the earth.

The cultivation of His Majesty was the ultimate in strength, and it shared its roots with that evil smell, and immediately came to an understanding.

“Such a power… and this power seems to be searching for something…” suddenly jumped in my heart, and Father had a sense of joy and anxiety…


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