I don’t know what’s wrong with my father. Thea feels that the answer is still in line with his intentions. After all, the permutations and combinations are just the few questions. After thinking about it for a month, the answer should be perfect. As for his old man, why Turned his head and ran away, maybe to show myself a sense of mystery, right?I called home and asked them to come and pick them up. By the way, they took away the two bodyguards who were sleeping on the ground. They had to replace them next time. With such a poor quality, can you save your life if you don't learn martial arts!

Thea didn’t know that her words had caused at least a thousand damage to her father. She ran to the distance and took off her mask. Malcolm panted heavily, remembering how high-spirited she was when she was young, and remembering how her dead wife beat herself when she died. On the phone, tears flowed down uncontrollably.At the beginning, I only knew to make money and thought that money could bring everything to me. If there was an awakened wife like Thea, he would not leave me.

Stumbled back to Merlin’s old house, locked himself in the room holding his wife’s photo album and stayed silently all night. After daybreak, I asked the butler if he knew that Tommy still hadn’t come home. Now I don’t bother to care about him, let him go for a while. Time.

I took out a box from the bedroom safe and kicked it in my arms. I got on the car and told the driver to "Go to the Quinn Group". I didn't ask for the way to the group. After turning around, I found Thea. Watching small videos every day, he was better than his own group. All cooked.

"Hey, Thea." Malcolm stepped closer and said hello softly.

Thea in the desk was immersed in writing a document, and she didn't care when she heard someone come in and thought it was a clerical worker.But immediately realized that the voice was wrong, and only when he raised his head did he notice that the middle-aged man in front of him was staring at him.

"You... why are you here?" Although he just met last night, he thought he didn't know, and he had to pretend not to know.This should be the first meeting after exposing his life that day, at least the first meeting of this vest.

"Can you accompany me out for a cup of coffee, I want to have a good chat with you." Malcolm said earnestly.

Thea also wanted to chat with him to see if he could resolve his hatred of the ghetto. Maybe she could solve it a little bit more without getting to meet Oliver. A brother and a father are all close relatives of her.

Nodding at the moment, the two of them went out of the building, found a coffee shop and ordered two glasses to start a long conversation.

"Child, do you know that you are very much like my wife, as smart, young and energetic. Funny to say that you are my wife's birth, and Tommy was born to Moira, you are too similar? She's here." Malcolm looked at Thea's eyes and said seriously.

Thea said to her heart, just talk about it. It must be the words last night that had some influence on him, making him feel that his figure and his dead wife have a certain degree of fusion.

You don't say that in the original story. In the original plot, you said I was a born soldier. Listen to this, is this a father who can say something to his daughter?This is too speechless, no wonder the wife has been bachelor after her death.

"Can you tell me about her? I only saw pictures of her from Tommy..." It must be right to do what she likes. Anyway, Thea doesn't bother to go back to work today, and Moira has a lot of eyes and ears. We should know the reason, we all have nothing to do. This will be all working hours and there are not many cafes, so just talk!

"We met on the train. She was..." Malcolm never said these words since his wife passed away. It's rare for someone to listen to it today, and I said it from the first meeting. When I got up, he didn't think so much as to whether there was some logical confusion in the main room when talking with the illegitimate girl.

"At that time, she was running a free clinic in a slum, and she encountered a homeless robbery on her way off work. She didn't have any hatred for hundreds of dollars! She fell in a pool of blood and called me three phone calls for help, but I was sulking and didn't answer the phone , I planned to pick her up someday! I hate myself!" Malcolm said as he slammed the coffee table hard.

Thea felt the same way at this time. Is Tommy's mother a good person?She must be a good person, but destiny made a joke for her. If she had the power, this wouldn't happen.Thea became more and more sure that the path she chose was right. It is too difficult for a woman to live in this chaotic world, and she must have her own strength to protect herself.

Lightly patted Malcolm's hand. "She is so kind and believes she will forgive you, Dad..." In the end, her voice was as soft as a mosquito. On the one hand, it was not used to it, on the other hand it was still not used!But seeing him in so much pain, I still want to comfort him.

Malcolm was also shocked by the word. The ecstasy on his face lasted for a while and faded quickly, stroking Thea’s hair. "Child, I know you are sympathizing with me. It’s okay if you can admit that I’m very happy. No, you don’t need to recognize my father, you will always be Thea Quinn, where there are your family, your friends, and everything that belongs to you. I will only silently support you behind my back and protect you. I will not let Anyone hurts you!"

This is exactly what Thea wants. If she changes her surname to Merlin, the Quinn Group will have no inheritance rights. It will have to run to fight for the property with Tommy. It is too troublesome. Now it is better to have two children and one family. She still doesn't know the two. An agreement from unscrupulous parents.

Malcolm took out a box and placed it in Thea's hands. "This is what I gave to my wife. I will give it to you today. I hope its light will continue to lead our way." After finishing up, he got up and left the coffee shop.

Thea opened the box and found that it was a very delicate necklace. The silver chain was hung with a sky blue gemstone. With the swaying of the gem, a soft lake light flashed. There were a few inscriptions on the inside of the chain, and the word Thea Don't know, this doesn't seem to be a modern thing?

The original plan to persuade Malcolm to let go of the ghetto left without talking about him. He seemed to have consciously avoided this topic. This is his heart knot, how can he enlighten him?

Maybe I should ask Batman?His experience is also very similar to Malcolm, except that his parents have died since he was a child, and his hatred was let go of his last mental journey.After thinking for a while, he quickly gave up the idea, Batman was too smart and too gloomy.He is a figure who claims to be able to solve 90% of heroes and villains with intelligence and technological weapons. Yes, he is even guarding against righteous heroes. You have a lot of secrets, so stay away from him.

Can you only slowly use affectionate?Only less than six years ago, Malcolm at this moment was not a big boss in Thea's heart but just a poor man who avenged his dead wife.