Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 797 The Black History of the Goddess

Considering that Sister Danvers needs some time, there are others who are far away, such as Yavala who lives in the jungles of South America.Some also have jobs. Renee Montoya and Maggie Sawyer are all police officers, and they put the party time on the weekend.

Two days later, in the Hall of Justice, Thea, as a veteran, welcomed the newcomer to the alliance.

Arrow Oliver Quinn and Atom Ray Palmer, the two officially joined the league.

The original Batman was replaced by Dick Grayson. Several people have no objection. It’s just that this new Batman, black technology, black technology, no money, no money, can be said to be abolished ninety-nine percent, Thea feels that he As a mascot, it is enough.

Another replacement is the Green Lantern. The guardians of O'A have become intolerable to Hal Jordan and forcibly ordered him to return to the main star to wait for a new appointment. The new Green Lantern is handed over to a new man, John Stewart, a former Marine. Clan soldier, a black green lantern.

"You are not too kind to me, young Green Lantern." Thea glanced over and saw the new Green Lantern looking at her angrily. Didn't this guy take medicine today?

"You are the leader of the yellow light, and the yellow light is evil!" The new black man said green light annoyed.

"Haha." Thea smiled and stopped Diana, Oliver, indicating that she was okay.

The whole hall reverberated with her silver bell-like laughter. "This is what those little blue guardians told you to replace Hal Jordan? Their political skills are still so stiff."

The eldest lady came up and gave the black green light a big hat. Although Hal had a lot of stinky problems, she got along with all the people in the Alliance very happily. Whether it is the Flash or the Arrow, they are very good friends. Now listen. Speaking of being transferred because of political turmoil, the eyes of several people towards John Stewart instantly became unfriendly.

The black green light didn't realize that Thea was using Hal Jordan's good popularity to isolate him, and was still chattering about how evil the yellow light was.

"Yellow Lantern sacrificed a lot during the last war. They are not evil." Diana stood up without a word. If the newcomer doesn't tell him what is good or bad, she will teach him a lesson.

Thea grabbed Diana, the enemy who could be defeated in two words, why did she use her fists.

"You keep saying that the yellow light is evil. Do you know who built the yellow light?"

"Don't try to quibble, I know it's Senisto." The black green light thought she was going to shirk responsibility, and felt that she had seen through her language trap.

"Yes, you are too right, evil Senistor, what the guardians say?"

The black green light nodded, as if mentioning Senistor's name had tarnished his honor.

Thea is a bit funny. "The guardians didn't tell you that this powerful lantern ring in your hand was worn by the evil Senistor when he was in the Green Lantern Corps, right? Haha."

John Stewart's complexion became extremely exciting in an instant, at first it was unbelief, then suspicious, and finally panic, but his face was dark and it didn't look obvious.

"Why didn't you throw such an evil thing? Buried? Ruined?"

She continued, "You think that the guardian of justice, I am afraid I did not tell you, they also established a space peacekeeping force before the Green Lantern Corps, mechanical hunters, these mechanical hunters out of control slaughtered an entire sector of intelligent life, they only So the Green Lantern Corps was established. Mr. Stewart, do you know that the survivors of this sector established the Red Lantern Corps? Do you know that they will avenge the Green Lantern? Do you think these survivors are evil?"

"The seventy-nine planets, with nearly 150 billion intelligent lives, were slaughtered by the guardian troops that are incomparably righteous in your mouth. Mr. Stewart, who is the guard of honor of the Ouar Star, is such a disciplined and law-abiding you. You must think these lives are worthy ?"

She said this very tricky. In fact, she knew that the Holocaust had nothing to do with the guardians. It was Karona who was behind it, but the black lantern man didn’t know.

What's more, she pointed out the identity of John Stewart, a member of the guard of honor. Hearing this name, he is a person who obeys orders. But superheroes are a group of disobedient orders. It can be imagined that the black lanterns will not be too long in Zhenglian in the future. Easy.

Thea Barabara didn't wait for him to answer after finishing speaking, her lips softly uttered the word "mentally retarded!" Turning her head to the other side, she whispered to Diana.

Several people in the Justice League looked at John Stewart's eyes a little bit strangely. The black man sat down with a green light and bowed his eyes.

The atmosphere of the alliance is a bit weird. The green light for the publicity in the past has changed people, and Batman, who can always look for trouble, has also changed people. The nine people exchanged briefly and announced the meeting.

"How is your female disciple's teaching?" Thea and Diana walked out of the justice hall and strolled down the street, asking casually.

Speaking of the disciple, the Valkyrie looked very sad, and thought about the wording "In general, it's fine, but she has no sense of urgency. She is always procrastinated in training. You know, I worked very hard when I was a child. "

After Diana finished speaking, she waved her fist slightly.

"Don't worry, young man, take it easy. In addition... when you were a kid, I remember that I didn't like martial arts. You can always play secretly, right?" Thea smiled like this at this time. It's a little fox.

Diana glanced at her with beautiful eyes. The meaning in her eyes was how do you know how I looked when I was a child?When I was playing in mud, the 18th generation ancestor of your Quinn family was not born yet, right?

Thea waved her hand and showed a picture. In the picture, Diana was still a Lolita. The goddess was very cute when she was a child. With small arms and legs, she was holding a toy that looked like an animal doll and eavesdropping on one side. Hippolyte and Antiop could not help complaining.

The cute little Diana, with picturesque eyebrows and pink jade, even though she is wearing a commoner, her heroic hair is still faintly visible.

Little Diana overheard her mother's conversation, her bright eyes filled with tears, she resisted, locked the toy in the box, took out the knife and sword, and practiced by herself, saying what she had tried hard when she was a child. ..... It turns out that it is obviously nonsense.

"Yeah!" Diana hurriedly broke up her water curtain technique, looking around, seeing that no one around her was paying attention to her, she shouted out fortune, "How did you see these pictures..."

"Haha" Thea is very happy. Her Eye of Austrian Nuclear 2.0 has just been launched. She has watched Diana’s childhood all over the time and saw a lot of dark history of the Valkyrie. As for the private use of public equipment, Missy said that it does not exist!