Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 252 Clown!

Now that her goal was achieved, Thea artificially accelerated the healing rate, and finally ended her "treatment" after half an hour.

"Why hasn't Barbara woken up yet? Did it fail?" Old Gordon asked with anxiety, seeing Barbara still the same.

Thea was also a little puzzled to read it carefully, "Bruce gave her a lot of"

The few people were a little dumbfounded, and they were busy talking about them, finally awakening Barbara.

Old Gordon first asked how his daughter felt.

Barbara was dizzy for a while to figure out that the treatment was over, and she touched her lower back in disbelief, "It seems I feel it!"

The old director took her a few steps tremblingly. The first few steps were thrilling, and the more stable the pace later, Thea looked at them with a smile because they were the head of herself. For an hour.

"Thank you, thank you!" When Barbara realized that she was completely back to normal, Barbara gave Thea a big hug first, and felt a little bit cold to others, and reported all the ones present, and then stopped.

The tearful Director Gordon heard that Thea was going to stay again and again, so he could only stop sending her to the apron in Houshan. His gratitude was overwhelming. At this moment, let him go to Turkey to build a temple and blow up the White House. Do it all!

Thea had just started the plane and the noise was loud. Seeing the old chief beckoning at her repeatedly, she thought it was a farewell and didn't care.But watching him waving his hands and sweating his forehead, he realized that something was wrong and stopped the plane and asked "What's wrong?"

"Bruce called, let us go back quickly, he is in the bat cave, in a hurry!" Director Gordon hurriedly put down the phone and shouted to her.

Could it be that Barbara had something wrong again?It shouldn't... I can only rush to the Bat Cave with old Gordon.

This time there was no time to walk slowly, and Director Gordon was anxious to run.Thea's high heels and short skirt really couldn't get up, so she could only wrap her body with magic power, and followed him into the cave half-suspended.

After entering the cave, the two found that Barbara was fine, and they were constantly punching out her legs to restore her physical condition.

There was a burly man with a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of 200 catties beside Batman. He had no time to introduce Thea. Batman pondered for a few seconds. "Miss Thea, I didn't want to trouble you any more, but this matter still involves you. .."

After speaking, he clicked on the indoor display screen "This is the citywide broadcast ten minutes ago..."

Ten minutes ago?Thea knew that Batman had a very determined personality. He said that it had something to do with him. So much of it was related to him. Take a look.

The snowflakes on the display lasted for less than thirty seconds, and an unexpected figure appeared on the screen.

"Ha...ha...ha...ha—! Smelly bat! Did you receive my gift! I heard that the red-haired beauty is your assistant?"

The pale face and the big dark circles reveal a frenzy, but the most striking thing is his scarlet lips and the big gaps on both sides... this character is so famous!Batman's enemy!clown!

Thea only remembered saying that this product was locked up by Batman, but she ran away so quickly!Another blow almost defeated Barbara...Thea couldn't help but look at Barbara. The red-haired beauty is now shaking all over. It can't be said that it is anger or fear, I am afraid it is both.

The clown on the display took out a knife from the dark purple suit, stroked his yellow hair, and made a self-confident smile, but his smile couldn't match the pleasure anyway.

"I know you've been looking for me crazy, what are you doing? Do you want revenge! You are crazy! Haha..." The clown on the screen yelled at the camera. Thea Yuguang saw Batman follow. Hear the same, looking at the screen stupidly.

"It took a lot of effort to find a person who is very important to the smelly bat. Ladies and gentlemen in front of the TV, let me introduce this distinguished guest to you! What? You ask for the name. .. I really don't know his name, maybe he will say it by himself?..." The clown was stunned at the camera, and then suddenly pulled a chair from the screen with a teenager tied to the chair.

The clown tore off the tape from the boy’s mouth, and the knife in his hand kept making gestures on the boy’s face, "Ha...ha...can you tell everyone your name to the audience?"

Seeing Thea’s feelings here can only be expressed in one word, and that is fucking!The Joker kidnapped Damian Wayne!If I remember correctly, Thalia entrusted his son to the Master Ninja... An ordinary person like the Joker ran to Nandalbat and got him out under the nose of a group of thieves, assassins and Master Ninja?!

You know that now Thea is planning the ninja master as a long-term goal. This guy actually sneaked in alone. The most terrible thing is that he succeeded!

The mental quality of Damian Wayne in the display is really good. "My grandfather is a master ninja, you crazy guy will let me go!" The six-year-old Damian also knew that Batman’s identity could not be revealed, he just Show your dissatisfaction with this ruthless situation, and at the same time send a signal to the eyes and ears of the outside master ninja.

The Joker smiled and pushed Damian aside. Thea felt that the Joker probably knew the true identity of Batman. All of this was a game for him. It didn’t matter whether it was a game of victory or defeat. Damian’s cleverness was in his eyes. Not worth mentioning here.

"Cut the picture here..." The clown turned his head and told one of his men. The picture was pitch black, but a group of photos was quickly displayed. Although it was a little blurry, a red figure flying in the air could still be seen.

by!Thea finally knows why Batman called herself back. Isn't she the one on this screen?This should be the picture of the Arkham gas pipeline that was blown up that day, and Solomon Grandi was taken away.

There are not many photos, and the clown quickly returned to the middle of the screen. "This guy is a new partner of the stinky bat! It seems that there is some kind of relationship with the stinky bat! I spent a lot of time to track him down, and finally...found it. .."

Thea's heart picked up in an instant, this guy found out her identity?Wouldn't you go to Star City to commit crimes?Malcolm is also a big villain anyway, it is unlikely that he will be caught, and Diana is even more unlikely!Is it Moira or Felicity?

"I found her sister! This brave young mother! Great maternal love...for her son alone in danger...this mother very kindly agreed to be a guest with me, you must hurry up and save the stinky bat Human...ha...ha...ha!" The screen went completely black after the clown said.

My sister?Who!?Thea is a little dizzy, it looks like I only have two brothers, who is this sister?Reminiscent of context... a not-so-distant memory came to my heart, this guy caught Talia!