Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 490 God Queen Hera

The sound and light effects of Thea and Hera's fight against magic are gorgeous, and the entire ground is plowed by the two's magic. Zola's mouth is wide open. This must be a dream, right?

Zola, who has not lived in the metropolis, even has doubts about the authenticity of Superman. Are these two women with lightning and frost flames in front of them real?

She felt that tonight’s experience was a whirl of conjecture, a nightmare that was not too terrifying. This group of people somehow pulled themselves here, the main reason is because this is their own dream, so they can be in it.

Zola was thinking about it, Hermes didn't care about her psychological activities, as long as the people were alive, the plan changed too much, and the original thought of using Zola and Diana to be friends died early.

Turning his head to look to the other side, almost staring out his eyes, only to see Supergirl and Diana pressing Apollo on the ground and beating them like a dead dog.

This is the sun god who has been fighting for tens of thousands of years and is now ambitious to inherit the throne of the king?

Hermes' strength has fallen terribly, and his eyes are still on.

It could be seen that Diana was injured in her body, and her true strength hadn't been shown for even 50%. It was the girl in the red cloak that beat Apollo so hard.

Is this really an ordinary person today?The fast-moving self is looking sideways, not to mention the strength, just seeing Apollo holding his head straight.

Does this immature girl want to kill God?Then get your own speed god throne and directly ascend the throne of the god king?

Hermes' head was big, and at this moment, she saw Apollo being punched in the chest with a heavy punch by the Supergirl, spitting out a big mouthful of golden blood with a "poof".

Thea who was confronting Hera was attracted attention for an instant. You must know that the blood of the gods is not so easy to obtain. These blood of the gods are of no use to her, and are still effective for the few people in the family.

The blood of Apollo attracted Thea, and naturally also Hermes in the sky.

The sun god who has been fighting for tens of thousands of years without any damage has been injured by humans today!This incident can be thrown into Homer’s epic poems for hundreds of words. Nowadays, the audience is very few, but except for Supergirls, they are all sensible people, and a fact lies before Apollo!

Hermes felt a bit of a toothache, and Apollo spread the word that Zeus' eldest son would kill one of them, and then ascend to the throne of the king.

Now that I haven't even seen the eldest son's shadow, this guy who spread the rumors is about to die.

Hermes decided to overthrow the original plan.

There is only one chance for one's own lore, so who is this opportunity for?

Diana is definitely not good, she is needed in the follow-up.There is no need for a super girl, a pure "ordinary person".The rest is naturally Thea. Hermes really doesn’t like this unexpected trespasser. In addition, the super girl who is going to kill Apollo was also called by her, Hermes decided Made determination.

It was a pity to glance at Hera who was entangled with Thea, Hermes sneered in her heart, you can go play slowly.

Take out a feather from the void. This is one of the last players left in the heyday. The power of the feather represents the highest level of speed and the god of thieves.

The two fingers of the right hand pinched the feathers, looked at the timing, and threw them at the center of Thea and Hera who were fighting. This is a reverse teleportation array. The principle is not complicated. The feathers on the ground will make the ground and the underworld. Place each other, as for the people on the land, naturally enter the underworld directly.

Hermes originally wanted to replace Thea alone, but thinking of Hades's instructions to him, Hera was also included without any guilt.

Once he took the shot, all the previous disguise would be invalidated, no longer hesitating, grabbing Zola who still wanted to watch the show, and directly activated the artifact cane to teleport away.

The feathers fluttered like a gust of wind, vertically inserted between Thea and Hera's battlefield. Since they were not aiming at the two but at the ground, neither of them felt it.

When the teleportation started, Thea was shocked, what!

"Hermes, dare you!" Hera shouted sharply.

Thea only heard Diana's voice, and the transmission began.

Seeing Hera wrapped herself tightly in a peacock cloak, Thea also took out the lamp ring and revealed a big house and got in.

This is the first time Hera has seen such a weird method. He hesitated, wrapped her cloak into a ball, and the image of squatting on the ground was really indifferent to grace. Seeing that Thea hadn't closed the door, she also twisted in.

"What is Hermes?" Thea asked while maintaining a manifestation of resistance to the turbulence of time and space. Even though the two of them had been fighting in full force ten seconds ago, the eldest lady was extremely practical and immediately began to turn the enemy into Friend.

Hera, who has been holding the shelf, said proudly, "That thief will teleport like this with two hands. This method was used at the beginning, and it should be the exchange of the earth."

"Underworld? Hades' place?"

Hera's face was ugly, and she nodded, and then observed the golden realization hut. It must not be magic, but what is it?

Some quizzically asked, "How long can you last for this thing?"

Thea smiled. Now her lamp ring can achieve 200 times the emotional amplification, and she owns the total energy of the yellow lamp. As long as there is fear in the universe, she can maintain this low-intensity consumption.

But the truth is that there is no need to tell Hera, she evasively said, "It should be able to last for a while. Seeing that your face is very bad, and Hades has a long-cherished wish?"

Thea took out the method of coaxing the half-old milf again, put her posture very low, and began to talk slowly.

Hera felt that this opponent from ten seconds ago was not that horrible. The most important thing was that she saw that Thea and Zeus had nothing to do, at least there was no blood relationship, which made Hera's attitude a lot relaxed.

Although the arrogance is still the same, but three questions can still answer two sentences, so Thea also roughly understands the situation.

In fact, the person (god) Hera is not as bad as the legend. He is extremely loyal to love. It is true that Zeus is too carefree. A proper scumbag has repeatedly put his love in the pool. This makes Hera Sometimes things are a little hysterical.

But even so, there is still no betrayal of the love between the two, and there are only two men and three women with Zeus, and the remaining large number of men and women in the Greek god system are all illegitimate children!Of course it also includes Diana...

Faced with dozens of illegitimate children created by her husband every day, a strong woman can't stand it.

The patriarchal society ignores loyal love and forcibly gives the title of jealousy. This is a terrible thing.

Zeus, who was bothered, was praised, and Hera, who was careful to defend her love, was degraded to nothing.

Proud and disdain to explain, the more and more dreadful it gets to the modern day.