Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 697 Humans Need Magic

Both Moira and Vice President Swanwick have come here for the first time. Several people are sitting on Thea’s manifested aircraft from the sky. The new continent is an excellent supplement to the exploding population on the earth, but it’s too much Big!

"Thea, this place is too big. It is developed only by the national strength of the United States. The speed is very slow. It must be developed by several powerful countries all over the world." Not suitable for eating alone.

Thea has nothing to do. This continent has been solidified. The basic atmospheric environment is completely designed in accordance with the earth. It is a good place to relieve the pressure on the population after the war. After all, the amount of Mars transformation projects is greater.

Taking a few high-level visits, Thea set up a permanent teleportation array between the original Earth and the "New World", and the flow of personnel and materials can go from here in the future.

In the early stage, the holographic simulation game was used to fool soldiers and scientists to do infrastructure construction. When to tell the truth or even not to tell the truth in the later stage, it is a politician's business, and she can't control that far temporarily.

The governments of various countries have entrusted Moyila to negotiate. Whether they believe in an enemy invasion, there is an extra continent for disposal and countless resources waiting to be exploited. With the way of thinking of that group of politicians, they will make the right choice.

Thea has to coordinate the superhero after finishing the government affairs.

In a conference room called the Hall of Justice, several superheroes listened to her talk about the upcoming enemy.

This time, in order to solicit opinions extensively, not only Superman who retreats (sleeps) in the sun, but Thea also brought the Flash and Aquaman over.

Seeing the seven people in the room, including herself, Thea was speechless for a while, remembering that the original time and space should be done by Batman. When did it become her own business?

Especially seeing Batman unconsciously sitting there waiting to hear the story like a paralyzed face, she was messy in the wind.

Gently coughed twice, "Several people, time is tight, I called everyone here for such a thing..."

Barabara recounted the experience of Earth II, and the Flash as a personal experiencer also talked about his views from his own perspective.

"Batman is dead? An old man put on a Batman shirt..." The Batman, who has always been Wu Bo, finally had a look. He heard Superman talk about another time and space, but he didn't expect it there. Bruce died, but his father put on his clothes. He felt a little lost for a moment, but was quickly suppressed by him.

Thea looked at the Flash, and the other party motioned to her and said, "We don't talk about the real identity of this old man, but he is worthy of respect. He is seventy years old and takes medicine to overdraw the body just to complete a trust. I think... .... You have the right to know about this."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Diana threw out a giant sword. "Not only you died in that world, but I also died. Being killed by this sword, Superman also died..."

She was successful in changing the subject. Superman had known this story for a long time, but Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Batman didn’t know about it. Several people finally realized how tricky things were. This time it’s not a small fight, but a real one. war.

"Atlantis in that world is also destroyed?" The Sea King who participated in the meeting for the first time was not as sunny and talkative as the Flash.He was faintly separated from a few people, and he didn't want to come unless Thea had come forward.

"Yes, in that world, the first wave of Steppenwolves descended on the metropolis, and after that they wiped out Paradise Island and Atlantis. According to my judgment, there are very few survivors."

Several heroes were a bit silent, and the atmosphere began to become serious again. From Thea's words, it is not difficult to judge that the superheroes over there are almost completely destroyed!

Although she also said that several new generation heroes have risen and the old generation has been completely defeated, this is also an indisputable fact.

"So you established the New World Plan? You want to win this battle in that continent?" Batman first returned to normal, and continued to ask with facial paralysis.

"Yes, the scale of the battle this time will be unusually large. It is not just a few of us, the army of the new Protoss.

The few people in the house except Diana knew her plan, all with a dumb expression.

"Hehe, very magnificent plan." Batman nodded with a smile. That means I can't help you anymore. Go ahead!

There is no way for Thea, Dora's helper will definitely increase the winning rate and put all hope on Heavenly Father's victory over Darkside. It is really not the best policy.

There are many people and many paths!Now this has become her label, and getting as many people as possible to help is her main strategy.

The meeting ended very quickly. This time it was more like a briefing. Thea also established a portal in the Hall of Justice, and several superheroes were ready to go over and take a look.

Desolate and dead, this is the first impression of several people on this continent.

"There is too little water here." Hai Wang looked around and said a little depressed.

In fact, it is more than small, almost completely absent. All kinds of minerals are easy to make, water is the source of life, and her legendary wishing technique cannot make much water.

The only bit of water now is brought by the green of all things.

"I have left open spaces on both the east and west sides of this continent. Mela and the others should be able to control the water on the other side of the earth. I remember that Atlantis also has some technological equipment for making clean water, anyway. The problem is left to you." Thea is busy to death, so let's leave it to professionals.

The Flash also made a good suggestion. He captured a guy called the Weather Wizard in Central City, and he could pull it here to rain.

"A good way, if you can increase the rainfall and improve the environment, the government will issue an amnesty for the supernatural person. This matter is left to you." Thea didn't take the law seriously, leaving the Flash speechless for a while, but He also has no stand to evaluate.

Several people moved separately, Diana was also the first time to come to this continent, and experienced "the magic power of this continent?"

Thea smiled, "This is a continent made up of magic power, and there will be a little magic power left. This is an opportunity for mankind."

"Do you want to bring magic to the people on earth?" Diana knew the power of her magic army, and tens of thousands of fireballs were thrown out all over the world, and few people could stop it.

"Impossible, time is tight, many people are completely unqualified, it is impossible for me to open the bloodline one by one."

"But..." Thea is like a cunning little fox. "If you are a child born in this continent, there is a high chance of having magic talent."

"If those powerful and powerful do not want their offspring to lose at the starting line, then they must move to this continent. All kinds of advanced equipment and personnel guards will naturally be brought."