Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 197 The second match

There was silence around, and the two looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The sound just now was definitely not an illusion.

Thea opened the eye of Horus again and found that only the two of them and this half-eaten pig were within a radius of 500 meters. It could not be the laughter of this pig, right?This is a bit scary!

The unbelieving sword poked the pig's body with no response. Thea finally confirmed that there was nothing special about the pig except for the tender and delicious meat. Who made the sound?

The two of them thought about it for a while and didn't have a clue. Isn't Thea afraid, she's killed God, is she still afraid of ghosts?Diana didn't even have the word fear in the dictionary. The two of them calmly continued to sit on the ground and eat.

What Hippolyte saw when he brought them rice noodles with kitchen utensils with his entourage. The two of them sat on the ground. A suspected pig-shaped creature had been eaten by them and there was still a little bit of scum, but the meat smelled. Floating out for half a mile, the queen's two entourages couldn't help but swallow. The smell was refreshing, not to mention eating.

"Are you here?" the queen asked with a smile.

The good boy Diana couldn't answer quizzically. Thea, who was talking nonsense and drinking water, replied, "For the respect of the goddess of the moon, we are offering sacrifices!"

Thea can see it, as long as the queen is supporting all the actions against the temple, if thea is going to burn the temple at this time, maybe the queen will still behave for her.

The queen looked lightly across the oil stains on their mouths, and said calmly, "God must be respected in the heart, not superficial, okay, everything is for you, and you should end the sacrifice soon and take a good rest. !"

After speaking, the queen asked the female soldier to put down a lot of rice noodle pots and bowls, then turned and left.

"Look, your mother also thinks this is a serious sacrifice, don't worry now!" Thea jokingly said to Diana.

Diana was completely confused, but what her mother said just now is still in her ears. She has believed in Hippolyte's words since she was a child, and looked down at the residue on the ground. Is this really the correct way of offering sacrifices?

Thea didn't think much about it. She probably cleaned the scene and took Diana to take a bath and went to bed early.

The next day, early in the morning, Diana went to do daily training and eat breakfast. Thea now has no expectations of their meals. She decides to get enough food and clothing by herself, jump on the skateboard and prepare to go out to see if there are other wild animals.

Flying across the coast, I found one person was exercising alone, not the other one was Thea’s opponent, the black strong woman.

At this time, the black and strong woman was running with the giant wood on her back, and her head was steaming out like a steamer, her body was sweaty, and her mouth was constantly chanting to cheer herself.

"What a fierce girl..." Thea didn't practice so desperately even when she was the hardest. It's no wonder that her body was deformed. She did this kind of leapfrog a thousand times. If she couldn't do it, she ran 10 kilometers with a heavy load. She couldn't stand the passionate animation training of skipping eight hundred times if she couldn't run for ten kilometers. It tested her perseverance.

Thea still admired that she couldn't do it but others could do it, and she flew away without interrupting her. At the same time, she was wondering whether the second game was better than endurance?Then just admit defeat.She didn't want to be like the black and strong woman, running wildly around the island like a wild donkey.

I don’t know if luck on the road is good or bad. I was stared at by two eagles. When she was thinking about how to shoot an eagle, the two eagles rushed towards her like crazy, and she broke her neck easily. He returned to his place of residence with only one hand.

Could it be that Horus fell and all the eagles were hostile to themselves?But that is the future. How did the 1918 eagle see it?Don't think about it anymore if you don't understand.

Peel the skin and remove the dirt, roast the two eagles on fire, sprinkle some salt from the queen, the taste is not very good, the meat is a bit woody, and it is really a world compared to pork.

After breakfast, Thea started to get busy with her future food rations. Compared with Gideon's science fiction spacecraft, this place is simply primitive society. Only when she wanted to eat steamed buns, she realized that she didn't know how to make noodles. But this time, there is no Baidu.

Fortunately, the study that Hippolyte prepared for Diana contained a large number of miscellaneous books, and she rummaged through them and found out the process.

When Diana came to her in a hurry, Miss Thea was all over her face and was working hard to knead the dough.

"Huh? It's better than the second game now?"

"Ah what, come with me!"

It’s impossible to go fast. Thea still has a face of flour. This is the hunting goddess title contest, not the kitchen god contest. Diana can only watch her wash her face and change clothes again. Led her to the dense forest on the east side of the island.

Why are you here?Thea is very familiar with this place, her wild boar is made here, and a lot of mushrooms are also picked here.

It took some time for them to change clothes and wash their faces. When they arrived at the scene, all the people on the island were waiting for her.

The three priests played a serious one this time, no one pretended to be a grandson with her anymore, all staring at her fiercely.

The old priest cleared his throat, "The goddess of hunting needs the most wise hunter. This mission is very simple for you. Enter the dense forest and measure the victory or defeat by the number of prey captured!" After finishing she said, she seemed to remind her kindly." Miss Thea, can you shoot arrows?"

This is the idea that they came up with hard work, to use their strengths and avoid weaknesses, aren't you strong?We switched to the skill test. Although the black and strong women are not good at bows and arrows, they have lived on the island for five thousand years. These abilities are almost instinctive, so they feel that they have a lot to win.

"Do you know how to shoot arrows?" Diana asked in a low voice. There was no way. Thea lost her bow and arrows. She used javelins for hunting these days. No one had ever seen her shoot arrows.

"It's okay, but you have to lend me your bow and arrow." Thea said modestly, the villain in her heart roared, joking!We are all about to become an archery family!Black arrows, green arrows, red arrows, you asked me if I could shoot arrows!

Her vague remarks, combined with the use of bows and arrows, made several priests smile knowingly. This time it was finally equalized. She would not shoot arrows and would naturally not carry bows and arrows, which was quite reasonable.

Diana anxiously handed her her bow and arrow and told her to be careful.

Thea tried it with a bow and arrow. Unlike the modern composite bows she was used to, Diana and the others used very old horn bows, which required high arm strength, but their accuracy tested experience and eyesight.

Fortunately, she has no shortage of both arm strength and eyesight experience. She learned that there is no arrow limit, but there is a time limit. Until the sun sets, she brought two pots of feather arrows, and the black strong woman found a direction separately with Three female warriors named Assisting in Real Surveillance entered the jungle.

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