Traveling through the heavens as a myth

Passing Through The Heavens When Mythology Chapter 90

The young refiner whispered to the old man behind him.

"Thanks to the third young master, yes."

The old man kept bending over and replied respectfully.

Ning Yang sat cross-legged in the practice secret room of the exclusive room, practicing.

No matter how much you like the refiner, how important it is.

Cultivation is the foundation of everything and the most important thing!


In line with the rhythm of breathing, "Zhu Rong Pian" is also running in the body, and the magical powers in Ning Yang's body are slowly increasing.


At this moment, the welcome bell on the door of the exclusive room rang.

There was a crisp bell, and Ning Yang's mind cleared, and after slowly running for the last week, he retired from the state of cultivation.

"Who will it be at this time?"

Ning Yang opened his eyes, got up and walked towards the door.

Opened the door, the figure of the young refiner and the old man came into view.

"I have seen the Yi-Yen Army Division, the elder Ning Yang!"

Shi Shiran, the young craftsman, saluted.

The old man behind him was obviously a little surprised, and couldn't figure out why his master suddenly came to this set.

Ning Yang was also taken aback, and received the gift in a daze.

Ning Yang, who recovered his senses, asked, "Are you?"

"This is His Royal Highness the Third Prince of Bailian Dynasty!"

The young refiner did not answer, but the old man behind him replied.

"The third prince?"

Ning Yang glanced at the young refiner in front of him.

The handsome face, coupled with a unique affinity, seems to be able to mingle with anyone in an instant.

There is a royal nobleness on him, but it does not make people rebel

There is also the March mark on the robe of the refiner. The 23-year-old March God Soldier is only one.

"I wonder why the third prince is looking for me?"

Ning Yang's tone was flat and authentic.

Although the prince of Bailian Dynasty was in front of him, he was only a prince.

Ning Yang is the elder of the Association of Craftsmen, and his status is only above the prince.

There is another reason why Ning Yang doesn’t want to be involved in royal battles.

"Should we not invite us in to talk?"

The third prince blinked, and didn't seem to notice Ning Yang's plain attitude.

Another figure appeared in front of Ning Yang, who was also a prince, and often blinked his eyes to ask himself questions.

Although the ages are quite different, Ning Yang saw the shadow of the boy surnamed Zhong from the three princes in front of him.

"Please come in."

Ning Yang's tone was still flat, but it was a little soft.

The two entered the room, the young refiner sat down, and the old man stood behind him.

Ning Yang walked to the cabinet on the side of the room, took out the tea from the cabinet, put a handful of tea into the teapot, holding the jug with his right hand, and a vaguely red flame flashed away.


The white mist rose, and the clear water in the pitcher was already boiling.

Pour boiling water into the teapot, pour out the first bubble, and then pour boiling water.

The teapot was gently shaken, the three cups were placed, and the light green tea poured out and filled the cups.


Ning Yang stretched out his right hand and gestured to please, and he held up the teacup and took a sip.

These tea leaves, teapots, tea cups, etc. were all purchased by Ning Yang in the city, which was considered a habit in a previous life.

The three princes opposite and the old man who stood were obviously taken aback.

Ning Yang's actions just now are very familiar, and there is a kind of leisurely beauty

The third prince picked up a teacup and handed it to the old man behind him. He also picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Good tea!"

The third prince couldn't help but whispered.

This tea is of course a good tea. Ning Yang chose it for a long time before making a decision.

But for the three princes who were royal families, he had drunk the best tea, but after Ning Yang's brew, the tea seemed to have a unique taste.

It is a laid-back, leisurely, heavy taste that seems to have accumulated for thousands of years.

Ning Yang put down the tea cup and asked again, "I wonder why the third prince came here?"

Chapter 83

The third prince heard the words and drank all the tea in the teacup.


The third prince let out a long sigh of relief, put down the teacup, turned his head and motioned to the old man.

The old man reached into his arms and pulled out a transparent crystal with the size of a human head.