Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 695 Carla's Graduation Ceremony

After hearing the secret revealed by his son, Superman held back a smile, his face blushing.

Seeing that his father was about to fall ill, Jonathan Jonathan took up a stick from a distance. In his impression, these manic patients could basically be cured with one stick.

Superman ignored his son's small movements, and explained to his son with a smile, "That guy in the black cloak, he is sick here." He pointed to his head as he said.

I was scared again and patted my son on the shoulder. "Anti-Thea Armor, are you sure it is the name? Isn't it an anti-superman finally?...Laughing at me..."

Seeing that little Jonathan still couldn't be relieved, "Don't worry, we are good friends with this black cloak and Thea, you can rest assured to make friends with Damian, their family, uh, their father and son are good people. "

Superman wanted to say that the Batman family are all good people, but thinking of Thalia and Master Ninja, he hurriedly changed the word.

In the next few days, the food and lodging of the two father and son were placed in the bat cave, and the old housekeeper Ah Fu delivered meals to several people on time.Superman's force value remained unchanged, but his fighting skills began to grow rapidly.He doesn't need to learn Batman's one hundred and twenty-seven martial arts, as long as he sums up a set of fighting methods that suit him during the learning (being beaten), it is considered successful.

The friendship between Damian and Jonathan is slowly established. How can the two boys promote friendship together?Of course it was a fight!

After being trained by the eldest for two years, Damian, who has been trained in both magic and martial arts, beat Jonathan, who is sometimes inexperienced in his superpowers, to the utmost.

But he was defeated in the air battle.

Thea once gave him a flying mount captured in an alien, with a crown on the head, colorful stripes on the body, and a wingspan of 20 meters. Thea who was difficult to name was directly named the Phantom Flying Dragon.

And Damian has been awarded the title of Phantom Knight, but even if this flying dragon is at the top of the food chain on that planet, it is still inferior to Krypton.

As an old member of the Al family, Superman's pet has now become Jonathan's pet. Krypton is a real old dog based on his age!

No matter how powerful the Phantom Flying Dragon is, it is not beyond the scope of the beast. It is not an opponent of the Krypton Dog...

Time passed quickly, and seven days passed by. Superman and his son bid farewell to Batman and his son, and sent his son back to his wife. He wanted to improve his combat power.

The study of martial arts only makes him more dexterous, and the amount of energy is his foundation.

Saying goodbye to his wife and son, Superman flies directly into the sun. He wants to race against time to absorb energy.


I didn’t know that I was missed by Batman. The anti-xx series armor finally got a place. Thea took Diana for a ride in the United States. Just hung up a call, Damian begged him to find another one that could fly. Behemoth.

Using her skillful idiom skills, Thea understood the purpose of the bear kid. He wanted to find a beast and a little krypton pk. This really embarrassed the eldest lady. He wanted to beat the little krypton, at least at the level of the dragon.

While she was thinking about it, another phone call was made on her mobile phone. Thea ah talked for a long time, hung up, and turned to look at Diana, "Carla is going to attend the graduation ceremony, are we also onlookers?"

Diana is also very fond of Cara, this cute girl, she is just hanging out anyway, where is she going, let's go!

The two rushed to National City, where Little Supergirl had lived in this city for several years. The Danvers family and Superman wanted her to continue studying, but Kara was really not that piece of material.

Although the calculus of the Earth is similar to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the eyes of the Kryptonians, the supergirl, who is born to not love to learn, is still very resistant to going to school. Now that graduation is about to come, the kid Cara plans to work directly, saying nothing to learn.

Regarding mathematics and physics, she directly chose to ignore it. She chose the same profession as Superman, and became a reporter after graduation.

They are all familiar with each other, and Thea Diana knocked directly on the door without any gifts.

"Come in, come in!" Seeing the two beautiful older sisters,

"Let us help you advise you on the phone for unknown words. What is the adviser?" Thea asked somewhat amusedly, sitting on the sofa herself.

Carla took off her old-fashioned eyes and said seriously, "I want to wear my own special clothes for the graduation ceremony."

"Hehe." Diana covered her mouth and laughed. "I can't help with this. Ask Thea, she has experience."

The eldest lady is indeed very experienced, after all, she has learned a PhD.Do your part to do this senior staff.

Bachelor uniforms and bachelor hats are exactly the same. Cara’s university has always been known for its rigorous academic style, and will not engage in the messy costumes that boast eyeballs when he graduates.

Remove the orthodox bachelor uniform and bachelor hat, the highlight that can reflect the individuality is all kinds of jewelry.

She owns shares in several major jewelry group fashion groups in the world. Thea's fashion vision has always been at the forefront of the times. Diana can also provide many suggestions from the perspective of combining traditional aesthetics with modern art.

Even if they are not sure of their idea, they can call for help, and no designer in the world dare to refuse Miss's call.

Hairstyles, headwear, necklaces, watches, they all confirmed that the little girl Cara dressed up beautifully, and I felt that it was three-point beautiful in accordance with Thea's design, and I felt so happy.

She couldn't be happy after five minutes.

Thea held her shoes and scratched her head a little.Carla usually wears flat shoes, and occasionally there are two pairs of thick heels and wedge heels.

This girl didn't wear stiletto heels...It's not bad to wear thick heels or even flat shoes to attend the graduation ceremony. It's just a little bit of overall loss. Kara thought about it, this time in her life, make up her mind and learn!

"I'll take two steps for you. Look carefully." The Valkyrie, who is more than a model, quickly changed to a pair of 10 cm stiletto heels, and walked gracefully, every step she walked slowly and steadily , So that Cara can see clearly.

Thea has also long since disappeared from the embarrassment she had when she was studying art. The power to strengthen the soul and god status is not much, and speed is the main direction of improvement. At this time, her speed is even more confident than that of extreme speed.

Being able to move at high speeds, her sense of balance is even more frightening, wearing high heels as if walking on the ground, she also tumbled in Carla's surprised eyes.

After the two beautiful sisters tried, it was time to watch Kara. The supergirl put on stiletto heels tremblingly, and the two girls helped her walk two steps.

"Hey? It doesn't seem to be difficult. Let go of me." Kara cheered up and cheered herself up.

Thea Diana glanced at each other, Qi Qi let go, and then saw a horrible scene.

Kara slammed one end to the floor in the shout of "Ah! Ah!" This little girl may be a little nervous, confiscated her strength, and directly smashed a human-shaped hole on the floor...