"In fact, this heart stone can cause massive destruction when it pours some magic into it at once.


"It's powerful enough to blow a kilometer around.


"I'm sure the Knights want their destructive power.

"That's a scary story..."

"Naturally, it's formed in the heart, so if it's taken away, it dies. We're resisting it...

"I understand why the Holy Knights are targeting me. But when I look at the current situation, I don't think I'm struggling that much...?

"No, that's not true. We Amazonians can barely use magic. It's pretty painful when you shoot a bang magic from afar.

"Little magic?

"It's not like there's no magic, but as I mentioned earlier, there's a heart stone inside our Amazonas. If you use magic wisely and your heart stone bursts..."

"I see... that's scary.

"So even if you can use it, it's about beginner magic. The Holy Knights know that. They're not getting close, so they're dodging attacks as they go and come in.

It seems that this is the reason why the letter from Prithue was vague.

If you write about Amazones and someone sees you, you may have a bad plan. That's why I couldn't even write about the race.

I simply didn't know where he was. If I keep moving, it is likely that I will not be there by the time I arrive.

"If you're a warring nation, don't you attack?

"The number is too different. We are fifty people at best. There are hundreds of them out there. No matter how many Amazonians are a warring nation, they are easily crushed.

"There are still a lot of powerless people here... so it doesn't seem to make sense to just come here with Nil...?

"No, that's not true. From what I've heard, it seems that Shinya uses pom pom and advanced magic.

"I'm not going to use another pom pom.

"Even if it wasn't a pom pom, I wanted to borrow the help of a magician.

"Then I guess you should have brought in a few people who are good at magic... why did you bother nominating me?

"It's a simple story.

Because without a man as strong as our Amazon, or stronger than that, we will not be able to reach our battle.

As I said before, we can hardly use magic. Fighting is always with the blade. Those who can't get to our battle, where they cast their magic, don't make much sense.

"Someone who has a good understanding of melee combat and can use magic...? You don't know anybody who could have done that, do you?

"That's why I nominated Sinya. Someone who went to collect the information quickly grabbed the name. An adventurer named Caidoo is out of control.

Besides, if you name it, you'll know it's connected to the King of the Beasts. I was nominated.

"You're not crazy, are you?!


"So? What do we do?

"Hmm. In the meantime... hit the four of us here.

"... hah?

"Amazones are a warring nation. If a strong male speaks, he is willing to listen, but he does not listen to a weaker male than himself.

When you fight with us, if you don't listen to Sinya's words, there are many inconveniences.

"I don't know... why I chose someone more powerful than myself..."

"Nobody listens to me unless I'm the one who can take these four down! Ahahah!

"Isn't that funny?!

"It's okay, it's okay! You showed me Sinya's arm! Don't worry! Think it's a demonstration to show them!

"What savages..."

"That's a compliment to Amazonas, right?


"I'll do it first!

"Nanahi fought earlier, didn't he?! I'm first!

"... after Chikuru beats Nil.

"Ugh... that doesn't matter now, does it?! Atani!"


"Even though I don't agree with you, the conversation keeps moving forward..."

"Give it up! Amazonas are a people like this! Ahahah! Let's start tomorrow at noon!


"Ah! Wait a minute, Nanahi!

After all, I didn't have time to say anything, so I decided to talk.


"... let's go to bed. Nil, it seems I can't escape anymore..."


Leave Yanashiri, who drinks while laughing alone, and leave the tent. Like Yanashiri said, Amazones won't tell anyone unless they show strength. Though flickering and interesting eyes are coming, they don't even come close.

Then we decided to put up our tents and sleep in them.

And the problem came right away.

"All right, here we go!

Yanashiri partitions, and all Amazonas assembles a little away from the tent.

"It's a complete show-off..."

"I lost yesterday! I can't lose today!

"Oh, hey. Are you serious?! A wooden sword?!

"Nothing like that! If you're not serious, there's no point in making a deal! Ahahah!

"I'm here to rescue you, but I can't believe you're seriously playing with that guy..."

"Ready?! So... here we go!

"Let's go!

"We have to do it!

Nanahi runs with his dagger in his hand. Unlike yesterday, I have a dagger in both hands.


Light and fast attack unique to daggers. And a low attack with a small body. The way I fought with Nil's shield was different. Somewhat similar to fighting with Dagger.


Hmm! Hmm!

A dagger that swings quickly many times. However, it is not inevitable.

"This is the first time in recent times that I've avoided it so easily except for Yanashiri!

Even so, Nanahi penetrated in the same way.

Protrude the dagger and twist your body to avoid it.

"If this is it!

Hold the dagger in your opposite hand and let it run like a slash.


Lightly poking the belly of the dagger with the handle of the sword, the trajectory changes and passes in front of the belly.

"No way!? Shit!"

My palm hits my empty belly. Speaking of matches, I still feel comfortable going with my fists.


Even though I hit it with my palm, it hurts, and above all, Nanahi's light body flies back easily.

Not yet!

Nanahi lands by vertically rotating his body in the air.

"What?! Where is it?!

There's a match.


Behind my back, I pounded Nanahi's head and shouted.

"You're lying..."

"I can't believe that Nanahi treated me like a child..."

"I didn't even pull out my sword...?!

The Amazonians who came to the sights shouted.

"Ahh! I lost! Regret!"

"I'm next!

A blonde ponytail chickle came out. Nil knocked me down with a straight sword.

"I was alarmed yesterday, but today I'm serious!

He kicks the ground and shortens the distance at once.

Boom, boom!

Chikuru's attacks are powerful.

One blow is powerful, and if it hits, it will definitely inflict a fatal wound on the target. That's why it's not fast, and it's easier to avoid than Nanahi's blade.

Boom, boom!

"I can't hit you at all...!!

When I swing out my sword, I pay off my feet.

Chickles with feet floating away from the ground.

"Not yet!

He waves his sword through the sky, but slashes without feet on the ground have little power or speed and little fear. Easy to avoid.

Chikuru is not in a position to accept the attack. Grab a shaken hand and pull it to ground with little impact.

"... I'm here.

Chikuru admits his defeat honestly. I have a regrettable face, but I don't pretend to expose it to ugliness.

"To Chikuru..."

"I didn't have to pull out my sword again..."

"... next is me.

Blue-haired Bonbon Atani. Another swordsman.

"I can't lose....."


Nanahi, unlike Chikuru, stand up carefully.

He's watching me and asking for a dive.

"... haah!


A sharp and fast blow. It's the opposite of Chikuru.




Boom, boom!

A sharp attack with a high stat continues. I was careful not to create a gap in myself as much as possible, and the pulling part was pulled.

"... haah!

I've been avoiding attacks for a while, but the moment I shook my sword, I felt as meat all at once as I did yesterday.


Strongly stick out the handle of the sword as it tries to shake it down. I was about to swing it down, but I twisted my sword and took it away from Atani, who could no longer move in a swinging outfit.


Hand over the sword you took away.

"... I'm here... I'm sorry.

"To Atani?!

"Isn't that guy too strong?!


The last one that came out was the black-haired Inaya. A swordsman who caught Nil.





Do it!

Gakin '!

Nanahi and Chikuru were of different types, but they were roughly equal in strength, and a little more than that, the image of Atani... Inaya was doing it on top.

She is waving her sword like a dance as she walks around with Kurukuru.

Sharp and powerful. Hard to handle without a sword.



Gakin '!

Inaya keeps swinging her sword in a flowing motion. I am convinced that Nil was captured.




Inaya looks surprised when the blade that she has been receiving is avoided.


Gakin '!

The blade I cut back was blocked by my sword, trying to stop me approaching.


Lightly touches the empty belly.

"Nh... I'm here..."

"Even Inaya....."

"Oh no...."

"Ahahah! There's a match!


"Ask the four of us! Can you beat Sinya again?

"Maybe it's impossible.

"I don't think I can either.

"... maybe not.

"... I can't.

"Ahahah! That's the deal! Sinya is stronger than these four! Which means he's stronger than anyone here!

"Hah... it's finally over.

Amazonian women are certainly strong. I feel nervous when I face to face and I don't want to do it again.

Above all, clothing... is troublesome for the eyes, and touching the complexion of the complexion is a complicated mood.

"Alright, I'm the only one left!

"... what?!

"Of course you should fight me, right? If you don't feel the strength of Shinya on your skin, you won't know!

"Aren't you the king of the tribe?!

"Because I am the king of the clan. Besides, the strongest part of Amazonas is me. This hair ornament. This number is still at the strength stage. I'm ten. In other words, Inaya is twice as strong.

"I don't care what that hair decoration meant...! Why does the tribal king come out?!

"You can't be watching my strongest self silently, even though everything else has been done?

An Amazonian woman beside her brings weapons to Yanashiri.

A sword... is a substitute for resistance. Thick and 50% longer than a regular sword. It is a boneless weapon like sharpening a thick iron plate and attaching a single blade, and the tip of the weapon is very flipped. Is it a song sword just for classification...?


"Well, let's get started. Sinya."

Yanashiri holds the handle with one hand. The tip of the sword stopped tightly and didn't move. Evidence of complete use.

"I didn't know you looked cute with a slash blade..."

"Let's go!

Yanashiri, who kicked the ground, approached at high speed.


When you catch the flash of the sideburn, Yanashiri's feet come toward your stomach.


I use my legs to stop the kick, but I can't stop it completely and my body starts to float.

"It's stupid!

Stretches out the leg that stopped the Yanashiri kick and jumps back with momentum.


Yanashiri runs in line with the landing point, shaking up the flash as he decides the ground.



I caught him with a sword, but his body was thrown into space again, but he managed to land behind him.

"After all, Yanashiri-sama is strong!

"He's our king! Of course!"

Everyone starts making noise.


"Well, what's going on..."


Suddenly you have a sharp look, and you stare at me. The wrinkles around her calmed down loudly.

"Nah, what?

"... are you going to insult me?!

"... to...?

"Now that I have the sword, I know. You're about to lose out on purpose.


That would be a big problem if we beat up the king. We lose well here. That's the best choice.

If you win a one-on-one battle against the opponent's king, it will be difficult for both of us to do things together.

But Yanashiri is angry about it. It must be close to the courtesy of the warring nation. The way I think about knights and samurai... is like that.

"I don't know what Sinya thinks. But we are a warring nation. If you lose on purpose, you'll hate it.

"... hah... okay. It was certainly rude of you to take your hands off serious games. I apologize.

I'm serious from here, too. Don't complain even if you lose.

"I'm not such a small woman! Use magic or anything!

"No, he wins with one.

"Ahahah! I wish I wasn't here!

Between me and Yanashiri, there is a tight air flow.

Did the tension get out? The Amazonians are making fists and looking at us without saying a word.



"... haah!

Ganging, gagging, gagging!

Me and Yanashiri jumped out at the same time. Every time the blades touch each other, metal sounds and sparks fly.

"Su, wow..."

"We're meeting with Yanashiri-sama from each other!

"Master Yanashiri! There it is!"

"Men are better!

Every time the blade turns around, it springs up big. The knife is not as heavy as Yanashiri's weapon, but it is. Thanks to Cynthia's high stats, we managed to meet with Yanashiri's attack.

Gah! Gah!

"Ahahah! It's been a long time since we've had such an intense meeting!

Gakin '!

"It's an honor!


"But I won!


Yanashiri successfully wraps the cutting knife around the curved part of the blade tip and winds it up.


A thick sword is shaken by a sideburn, striking the empty torso. You won't die, but you'll have to be prepared for a few bones.

"It's over!


"... what?!

When I kicked the ground upside down, I put my hand on the belly of the sword that was swinging and went upside down.

Landing on the opposite side of the sword, he took the blade of the slasher blade to Yanashiri's neck.


"I won!

"... you're kidding... Yanashiri-sama..."

"I lost...?!

"Kuku... ahahahahaha! Oh, my God! You can't predict that! Ahahah!

"Big laugh, huh?!

"I lost, I lost! I'm losing!

"It was almost mutually reinforcing.

"No, no, I can't beat Sinya no matter how many times I try! He was banged back with such a thin sword! There's no sound! Ahahah!

"Why do I look so happy..."

"Master! Are you hurt?!

"Nil, it's okay.

"I'm glad..."

"Hey, you! Your name is Sinya, right?!

"Where did you come from?!


The Amazonians who were watching the game just now gathered around them all at once.

"Nah, what?!

"I told you yesterday. We said Amazones would get a child from an outside male. A warring nation naturally wants a strong male child. Because this is the first time a man has ever beaten me! This is the way it should be! Ahahah!

"That's not funny!

"Ah! I ran away!

"Go after him! Get him!

"Master, I will defend you! Ah..."

The delighted nil was swallowed by the waves of Amazonas in seconds.

"Yanashiri! Help!

"Amazones instinct! I can't! Give it up and give it up! Ahahah!

"I'm not kidding!

The persistent pursuit of the Amazonians made it a feather to run around the wasteland for hours to come.

"Hah... hah... I'm more tired than the game..."

We managed to hide ourselves from the Amazonians by evacuating over Dosan.

"Is Nil okay... she's a woman and I think she's okay..."

"Sinya, look at this!


Turning around, Nanahi was there. The other three who fought in the game stood.

"Too persistent..."

"Don't worry, we're not here to catch them!

"If Cynthia wants to attack, can you attack her?

"I categorically refuse.

"It hurts a little when you say it so clearly..."

"Uhh... I'm sorry.

"Ahahah! I'm kidding. Don't look like that!

"A woman's joke is bad for her heart... so? If you're not here to catch me, what are you doing here?

"Sinya asked me a favor!


"Sinya and Nil practice swords every morning, right?

"It's just a routine..."

"We want you to join us!

"For morning practice?


"We want to be stronger.

"... I want you to teach us some lessons too.


Everyone looks pretty serious.

"Is there something wrong?


"You don't have to tell me anything else if you don't want to..."

"I don't want to say it! It's just... it's a little hard to talk about.

"I'm going to have you practice, and I should tell you why.

"... I want you to listen.


The four of them sit in front of me and look a little dark.

And then I started talking about bumps.