The old patriarch sneered softly when he heard Quinn’s name. "President Quinn wants to finish this term and leave a glorious name. Humph, a woman blinded by a false name. As for her daughter, she is a superhero, of course. It is the responsibility of people to protect the earth, the ridiculous concept, let them look at the earth honestly! Haha!"

The rest of the people also laughed with different characteristics. In their opinion, they had already seen everything. The behavior of Quinn mother and daughter was simply not knowing the so-called. It is really unwise not to be tied by a false name if you put huge interests on it.

The triangular-eyed old man suggested not to buy it. On a dark and windy night, can we just take someone to grab it?

A bunch of people despise this idiot who doesn't use his head. Who is that?That's an alien!Science and technology have surpassed the earth for hundreds of years, and even if it is grabbed, no one will open it.

A giant battleship tens of thousands of meters long is not a bicycle at the door.

With a large amount of materials in exchange, the other party promised to teach and provide all the learning materials, until the learning is included.You go to grab one, find a ghost to teach you!

The family quickly reached an agreement, and other families have what we have.No need to say, buy!!

Of course Thea knows their thoughts. All of this is the result of her secret promotion. She understands the young people's thoughts too well. Using their psychology, the strong barriers are always breached from the inside. When the arrow hits the string, they cannot help them retreat. Up.

They spend a huge price to buy space battleships and can't put them in their own theme parks, or run them to play field battles with their young models?

Are you not greedy?I'll give you a big pie, let them take the family supplies and children on the battleship to explore aliens, it is her plan.

Do you really think that all aliens in the universe are as polite and respectful as Groud?We lied to you, okay!When Groud got angry, even he was afraid!

This group of wolfdogs wins and can share the pressure for the earth, but lose?If you lose, you lose, it has nothing to do with Thea.

Things are not unexpected. Several families have made efforts to use their savings for a hundred years in exchange for battleships. Thea also helped to beat the drums and controlled many media to speak out loudly, comparing the interstellar age to the great voyages of the year and encouraging ordinary people. Resist the fouls of the wealthy class that lead the start.

The more ordinary people say this, the more powerful the great hidden families, the more you say no, the more we do!Later, they all boasted of modern Magellan da Gamma.

Under Thea’s secret command, several big families bought six of the ten warships, while the world’s major powers only bought four. Such huge financial resources were exposed, and their seclusion policy could not go on completely. Be able to come to the front again.

Dealing with all kinds of verbal criticism every day, a bunch of people were utterly devastated. Finally, a month later, the DuPont family led a huge guard team with advanced weapons to attack a planet not far from the solar system. The civilization there had just entered the agricultural society. The earthlings with advanced weapons in their hands had absolutely no power to fight back, and they were beaten to the ground.

The news of the first victory was secretly sent back to the earth, and several big families were very encouraged.Encouraged by many young heirs, several big families have set off to the stars one after another.

"Huh, these old things are finally gone." Thea sat on the office chair with Erlang's legs tilted. Driven by greed, several big families abandoned the earth like a shoe, leaving only a small group of people to look after the house. It rushed into space violently, and a certain family even shouted the slogan that the target is the stars and the sea before leaving!

In order to strengthen their confidence, Thea initially revealed that the planets are strong and weak, but they are all within the tolerance range. The strong ones are gunpowder weapons, and the weak ones are from the cold weapon era. With the elite of several big families, and With various mecha alien weapons, there is no problem in pushing down those planets.

As for the rest?Missy can only keep a limited amount of attention.

For her, the earth is the most important thing. There is no reason or logic. This is the center of the universe. If the same standard of trade is one in the extraterrestrial power, it is ten on the earth.

Those families think the earth’s environment is bad,

They didn't use violence to do this thing, let them leave voluntarily, even the ghost strangers who spoke for God couldn't say anything, and they did it in compliance with the rules, no matter whether it was a positive rule or an unspoken rule.

They got a total of six Tier 5 civilized warships, of course, they were not given away for nothing. They all needed them to sell them with tears, almost to sell iron, real estate, stocks, energy, and various materials that have been monopolized by several big families for hundreds of years around the world. All the trips are in the hands of the lady.

And what she paid was only a few battleships, and this battleship was not hers at first, it was taken by the Yellow Lantern Corps and Deathstroke Grud...

"Let's talk about it, how much have we gained this time?" She asked the secretary.

The secretary's tone was very uplifting, and she reported to her with a thick stack of documents.

"Quin Group has recovered 17% of its shares, Wayne Group has increased by 19%, and Rhodes Technology has increased by 26%... In addition to the above-mentioned large groups, you have added 19 pharmaceutical factories and 14 aircraft manufacturing companies. , 9 shipping companies...13 media companies."

"Krupp, Springfield Arsenal, Beretta... you all hold a large number of shares, 12 of which have more than half of the shares."

"The remaining various properties, islands all over the world, private castles, oil fields, and real estate are still being counted."

"And we paid for all the steel, oil, and rare metals in the Quinn Group's inventory." The secretary laughed softly when she said that, she was also a member of the Blue Light, cut off the connection with Luther, and recently with the poison ivy The relationship between women is advancing by leaps and bounds. Of course, she knows that Thea is from the left hand to the right hand, and she has no loss at all.

On the contrary, they deceived a group of profitable two fools to go to the universe to fight for their lives. There are too many dangers in the universe, and this group of people will be finished in a few years.

All their wealth changed hands, and even if they came back, they would be a pauper.

If she tells her true thoughts, Thea will laugh at her a little, run back?Just kidding!Two years later, it will be the dark night, that is the catastrophe of the entire universe, and this group of guys has very little chance of survival.

"Hey, it looks like a lot of money, but it's actually a number." Of course, Thea will not sleep with a pile of money. She wants to rejoin this part of the wealth cycle to redistribute social wealth.

The top layer of the pyramid has been completely emptied, using the government as a cover to slowly return the wealth of these families for hundreds of years to the people. This is what she needs to do in the future.

It is impossible to completely eradicate poverty, but she can make most people live better and richer.

In the next few days, she began to work with Moira. The government introduced many policies to encourage and support the manufacturing industry. Many alien products with low technological content were copied by humans.

Wealthy people use genuine alien products, and ordinary people who have no money use fake products. Thea will not say that this is a trick she has learned from unspeakable national knockoff phones.

The heavy manufacturing industry has directly contributed to the increase in the employment rate. Many people suddenly find that their income has risen by a large amount. The idlers are drawn to work in factories. Without any academic qualifications, as long as they have a brain, they can support themselves and buy a house. Cars, many ordinary people don't know what happened, they only know that after the aliens came, life on the earth suddenly changed for the better!