Trinitas Mundus
Episode IX: Out of Magic
Ray and Ashley began collecting demonic crystal stones from seven Lizardmans.
Ashley puts her hand around Lizardman's heart and remembers to whine about something. Then the hand glowed and a green jewel, about a cm in diameter, slowly rose from Lizardman's body.
(Can I do that? But I just have to try)
He sets his mind ready and puts his hands on the chest of a dead Lizardman with his white eyes peeled.
Seeing that figure revives the feeling of piercing with a spear, and the guilt of killing a creature.
(I killed him... was this a good idea? Though for me to live... no. This isn't Japan. Being imprisoned by my common sense does damage not only to me, but also to those around me... In fact, I put Ashley's life at risk... I need to be strong...)
He was determined to abandon Japanese common sense, common sense that had lived for eighteen years.
(But can you really do that...)
He decided to change his mind and focus on taking out the Demonic Crystal Stone.
Cold Lizardman's corpse - I don't know if it was cold from the source or dead and cold. When I started putting my hands on the corpse and remembering it, a soft light leaked out of his hand.
Gradually the light grew stronger and a green jewel with a diameter of one cm emerged.
"Done!," he was speaking in his voice unexpectedly.
The two of us split up and recovered seven demonic crystal stones. Lizardman has no useful part other than the skin, and its skin is also scaly, making it difficult to process and less in demand.
They decided to leave Lizardman's body alone and went straight back to the lake.
We've reached the shore of the lake, but we're still nearly two hours away until the fisherman's coder picks us up.
Ashley looked at her body,
"Dirty with Lizardman's blood. I'll wash my armor and sword, so I need you to keep an eye on me."
He had fought with spears so little returning blood, but she was extensively returning blood. He thinks there is something he can do and proposes.
"I can clean it with pure magic... but I can't do my body, but if it's just swords and armor..."
Ray suggests so,
"Magic power should be kept warm. It's just swords and armor, so it'll be over soon."
"I use very little magic. Besides, the smell of blood calls for demons, right? Then you should keep it as clean as possible. No, I want you to."
He wants to salvage his earlier lapse at all, bowing his head and asking for it.
She also decided to leave that to him.
When he imagines pure magic, the tri-colored light - blue, gold, silver light - wraps her body around. The light had weakened in about twenty seconds, and the blood and dirt on her body had gone clean.
She sees the sight, her eyes round and surprised.
"You're gonna be really pretty... you can just teach me this magic and eat it! As much as I'd like to ask Ray for the rest of my life. Yes, no, it's nothing..."
He said in that last word, "Huh?" and surprised, stuck in words.
An awkward atmosphere flows between us.
Ray spoke to shake off the atmosphere.
"I'm really sorry about earlier. This is the first time I've seen a demon coming at me. It was so horrible that Lizardman seemed like a dragon..."
There were tears in his eyes. It was not a flow from remembering fear, but a tear of remorse for an impudent self.
"I won't do that again! I swear, if only you could see me like that..."
As she looked at him,
(You're really losing your memory. It was indeed horrible the first time I fought the demons one-on-one... that was when I was eight years old and the first time I fought the little ghost Goblin. If you think about it, I don't know Ray's fear... but I think I'll make it sweet on him...)
"Don't say it anymore. I will also get a crusade request tomorrow. It's a stronger demon, too."
He nods loudly and changes the subject.
"Okay. But I want to practice magic to be stronger. Can't you do it somewhere? Hopefully, out of sight..."
She looked a little puzzled,
"I don't think it's going to be noticeable in the woods outside the city... but why, it's not noticeable?
He began to speak as carefully as if he were choosing words.
"I don't think my magic is common. All that cleaning magic and storage magic surprised me. If, before you realize it, you use weird magic, the evil stands out. I don't want that to happen... is that weird?
"I see. So is that. Find somewhere discreet on the way home from your request."
That's when he remembered his right ear hurts.
He said to Ashley, "Do you know what the magic of treatment is?" I ask,
"I've heard that healing magic draws on the power of the Spirit of light, water, and trees, but I don't know the details.... I've had it fixed by the healing magic of light before, but I'm not sure because it healed while I was wrapping my hands around my wound and wrapped in light."
He still thought so, putting his hands on his ears, imagining cell activation and hanging magic.
It doesn't look good on its own, but the light seems to be wrapping around the affected area, gradually warming up and the pain disappearing.
"Is it healing? Would you look at that for a second?"
Ashley, watching with a surprised look, rushes to check his ears.
"It's healing. Can healing magic also be used... the chances of the Holy Knight are getting higher and higher..."
She groaned so like a soliloquy, but because it was in her ear, she was hearing him.
"What do you mean? Light attribute because you are a holy knight... so say..."
"I've only heard rumors, but the Holy Knight says he's better at healing magic than attacking magic. Well, instead of a bow, they're gonna hit the" arrow of light ”off the horse, but I don't hear rumors about using it so much."
He wonders why or what, but he has too little information and can't think of an answer.
(Is magic and sword hard to reconcile? I don't remember setting that up...)
In his setup, there should have been magic swordsmen using fire magic or elf warriors using wind magic.
"Maybe not many magical swordsmen or anything like that use magic?
"Right. I've never been there, but I've never heard of a magical swordsman with more than first-rate arms. Although I think magic is enough for a magician to use a sword to protect himself because without the aid of a wand or other magic prop, it seems to be used extremely infrequently. But the elves seem different."
(I think I figured it out somehow. The magic of this world is important to the image. If the image is unclear, the fuel consumption is poor, so it consumes more magic. There are few magic swordsmen to prevent it because they cover it with tools that increase efficiency, i.e. magic props such as wands. Unless you have a weapon that increases your magic efficiency, I guess it's hard to reconcile. Well, if you have talent for certain attributes like elves, you'll solve the fuel consumption problem... but you need to be extra careful about magic practice)
Talking about that, two hours quickly, the coders picked us up. He was surprised to hear that he had already finished defeating Lizardman, putting his cat ear up as a pean.
"Have you already defeated me? Now get on the boat."
Returning to the village of Rattley, he goes to the chief of the village of Chiaran, shows him the Demon Crystal Stone and tells him that the request is complete.
There were also only two village chiefs, who didn't seem to expect to finish the crusade in just about three hours, and were surprised to see their round eyes further round.
With a demonic prop in the village chief's house, he wrote to Orb that the request was complete and decided to return to the city of Morton.
The time is still two o'clock in the afternoon, and even if I keep going back to the city, I'll be on the guild by three o'clock in the afternoon.
I have time, so I did a place search to practice the magic I was just saying.
Continue down the street to near the city and into the woods on the east side of the city.
Walking enough as I pulled the horse, I found a place where I had become a coffin.
"I think it's fine here. Ashley, I'm sorry, but can you keep an eye on me?"
She immediately understands and heads toward the top of the plot.
Confirm that,
(Well, I wonder which magic practice. Anyway, we should probably focus on the magic that we can reliably use to keep Ashley from pulling her leg. To do this, you should practice refining light attributes and soil and tree attributes for ambush. Let's start with light attributes......)
He summons the "Spear of Light” he threw at Lizardman.
Throw it toward the slope of the clay, but it's slower than you think, and not as powerful as you think.
(The size of the spear of light is good, but the problem is speed and power. I wonder how we can get up to speed?... Wait, do we need to be spears of light in the first place? A classic beam weapon would be a beam rifle or laser cannon. Don't you have to go out of your way to form a spear?
Turning to the Spirit of Light, he ordered him to gather, and decided to instantly shoot out that gathered light.
He sticks his left hand forward and begins to collect light. The light doesn't quite concentrate, and after taking about a minute to finally collect the light, I shoot it forward.
The thunderous sound of "bursting” makes a small hole in the slope.
(Did you make a noise when you were too focused to cut the air? It can be used mostly with the same treatment as a gun, but is it a weakness that it takes time to focus? I wonder if a little less power would make the time shorter)
I repeated the trial and error several times, but when I suppressed the power, it didn't activate and it was still the result that I needed about a minute of focusing time.
(Rather than a laser cannon, it's a thunderbolt. I don't know what the range is, but it's going to fly about fifty meters. Whether you can aim or not...... it will be harder to improve than this. Try to see if you can track Homing with arrows of light)
He creates an arrow of light about thirty cm long and shoots it out towards the slope. Although there is more speed than a spear of light, it is only as fast as a normal arrow.
(Does it depend on the image? The spear is the speed of the throw, the arrow is the speed of the bow, the thunder is the speed of the light... looks like it could be a little more ingenious...)
It creates an arrow of light again, this time imagining a tracking function.
Instead of arrows, I imagined the missile, so although the initial speed has slowed, I feel that the end speed has become faster due to the feeling of acceleration,
I feel the range extends more than if I imagined an arrow, but it is a narrow slope and I don't know what is actually happening.
As for the key tracking Homing, the track could be changed somewhat, but it was not maneuverable enough to be tracked.
(There is room for improvement in tracking. Nevertheless, I wonder what it's like to collect “light” and make it a spear or arrow. Is it an image of the Spirit of Light gathering to harden? I don't know...)
With that in mind, when I tried to express the arrow of light again, I suddenly got dizzy and crouched on the spot.
Ashley, who saw how it was, rushed over,
"Are you all right? I was worried because I used a lot of magic..."
To her worried face, he said, "It's okay. Because I was just a little flirty," he immediately stood up.
Seeing that, she suggested, "Let's go home today," and today's training was over.
Ashley was surprised to see his magic from the top of the slope.
(Even the best sorcerer I've ever seen, the elf sorcerer in Sartooth, didn't do this much magic in a row. The first spear of light, then a series of thunderbolts, the arrows of light that change orbit... I can't avoid them if they target me with that thunder. It's going to break my bones to prevent that arrow of light as well... and I didn't know he could strike out in that short amount of time... is he really human?
When she thought that far, she wondered how many times in the last three days she had been surprised. And then, naturally, I got zero grin.
(It was with a really interesting man. I've had a lot of unpleasant things going on here for a while, so I was going to leave this town, but now I don't think I need to get bored)
I was wary of my surroundings thinking about that, but seeing as he was about to fall out of magic, I rush down the slopes.
(Out of magic? You were losing your memory and you couldn't figure out the limits? Or did you torture yourself to near the limit to be strong... if you wanted to be strong in my words...)
A story I asked the sorcerer was that using magic to the extreme can be life-threatening. I also heard stories of several magicians losing their lives in the use of magic beyond their limits if they were to perform massive magic.
She can hold him as she curses her own detours.
And I hope he's okay, I saw him get up, I was horrified, and I remembered once again to my liver that he was losing his memory.
The magic Ray activates is very efficient. That's because of the magic formations on my left, but the two people who were oblivious to magic didn't realize that.
Magic is activated by changing the power of the Spirit into a form consistent with the image of the Operator in exchange for the magic of the Operator.
The Spirit is a non-highly intelligent being, and in order to convey more accurately the image of the operator, it needs to be easier for the Spirit to understand.
It may be easy to understand when you think of the Spirit as a computer.
To move the computer = "Spirit” as you thought, you will need a program = "Image”.
This computer = "Spirit” requires programming from scratch = "Communicating an image by spell” because the program does not reside.
If it cannot be successfully programmed, it is necessary to waste processing time = "magic”.
How do I simplify programming?
You just need to incorporate the application software = "Magic Formation” from the beginning.
The magic formations on Ray's left hand side were application software that could accommodate each of the eight attributes, and his imagination as a modern man combined with the versatility of his magic formations, his magic efficiency was several times more efficient than that of a normal magician.
They left the woods and headed to the city.
Ray was very tired with nearly out of magic, but nothing else abnormal was seen. I crept through the main gate and when I got to the guild, the time was around 4: 00 PM.
While Ashley supports Ray, she goes to the counter and the two of us report the completion.
Put out the seven Demon Crystal Stones on the counter and receive 70C of the reward and 14C, which is the Demon Crystal Stone portion.
Of all the adventurers who saw the wretched Ray, those who knew he was the first, imagined on his own whether he had failed or struggled with the request.
Those who did not know him were also turning a bruised gaze when they saw a large man wrapped around a luxurious plate mail leaning against a female warrior without any dirt on him.
In the guild, the shady mouth is asked, "Seven Lizardmans," "Didn't a woman help you," etc., but the two of them didn't mind, and went back to the inn.
Back at the inn, Ray managed to walk,
(Out of magic is tough...... oh I wish I hadn't denied the quantification of magic. Sure, it's strange to know magic and vitality in digital terms, and if you get to the extreme, you didn't intentionally set it up because it's possible to go beyond that... I want a magic gauge...)
He fell asleep to fall into bed with his dinner there as well.
After taking Ray back to his room, Ashley was back in the dining room again and starting drinking alone.
(There's too much going on today and I'm going crazy. What should we do with him from now on......)
She was disappointed with his response at the very beginning of the Lizardman battle and intended to be discerning. Of course, I was going to take care of the benefactor of my life to the point where he could stand on his own, but my thoughts, as I first thought, were at once cold.
After that, although I managed to fight it, I still shouldn't have changed that thought.
But the words I casually let go when I was talking to him, "If you want to stand beside me..." made me confused at once.
Seeing his apology afterwards and desperately typing in magic, his reputation for him changed again.
(I'd love to be with you, but that's a story you can't ask... what's the truth?... It's only been two days since we met. But what is this feeling?
She couldn't help but feel herself and drank a little more than usual.