When I caught the magic of the lock, the pressure was so great that I thought that the blood vessels in my arm would blow up.A chunk of wind with a pure white cloud in front of it.I don't have a vision, but I can understand that I'm in the middle of it.


The gusts of wind are putting pressure on me.However, I was forced to push it back. I didn't want to imagine how heavy the wind was, and the pressure of the wind pushed my whole body to the ground.


The ground beneath your feet melts.Even so, the pressure does not weaken at all.


I poured in all the divine power I could handle and pushed back the chunk of wind a little bit.

The cherry blossom sword that you see in front of you suddenly turns into a cherry blossom color from the root.It was only natural that they continued to slash so much magic.


I pushed my sword back with the intention of breaking the chunk of the wind.



I can't stand the pressure of my power, and I can feel it being destroyed and drifting away.

The part that I had created with my divine powers disappeared in an instant.


Still, I won't give up.

All the blades had already turned cherry-colored, and the magic power had been poured into the Sakurazaki sword.

Bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug

If all the cherry blossom swords turned cherry-colored by continuing to slash the magic, the range tree magic could be activated.

Its name is the Hundred Flowers Sakura Sword.

It was not ordinary magic, but a magic that could only be activated by the special ability of this sword.

The original effect of the Hundred Flowers Sakura Sword is that when the magic is activated, the branches of the cherry tree that are shaped like blades spread within a radius of twenty meters centered on themselves.The shape seen from above looks as if a cherry tree is stretching out its branches.

Then, when something touches the emerging branch, one branch splits as vigorously as Sword Mountain, making the object touched into a skewer.

There are countless branches that grow, and eventually all the twenty meters around you are filled with branches.

Listening to this alone may not seem like a very effective magic, but the benefits of this magic lie elsewhere.That means that the growing branches have strong magic resistance and magic destruction effects.

In other words, if you activate this magic, you can simultaneously activate both the effect of shielding the user from all kinds of magic and the effect of destroying the opponent's defensive magic and making it into a skewer.

Depending on where you use it, you can expect it to work quite well.In particular, the effect of being able to destroy the opponent's defensive magic and attack them is quite powerful.

When I activate such a cherry blossom sword, the branches begin to grow from the ground around me.

However, when it collides with the wind magic used by Rock, the branches are shattered and blown away.Still, the branches stretch out in defeat.Repeat it over and over again.

Bravo, bravo, bravo!

With the magic destruction effect of the Hundred Flowers Sakura Sword, the momentum of the chunk of wind was gradually cut off.

I felt the pressure on the sword gradually loosen.


However, the magic of the Lily of Flowers sword and the magic of the Rock Wind were all blown away.


I used all my powers, magic, and the Hundred Flowers Sakura Sword.Still, rock magic is still in front of me.However, the wind magic that was cut little by little by little was already less than half the size of the first half.I'm sure we can do something about this.After that, it was a simple push.


Whether it is the muscles of the arm or the blood vessels, I feel a rattling sound.But even so, I keep putting all my strength into my arms and pushing out my sword.

Giggle, giggle, giggle!

The wind is blowing, and the clouds that were caught are scattering around.



A sword swung with all its might is finally swung down toward the ground.

The chunk of wind in front of me slit vertically and split left and right.

Somehow, I managed to slash through the magic of Rock.


However, a burst of wind was coming from the left and right.I can't move my arm anymore.There is no power left to deal with the wind.

My body is pushed by the wind and easily blown away.

The body lifts up and receives a sense of flotation, but the area is pure white due to the falling clouds.I don't even know how much I've been jumped.

Clouds swaying in the atmosphere flow forward and forward.


Suddenly, the pure white scenery in front of her turned into a clear blue sky.

Looks like I'm being flown upwards, to the point of removing myself from the falling clouds.

At the edge of his eyes he could see the trees that had been knocked down by the lock.

You don't seem to be high enough to die... but you can't... you can't spin your head.

Were Nil and the others alright...? The eggs.....



When I think about Nilu and the others with my bobbing head, I get a strong shock around my shoulder blades.I immediately understand that the pain ran and hit something.

The view that was flowing forward stopped, and this time it was flowing upward.

When I realized it was falling, the ground was right in front of me.



I twisted my body so as not to hit my head, and hit the ground with my shoulder mouth, but I felt a severe pain in my overstretched arm.

The smell of the ground and plants grows stronger, and I understand that I am falling on the ground.

At the end of the line of sight, a large tree stretches toward the sky.

Apparently, the rocks were blown to the edge of the forest and hit a tree trunk that hadn't fallen yet.


I used up all my strength and my arm was worn out.Thoughts don't turn well due to lack of acid or shock.

Still, I knew I had to get up and run right away.If the lock shows up like this, they'll kill you for nothing.That's all I had to avoid, and even though I managed to survive the horn magic, it didn't make sense.

Tsk, tsk...


I just moved my body a little, and the pain in my arms was severe.

"Gu... ahhh!!"

Still, you endure the pain and wake up.

I was wondering what was happening to my arm because of the pain, and when I turned my eyes downward, it turned blue and black whether it was internal bleeding.Apparently, my arm doesn't seem to be lifted, but I don't think I can use it for a while.

"Hoo... hoo... ghh!"

The pain is severe, and I don't know whether it is cold sweat or oil sweat from my whole body.

Tsk tsk... tsk tsk tsk...


But we must escape.

Stand with your feet on the ground and try to get up.

But I can't stand up very well.

Apparently, my legs were at their limit.There is no pain in the arm, but there is pain that seems to be stinging.I can feel the pain and blood dripping down my neck, like I hit my head somewhere on the back of a big tree, or at that time, or afterwards.

"Guu... ohh..."


I managed to stand up with my feet on the ground.

Your legs are shaking and you're about to fall, but if you fall again, you'll never get up again.I had no choice but to walk.

Zah... zah... zah...

Slowly, one step, two steps, and a foot deeper into the forest, so that even a tortoise would be able to walk faster.If we go into the woods like this and disappear from Rock's sight.....


The wind hits my back trying to escape.

Rather than a storm, it was a strong wind, but even that was going to cause it to collapse.


I didn't want to hear the sound of it coming from my back.

You can also hear rattles and wings.

When he turned his neck to the direction of the snoring, it looked like a lock that was stuck in the sky.

Looks like they've found us.


I mumbled my gaze back to the forest.

Almost... almost in the woods...

That's it.....



The lock rings and you hear the sound of your wings fluttering again.You must have gotten into some sort of operation to kill me.

Za, za, za, za, za!

Behind me, there's another sound than the sound of a lock.

Next time, I'll be the opponent!!


The voice is Nil. I couldn't have misheard you.

Turning her neck back again, Nil stopped her silver hair with a thread.When Heine disappeared into the Rock Shell, she would have looked black, but the bandits disappeared, and the meaning of the disguise was gone, so she returned to her usual form so as not to use her futile magic power.

Nil stands up to protect me and holds a shield and a small sword against the lock.

Master! To the forest!

I'm telling you to run into the woods because I'm stopping the rocks.

I can't.

I know how strong Nil is.

Indeed, Nil has grown stronger, and he is still in the developing world, and will continue to grow stronger.However, as it stood, I didn't have the strength to deal with Rock's opponents.If you fight, you will definitely be killed.


I hate it!!

I could see that Nil's shoulders, which were only visible on his back, were trembling slightly.

Nil can't leave me and run away.I know that.But you know I wouldn't tell you to die with me in this situation.That's why Nil said she didn't want it, not impossible or impossible.



The lock opens the green mouth (beak) and flaps the wings.

I didn't shoot the magic that was threatening me.I don't think I've run out of magic...

Rock's eyes turned towards me and Nil.

There was no need to blast magic into the weaker opponent...


The lock changes motion from stagnant to gliding.

Even though it was a huge figure, it was really fast.

I put my toenails forward and turned towards Nil, who had a shield.



Rock's claws hit Nil's shield.

Somehow Nil tried to parry the attack, but the difference in power was too large to flow well, and it was blown backwards.It's blown away in a rather bad posture.You're going to be seriously injured... and you're going to die.I won't let that happen.

My whole body is in severe pain and I can't move well.Still, as I fell down, I pinched my body into Nil's flying tip to become Nil's cushion.



My whole body hurts too much and I don't really know where it hurts.

Nil's back hits my chest, and voices and air leak out of my mouth.


With Nil resting on her body, she glides on the ground with her back and somehow kills the momentum.

"Ah...!! Master!!"

Nil is surprised that her body doesn't hurt more than she expected, and realizes that I've become a cushion.And he immediately screams at me in the face.

"It's okay..."

Honestly, my whole body aches and pains make me feel like I'm going to jump.But if we lose consciousness here, our fate will be decided only by death.I just want to avoid that. No matter what, no, I don't say luxury.I just wanted to let Nil go.


Locke is relentlessly chasing after us.



It was Sura who stormed in ready to die in pursuit of Rock.

Hit the attacking claw with the dagger.


Slatan had low Defense and Attack.I don't know what would happen if such a slacker came forward and picked up the lock's claws from the front... it's a simple story.

The claws of the lock blow the body of the slug, blowing it straight and horizontally.



Slatan's body was beaten hard by the big tree.If it was bad, he would be dead now.


"Not yet!"

Gin! Gin! Kid Gin!

Before I could stop it, Surakutan ran and stepped in front of the lock for an instant.

Swing the dagger as hard as you can and swing it down again and again to a lock that doesn't work.



If the lock gets in the way of such a slurp, it will be easily blown away by just tapping it lightly.



First I hit the big tree on the back, but the second time I hit the big tree on the abdomen.I have some status and I don't think my internal organs are ruptured, but my ribs may be broken.

"Not yet... not yet..."

Surakutan still stood up and stepped towards the lock.

"This is what happened to me... I won't let anyone else die..."

Even though I was already taking a lot of damage, I knew right away that Sura-Tan's eyes were dizzy and he hadn't given up.


"Nil-san took you to the back of the forest and ran away!"I'll take care of it here! "

Hold the dagger and face the rocks.

That's what he said in his mouth, but he definitely took a lot of damage.The next blow may not be good either.


"That's what I said."Even if my life dies, I'll protect everyone.It's the result of my spoiled thoughts.I should have noticed before you were so worn out... "

It was so close that I could bite my teeth.


Rock's attack on the place came again.

I tried to run out, but my legs were already on my feet, and my legs didn't spin well, and I got staggered.It seemed like they were already taking that much damage.


Still, Surakutan moved his body with a temper and moved forward.

However, if you take a blow from Rock in such a state, Surakutan...

Rock's claws struck me.Nilu tries to get in to help, but Sura says she needs to help me, so she gets a little lost and goes out late.


Without reacting to Nil's voice, she faced the locks.


I hear a nasty sound.


Forget the pain all over your body and scream.

Bika, bika, bika!

A large amount of liquid is flying in from the direction where the slack tongue stands.

But it wasn't blood.

Transparent and highly viscous liquid.The pale light blue and transparent liquid jumped right next to me and became cloudy.

"Is this... a slime...?"

When I turned my gaze back to Surakutan to see what had happened, a large number of slimes blocked the wall in front of Surakutan, protecting Surakutan.

The rock attack left a hole in the wall, and the slime mucus adhered to the whole body, but the slime itself was intact.

I thought that Sura Tan gave instructions to become a wall, but since Sura Tan also had a surprised face, I probably did not give instructions.


Locke looked at the slimes' walls and heard a chirp.I wonder if you want to say no.

However, the slimes did not move at all.The difference in power was obvious.It goes without saying that a single attack blew up a third of the slimes.

The slimes didn't move at all against such an opponent.No, it may be moving, but it doesn't seem to be moving to me.


When the slatan turned to the side, his gaze was preceded by the shadow of the pure slime that was frolicking in the shadow of the forest trees.

Friend demons were a little different from those who would not move without orders.Pure Slime tried to protect Surakitan by judging herself.


Even so, the lock rings intimidatingly against the slime.

Still, the slimes didn't move.


At that time, Heine and Pilté came towards us with a large bag of sacks.Maybe it's quite big and heavy, and even if I worked with Slime, it was just an egg I could carry, and now it's here.

For my part, I wanted you to leave the eggs behind... no, I told you to protect them, and I don't know what the locks will do if you don't.And I know you need to let me know that the eggs are safe to help me...


Locke, who saw the egg, raised his voice, which was the most choked voice he had ever heard.

And Heine and Pilate put the bags immediately, and departed from the place.

”Pee! Pee!!”

The lock slowly descends to the ground as it slams its wings.

As you descend to the side of the egg, you close your wings.Looking closer, the pure white feathers are incredibly beautiful.Pure white is a cloudless white that makes me think that I'm going to say this.


Locke wraps the egg around with his wings.

Apparently, the child inside seems to be fine.

"Phew! Phew!"

Lock crows several times, pointing upward, and flaps his wings.I don't think he's trying to fly.Are you happy...?

And then after a couple of beeps, he looks at us.

After all, can't you forgive me...


Locke stared at us with his yellow eyes and took no action.After retrieving the eggs, we thought we might get killed instantly, but we're still a little confused, and we focus on the next action that Rock takes.

Nil stands between me and Rock, holding a shield.

I was blown away by the lock earlier, and although I was in between, there were some scratches on my shoulders and feet, and blood was seeping in.

"...... Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Unlike before, Locke only spreads one wing when he cries out in a small voice.

Looking nervously at what he was doing, Locke pushed his mouth inside his wings, pulled out one large pale yellow-green feather, and placed it in front of us.


After a short, small chirp, the lock with the big wings spreads its wings wide and jumps up as it entrains the surrounding air.

Then, Lock grabbed the egg with his legs and swirled over us just once, flying in the direction of the inner layer.

"W-Was it helpful...?"

"It looks like..."

The end of the war came suddenly. Too dumb an end for all of us.

Perhaps Locke calmed down, understood that we helped him with the eggs, and flew away...