Traveling through the heavens as a myth

A Myth Through The Heavens Chapter 112

Others were killed on the spot, and left their bodies in the wilderness where no one cares.

The residents of Bailian City seemed to be aware of something, but they didn't know exactly what happened.

They just felt that there was an undercurrent in the current Bailian City, and the situation became weird.

In such a weird atmosphere, the first day of October finally arrived.

The whole city of Bailian City is plain, with white lanterns and white cloth strips hanging at the door of every household.

The entire Bailian City was immersed in grief, and those who didn't know thought that every family was holding a funeral.

Early in the morning, there was a stream of people heading in a certain direction on the street.

There is the largest square in the entire Bailian City, and the coffin of the President of the Craftsman Association is now parked there.

As the flow of people came to the square, I saw that the square was also very plain.

There are no monks chanting scriptures, and no Taoist priests.

There is only true sadness, only sincere prayer.

The crowd came silently, sang the incense, silently mourned, weeped in silence, and then left in silence.

Many famous craftsmen of the Association of Craftsmen, including Ning Yang, also came to the square.

There are also many royal families, even King Bailian came to the square.

However, they are no different from other residents of Bailian City, just to mourn.

Although King Bailian is the nominal ruler of the Bailian dynasty, the president of the Association of Craftsmen is the spiritual pillar of this dynasty!

The collapse of the spiritual pillar has an immeasurable impact.

Silent funeral, once in school

After seven, the funeral is over.

Chapter 99

From the first day of October to the seventh day of October, which lasted seven, the funeral of the president of the Association of Craftsmen finally ended.

Although the funeral is over, the entire Bailian City is still immersed in the sadness of Zheng

As time passed by, the atmosphere of sadness faded away.

Today is October 30, and it is the first and last one to register for the presidential election.

Yes, there is only one registration time.

Because of the funeral, all the refining masters that should come have come, and other refining masters who can't come, or don't want to come, will not come to run for the president.

The registration place is Zheng in the hall on the first floor of the Association of Craftsmen

This is to show that the registration is open and fair, and all the refiners of the refiner association can supervise it.

Although there are many people watching, there are not many people who actually signed up.

When Ning Yang came here, what he saw was a crowd of onlookers on the inside and outside.

Struggling to push away the crowd, Ning Yang came to the registration point.

I saw there was only a simple long table, and three chairs opposite the long table sat the three vice-chairmen of the Craftsman Association.

Ning Yang was naturally familiar with the vice chairman Peng Xiuran sitting on the left. He was still full of silver hair and an old face.

It was just different from the kindness that Ning Yang had when they met before. At this time, Peng Xiuran looked at Ning Yang with cold eyes, as if he had some hatred with Ning Yang.

In this regard, Ning Yang also felt baffled.

Peng Xiuran is right that he should not have had a sin before. What is the reason for his change?

As for the other two vice-chairmen, there was scrutiny and kindness in their eyes towards Ning Yang.

The vice president sitting in the middle is named Peng Shaoyuan. He looks like a middle-aged man. He is the youngest among the three vice presidents, but he has the highest status depending on the seat.

The vice chairman sitting on the right was named Peng Yuchen, and he was like Peng Xiuran, and he looked like an old man with a childlike face.

Peng Xiuran's robe for the refiner had three big suns on his chest. He was a three-yen soldier.

Peng Shaoyuan also has three suns on his chest, a three-yen soldier.

Peng Yuchen is slightly inferior, with only two suns on his chest, and he is a two-yen soldier.

Seeing Ning Yang's arrival, Peng Xiuran asked before Peng Shaoyuan: "Ning Yang, are you here to participate in the presidential election?"

Ning Yang nodded and replied respectfully: "Yes, I came to participate in the presidential election in order to sharpen my craftsmanship."

As soon as Ning Yang's voice fell, there was noisy surroundings.

"He's a one-yen soldier."

"Yeah, what a joke about the one-yen-yen soldiers participating in the election?"

"With a little strength, the tail will be upright. Young Rao has a common problem!"


Peng Xiuran smiled, and asked Ning Yang again: "Hearing this to others, are you still going to run for the election?"

Ning Yang shrugged, indifferent and honest: "What is it with me when others evaluate it? I didn't participate in the election for them!"

Hearing this by Ning Yang, Peng Shaoyuan and Peng Yuchen's eyes lit up.

So free and easy, so straightforward, so determined!

It's no wonder that he can become the youngest Yuan soldier of the Association of Craftsmen.

It's no wonder that the president will especially favor him.

Peng Shaoyuan and Peng Yuchen looked at each other, nodded, and were about to sign up for Ning Yang.

At this moment, Peng Xiuran said to Peng Shaoyuan: "I think Ning Yang is not suitable for the presidential election."

Peng Shaoyuan was a little strange, and asked, "Why?"

Peng Xiuran glanced around and said in Peng Shaoyuan's ear: "He is Peng Chengye's disciple!"

Peng Chengye was once an elder of the Association of Craftsmen, and was the youngest elder of the Association of Craftsmen before Ning Yang.