Compagnon is now almost a full network traffic, almost as long as it is playing Weibo, there are people who play games, almost all downloaded Compagnon.

Liu Wei is a game powder that is remote technology, and it is naturally no exception.

Even the official Weibo of Compagnon is to be able to see the first-hand message of Compagnon.

But I didn't expect that when Compagnon announced the initial version, he actually saw his personal image of his own buddy in the official version of the Compagnon's primary version of the company!

If COMPAGNON's scanning is not so realistic, Liu Wei can tell himself that this is a very like Wen Fan.

Can COMPAGNON's scanning is too strong, it is completely a true real person, let alone he also saw Compagnon released, "scanned" master designer's name -

It is Wen Fan.

Liu Wei, he thought that he thought that his brother was tired of internships every day, and he couldn't sleep early, how did you have time to design Compagnon? !

Moreover, he participated in Compagnon and did not tell yourself!

Liu Wei thought that the other party told him last time, he told him that he and Wen Fan were netizens, usually speaking online.

At that time, the two of the two were probably talking about this COMPAGNON, and Vatican has already worked for the distance.

But clearly, Wen Fan also knows that he likes remote technology, and also worships the danger. He is a good buddy, but it is too unresponsible!

But Liu Wei thought that he was still lying in the ward, and there was no sense of Wen Fan, and the mood was low.

Forget it, as long as the brothers have woke up, he is willing to pursue this problem!

Liu Wei's company is also a software company, but mainly to design an internet shopping platform.

Every day's workload is relatively stable, so when you are idle, you can go to the hospital to see Wen Fan.

It is very responsible for the care workers who give Weman to Wen Guan, and according to the care workers, the reason is frequently visiting Wen Van every week.

However, because of the problem, time is short.

However, Liu Wei can understand that a small staff can only guarantee that I will see the young people in a child, let alone a whole-scale game company.

But today I thought that the Qife is not only to protect the workers, but also visits every week. Now I take the initiative to explode the first version of the designer is a Wen Fan, and I still want everyone to remember the Wen Fan. Putting the first version APP flag is also released.

Suddenly feeling, the feelings of the danger and Wen Fan seem to be more than just the relationship between "netizens".

Because if it is just a boss who is not very serious, it will never do this.

Just like the boss of the Wen Fan, there is no consciousness in the middle of the Wen Fan, and then lying in the hospital, the company's person in charge is only given a hospitalization fee of Wen Fan a day, and there is no longer expressed.

The reason, not only delivers high treatment fees and hospital hospitalization expenses, but also specializes in Wen Fan for Compagnon contribution.

Don't say that Van Fun is still lying in the bed, even if it is in the design list of Compagnon, he only arranges him as a "behind-the-scene worker" without name, there is no problem.

Enhance the status of the Company, reduce the role of outsourcing individual / enterprises, this is what everyone will do every big company.

Liu Wei, the more I think that this is good, and I feel that Van Fun is not worshiping the wrong person.

He thought about it, seriously made Compagnon's game evaluation, and "scanned" separate evaluation, putting its own Van Fan, and now the health of Wen Fan, and This once a netizen, in Wen Fan, the care of Wen Fan, described a pass.

Then I sent it to my Weibo.

Liu Wei is like Wen Fan. Weibo is used to see information, and it will not send anything completely. Therefore, the number of fans is very poor, only a dozen, or a sponsorship around a few colleagues, and ... micro Bo sent fake powder.

So he didn't expect that he sent a Weibo to bed to sleep. After the next day, wake up and opened the mobile phone, and the blink of the eye saw is a comment and forwarding.

Liu Wei: "!!!" This is what situation.

He browses the microblogging comment, and the message afterwards:

[Fairy Love? ! But or bless the warmth of the world.

[Sisters, I am sure, this is love! Saying is friendship, please close the wheat!

[Open love new way - online love. But be better to get better.

[I cried, Sure enough, online love is a small fairy man to succeed. Wen Fan is so handsome, and the general can't hold it. Hahaha. However, if it is me, you will see the light death (dog head .jpg), but bless Wen Fantan quickly!

Liu Wei really didn't expect that he sent a post to have so many people, and the transfer volume is still rising. He originally wants to send a post in a place where no one is sad, and now there is so much. Multi-exposure makes him inexplicably.

It feels like a message that is exposed.

Liu Wei has been deleted on Weibo quickly.


On the other hand, Compagnon has quickly set off a virtual role wave online, and the hot search of Weibo is about # Today, your virtual role is. In such an environment, all kinds of animation, games, software, and stars in remote technological cooperation have increased the number of visits and fans in each other.

Even because of the same type of live broadcast platform, gradually moved some comprehensive live broadcast platforms that have not fallen, because of the initiative to put the augmentation of the individual character into Compagnon, took the opportunity to attract a large number of new users. In particular, the original income is more than the game area of ​​the Star Show area, because the virtual role image of Compagnon now can make players interact, can play games with the player, even in the "King Glory" and "Day Dream". High operation games, and "Sparkling Warm", "Yin Yang", "Yin Yang Sheng", can provide the player's most suitable game Raiders based on the virtual savage according to the players.

The original post and Zhi also began to capture the Compagnon players, opened up a Compagnon site, and the three exchanged each other.

Just under such big data, more and more entertainment platforms are also coming from the attitude of the original wait and see, active and Compagnon, hoping to obtain cooperative opportunities.

The four traffic stars and Ding Yuyun Di Dynasty, which were helped to participate in the star image copyright project, and frequently received questions about Compagnon game content during the day.

Ding Yuku as a collaborative star, the question is very responsible, "Compagnon is a very interesting mobile game, which has great innovative innovation on the design idea of ​​RPG mobile game. What is the game Curious, you can download the game directly, feel the specific feelings in the experience. In addition, thank you for your support for support. "

After a game is hot, people will definitely be imagined. Netizens are even soon to pick up the COMPAGNON's design team. Instead of netizens asked questions and programs, I can't ask what I can't come here, and I will turn to the words.

And this day, when it is the same, it is an interview with the TV program "Entertainment Star" due to the smart, young and large-scale company CEO, and the young and a large company CEO. The woman hosted after asking all the professional problems with the prospects of the game entertainment, when the live shot next to the game, he opened the danger.

"Hello, because Compagnon's design concept and technology can be said to be the leading level in the RPG game, so recently, it has set off a lot of COMPAGNON." The female hosted a smile: "We also have the audience here. Asked about the technical person in charge of the technical person in charge of Compagnon, Wen Van. This question is like this: Excuse me, can you say, do you and Wen Fan? "

The Wen Huang in the mobile phone is stunned. He originally pulled his old Arthur, warmth and three-day landlord. He suddenly heard his name, the card in his hand fell, and accidentally made a single 3.

Originally, the big-name pressure, the result of the smallest card, Wen Van, who went out this smallest card: "..."

The three-day month directly out the king of the hand, then a plane exploded the audience, perfectly all the cards: "Hey, this game is really simple than I think,"

Wen Fan is connected in his hand, and you want to vomit blood.

The little danger in front of the camera is more calm. Although the female host is asked, it is a problem that the program group has not preused, but his face is constant, quietly looks at the woman, waving, her staff On the big screen behind two people, I will release the messages on all public platforms in each public platform.

[Netizen 1: Have you heard? Wen Fan designer, he seems to have a disorder!

[Netizen 2: I cried, I don't allow such feelings to exist in real life, but no one knows! ! Give me cry! Remote Weibo @ - -: Warm American and Distance Human Love Story.


And follow the picture of the switch, there is the message that the Weibo blogger called "Ke Wen":

[@ - -: Warm American and remote boss's love story. The reason is the old man of telegraph, and has never seen it before Wen Fan. However, the reason is that the dangerous male god of Wen Fan, the Wen Fan chooses the computer system, which is to go to work to work in the idol male god, want to catch the goddess.

But the public is not beautiful, Wen Fan is not easy to see male gods because Compagnon projects, and the feelings of the two are in the heating period, Wen Fan is suddenly confusing, and now I am still in the intensive care room, life is hitting a line right away. Insurance. Therefore, it is a Wen Fan that makes the first version, it is to commemorate your lover.

But later, after many concerns, for the privacy of Wen Fan, did not make the first version into the final version. However, because Compagnon's players are curious, the most classic "scanned" designer, the victims show the image of the lover to everyone, I only hope that everyone can fall in love with this beautiful youth. (Refill .jpg)]

From the monitor of the monitor, watching the dawn of the font on the big screen: "."

When did he have a disease? !

He clearly even did something wrong, did not know, and the rare paste entered the rational mobile phone.

I heard that I will accept the most famous interview star programs of the entertainment circle today - "Entertainment Star" interview, special sitting in front of the computer, agreed, the live broadcast, Liu Wei, also stunned. What is the love story of "- Ke Wen -"? Now people like to create themselves.

Liu Wei did not want to be the question of his post before him, because Ke Wen's Weibo content, and he sent it, it is really a thousand miles.

And Liu Wei remembers that the doctor said that I can't detect the problem of Van Vatican. This netizen said that Wen Fan has confirmed, isn't it a curse? !

Results His idea has just emerged from the brain, the Qihawan, Wen Fan, Liu Wei, three people, and the microblog name is "Liu Wei Yu Hao" on the microblogging post on the Qihawan and Wen Fan.

But I don't know why, this post is not finished, the content other than the top three lines is intentionally cut, and when the outsiders see, there is still much about the following.

The woman hosted to look at the dangers of danger, soft: "All the comments just about this mysterious, Wen Fan designer. However, we finally searched, found that the source of this speech first, then This is the blogger named @ . "

Liu Wei: "..." The original speech is really because of his post before?

Liu Wei felt incredible.

This is the magic of the human being, he clearly and clear the text, can you be crazy? ! Those who put the boss's feelings to the brain into a love script, is a speech drama.

The woman on the stage is still then said, "This @ , I have said this in Weibo: I have been in danger and Wen Fan designer, and I have always been network contact because I got the news. I know that Wen Fan suddenly fell into sleep, so they will see Wen Fan before, and then immediately give Wen Fan to do all special escape care treatment. And the first version of the app logo is also used to commemorate Wen Fan, right? "

Liu Wei heard his teeth.

He only said that he said that he was concerned about the Wen Fan, and sent him to take care of him. But did not say, the first version of the app mark is to commemorate Wen Fan. Now this woman is obviously being blocked in the content of Weibo, blinking and talking!

This program group is absolutely shady!

However, the little dangerous and Wen Fan can't hear the voice of Liu Wei, and Wen Fan is too nervous. I didn't expect TV live interviews. The host can also cooperate with the program group to say that fake, so I didn't think of it, I have to check it. The real content of Liu Wei's post.

He slowly stopped the movement of the shuffle, looked up, connect the screen of the monitor after the monitor lens.

The oldans, warmth, three-day, three-day, three-day, and very intimately decided to return to the last page of the desktop, and leave private space to Wen Fan. Old Arthur walking around, the armor on the body always accidentally hit the warmth. Warm is half-step near the three-day month, silently open and Arthur distance.

Old Arthur was sad.

In particular, he found that the walking posture of the three-day month is more than his handshake, it is more elegant than him, it is more temperament than him!

So he snorted, rushed to the sideway of Junxiu men, is a romantic!

But I just learned to fight the landlord in the three-day month, plus smoothly, I was addicted, and the three people always felt less than one person. The remaining only one "God" that can go out is not allowed to take care of him, and "Star Knight" does not understand what they speak.

So I went to the App Store on the three-day month, grabbed the wings of the parrot next to the parrot, helped him to translate the export language into Z Mandarin, then knocked the window of "App Store", play speech bubble, let it help Download "food".

The dumplings of the "food" app marker came out, and the three-year-old "same-old people", moved to the APP rack in the game area, explained the rules of a landlord, pulling He continued to fight with the old Arthur and the warm landlord. A blue hair a white hair two handsome men, can't bear to hurt, warm this unique girl, start crazy for oldans.

And the Wen Fan on this, hit the QQ penguin, and listened to the woman's hosted words, and the answer of the Qihawan.

The woman hosted to ask the words, the game's first version made a Wen Fan's avatar, whether to commemorate Wen Fan. Wen Fan is heard of the Qi Qi and the low-risk: "Yes."

It is indeed to commemorate Wen Van. If the Van Fan is still can't return to the body, it is interviewed, replacing Compagnon members to accept praise. This is the award of Wen Fan and qualifications.

The words he spit out have only one word, but the tone and components of speaking are like a slime, and it is in a Wen Fan chest. He is now in a crisis in the pocket, which is affected by the stage lighting. It can only see the big screen with bright light, can't see the female host and the expression of the woman before the screen.

But he smashed the mobile phone screen of the danger, as if he felt the body temperature of each other.

That kind of tension, shy, feeling with blood rushing, and impacts the chest again.

The female host is obviously very dissatisfied with the answer to the words of the words.

She once again opened again, I hope to dig exude other things: "This is the same, we are very curious, what is the relationship between you and Wen Fan, after all, can use the designer's virtual image, as the company's latest The symbol of the research results is very unusual. "The female presided over, looked at the reason why the still silent did not understand the meaning of the other person, so he questioned:" Excuse me , Are you a lovers? "