Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 447: The Balance of Order

A splendid color appeared in front of her eyes. Even if you swipe it at random, you can see the traces of countless microorganisms and insects in the cave. With a little effort, you can see their internal structure. The plants in the cracks between the rocks are growing tenaciously, not far away. In the mountain wall, there is groundwater flowing slowly.

Thea blinked her eyes, her vision returned to normal, and with a thought in her heart, the wide-area vision was restored again.

The world in front of her was slightly different from what she had observed with the eye of Horus before. Whether it was colors, details, or the molecular structure of things, as long as she wanted to see, she could see, and she could see carefully.

The Eye of Horus is gone!There was only this thought in her mind, a little surprised, but more joy.

After the body was heroicized, she returned to its original state again, and in the meantime she merged two clones, heroicized, fused, and reorganized. In this process, the Eye of Horus was completely absorbed and assimilated by her body.

From now on there will be no more Eyes of Horus, only Thea's own eyes are left.

Without the gulf between the body and the eyes, and the spiritual power skyrocketed, what is now in front of the eyes is the world that God Eyes really observe.

Without worrying too much about the changes in her eyes, Thea received the message sent to her by the blood, and she understood her true talent.

This talent is very complicated. It is not the simple and crude ability of Damian and Lao Ma. It is also different from her previous unicorn tattoos. This talent has slightly involved the rule level.

"The balance of order!" This is the name of the new talent. According to the bloodline description, a golden balance will be erected in her spiritual power world. The two sides of the balance represent order and chaos.

There are so many things that can affect both sides. Thea read it roughly with mental energy. There are hundreds of items in all, including praise and slander, construction and destruction, justice and bias, and even some neatness.

These things can affect the measurement of the balance. When the order regains chaos, it will provide her with something called aspiration. The effect of this aspiration is so great that it changes reality, distorts space, and turns virtual into reality. , Stop time, various functions are different, but the more defying the ability, the greater the energy consumed.

Order overcomes chaos, and the aspiration generated is usually accumulated in the balance. When she extracts it, the balance returns to the balance point and starts a new round of measurement.

When the chaos overwhelms the order, she has nothing to gain. She can only work hard to add weight to the order side. There is no punishment in this process, and there is no gain. You must work hard to make the order overcome the chaos again.

"It's so troublesome!" The thought that flashed through Miss's mind was to go back and buy news media on a large scale, and then preach about herself 24 hours a day?Is it true that the group of its own has transformed from a traditional construction industry to a high-tech R&D enterprise, and now it wants to enter the media group?This span is a bit big...

Buying mainstream media from all over the world, Thea is a little embarrassed. This idea can only be a joke. The national system here determines that media people are very free. It is not uncommon for people to scold someone with their salary. Be proud of scolding the boss.

The indescribable state media cannot buy it by itself, and even if it buys it, it won't say anything good about it.Al Jazeera is even more unlikely to do business with itself. This idea can only be said to be a good wish.

Thea observed the balance for a while, and many people scolded her, as did many praise her.For example, the vast number of poor people who benefited from her medical cabin, all the streets and alleys, the medical cabin of the Quinn Group is spreading across the country, and the operation of tens of thousands of dollars in major hospitals only requires a few thousand dollars. It is safe and efficient, within half an hour. , The basic symptoms can be solved.

"This talent is really tailored to her personality..." Thea had to sigh. She was used to making a fortune in a muffled voice. She made her show her face like a superhero to do good deeds. Today, she rescued an old lady who ran a red light. Tomorrow, she will help the child find his dog. She really can't bear to do these things.

She is accustomed to using the existing rules, maintaining the existing rules, and doing something in a planned way, instead of running around the city like firefighters, seeing who saves whom.To some extent, she and the superheroes are in conflict with each other in philosophy. Now that she gets this talent that focuses on ordering and prioritizing, her philosophy has been further increased.

I wanted to try the power of aspiration, but what was helpless was that the two sides of the balance had just started to move, and the order was just a little bit more than chaos, and the only bit of aspiration was not thick.

After calming down, she had to think of this strange talent. Although it was very troublesome, it was absolutely powerful. She was not a son of God. With such a strong blood talent, let alone Damian, she was afraid that she was the teacher of Merlin. When I was an apprentice, I didn't awaken this level of talent!

The only explanation for removing the impossibility is that his true talent has been suppressed, and it is constantly changing as his abilities deepen.

In other words, the awakening of his talent has not been carried out to the last step. When the unicorn tattoo is removed, when this talent emerges, he has no friends.

Others were all mortal talents during the awakening period. Thea was suppressed abruptly until now. From a purely talent point of view, she might be an unprecedented apprentice of a demigod mage.

I checked the body on the spot. Although she was in a cave, the light still existed, and her ability to absorb sunlight and moonlight still remained. Otherwise, she would rather be a warrior if she wanted her to practice 18 meditation thoughts a day like Mr. E.

Taking out a set of clothes from the space ring, she hesitated for a second between the two options of flying back directly or teleporting back, fearing trouble, she chose to teleport.

She did not return to Star City and the Metropolis, but went straight to London, where Diana bought an apartment as a residence.

"Your problem has been resolved?" Diana, who was watering the flowers, felt the spatial fluctuations and asked without looking back.

"I'm so strong now, let's compete!"

"It's still daytime..."

"Where did you want to go! Contest! Put on the equipment and let's find a planet with no one." Thea couldn't help but drag Diana and ran to the alien.

Her physical strength needs fierce fighting to reach the level of application freely. Diana reluctantly put down the kettle and followed Thea to a certain uninhabited planet with her equipment.

With a sword and shield in hand, fully armed is Diana's attitude towards combat. She will not give up any piece of equipment because she despises her opponent. Thea knows this very well.

She didn't use power armor or added magic. She just tied her hair into a single ponytail and didn't use the holy sword. Instead, she killed it with Diana's familiar sword.

"Be careful!"

Diana didn't take it hard and chose to avoid it, but she underestimated Thea's speed. She just had the idea of ​​dodge. Thea was already in front of her. She was eager to win, and she also held the sword in her right hand, facing her. Past.